The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 07, 1909, Image 6

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County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Mny 4th 1WJ
Tho bonrd of county commissioners met pur
Huant to adjournment Presout S Premer C
B Gray and P S Lofton commisslonorfi Sid
ney DodRo county attorney aud Chas Sknlla
county clerk
Tbo minutes of the inoctinRs held in April
wore rend and on motion approved
JTbo follow inn claims were audited and al
lowed and tho clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the road fundi of tbo respective
commissioner districts as follows
August MnBarinroad workCommissioncr
DiHtrictNo2 8 00
Arthur Jennings same IHX
Lewis Campbell same 2 Ui
F M Jennings same 18 00
S B Frnzer road work Commissioner
DistrictNoa 4 00
On motion James J Ilorlon was appointed as
overseer of highways for Districc No 11 Tyrone
The bonrd having been informed by the au
thorities of Hitchcock county that the county
board of said county has granted and estab
lished n road on tho county line between Keel
Willow and Hitchcock counties on the west
sidoof section 18 3 30 from tho intersection of
tho section lino with tho north line of the
Burlington right of wnyto tho northwest corner
of section 18-3-30 tho board on motion ordered
tho county clerk to notify tho overseer of high
ways to opon said road Motion carried unani
On motion the county treasurer was in
structed lostriko from tholS07 tax list the tascs
on lot 22 block 2 WilloWGrove Addition to Mc
Cook of 20 cents as said lot at that time was
property of tho East McCook Sunday School
Association and exempt from taxation
Ou motion tho county treasurer was in
structed to strike from tho 1895 tax list tho sum
of 30 cents being tho tnxes on tho south half of
block No 13 Indinnola city which at that time
was county property and exempt from taxa
Ou motion the county treasurer was in
structed to transfer from tho district fund of
SchoolDistrict No 42 the sum of 5710 and
pin co tho samo to the credit of District No 06
the same being tho taxes on tho SV of 28-4-23
for the j ears ItCO 01 02 03 04 05 00 07 and 08
which were paid to District No 42 wheu they
should have been paid to District No 00
The appoiutnient of N J Campbell as deputy
assessor made by county assessor T AEndsley
was on motion approved
On motion tho county treasurer was in
structed to refund to Frank Warner tho sum of
250 being the amount of poll tax assessed
against him in 1907 aud paid by him under pro
tost for tho reason that he wns not of age
On motion the county treasurer was in
structed to refund to WE Duliug the sum of
934 being tho amount illegally assessed
against him in lf08 and paid by him under pro
test for tho reason that au error ofl000t0 was
made by the deputy assessor on the assessment
book by putiug S5 acres of level land on the N W
of 11-2-20 at 2000 00 w hen he intended to assess
samo at 2900 per acre which is 190000
The claim for tax refund of D P Treadway
on 1008 taxes on the NW of 10-1-28 wis on motion
Tho claim for tax refund of J E Hathorn on
1908 tuxes on the SE of 19-2-20 was ou motion re
The claim for tax refund or Mrs J V Picker
ing for 100R tnxes on the west half of 12-1-29 was
T on iiiuiuii rejLCied
The claim for tax refund of 1110 of the I O
O F of Lebanon was on motion rejected
On motion the board adjourned to meet
-June 7 1C09
it S Peemeu Chairman
Attest Cdakies Skalla County Clerk
No more hunting fishing picnicking
or boat riding on the old Loornis place
Parties doing so will be taken for tres
passers and treated as such This
means you
McCook Nebraska April 30th 1909
Notici is hereby given that Albert McMillen
has tiled in the city clerks oflice his bond and
petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building
on lot 11 block 22 in the First ward of the Citj
of McCook for the municipal year ending
April 30th 1910
Albert McMillen Applicant
McCook National Bank
McCookv Nebraska
Cuaetee No SS23
In the State of Nebraska at the close of busi
ness April 2S 1909
Loans and Discounts 155049 14
OvaruraUs secured and unsecured 104 19
TJ S Bonds tr secure circulation 40 010 00
Premiums on TJ S Bonds 1054 37
Bonds securities etc 8920 71
Banking houe furniture and fixtures 31S5 95
Due from National Banks not reserve
agents 5255 33
Due from State and Privaie Banks
and Bankers Trust Companies and
Savings Banks 1702 45
Due from approved rPserve agents 30629 93
Checks and other cash items 48 73
