The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 16, 1909, Image 5

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Cooking with Gas
on a
makes a
Happy Home
Let us show
you our line
I rallfel
i 111 1 Tcrlf hi
Phone 31 M
Time Card
McCook Neb
1 MH
iKTEWsrof ijiiv ufT jiflfM i
Eft OTBSffMJferclj fST
No 6 CentralTime 1027 p m
2 500 A M
12 715 am
14 942 pm
16 400 am
main line west depaet
No I Mountain Time 950 A m
3 1142 pm
5 Arrives 835 P M
ij 102 1 A m
15 1217 AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 50o r M
No 175doparts 710 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets soid
and baccaqo checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L VV Wakeley General
Passen cor Agent Omaha Nebraska
Joseph Kubeck visited Red Cloud
relatives first of last week
Conductor Joseph Hegenberger and
family went in to Omaha Saturday on
No 2 to spend Easter with relatives
Southwestern Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
now open
for the care of MEDICAL and
equipped with modern fittings
For rates and further information
Winnetka Hospital Association Ltd
will heat your water
while you are getting
ready for hath
at the cost of one and
a half cents per hath
cCook Hardware Co
iimnu uiluii y
that withstand the severest and roughest usage will ever be
those that nature has given you No dentist can manufacture
teeth that meet the same requirements and perfection
What effort are you making to keep perfect teeth
The continuous pleasure that patients get from my operations
is one reason that you should get acquainted with reliable
dentistry Let us talk about your teeth today
Office oer McConnells Drug Store 212y Main Ae
Will Cooper has been transferred from
Curtis to the Denver Alliauco run
Sunday 99 cars of stock went for
ward from Red Cloud 90 cars being
through shipments
Dispatcher A J Brown has been
transferred to Lincoln to which place
he went las Saturday
Engines 1020 1061 1062 1065 and
2986 are on sidetrack after overhauling
awaiting call to go into service
Herman Hansen of Curtis has been
transferred to Guernsey Wyoming
where be has been given a better run
Mrs T P Rowell uent over to
Kearney last Saturday to visit her
daughter Mrs Jones for a week or two
Edward C Simmons the Burlington
civil engineer has been appointed state
engineer and secretary of the state
board of irrigation
Mrs N B Bush and young son weio
over from Almena Kansas over Easter
Sunday guests of her parents Mr and
Mrs P D Burgess
Engineer Charles Starr is nursing a
broken left arm received on last Friday
night in the stock yards while assist
ing in loading a horse onto a car fur
Master Mechanic H E Culbertson
has purchased the desirable residence
lots south of the Sawyer residence He
is making some improvements on the
lots and will build later
There is a rumor that the Burlington
will extend its Guernsey line to a con
nection with the Colorado Southern
about ten miles of track doing the job
The present connection is secured by
using the Colorado Wyoming owned
by the Colorado Iron and Fuel Co
On Saturday the B M round house
caught fire from spares on the roof
and had it not been for ihe timely dis
covery by the watchful employes the
round house would now have been
gathered to its fathers However the
boys got action on them coupled up the
hose and turned a good stream on the
blaze which saved the building The
damage was slight however Red
Cloud Commercial Advertiser
Will flake Improvements
Burlington Ilawkeye With the
promise of a tremendous increase in
trBUSContioontal travel the Burliu
ton system according to good author
ity is planning to increase its equip
ment and improve its passenger ser
vice in a remarkable manner This
will take place about May 23 Tupre
will bo one entirely new train of Pull
mans and chair curs running east
ward to fill a gap that bns long existed
and which has compelled the railroad
to do a lot of empty hauling to get itB
cars back to Chicago for the make up
of No 13 There will be a solid train of
Pullman sleepers with not a chair car
or day coach in its make up
Tbo present Denver - Chicago flyer
No G will be changed from its pretent
schedule pausing through Burlington at
4 p m to the earlier hour of 2 p m
arriviog in Chicago about 7 oclock in
tho evening The make up of No 6
under tho new arrangement will be en
tirely of Pullman sleepers Its compan
ion No 1 west bound from Chicago to
Denver will be as fine in every way
and will also have a solid Pullman
equipment Its time will be set forward
to that of two or more years ago when
it used to arrive in Burlington about
t910 It will leave Chicago at 5 it the
afternoon instead of at 1 as at present
A new train to bo known as No 10
will bo established and will take the
present equipment and time of No 6
passing here east bound about p m
This traiu will offset No13 which
had no companion train making
it necessary to haul its equipment back
to Chicago deadhead
Under the new arrangement No 13
which now passes through Burlington
at 210 west bound will continue on tbo
