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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1909)
t t t If TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR TTYYYYYTVTYYTYYYYTYYYTM Two of Them j tne most iasuuioub anu artistic tastes and also the most reasonable and modest pocketbooks CALL AND SEE The Display Is Unequaled t H P Sutton is just in P receipt of two carloads of A 9- i pianos ot the leading makes in every style and finish and of all prices 1 He is prepared to please AAAAAAAAAAAAJkAAAAAiLAAAAA Citizens Bank Will Nationalize The Citizens Bank of McCook our pioneer bank has applied to the govern ment for a charter to enter the sister hood of national banks The comptrol ler of the currency has granted tbe ap plication and the necessary preliminary papers are expected any day The title will be changed to The Citi zens National Bank Capital and offi cers will remain as at present Practic ally the only change will be the addition of two new directors to meet the condi tions of the national banking laws Electric Company Loses Justice of the Peace LeHew has rendered a decision in the case of The McCook Electnc po against- Johann Kendlen to collect a bill for current and supplies furnished He finds that the defendent Kendlen as not chargeable with the light and globes furnished to the billiard ball and Kendlen cottage The company is charged with the costs in the suit taxed at 520 15 NOTICE On May 1st Middloton Ruby will move their plumbing shop into building 3rd door east of DeGroff store ori B st east and will carry a complete line of plumbing and steam heating materials Estimates furnished free See them for sewer and plumbing work They always endeavor to please Resumes Practice The band under Director Suttons baton commenced practice Monday evening of this week The people of Hastings are seeking their services for a summer event and the boys may take on the contract besides preparing for local events races log rolling etc Ladies Washable Jumper Suits 100 of them just received at SI 25S150 S175 S2 50 S3C0 and S350 Stjlish pretty inexpensive and serviceable it is not surprising that they are eo popu lar Come and see the line TheThomp son Dry Goods Co actual cash values Labor Day next Sunday at the Methodist church The pastor will preach a labor sermon subject The Gospel of Work at the night service All labor organizations invited to attend in bodies Fit Out For Summer with a Velie Buggy You will have great satisfaction with one of these Call and see our large line of vehicles McCook Hardware Co Swastika Swiped Them In a practice game last Thursday evening between the Swastikas and tbe McCook High the former scored 13 times to 11 for the Highs Legal Blanks Here ThiB office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Roz ell Barger at clothing store Nsxt Thursday is the date of the Public School Musical Program For Seed Corn go to the Updike Grain Co A F A M Meeting Srecial meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M Saturday May 15 at 730 p m Work in M M degree By Order of the W M Los Cone Secretary Regular Council Session ing deposits of the month City engineer was ordered to prepare estimates of sidewalks and curbing for ensuing year City treasurers report waB referred to finance committee Report of city engineer on grades for 3rd street west was referred to streets and alleys committee Ordinance No 190 establishing grades on 3rd street west was read first time Bills were allowed A McMillan drugs S If 55 McCook Republican printing 5 00 Bullnrd Lumber Co coal 55 li P WaitH Co hard ware 5 75 Middleton Ruby plumbing 335 N 7 Campbell sewer inspection 8 00 JM Hendprson nalary 1560 R M 0 horn salary 6500 Fred SchlHgel salary 55 00 T C Hegeman salary 3500 John Ekstedt salary 7660 W A Gold salary 47 00 A J Rlttenhouse Dead A nhnnnlttr Oltlahnmn nnwannnw nf itttCooh McConk Electric Co lichtn 59 05 Welsbach Street Lighting Co 15200 The matter of the petition for side walks and crossings in South McCook was discussed The matter of a foot walk on the proposed viaduct of the Burlington on 6th street east being still up with the compauy no action can bo taken until word comes from the comp any which has the viaduct on its 1909 budget of appropriations Tho city attorney prepared petitions in form for circulation in South McCook on the question of water and lights It is desired to ascertain how many will take water and light service before action is taken by tbe council Adjourned to meet Wednesday eve ning Adjourned session Wednesday even ing All present Ordinance 190 in the matter of 3rd street west grade passed and was approved Pop corn and peanut street stand priv ileges were fixed atSlO per quarter Bills as follows were allowed Mrs Anna M Bailey park expense S14 Matson McClain meal tickets 12 Eugene Gary city water map 25 The Alumni Banquet The McCook high school alumni held a meeting last Thursday night and elected otlicers for the ensuing year as follows President George Campbell secretary Miss Bessie Rowell treasurer C W Kelley The date for holding the annual alumni banquet was decided upon for May 28th You Cannot Afford to Risk your buildings against damage by light ning when we will rod your house for twenty five cents a foot with Shinns pure copper cable which is guaranteed to give you protection