Notes of other National Banks 30 00
Fractional paper currencynickels and
Lawful Monet Reserve in Bank viz
Specie 12925 65
Legal tender notes 1485 00 14410 65
Redemption fund with US Treasurer
5percentof circulation 2000 00
Total 26469146
Capital stock paid in 30000 00
Surplus fund 4000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxespaid 2207 S3 i
National Bank notes outstanding 40000 00
Due to State and Private Banks and i
Bankers 10S2 94
Individual deposits subject to check S7SG9 56
Demand certificates of deposit 10S6 00
Time certificates of deposit 75604 05
Certified checks 100 00
Cashiers checks outstanding 2744 08
Total 264694 46
State of Nebraska
County of Red Willow J ss
I C J OBrien cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief v C J OBeien Cnsbier
Correct Attest
P Walsh Director
C F Leitn Director
P F McKenna Director
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 5th
day of May 1909 Chas W Kelley
sealj Notary Iublic
lly commission expires March 30 1913
Get Info BusinessforYourself
Will make you money The BUCK is the only
two piece self binding self-locking
water proof frost proof sani
tary dry air block made Takes
less material and is made quicker
than any other block Write to
day and let us tell you all about it
and how you can make from 1500 to
jioonevery day that yon work Excln
siveriKBt in each county Get in first
Interlock Block
Machine Co
City Office
24th and Paul St
Tho Teasel That Is Usee to Raise the
Nap on Cloth
Our renders who never saw a teasel
spelled also tenze and teazle and
even tassel can Imagine a fir cone or
swamp cattail set all over with lit
tle stiff hooks It is the bur tor tas
sel or flower head or thistle top of
the plant dlpsacus and so identified Is
It with cloth dressing that this use of
It gave It its botanical name Dlpsacus
fullonum or fullers teasel
However familiar to people who live
In lands where the teasel is extensive
ly grown the fact may be that the
prickly heads of that plant are univer
sally used to raise the nap on cloth a
multitude of persons In his country
probably never heard of It aud will be
astonished to learn in what enormous
quantities the plant is raised
In France alone several thousand
acres of land are exclusively devoted
to the cultivation of the teasel French
manufacturers use many thousand dol
lars worth of the prickly heads aud
export thousands of tons of them val
ued at perhaps millions of dollars
Hundreds of tons are produced In Aus
tria England Belgium Poland aud
the Crimea
The prickles of the teasel have a
small knob at the end and this mount
ed on an elastic stem and set with
great precision on the central spindle
affords a little brush such it is said
as the utmost mechanical skill has
never been able to rival at all events
at the same price New York Herald
The Tragic Legend That Is Associated
With Bald Mountain
The legend of a lost mine has given
to Bald mountain in Placer county
Colo a fascinating interest for pros
pectors Tradition is that early in the
fifties of the last century three men
disappeared from an immigrant party
coinsr over the old Gap trail Search
for them was without avail and they
were finally reported dead by the
Where or how theyv wintered no one
knows but the following spring rag
ged shoeless aud demoralized they
filed into Michitrau Bluff Their blan
kets were converted into sacks and
with tliera they broucht cold dust to
the amount of 10000 or 15000
Spending but a siugle night within
the confines of civilization ana giving
no Information as to the location of
their large claim they were followed
on their return trip and a few weeks
later their murdered bodies were found
in one of the dreary canyons that scar
the face of the desolate peak
Since theu many a man has sought
this lost mine but apparently its im
munity is as certain as that of the
treasure of Captain Kidd Philadel
phia North American
Pensive Butlers
The fashion of building houses with
the entrance doors practically on a
level with the street gives the observ
ing stroller on Fifth avenue some hu
morous glimpses of butlers on duty
In the house of one of the most fash
ionable families in town the butler can
be seen standing behind the bronze
grill and glass doors staring disconso
lately out at the passing throng for
most of the afternoon while across
the street from this house the same
kind of an entranceway often dis
closes a glimpse of a functionary of
the same class seated in a poetical at
