The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 07, 1909, Image 7

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Vt w
Lucllo and Leo Haley who hnvo been
visiting relatives boro for tbo past three
weeks left Thursday morning for their
home near Holbrook
Mn CrouHU and family have gono to
Kansas whero they will mako their
William Mnheng has bought the little
home south of the depot owned by Fred
CbuHsmau and moved into it Friday
PostmaHter McCool and family have
changed their residenco and are now
cosily established in the north part of
Henry Crabtreo Jr moved tha week
to the Quick ranch south of town
Charles Hyatt ex eitloon man of this
place folded his tent first of the week
and silently stole away to his home in
Eighteen or twenty of the fun loving
element of Indianola went up to McCook
Monday night to see the great wrestling
Mrs Charles King is quite sick
Mrs Leonard Hothcote is numbered
among the sick with Doctor Mackechnio
in attendance
Mrs Tom Morrison is getting ready to
go to Areola Illinois on a visit
Paul Mitchell who has been doing
carpenter work here for the past three
months lef Sunday morning for
rado where he will continue at his
Tom Haley the hustling lightning rod
man made a trip over to the Beaver
Monday where be rodded tbo house
and barn of John Townley
The cold weatherof Friday and Satur
day was somothing fierce Waterpipes
windmills etosuffered from the freeze
Grandma Phillips is contemplating a
trip out west She will visit her
daughter Julia while away
Miss Dora Oyster closed a BuceesBftil
term of school last Saturday She and
pupils enjoyed a picnic in the grove
C L Rubottoin entertained his
mother latter part of last week and first
of this
Stephen Bolles Sr is still troubled
with his foot which be got hurt some
time ago in the wheel of a potato
C L Rubottom went to Cambridge
Monday to attend the ministerial asso
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Miss Hatcher county superintendent
visited tbo school lust Tuesday
Mrs Bull who has been visiting rola
tives near here for the past three
months returned to her home at Boul
dor Colo Wednesday
Fillot Blackman tbo horsebuyers
transacted business in town Wednes
Tbo worst wind and dust storm we
have witnessed this soason occurred last
Wednesday It blew down a windmill
for Dr DeMay a water tank for II V
Lord and moved Wm Kendalls barn
about three inches on its foundation
Mr McCIain the oilman of McCook
was selling oil in town Tuesday
Mr and Mrs W A Stone and son
Edward visited at the Pierre MacFeo
home near Oborlin Kansas Wednes
Mrs E A Ruby and daughter Ireno
were social visitors between trains Fri
Wilkie Lumb of Chicago a grandson
of Richard Lumb of this place arrived
Friday for an indefinite visit
J L Sims and Wm Sandon left on
Monday evenings train for business at
Pawnee City
Sovoral from hero attended the Beell
Acton wrestle at McCook Monday
The dance Saturday night in the new
hall was well attended it being the last
dance of the season
Several from here attended the lecture
at Marion Saturday night given by
Rev Miller of this place
R F D NO 1
Albert Ebert was sick last week but
is around again this week
Herman Neumann departed Tuesday
night for Collegoview Nebraska They
finished painting the house before leav
Gerald Wilcox bought a splendid
Shorthorn animal in Lincoln last week
He weighs 1200 at one year
A daughter of ten pounds weight was
born to Mr pnd Mrs Mike Easch Mon
dao and everybody is doing well and
The household goods for the new Ger
man Lutheran minister at Ash Creek
church arrived on Monday of this week
and were hauled out to the parsonage
There will be a dance at Henry
Hesterwnrths next Saturday night
flU J
Sam MoClain of McCook was in town
with a load of coal oil and gasoline one
day last week
Rev Miller of Danbury gave a lecture
in the school house Saturday night on
titled Flags and Standards
Mr Bray purchased a Ado yearling
colt ono day last week
Miss Maggie Harmon left first of last
week for Holdrege to visit her brothers
No temperance items will appear for
a few weeks on account of the scarcity
of room
J H Wicks put lightning rods oo
Mr Sullivans house and barn near
Lebanon one day last week
Marion is to have a restaurant at last
as Mrs Eifert began the first of the
week to serve meals in the room recent
ly vacated by F M McFadden
Joe McGuire and Henry Hollosen of
Danbury were iu town on business
Cliir Tandy helped Clarence Reed
west of town with his farm work a fow
days the first of the week
There was a dance at the new home of
W S Bryan Saturday night There
were 36 numbers out nud none went
away lacking a good time
John H Wesch bought some Here
ford cattle over in Bondville precinct
