The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 07, 1909, Image 1
n Iff f A i r -V TWENTY SEVENTH MYYTYTYYYVYYYYYYYTYYYYTTYJJ t t t i t t Two of Them H P Sutton is just in receipt of two carloads of pianos of the leading makes in every style and finish and of all prices He is prepared to please the most fastidious and artistic tastes and also the most reasonable and modest pocketbooks - CALL AND SEE The Display Is Unequaled - 4 - - -4 - -4 -4 4 McCook Boy Goes Up Owing to the election of W L Brown B cashier of the Corona National Bank the Santa Fe officials wore tendered the resignation of this valuable agent this wpek Mr Brown has been connooted with some railroad all his life having started in as a messenger boy and gradually worked his way up until he became a thoroughly competent man in an branch of the railroad He has been the station agent in Corona for about four j ears This position at this place is consider ed a nard one to fill as Corona has been understood to be the third largest shipping point in southern California -and an unusually large amtunt of work is connected with the station at this point In the selection of Mr Brown the Corona National makes a fine choice and tine that no doubt will please all of our citizens whether patrons of the bank or nol CoronaCal jCourier Real Estate Bargains We have for sale subject to lease for this jrar thft nw qr section 2 t nvn 2 range 30 about 172 acres about GO acre9 in cultivation and under irrigation 5 miles from McCook Price 55000 Al so 15 acre tract in se cor sw qr section 21 3 29 half mile from corporation line at -800 These lands belong to tho Babcock estate and mcst be sold Boyle Eldked Grade Teachers at Home Friday afternoon May 14tkthe grade teachers of the McCook schools will be xit home to patrons and public in their respective rooms from 2 to 5 oclock An opportunity will thus be given to note the excellent work being done in the grades of our city schools Gauzi Underwear in unions for men women and children in separate garments ditto in extra sizes of b11 kinds in ladies long sleeved vests and tight knee pants From 5c each to 1 50 each The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Buy Now and Get the summers use of one of our Velio i or John Deere buggies surreys or spring wagons We have a large line for you to select from and we believe we can please you MeCook Hardware Co Mr Cone Now Postmaster MrCono has been duly commissioned ns postmaster at McCoott in succession to tho late S B McLean So congrat ulations are in order Absolute Protection Against Lightning guaranteed with Shins Pure Copper Cable Lightning Rod Sold and put up by McCook Hardware Co Farm Loans Optional payments No mission required P S P10NEY TO LOAN on farms ell Barger at clothing store cash com Heaton PARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf See Save money on Wall Paper by select ing from McMillens large stock For Seed Corn go to the Updike Grain Co A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodpe No 135 A F A M Saturday May 8 nfc 730 p m Work in M M degree By Order of the W M Lox Coke Secretary responded for seniors The hall was done in junior class colors orange and black with marguer ites ferns and rugs to give additional color and comfort to the situation The social part of the evening was accentuated by vocal and instrumental num ers by guests and entertainers with violin and piano selections by Mrs Earl Vahue and Mr Leon Clark as regu lar program In toto it was a charmirg and joyous event quite highly creditable to tho juniors and it was pleasurable to the guests Burglars visit Updike Sunday night some thieves entered the Updike office and elevator and ram sacked around pretty thoroughly open ing the safe which is not kept locked and breaking into the apartments of tho same The money drawer desk drawers etc did not escape Fortunately no money was secured although Manager Garvey asserts they got every cent he had fifteen of them Papers of value which the scamps carried out of the otrice were left on the ground nearby and were recovered so that the net loss to tho Updike concern was fifteen cents and the repairs necessary to their strong box in the safe KcCook Junior Normal Write toyour friends and tell them that the McCook Junior Normal will open June 7th and close July 30th All subjects for first second andthird grade subjects will be given and professional subjects when there is sufficient demand for same The McCook Junior Normal has been one of the largest and best all the time in the past Let everyone talk normal from now on It is now only four weeks till June 7th For special information write Chas W Taylor principal or Claudia B Hatcher registrar For General Celebration The log rolling committee of the M W A will meet with the commercial club next Tuesday evening at their regular meeting to talk over the idea of having a general Fourth of July celebra tion July 2nd and 3rd in connection with the big log rolling event idea Married in Trenton W E Weeks of Red Willow and Miss Olive M Mills were married by the county judge at the county court room on Wednesday April 28 1909 The bride is the daughter of W M Mills of Logan