titude by a circular marble table his
head supported by his hand Outside
of a hospital they are probably the
saddest looking men in New York
New York Press
The Gordian Knot
When one of Uncle Sams sailors a
man named Gordon formerly serving
on one of our vessels in a West Indian
squadron was taken to the Naval hos
pital in Washington he described with
grewsome vividness to his companions
there his adventure with a shark off
one of the islands in the West Indies
1 had jest fell over the bulwarks
said the able seaman when along
comes a big shark an grabs me by the
What did ye do then matey ask
ed one of the patients
I never disputes none with sharks
said the sailor 1 let him have the
leg Harpers Weekly
A Composers Compliment
Wagner once said lie would prefer
to go to Vienna to hear the waltzes of
Strauss to hearing Italian opera On
a birthday of Mnie Strauss some years
ago she had as guests many celebrated
musicians She passed around a fan i
on which the different composers and
players were writing their names and
excerpts from compositions of their
own When it reached Brahms he
penned the first measure of the Blue
Danube waltz and signed beneath
Not I regret to say by your devoted
friend Johannes Brahms
An Opinion
Say paw said little Rollo why
do they call Geonje Washington the
father of his country j
I dunno son unless it was because
his country kept him hustling to keep
it out of trouble and then came to
look at him as a sort of old fogy
whose advice didnt amount to much
anyhow Washington Star
What He Wanted
Be careful young man You know
the old saying Marry in haste and re
pent at leisure
Thats why Im rushing things
What I want is leisure Exchange
When fortuue fails us the supposed
friends of our prosperous days vanish
Plautus j
The Tragic Career of Picaud
Cobbler of Paris
Thrown Into Jail by Secret Enemies
He Was Left a Fortune oy a Fellow
DPiennrN Releasid His Scheme of
Vengeance Brought Him Death
That romantic creation of the brain
of Aiexuudre Dumas The Count of
Monte Cristo had a counterpart in
reai life in France in the last century
This is the tragic story
In 1807 when Napoldon was at the
height of his power Francois Picaud
was a sturdy young journeyman cob
bier of Paris full of health and ani
mal spirits and happy in the iove of
Marguerite Vigoureux a young girl
of his own station in life On the eve
of his marriage hidden enemies de
nouueed him to the imperial govern
ment as a spy He was cast into pris
on where he remained forgotten by
the world for seven years
Among his fellow prisoners was a
wealthy Milanese priest who treated
him like a son and bequeathed to him
7000000 francs on deposit In the Bank
of Amsterdam Furthermore this ec
clesiastic told Picaud the secret of a
hiding place in Italy where were con
cealed jewels to the value of 120000G
francs and specie amounting to three
Wheu the empire was overthrown iu
1S14 Picaud was one of a vast uuui
ber of political prisoners throughout
France who were given their freedom
He proceeded to gather the priests
treasure and to plan vengeance upon
his enemies Who they were he did
not know
Disguised as nn Italian priest he sue
ceeded by bribing the least guilty oi
the conspirators and discovering the
entire story of his undoing The lead
er in the plot he learned was one Lou
pain who had married Marguerite
Vigoureux prospered and become the
proprietor of one of the handsomest
cafes in Paris
Picaud went to the capital and under
a suitable disguise obtained work as a
waiter in Loupains establishment
Fellow servants there were Guilhem
Solari and Gervais Chaubard who
with Loupain had denounced Picaud
in 1S07 The pretended waiter was
not long in bringing his vengeance to
a consummation Chaubard was the
first victim of his wrath His body
pierced by a knife was found on one
of the bridges over the Seine Lou
pain was disgraced reduced to pen
ury and finally stabbed to death in the
Tuileries gardens Solari was poison
ed and died in frightful convulsions
But speedy retribution overtook the
implacable avenger One night Picaud
was seized bound and borne to au
abandoned quarry In the darkness a
terrible voice said
Picaud what name are you passing
under now Are you still the priest
Baldini or the waiter Prosper You
wished for revenge You have sold
yourself to the powers of hell Ten
years you have given to the pursuit of
three wretches you should have spared
Me you dragged down to perdition
The diamond by which you bribed me