last week
A new top buggy is one of Charles
Weschs latest acquisitions
Edwin Towle has carried his case with
G W Singwiog into district court
P II Blunck and son have gone to
sandhills near Haigler where he has
bought some land
Miss Nora Herrington was the guest
of her sister Mrs Thomas Momsby last
John Wesch Sr bought a fine Here
ford animal from his brother Jacob last
Rev William Brueggemann of Mc
Cook visited Jacob Wesch last Sun
C M Babbitt made a business trip to
A rapaboe last week
Bartley now has a base ball team
organized C M Babbitt is manager
Frank Doak captain and Theodore
Faubian pitcher
Floyd Cochran has gone to Illinois on
a visit
Mrs and Miss Babbitt mother and
sister of CM were up from Cambridgo
last week
The very cold woather recently has
blasted the hopes of the man who ex
pected an abundant yield of fruit this
G W Jones of the firm of Jones
Finnegan Crawraor is in Omaha and
has been for eoveral days purchasing
their fall stock of merchandise
Rev IIaeman attended the ministe
rial association at Holdrege latter part
of last week
The sudden disappearance of Mr
Barrows proprietor of ono of our livery
barns is causing much uneasiness in
regard to his whereabouts and safety
Miss Nellie Rittenburg is the proud
possessor of a fine new 7Jy octavo organ
of the best style and fiuish
Ira Sheets came over from Beaver
City Saturday evening and was an over
Sunday visitor with his family and
Mrs II L Brown and children re
turned from their visit this woek after
spendingseveral weeks with her parents
Ice one inch thick morning of Maylst
marks a new record here
Mr Corbin and niece of Indianola
visited Bartley Monday afternoon
walking down from Indianola and re
turning on No 5
Miss Minnio Reiner is home on a visit
from Lincoln where she has been for
several months
S B Rowe and wife went to the
country this week for an extended visit
with their son Baxter and family
Charlio Reiner went to Wilsonville
Sunday to take a position in ttie lumber
yard there
Mr J A Fletcher of Omaha was in
our midst this week
Two inches of ico Friday night
Whew Wouldnt that freeze you
Didnt damage garden as bad as at first
Measles visited Witts family recently
The ball game didnt materialize
McCook vs country boys Sunday
Albrecht boys captured five young
coyotes Sunday
Mr and Mrs Lant attended Sundry
school at Banksville the 2nd
Francis Albrecht went to Grant to
help her brother Roy until his wife who
took sick Friday is better
53Afck WStiP B r
Sold only in
Moisture Troof
i iiiiruu
mm m 2iW M
i P jj
What makes them the best soda crackers ever baked
What makes them the only choke of millions
What makes them famous as the National Biscuit
it ii
W a
qj888gigF3 g 5
The Bull the Matadoro Found
It Most
Difficult to Kill
There Is no description of n bullfight
in Mrs Maud Howe Elliotts hook
Sun and Shadow Iu Spain but thero
the bullfighter in an unexpectedly gen
tle light It also makes plain the fun
damental reason why Americans ob
ject to bullfights
How nmny bulls have you killed
feome one asked of the matadore
In twenty live years 1 have killed
3000 bulls
Were you ever afraid
I have been afraid many many
times On those occasions I put my
trust in my legs and ran as fast as I
The bull however is the noblest of
animals and the bravest He never
makes a cowardly attack from behind
He is so frank lie is terrible though
A man needs nerve to face him when
he comes into the ring pawing the
earth and bellowing
Will you tell us about the bull that
was the hardest of all to kill
The matadores face changed
He was white bull he said slow
ly and he didnt want to fight When
ne urst came in lie put his muzzle in
my hand He followed me about like
a little dog 1 led him with the cloak
wherever I wanted to go Yes that
was the hardest bull of all to kill
A Test by Which May Be Discerned
the Digital Effluvia
There is an experiment irst made
by Dr J Maxwell advocate general at
the court of appeals in Paris a dis
tinguished magistrate and physician
which may be repeated iu any drawing
Place a screen covered with a dark
colored cloth in front of a window so
that the light falls full upou it Be
tween the window and the screen put
the subject of your experiment Let
him hold his hands palms toward the
breast finger tips touching in such a
positiou that they are projected against
the dark background of the screen
Then bid him slowly separate his
hands keeping the fingers extended
widely Standing behind him you will
observe a sort of bluish gray cloud
which seems to unite one hand to the
other Eight people out of ten will
see this says Vance Thompson in
Hamptons Magazine In 800 tests
made by Dr Maxwell personally 230
folk of one sex and the other discerned