Have it right now whether you live in town or couutry McCook Hardware Co Hens and Boys Clothing Mens suits 500 to 1500 Boys 3 pc suits 350 to 900 Boys 2 pc suits 175 to 500 Mens odd pants 100 up to 500 Extra sizes up to 50 inch waist and 36 inch leg The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Rev Carman Married Them Rev and Mrs M B Carman went over to Stockville Wednesday where he officiated at the marriage of Cecil Blanche daughter of Mr and Mrs R D Logan to Homor B Sawer Close Game With Bartley The girls of the McCook high school basketball team met the Bartley team at the latter place last Saturday de feating them in a close game 13 to 11 Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Eggs For Sale Pure bred S C B Leghorn eggs at 50c per setting or 2 50 per 100 Ad dress Don Thompson or Josh Rowland McCook Neb 16 5 i Commencement Week uf McCook Schools Regular session All present except There are nineteen members of tbe Councilman Morris Minutes of last graduating class this year six boys and meeting approved thirteen girls As a whole the class City weighmaeters report filed represents a high standard of scholar- Woighmaster was required to file with ship and endeavor his roport receipt from treasurer cover For enterprise and push they will rank well to the front They conceived and are pushing to completion tbe class annual which promises to be one of tbe best things ever done for the school by a senior class They are working hard on a class play The Merchant of Venice Up to Date which is to be given Tuesday evening May 25 at Menards opera house The baccalaureate sermon will be preached at the Methodist church Sun day evening i Iay 23 by Rev of the church Tho class play will bo given Tuesday evening at Menards opera house Thursday evening May 27 will be the commencement exercises proper at which time the class oration will be givrtn and diplomas presented Friday evi ning thB alumni association will jV 1 the banquet in honor of the n w iraiuales and initiate them into b rank Cam work on streets 80 SO the mvsrifin rtf lif hvnnri nmmft m ot A limited number of tickets will be eiven each graduate for the immediate members of the family The rest of the tickets will be put on sale at McCon nells Wednesday morning at 900 oclock The seating capacity of the high school auditorium is about 400 and when that number of tickets are sold the sale will be stopped Tickets will be 25c and tbe proceeds will be used to pay the expenses incident to a commencement FOLLOWING IS THH CLASS ROLL Paul Benjamin Blanche Boweu Jay Browne Inez Viola Clark Tacie Ethel DoLong Margaret Doyle Ona May Dwyer James A Gollehou Mas William Hare Gordon A Hartman Virginia Eleanor Heckomn Frances Mabel Hughes Baymond Jordan Margueritto L McAdams Hazel E Merle Minnie Middleton Inez Mae Mills Forence Gladys Simmons Fay Stayner Newest Hand Bags In keeping with our policy to carry only good goods and an ample line of them our new stock of ladies purses hand bags etc represents all that is de sirable in these lines It will be a pleasure to show them whether you have an immediate need for one or not inspection will show whore to buy when buying time comes L W McConnell Druggist Card of Thanks We hereby express to our neighbors and friends our sincere gratitude and thanks for their assistance and sympa thy during the illness and after the death of our dear child Our dear little Laura from us has gone Her voice we loved is still Her place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled Mb and Mks Bkknakd Koetter Mas Aug Duulu and family Boih Died Within Week Wesley Rizell who was called tiOfaio recently by tho illness of his aged mother is home and states that during his absence from hern both cf his parents died The mother pased away before he reached home and the father following in just one week after the departure of the wife Long Island Kas Burned Fire on Wednesday night about 11 oclock destroyed about 100000 in property in Long Island Kansas The losers are The Whitted Furniture Co building besides a general store hard ware store a restaurant etc James Scott and another man were badly hurt Get the Profit From Your Cows Cream is too high to feed to hogs We have Cream Separators from 830 to S75 Come in and talk it over and get a book on dairying free McCcok Hardware Co If Ever the Flies Do Come remember that the best and stoutest luusuuu uui la suiu kjy us at is uuuis yard Savey Nuf sed The Thomp son D G Co Actual cash values Cambridge Won the Game The McCook high school club played the Cambridge boys at Cambridge last j I Saturday losing the game to the latter recent date announces the death April 23th in that city of A J Rittenhouse formerly a lawyer of this city Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for saIeaIso flour and feed C J RYAN Next Thursday is the date of the Public School Musical Program Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Dont forget the Musical Program May 20th by a score of 12 to 2 Observed Mothers Day It took six dozen carnations to the demand at the celebration Mothers Day last Sunday in Methodist church fill of the Team For sale One good heavy work team Worth themoney McCook Hardwars Co Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConnells store Dont forget the Musical Program May 20th Announcement