was my destruction I killed him who
cheated me 1 was arrested condemn
ed to the galleys and escaped only
after years of torture My one thought
has been vengeance on the priest Bal
dini You are in my power Do you
know me I am Antolne Allut How
much will you pay for bread and wa
I have no money groaned Picaud
You have sixteen millions These
are my conditions I will give you
something to eat twice a day but for
each meal you must pay me 2000
However the cupidity of the prison
er proved stronger than his hunger
He underwent terrible suffering with
out any signs of yielding until his
captor goaded to fury at the prolong
ed obstinacy threw himself upon Pi
caud and stabbed him to death Book
A Thackeray Story
A correspondent of London Notes
aud Queries contributes this anecdote
of Thiickeray
Thackeray once desired to succeed
Cardwell as M P for the city of Ox
ford and when returning from his can
vass said What do you think Card
well Not one of your constituents
ever heard of me and my writings
He prefaced constituents with a
strongish adjective
Strange if true They must have
been starving in the midst of plenty
A Straight Tip
Johnnie to new visitor So vou are
ray grandma are you Grandmother
Yes Johnnie Im your grandma on
your fathers side Johnnie Well
youre on the wronc ide youll find
cut Philadelphia Bulletin
That was an awful disaster There
was only one survivor Isnt that ter
Fearful What a bore hell bo
Cleveland Leader
Do you believe in V superburmn
I ued to but 1 dont any more
I married him Chicago
N m m know he wpicht of another
ruitn8 nrden PIlny
r -
AiwuvMy yiw
A Savage and Voracious Eel Found In
Btrmudian Waters
The experienced sea fisherman takes
care to kill every large conger eel au
soon as It Is brought into the boat The
conger has not only extraordinary jaw
power It can triturate shellfish shells
and all but Is also so abominably ac
tive that the fishermans opinion of it
coincides with that held of the Indian
by the western plainsman No good
conger except dead conger
Ugly and savage brute as the conger
is it is a lamb compared with Its rela
tive the green moray of Bermudian
waters This great eel is of an un
naturally brilliant green and has an
eye which is the very epitome of In
tense and malignant ferocity It is
voracious and savage beyond words
The negro boatmen have such a holy
horror of It that they absolutely re
fuse to allow a moray Into the boat
An acquaintance of the writer a ma
rine otlicer fishing In a small boat off
Bermuda hooked one of these fish but
as soon as his boatman saw the hid
eous head above the water he whipped
out Ids knife and made to cut the line
The officer shouted to him to stop but
had to threaten to throw the man
overboard before he would put up his
knife When the great eel was pulled
over the side the negro went absolute
ly ashy with frisht As for the moray
no sooner was it in the boat than it
doubled upon itself and its jaws met
with a clash in its own side cutting
out a chunk of white desh as neatly
as a scoop would cut cheese That
was enough for the officer ne picked
up a boathook and forked the uncanny
creature overboard Chambers Jour
Methods of the Paris Market Garden
ers In Forcing Nature
The gardeners of Paris get their
products on the market weeks before
the regular season for them This
forcing of nature is described by Er
nest Poole in Success Magazine
The secret is simply this The French
maraichers have manufactured a cli
mate to suit them As one observer
has said They have moved the cli
mate of Monte Carlo up to the suburbs
of Paris
Some new prodigy of modern sci
ence this Not at all Only enor
mous expense in money and in time
The gardens whenever possible are
placed on land with a slope to the
south and are wellprotected by walls
on the north and east walls built to
reflect light as well as to give protec
tion from the northeast winds
The ground is practically covered
witli glass not as in a greenhouse but
by glass frames in the open three
light frames of uniform size 12 13
4 feet aud also by glass bells These
too are of a uniform size about the
shape of a chapel bell a little less
than seventeen inches in diameter and
from fourteen to fifteen inches high
The French call them cloches You
may often see over a thousand frames
and over 10000 glass bells in one two
acre plot in the suburbs of Paris
A more recent innovation is the em
ployment of hot water pipes run under
the soil making of the earth a verita
ble steam heated hotel with this es