precinct Trenton Republican- Leader Whalloped Arapahoe Right The McCook high school baseball squad engaged tho Arapahoe high school bunch at Arapahoe last Saturday with a result altogether in favor of our boys The score was 19 to 6 which reads somewhat like a foot race No Services Next Sunday No German Lutheran services in the city next Sunday as Pastor Bruegge mann will be at Ash Creek to assist in the installation of the new pastor of that church next Sunday Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Eggs For Sale Pure bred S C B Leghorn eggs at 50c per setting or 2 50 per 100 Ad dress Don Thompson or Josh Rowland McCook Neb 16 5- Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately Seed Corn Grown and carefully selected by corn raisersaround McCook for sale by McCook Hardware Co Farm Loans N JJohnson overAlcConnells Btore Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McConnell Druggist Juniors Entertain Seniors Too juniors wore sponsors for a dinner aid reception to the senior class Fri day evening of last week which was up to every high tradition of the McCook rcbools for such events The guests assembled at the Monte Cristo ball and from thence proceeded to the cafe where u two course dinner was served The cafe was decorated in senior colors royal purple and oxford gray with white carnations as the floral decoration A spiebl fest of limited proportions followed the festal item At this Stipt Taylor who with the members of the high school teacher corps was a guet of honor presided as tonstmaster The Adjourned Session City Council All the city officers were present at the adjourned session last Friday nght James Steinman was granted a saloon license VV Y Jonhson was granted a saloon license L W McConnoll was granted n drug gists permit Burnett Bailey were granted both billiard table and card table licenses T J Smith was granted a billiard and pool table license Business locat ed in rear of McFann Cox saloon Ordinance No 180 was passed under suspended rules It provides that the north 200 feet of block 19 original town features were the talks by the presidents shall be removed from the fire limits of the classes Hoy Green did the hon- This is the block between 2nd and 3rd or3 for the juniors and James Gollehon sreet west just north of the Palmer hotel Adjourned to Monday evening May 3rd At Monday evenings special session a druggists permit was granted to C R Woodworth Co The city engineer was instructed to prepare a report establishing a grade on 3rd street west from A to H streets Our Regular Values It takes cash to get them See what your saving will be compared with the prices of other stores Simpsons and American prints 5c Good lawns 5c Amoskeag apron check ginghams 6Vc 9 quarter Peperell sheeting 23j c 9 quarter unbleached sheeting 19j Good yard wide muslin 4J Best table oil cloth 15c Boys and girls best rompers 39c Peerless carpet warp 21c American A grain bags 2lc 36 inch taffeta silk 69c China silk from 30c to 50c 6 big red handkerchiefs for 25a Mens ribbed balb union suits 75c 25 styles mens hats E0c to 250 Stetson hats 3 69 Mens 5 pocket bib over alls 39c Yours for the cash The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Married In Denver Miss Helen Ploussard of our city and Mr Holla Cathcart of Eaton Colorado were united in marriage last Sunday in Denver Miss Helen is the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Nicholas Ploussard of our city a charming and highly esteemed young lad and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs A P Cathcart of our city and is well known to many residents of McCook and vicin ity They will make their home in Eaton where the groom is employed as cutter in a meat market of that stirring town The Tribune extends congratu lations of many friends here NOTICE On May 1st Middleton Ruby will move their plumbing shop into building 3rd door east of DeGroff store on B st east and will carry a complete line of plumbing and steam heating materials A good j Estimates furnished free See them for sewer una piumoing worn xueysiiwnjs endeavor to please P 0 Clerks Organize The postoilice clerks of our city have organized a branch of The 6Unittrd Na tional Association of Postoffioe Clerks Their charter has arrived The officers of the local organization are Edward J Brady president Harry Woolard secretary flattie Woolard treasurer Herrlck Refrigerators very popular in price and quality McCook Hardware Co at ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Hugh Kelly is a new helper in the backshop Machinist Thoo Diebold is back from his visit and at work Engine 371 has been sent to the Lincoln division after an overhauling here Collingwood Watson of Brecken ridge Colo is the guest of I N Biggs this week Engine 1121 is over the drop for new flues and to have her wheels dropped The 1121 is over No 2 for usual repairs J E Moss anddaughter left Wednes day night for Missouri Valley Iowa to attend the funeral of a brothers wife Fireman Briggs on train 77 Monday had four toes broken at Wray He slipped and his foot went under the pony wheels Keep Off the Grass will soon be popular signs about the master me chanics office and store house