We expect to move to our new quarters lu the Morlan building about July 1st Moving a furniture stock is quite an undertaking so to cut down stock before moving time we are makingspecial reductions on all goods If there is some piece of fur niture that you have been want ing NOW is the time to secure it at a specially low figure Our- queesware department especially will have a sweeping reduction in prices We know we can interest you Investigate J E LUDWICK McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING MAY 14 1909 Program for Memorial Day Monday morning May 31st the deco rating committee of the post Comrades George Dillon Joseph Sullivan and Francis Swartz together with a com mittee of four each from the Ladies of tne GA R and WRC will assemble at tbe Morris hall at 930 oclock to proceed to the cemeteries of the ciiy to decorate the graves of tbe departed soldiers etc All persons are earnestly requested to bring their flowers for decoration of the graves to Morris hall not later than 0 oclock in the morning At 130 the old soldiers sailors marines solaiers of the Spanish-American war ladies of the W R C and G A R and ex confederate soldiers will meet at Morris hall to march in a body to the Baptist church where the exer cises of the day will be given commenc ing at 200 oclock Song America Audience Invocation Rev Edker Burton Reading of Orders Adjutant Steinmetz Report from Decorating Committees Music High School Boys Glee Club Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Ad dress Mrs W S Morlan Address of the Day Rev E R Earle Music High School Girls Glee Club Address to Unknown Dead - Mrs Matie Welles Benediction Rev G B HawKes Comrades John Underbill and William Burns of the general arrange ments committee earnestly desire the co operation of all in the proper observ ance of the day By Order of Committee 840000 In Seven Years This is the acreage value of Eucalyp tus given by Mr L Micheaux of Los Angeles A seven-year-old growth of this wonderful hard wood cut 1050 cords which netted SS00 per cord Mr G B Lull State Forester of Cali fornia says in The San Francisco Town and Country Journal of May 11909 It may be said that the growing of eucalyptus is in response to a real de mand that may never grow less urgent When one considers the condition of supply and demand the limitation of the commercial range and the fact that no iusect or other pest preys upon the tree he can see ahead nothing but homo mous weulth to those fortunateto be in terested in this project The Central California Eucalyptus Co incorporated offers for sale a limit ed amount of stock non assessable on eosy payments which is probably the best paying safe investment available F R Dobson is representing them here for a few days See him and learn more of this new fast growing hard wood Memorial Sunday Union Memorial services will bo held at the Methodist church at 11 a m May 23 All ministers and their con gregations invited to be present All members of the G A R Ladies Circle W R C Spanish American and ex Confederate soldiers are requested to meet at Morris hall at 10 a m to march in a body to the Methodist church Sermon by Rev M B Carman assisted by Rev G B Hawkes Paint All Ready to Put on is a great convenience We have it for every purpose in the B P S ready mixed paint If there is anything you want to do with paint ask us about it McCook Hardware Co No Hunting Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft Fasture For Horses On section 19 in Driftwood precinct Price 50 cents per month 30 1 O N Rector McCook Neb Cane Seed I have about 40 bushels at market price For cash A M Benjamin R F D No 3 McCook Neb Start Your Corn Right with a John Deere Two Lister Cultiva tor sold by McCook Hardware Co rtbime Elect Officers For Club The commercial club was in regular session Tuesday evening After dis posing of the usual routine business of tbe organization the club beard the proposition of the M W A committee present through their spokesman Dr S C Beach on tbe matter of having the Fourth of July celebration this year L in conjunction with the log rolling event July 2 3 It was decided to have a celebration and to meet the desire of the Woodmen in the matter of a joint celebration A committee from the club will be appointed to act with tbe lodge committee in this matter The election of a new board of direc tors then camo up for action resulting as follows L W McConnell F A Pennell A Barnett B Hofer II P Sutton C H Boyle J E Ludwick C D Fahnestock F M Kimmell W B Mills J E Kelley H G Phelps L Thorgrimson H C Clapp andL SuesB The board of directors at once went into session and from among tbeir num ber selected the following officers President F M Kimmell vice-president C L Fahnestock secretary J E Ludwick treasurer L Thorgrimson There Are a Few Men still buying their overalls and jackets elsewhere than from us When 39 cts will buy a real good well made bib over all with 5 pockets two being good swinging driil pockets or a jacket of same good material and C9 cents buy what is generally sold for 90c to 81 it would seem that we would sell all tbe overalls that are worn in McCook and vicinity To be sure it takes the cash to get them from us and that may not always be handy and thats the secret of the low prices You owe it to your self to investigate Tne