sential difference that the hotel keep
er here is desperately eager not to
keep his guests but to persuade them
to leave on the earliest possible day
A Memorable Wreck
The most memorable wreck in the
history of the American surf was that
of the bark Mexico stranded on Hemp
stead beach Long Island early in the
morning of Jan 3 1S37 She carried
104 passengers and a crew of twelve
men Four passengers and four of the
crew were saved by a surfboat from
the beach under the command of Itay
nor Rock Smith All others were
frozen to death though the wreck was
so close to the shore that their cries
and even some of their words were
plainly heard on the beach It was
the story of this wreck as published
throughout the nation that led to the
establishment of the United States
life saving service Scrap Book
The Bayonet
The bayonet was due to the fortu
nate inspiration of a Basque soldier
who when he and his regiment having
expended their ammunition were driv
en to bay on a mountain ridge near
Bayonne suggested that they should
fix the lontr knives with which they
were armed into the musket barrels
and charge the enemy This advice
which was followed with complete
success was the means of introducing
the weapon to the notice of military
What He Lacked
It is related of a South American
general who was extremely well
pleased with himself that ouce when
about to sally forth to a grand dance
he surveyed himself contentedly in the
mirror and then soliloquized thus
Ah Thou hast all bravery wealth
position good looks Ah what dost
thou lack
Whereupon his orderly who un
known to the general was close a
hand remarked
Sense general sense
The Difference
Little Lester Livermore Papa what
is the difference between a vision and
a sight This book says Mr Liver
more The difference between a girl
before and a girl after she Is married
Very Plain
Restaurant Patron That isnt a very
good looking piece of meat Waiter
Well you ordered a plain steak Ex
J S A df Af df V 11
O it9 A m m m m m m J fiI
f m 1 W 1 W W i
H 1 Am
tT i Vf Xs vr g m
t a
To be given away by the LINCOLN DAILY STAR
in its Second Annual Contest comprising
A 1500 TOURING CAR fully equipped
A TOUR OF EUROPE for two leaving Lincoln
or Omaha and returning to the same points All
travelling and incidental expenses paid
Trip for two to the ALASKAN YUKON EXPOSI
TION All expenses paid including admission to
grounds and all amusements
Ten other trips and other prizes
For further particulars address
Contest Department
lnmTrnrt gJKBSS
other feature of the garments in style
lit linings and work
C L DeGroff Co
Another Good
On May 22nd the Government will open its second tract of 12000 acres of
perfectly irrigated land in the Big Horn Basin near Garland and Powell Wyom
ing This irrigation project of the Government is first class and reliable This
land is adjacent to and along side of the Burlington Road Powell and Garland
are prosperous towns The community is absolutely first class and there is not
a better place to live in the whole west for climate sunshine productiveness of
soil and many other good reasons than the Big Horn Basin This land is 84500
and acre in ten annual installments without interest
320 ACRE MONDELL ACT Select locations for homesteading in Wyom
ing near Newcastle Upton and Moorcroft Plats on file Write me
I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesdaysof each month Only
2750 round trip homeseekers excursion rate No charge for my services Write
me at once about this new tract The excursion of May IS or in June will be in
time for good selections
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau Omaha Nebraska
sssaaatj rmrvvsa
That is the No of ONE of tho best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a
No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant
find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can get
No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment
in fact No ONE first last and all the time
Bullard Lumber Co
00OOO000C v i
Is it solid gold
Is it all vool
In buying clothes you should ask the
second question just as readily as you
ask the first in buying jewelry
with an ali woci guarantee They are
the only clothes at 1000 to 2500 in
America made of absolutely pure wool
fabrics throughout
CLOTHES made of pure all wool fabrics hold their
shape best and wear longest In CLOTHCRAFT
CLOTHES for men and young iuenthe high stand
ard cf the all wool fabric is maintained in everv