The grass seed has been sown at any rate Engine 143 is in the roundhouse from the Republican City Oberlin line for ex tensive repairs Both piston heads and both cylinder heads are on the bum having been blown out at Oberlin a few days since McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING MAY T 1909 Twin Girl Is Dead Pneumonia and whooping cough were responsible for the death Tuesday night of the twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Bernhard Koetter of Coleman precinot age 14 months The other twin is also ill Tho remains of the little one were in terred in Longview cemetery Tuesday afternoon service having been con ducted at the farm home at 130 oclock by Rev William Brueggemann of the German Lutheran congregation of this city Tramps Galore In McCook This city seems to bo the resort of more than her share of tbogenus tramp due perhaps in large measure to tho fact that this is a division point and hence that all trains stop here making ingress and egress easy for them by rail their most popular manner of travel As many as 40 to 50 are reported in the city on unusual occasion in a single day How would street work meet the situ ation House Burned Wednesday The farm bouse of Frank Lytle who livos several miles northeast of the city was destroyed by fire Wednesday after noon together with its contents Noth ing saved The house was insured for 81300 Mr Lytle wns in the field at the time and by the time he got to the bouse was unable to do anything toward saving it or the contents Lace Curtains in brussels net irish points tambour nets nottingham nets in white arabian and ecru Single wide curtains for the wide landscape windows lace panels for doors Lace curtains from 50c a pair up to 650 We invite your inspection The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Equip tor the Fishing Season If there anything new in fishing tackle thats worth while youll invari ably find it in our stock We carry a largo lino of the different grade goods and have everything from a sinker to a reel Let us fit you out for tho seasons sport L W McConnell Druggist Final Eighth Grade Examinations The final eighth grade county exami nations for Red Willow county will be he4dron May 13th and 14th in McCoak Indianola Bartley Danbury and Leba non Claudia Hatcher County Superintendent Broke His Neck Last Saturday at Haigler an Italian section laborer attempted to get onto a moving handcar was struck on the neck by the handles of the motive power and killed the neck being broken Ladies Washable Linen Suits in large assortment at 500 S5 75 and 8750 in plain solid colors in fancy striped in lace trimmed The nobbiest New York styles The Thompson D G Co Havelock Team Will Be Here Thf famous drill team of the Have lock M W A has signified its intention of being present at the log rolling event July 3rd Saturday No Hunting Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft A 0 U W Boys Organize The A O U W base ball boys have organized for the season of 1909 with GL Harmon as manager and captain Fasture For Horses On section 19 in Driftwood precinct Price 50 cents per month 30 4 O N Rector McCook Neb Updike Grain Co for seed corn FOR SALE FORENTJBTC For Sale Blue squaw corn for seed Mrs S E Christian phone ash 3582 For Sale House and two lots S900 Easy terms Earl Barger For Sale A 9-horse-power gasoline engine McCook Cement Stone Co phone red 196 House and lot for sale Inquire of Henrv Gale 23 3 For Sale Household goods for sale at No 711 2nd street east Mrs John D Young For Rent Three furnished rooms for housekeeping Also a two room and five room cottage Mrs J I Lee Phone 43 Girl Wanted Inquire at the Com mercial hotel Curtains washed Call at 407 C street east Estrayed A bay mare weighs 1100 pounds foretop cut off due to foal in two weeks Phone ash 1351 or write John W Burtless McCook n hti it f The Wrestling Match Tho Beoll Acton wrestling match of Monday evening in tho Menard opera house fillled the houso quite a sprink ling of tho fair sex and scores of out-of-town people being present Beoll is an experienced and seasoned wrastler of 170 pounds woight Acton the Canadian is young but inexperi enced though husky and a stayer with about 200 pounds avoirdupois to his credit Experience and cloverness won tho falls however as was expected though Acton made the winner earn his honors A half Nelson and crotch won tho first fall in 21 minutes and 50 seconds Tho second fall came in 10 minutes and 37 seconds with a head lock and crotch R S Light refereed the match with skill and satisfaction Tho match is regarded as having been a fine exhibition of the art and was no wise laciing in returns to those promot ing the strenuous sport Elect Officers and Board At the annual meeting of the Society of Christian Science Wednesday eve ning the following officers were elected First reader William Kizor second roader Mrs Viola Kenyon treasurer E J Mitchell secretary W B Mills organist Mrs Ellington Britt usher liort Griggs Board of managers President Mrr SP Hart C H Meek er E J Mitchell W B Mills Mrs M Gordon The society has more than doubled its membersnip the past year is out of debt has on hand a sufficient supply of