present tune schedule but will run
through to Denver instead of stopping
at Lincoln as at present
It is stated but not officially so that
fast mail trains seven and fifteen now
running to the U P Junction will con
tinue to run on to Denver transferring
the mails tj the Union Pacific there in
stead of at U P Junction This ar
rangement however depends entirely
upon the wishes of the Union Pacific
That road may elect to refuse to receive
the mails at Denver and compel the
Burlington on pain of losing tbo mail
contract to continue to deliver it to it
at the U P
The 1960 and 1010 are on drop pits 1
and 2 respectively
Hugh Kelly is in the city and may go
to work for tbo company
Engines 322 and 371 are about ready
to go out of the backshop
Driving brass and steam dome repairs
are being given the 1749 this week
The company has provided the fire
brigade with a bright red new hose cart
Tom Mclnroy a former engineer on
this division spent part of the week
J M Smith arrived home last Mon
day night from his trip to Aransas
Pass Texas
R V Luke blacksmith helper has
quit the service D M Huet going to
work in his place
Engineer Koolel had a passenger run
a few trips early in the week and Trau
bert had the 1941
Conductor M B Harbaugh has trans
ferred from Oxford to McCook and will
work out of here
Agent H W ODoanell of Akron has
resigned and Extra Agent George Scott
has taken charge of the station
They expect several more SI engines
at this division headquarters for the
new time card and new trains
Conductor T H Stafford had the pay
car Wednesday over the division He
was Denver bound from a trip east
Trainmaster Smart has rented the J
E Molund cement stone dwelling on
2nd street east which he and family
will occupy soon
Conductor Clyde Dalton returned
first of the week from an extended fur
lough spent in Illinois and has resumed
his run on the Orleans Red Cloud way
Mrs J M Smith was summoned to
Cambridge this week by the illness of
her mother Mrs Mary A Carpenter
who died on Wednesday J M went
down to Cambridge Wednesday night
Gary Dole went to Denver Tuesday
night to assume the position of general
foreman at that place Gary makes
good anywhere you put him He will
be succeeded here by Charles Langson
now of Edgemont -here he has been
round house foreman General Fore
man Raycroft of Denver goes to Sterl
ing as master mechanic Master Me
chanic Andrews of Sterling is transferr
ed to the Omaha division with head
quarters at Omaha
The lecture The Singing Masons
given by A B Carson at opera house
last Thursday evening was one of the
most instructive and eloquent treats the
opera house patrons have enjoyed in
many seasons Cawker City Kans
Ledger Note After giving the lecture
in the above place the manager of the
opera house wrote the lyceum bureau
that a special paper had been read be
fore one of the ladies societies of that
city composed of notes from Mr Car
sons lecture At Baptist
day evening April 20th Tickets 25c
Under auspices of ladies of the Baptist
McConnell for drugs
Updike Grain Co for seed corn
Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers
You can get rid of that cohJ by uaing
MoM Mens Cold Curo
Suit caHPB and trunks large assort
ment at RozJl BargerB
You never heard a word said againBt
the quality of McConnells drugs
Tho present contract calls for the
completion of tho temple theatre by
August 1st
Soft shirts with and without collars
in all the fancy stles and colorings at
Rozoll Bargers
You are strong as your blood is rich
McConnells Sarsaparilla makes rich
blood Price 81
A superbly complete line of beautiful
and stylish neckwear at Roell Bar
gers thu leading clothiers
The fashionable Zebra hosiery at
Rozell Bargers -all tho plains and
fancy stripes Elegant lino of tieo just
received from New York
Tho missionary society of the Congre
gational church will meet at the homo
of Mrs F M Kimmell next Thursday
afternoon at 230 oclock
We have wall paper that you dont
find elsewhere Permanent colors sin
gle room patterns independent side
walls and cut out borders
Tj W McConnell Druggist
We have a largo and select stock of
Wall Paper from which to choose also
special books from which to order in
case you are not suited in stock
A McMillen Druggist
A Card from Mr Waltz
Mr Waltz who finishes I113 work at
the Methodist church Sunday night
wishes in this way to thank all who
have helped him during tha past four
weeks He says
Especially do I appreciate the ser
vices of the chorus the organist Mrs
W B Mills for their faithful work
Brother Moore and his son two men
who know how to sexton a church
building I shall never forget the
kindness of Mr and Mrs Barney Lewis
Mr and Mrs E M Day the proprietors
of Monte Cristo cafe for entertainment
which was of the very bet and could
not have been better if it had been done
by my own people 1 shall never forget
the kindness of the children the
teachers in the public schools the
members and pastors of some of the
sister churches the two city papers
the editors of which have been most