the digital effluvia about 5 per cent
saw it tinged a decided blue two saw
it yellow in tone and in one instance
the spectator saw it of a reddish hue
The experiment succeeds best in a
warm room Cold and damp work
against it The duration of durability
is four or five seconds
Rammed by a Shark
The strangest shark story which
ever came to the writers ears was of
a shark that charged a steamer This
was in Queen Charlottes sound and
an account of the incident appeared in
a Vancouver paper The captain of
the steamer which was a small craft
of only fifty tons or so saw the shark
on the surface on the port bow and
could not resist the temptation of tak
ing a shot at it with his ritle He hit
his mark whereupon the monster said
in nave neen luny Twenty teet in
leirih deliberately charged the steam
er Tilt boat quivered from stem to
stern aed the captain said afterward
that it was like striking a rock After
this display of temper Master Shark
had had enough of it and sank out of
sight -T C Hridges in Chambers
Did Me PVlean to Be Funny
The editor of a newsnaner vlmp
Do you eat enough of his
The great benefit in health and strength
that always is enjoyed by regular eaters
of good oatmeal is known the world
over Every year there arc more and
more eaters of Quaker Oats which b
Is n record of a meeting with a j recognized in this country and in Europe
dore in the studio of the court painter as the one perfect oatmeal
uon lose iucgas ami tue ensuing All the experiments of the
conversation u part of which revealed - ment fooi Mneri nml ih
Dr J O Bruce
trainers of Yale University prove that
cereal eaters arc the strongest and
healthiest and Quaker Oats stands at
the head of the list of cereal foods It is
not only the best food but its the cheap
est food on earth Eat it daily for
For city trade Quaker Oats is packed
in the regular size packages but for
those who are not conveniently near
the store for daily shopping the large
size family package is just the thing
Hoarseness bronchitis and other
throat troubles are quickly cured by
Foleys Honey and Tar as itfoothes and
heals the inilumed throat and bronchial
tubes and the most obstinato cough dis
appears Insist upon having tbo genu
iuo Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMillen Druggist
Telephone 55
Office over Elecrlc Theatre on Alain Ave
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
in la
DENTIST Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Bik McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room t Postoffice Building
fsfvv v iivrrww rur vvufwt v vliw
f R H Gatewood
lf Office over McMillen s drug store
f Phone 1G3 McCook Nebraska J
McCook Nebraska
23S AKentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Postoflica building
C H Boyle c 33 Eldskd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Ione 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second Hoot
fontJicrt Bnitdinp MCLOOi Neb
lUUUlletoii Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
noiiev it is tii nrint nmnv lot tors fmn I fVVCVV
correspondents in neighboring towns
recently received such a communica
tion from his representative in one
place as to which he was not quite
sure lie could not decide whether
the correspondent was unconsciously
humorous or whether he was endeav
oring to comply with the standing in
structions of the paper to always be
on the lookout for any little touch of
humor that may brighten up our col
umns The item read as follows
Mr Harry Spinks the well known
butcher of this place has been losing
flesh rapidly of late Lippincotts
An Amendment
Im a terror I be announced Mie
new arrival in Frozen Dog to one of
the men behind the bar
Be ye
Tales three men to handle me
once 1 get started he went on
- 3
Oh well he remarked as he arose
painfully and dusted off his clothes
of course if yere shorthanded I sup
pose two kin do it on a pinch Every
You say that the cook assaulted
you inquired the judge
lie did kicked me your honor
Wheie did he kick you
In the pantry Judge
It is disconcerting when you have
paid out 500 for a violin and 40 for
a bow to find that you cant make a
squeak on the blamed thing without a
ten cent piece of rosin
In the course of life how many per
sons stop on their way and fail be
cause like Atalanta they let the gold
apples seduce them Honore de Bal
TV T 7 B r s W B 4 n n -
rNfcvnK rAlib
j ne automobile livery m
Nebraska that always
get there and ack Trips day
or night anywhere Prices
be found at 104 McCOOK Neb i
CURES disease with Pure Blood
far children safe sure No opiates
Will stand during the
of 1909 at my farm
at Perry
Terms 1000 for live colt
100 cash down
Every care taken but will not
be responsible for accidents
G W Watkins