Thompson Dry Goads Co the utmost service Birthday and Surprise Elder A C Marsh of East McCook was 81 j ears old last Sunday and a little family reunion and dinner cele brated the event their two children and families Mr and Mrs D C Marsh and Mr and Mrs F S Lofton being pre sent Monday evening the neighbors to the number of 15 or 20 surprised them bringing in their musical instruments and providing a season of music and social enjoyment It is the hope and wish of that neigh borhood that the elder may enjoy many more years of life and activity Delegates to the Grand Lodge Messrs C B Gray W A Middleton William Wootton John Hunt and Maurice Griffin are attending the grand lodge meeting A O U W in Lincoln this week The sessions opened on Tuesday J A Wilcox an alternate is also present going down on No 6 Monday night to return with Mrs Wil cox who is attending O E S grand lodge meeting COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report John J Shafranek 21 and Edna Wilmot 18 both of McCook Gail S Hunt 21 and Maud Mick 21 both of McCook Louis G Trimpey 18 and Katherine Barth 22 both of this city Every Little Girl coming to our store can get a parasol and a fan for ten cents both together for one dime As there more little girls in McCook and vicinity than we have parasols and fans for it would seem wise to make an early call as the first comers will be serve first Wholl come today The Thompson Dry Goods Co the utmost service Quite Satisfactory Report Rev M B Carmans report before the ministerial association in Cambridge last week showed a quite satisfactory condition in that church Since last confeience the accessions have number ed 101 probationers 88 the full mem bership is 487 amount of money raised above regular expenses 749 Washable Jacket Suits are hero in nice assortment or styles and colors from 500 to 750 Colors are white linen light blue pink Copen hagen reseda and lavender Trimmings are lace bands self folds and buttons We invite your inspection The Thomp son D G Co The Utmost Value For Sale at Less than cost if taken by the 15th of May our confectionery and candy kitchen Good reason for selling G D Keating Co Lawn and Garden Hose direct from the factory Every piece guaranteed McCook Hardware Co John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank NUMBER 51 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY MAYBE you are one of thoso -who say Oh I cant savo money Whats tho uso of trying You can savo money Its merely a mntter of a littlo arithmetic You know what it will cost you to livo next month add to that a cortain amount for luxuries then livo to that sched ule and bank tho difference Givo it a trial for three months then you will have tho habit and it will bo easy Start a bank account with THE Mccook national BANK Walsh Presidont C F LEHNV Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J Loughran P F McKenna STEIN BL0CH CLOTHES CAPTURE London First American Cloihes Ever Sold In England Success Instantan eous With Fashionable Buyers Selfridgn Co Ltd are owners of the latest and most progressive depart ment store in London Selfridgo is an American who used to bo at the head of the great retail house of Marshall Field Co Chicago He is now catering to the Englishman who is critical Super ficial smartness doesnt satisfy him Ho digs beneath the surface and must be convinced as to material and work manship He insists on quality and has a shrewd eye for detail He is a great stickler for correct stylo but will have nothing freakish Having all thee things in mind Sel fridge Company Ltd studied the productions of various American manu facturers with great care That they chose Stein Bloch clothes with which to capture the English mar ket although not a surprise was a very gratifying tribute to the clothes which for fifty four years have been recognized as the highest grade made Rczell Barger the Leading Cloth iers are sale agents in McCook for this famous and popuiar make of Smart Clothes on both sides of tbe big pond CAMERA DAYS The world is filled with beauty which you can catch and keep by means of a camera All people should have photo graphic experience It is refining and educational and it is a most entertain ing diversion WE SELL KODAKS and all supplies If you want some special camera not carried in stock we order it for you and there is no extra charges Good cameras cost too little for thoe who want them to go with uut them L W McConnell Druggist Windmills and Pumps sold and put up wells drilled and re paired at reasonable prices Agents for the Famous Eclipse and Dempster Mills Let us figure with you McCook Hardware Co Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves and Standard Coal Oil Cook Stoves will save the heated kitchen and money for you Call and see tbe nice lino at McCook Hardware Cos Eggs for Sale Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs choice stock 3 sets each 200 per 100 Phone ash 1351 or black 255 Mrs J W Bcrtless Route 3 New Lace Curtains from 50 cents a pair up to G 50 just re ceived at The Thompson D G Co Also new scrims by the yard in colored patterns We solicit your inspection The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Next Thursday is the date of the Public School Musical Program SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager Phone red 196