kind Last but not least I want
to thank tho members of the M E
church who have been attending the
meetings for their loyal support and
kind words of encouragement I have
worked with hundreds of pastors during
the past seven ymrs but never with one
who has been more fearless and brave
to speak against certain sins than this
pastor Truth crushed to earth will
rise again To those who have opposed
me in my work I simply say God bless
you with all other in McCook and
may Brighter Das soon come to you
all G I Waltz
Note the New Game Law
The Tribune recently published the
new game law provisions but judging
from indications there are quite a num
ber in this vicinity who are still ignor
ant of the law For them we repeat the
The governor signed the new game
law Monday of last week and the bill
went into effect that day The duck
and geeso season closed that day under
this bill and April 10th under the old
law Other changes are chicken and
grouse October and November ducks
and geese September 15 to April 3
jacksnipe and j ellow legs September
15 to May 1 plover July 15 to August
31 squirrels October and November
There is no open season for quail doves
swan or white crane
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Clarence H Gilbert29 and Mable C
Culver24 both of Cambridge Mar
ried by county judge April Sth
Reuben E Bacon22 of Marion and
Thalia S Short20 of Wilsonville
Robert W 0Bnen27 of Wauneta
and Katherine Roe17 of Imperial
Married by C A Paquette R Cpriest
April 12th
Edward R Walkington23 and Ida
May Rawson20 both of Bartley
John N Dold25 and Alice Nelson
20 both of Maywood
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
It was a magnificent effort one of
the most eloquent it has been the priv
ilege of the writer to listen to in many a
day Rev R DGraham DenverCol
At the Baptist church Tuesday even
ing April 20 Under auspices of the
ladies of the Baptist church Tickets
25 cents
CURES disease with Pure Blood
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Bight
Mens Underwear
We offer yon a splendid issortment of
underwear includ ng the always preferred
Ve have them in all sizes and can lit
you perfectly
Fob Sale A 9-horse-power gasoline
engine McCook Cement Stone Co
phone red 198
Fob Sale Silverlaced Vandotte
eggs at Si for 13 eggs Phone black 201
Mrs E D Perkins
Fob Rknt A good six room cottage
at No 507 2nd strpet east
Ten Years Ahead of all
otiier Cream Separators
In bkiminingefiiciency simplicity
durability and convenience the new
190 1900 improved Dr Laval Cream
Separators are tullj ten years ahead
of am other machine on the market
today Thirty ears of experience
protecting patents and the many
valuable improvements devised and
perflated by the De Laval engineers
in all parts of the world during the
past three years are responsible for
this fact Every feature of the De
Laval has been improved from the
supply can to the basse The new
centre balanced bowl with its sepa
rate spindle is alone a triumph in
separator construction and must be
have had the call for a long time hecause
of their perfect fit and elasticity They do
not sag or stretch out of shape but remain
a thoroughly comfortable garnent until
worn out Youll find them right in every
If you have never worn a union suit the
will surely convert you
C L DeGroff Co
AdW4aMMfcthtfJwUltAfrAilUi liniUI AJUW flVW AtVitkbkAjJUiUIX
Gnu Wanted Inquire at the Com
mercial hotel
Fob Sale Blue squaw corn for seed
Mrs S E Christian phone ash 3682
Fok Sale House and two lots 8900
Easy terms Earl Barger
Fob Sale Puie bred Barred Rock
eggs at 73 cents per sitting Mrs D C
Shaw phon cedar 3422 20 lf
Fori Sale Shorthorn bull 2 years old
Phone ash 933 J A Modrell
McCook Markets
Merchants and doalers in McCook
today Friday are paying tho follow
ing prices -
Corn 3
Wheat llu
G 2C
Butter good li
Just Received Rugs all sizes
and qualities Welton Velvets
first quality Body Brusselb
Tapestry Brussels etc etc
Wiisl U iiKirl ja
iunuui nuDiuiorwi
seen to be fully appreciated Then there is the new ine pieer
anti splash sanitary supply can adjustable sLehes for ssknn
milk and cream receptacles new frame oe iirns an i pny oU
but less important improvements all combining to make t
De Laval as nearly ideal as a separator for farm and dairy uf
can be made Tnere is the proper size machine for every siz
dair from the smallest to the largest and no covr owner cin
afford to be without one of these improve I machines It will
cost you nothing to see and examine the new De Laval and right
at your own home too if you will but say the word Our new
lllustiated catalog describing the De Laval improvements in de
taii is sent for the asking Write us at once and you will receive
this interesting book by first mail with full information as to
how you may have a free demonstration of the improved De La
val in your own home It will pay you to do so and your only
regret will be that you didnt investigate sooner
For Sale or Trade at
Harmons Secoid Hand Store
Corner B St and 2nd St W Telephone 215