literature for sale at its read ing room 219 Main Avenue which is open to the public at all hours and holds services at thse rooms Sunday mornings at 11 oclock and Wednesday evenings at 8 oclock Memorial Sunday Union Memorial services will be held at the Methodist church at 11 a m May 23 All ministers and their con gregations invited to be present All members of the G A R Ladies Circle W R C Spanish American and ex Confederate soldiers are requested to meet at Morris hall at 10 a m to mnrch in a body to the Methodist church Sermon by Rev M B Carman assisted by Rev G B Ilawkes - fof Memorial Day will appear in next weeks issue as the de tails are not yet fully arranged Honor Students Ray Jordan and Blanche Bowen are the honor students of cl iss 09 McCook High School Ray hnviug the highest general average and Miss Blanche the second The valedictory and salutatory address on the commencement program will therefore be givtn according to this rank Card of Thanks We desire to express our deep grati tude and thankfulness for the flowers and the assistance and help of neighburs and friends during the ill ness and after the death of our dear wife and daughter Charles M Smith Mr and Mrs Hekji n Trehal For Sale at Less than cost if takeu by the 15h of May our confectionery and candy kitchen Gooi reason forstlling G D Keating it Co For Rent The Babcock 15 acre tract near town Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street West Boyle Eldred Attention I 0 0 F Work iu initiatory and third degrees Monday night May 10 W A Middleton Secy Lawn and Garden Hose 4 5r and 6 ply Every piece guaranteed McCook Hardware Co Everything in drugs McConnell Mrs J JacKson nuree Phone red 251 It will pay you to see McMillens Wall Paper before buying Plant sweet peas now Buy the seeds from H P Waite Co 3192 Field garden and flower seeds at H P Waite Cos Monarch Silver Bell and White Satin spell success in good oread and cake baking Buy the best McCook Flour and Feed Store How would your house look with a fresh coat of paint Come in and get some paint figures We sell the Sherwin-Williams prepared paints L W McConnell Druggist Are you cultivating an acre of corn and are you under eighteen years of age If so enter the Boys Corn Con test in which are given 150 for the most corn grown on one acre during the year 1909 Send your name as a contestant to W R Mellor Lincoln before May 20th jrmiLjrri n II n - N - tfeii jvr mm J NUMBER SO YOU CAN SAVE MONEY MAYBE you are one of thoso 11 who say Oh I cant save money Whats tho uso of trying You can save money Its moroly a mattor of a littlo arithmetic You know what it will cost you to live noxt month add to that a certain amount for luxuries then live to that sched ule and bank tho difference Givo it a trial for three months then you will have the habit and it will be easy Start a bank account with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKonna STEIN BL0CH CLOTHES CAPTURE London First American Clothes Ever Sold in England Success Instantan eous With Fashionable Buyers Selfridge Co Ltd are owners of the largest and most progressive depart ment store in London Selfridgo is an American who used to be at tho head of the great retail house of Marshall Field Co Chicago Ho is now catering to the Englishman who is critical Super ficial smartness doesnt satisfy him He digs beneath the surface and must be convinced as to material and work manship He insists on quality and has a shrewd eye for detail He is a ereat stickler for correct stylo but will have nothing freakish Having all these things in mind Sel fridge Company Ltd studied the productions of various merican manu facturer with great care That they chose Stein Bloch clothes with which to capture the English mar ket although not a surprise was a very gratifying tribute to the clothes which for fifty four years have been recognized as the highest grade made Rozell Barger the Leading Cloth iers are sale agents in McCook for this famous and popular make of Smart Clothes on both sides of the big pond Establishing Grade on 3rd Street West City Engineer N J Campbell com menced work Tuesday establishing a grade for 3rd street west from A to II streets As soon as his report is ready for action the council will hold another special session to take action on the re port An ordinanco will then be passed establishing such grade This will be done for the guidance of those wishing to lay sidewalks and for tho city in laying crosswalks This section of the city has grown rapidly in the past few years and the need of sidewalks and crossings is fuit WALL PAPER sufficient to paper every room in town perhaps just what you are looking for You should see our wall papers be fore buying It will not coat you any thing to look L W McConnell Druggist Eggs for Sale Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs choice stock 3 sets each 8200 per 100 Phone ash 1351 or black 255 Mrs J W Burtless Route 3 Mens Baiorlggan Union Suits at 75c S125 and 81 50 at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for saIealso flour and feed C J RYAN Updike Grain Co for seed corn SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H K Rosebush Manager Phone red 196