The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 16, 1909, Image 4
Just OneHalf the money you blow in foolishly if invested in a bank account would soon put you on -easy streot You owe yourself the protection a Savings Ac count will afford you If you are spending all you earn it is unfair to yourself and those who may bo dependent on you You have noticod the manner in which small amounts expended count up in a month a part of such expenditures saved will allow you to have an account at this bank Start with a dollar have money in the bank The First National Bank of Mccook By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance McCook is thb only wet spot in Red Willow William J Bryan lines up with Governor Shallenberger in favoring the Daylight Saloon law And it wasnt on our or my platform either The Benkelman News Chronicle has been sold by C L Ketler to Will C Israel who assumed charge of the paper last week Mr Ketler has purchased a drugstore and will remain a Benkelman business man Examiner H S Wiggons in a report to the Nebraska Insurance department states that both Workman and Wood man insurance rates must be advanced or the margin between income and death claims will disappear within the next two or three years Mayor Jim Dahlman of Omaha in sists that Governor Shallenberger has killed Nebraska Democracy Well insofar as the party may be judged by Jim and his ilk The Tribune is pre pared for the solemn decision Ee quiescat in pace May it never see resurrection day The Hatting Tribune is as proud over Hastings going wet os the littlo red wagon of its load of manure Arapahoe carried water bonds at the late election by a close margin of four J ntflH nminritv She also went wet A li of Phelps county one of the best settled counties in Western Nebraska now dry It is also one of the moat prosperous of the western count ies Congressman George W Norris de parted Wednesday for Colon on the ship Panama to look over the canal zone together with a number of other members of the house of representa tives About threescore Nebraska state bankers met in Lincoln close of last week and decided to test the constitu tionality of the Nebraska bank guaranty law in the courts John L Webster who doubts the constitutionality of the law has been engaged to prosecute the test to a decision The Tribune has been under the im pression for years thatOmahas growing greatness has been due to the fvct that that city is the distributing point for several rich and expanding states That great manufacturing enterprises the railroads and numerous commercial interests have provided the rich red blood of business upon which prosperity has feed and deyoloped in Omaha Alas twas a dream That superb and magnificently developing business structure according to the brewing and allied inteiests of that city is based upon booze and restricting the hours of its sale is choking the life out cf that great community In seriousness of course this claim is a gross libel on the manhood and intelligence and patri otism of better and greater Omaha which stauds to gain from this measure though some interests will and should suffer The Omaha Bee takes the following measure of the Douglas county delega tion in the last legislature And it fits like the paper on the wall The Bee does not hesitate to say that with not to exceed two exceptions the Douglas county delegation in the late legislature could scarcely have been worse Instead of making friends for Omaha and shaping legislation to bene fit their constituents their disgusting behavior and brazen subserviency to corporation masters antagonized and alienated the decent membership of the legislature ordinarily disposed to be fair Assuming that the roustabouts and tricksters constituting the Douglas delegation were truely representative of the people who sent them there and that their flagrant misconduct was typical of Omaha as a whole the law makers from the outside districts simply refused to give Omaha any considera tion whatever or to place any depen dence upon the Douglas county gang Advocacy of a measure by the delegation from Omaha came to be equivalent to its condemnation either as a boodle job or a corporation scheme THE PURE FOOD LAW Effects the meat question In fact one of the vital points in eating is the securing of pure fresh meats whole- some flesh Thats the kind we sell Quality is the first consideration with ais We keep our large and ing patronage on that basis RODGERS MODRELL 3 FOR SALE 70000 acres of irrigated land in the famous San Luis Valley Colorado with full paid up water right and ready for the plow ONLY 3750 PER ACRE For full particulars and terms address FRANK HARRIS with The Coe Stedman Realty Loan Co 630 Seventeenth St Denver Colorado t - vi 2 -- - PBBMTPMTI W T WAIT s Vic Wilsons name is not writ hieh on the walls of Brewer Metzs hall but the rather in the hearts of many Ne braskans who love their state and seek to promote its sobriety Governor Shallenbergers account of that Omaha interview does not har monize with that of Brewer Melz The governors statement bears the trade mark of honor and reasonableness and is accepted at this office without dis count MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE William Vogt has moved to Dundy county J E Kelley was in Omaha and Lin coln Sunday G C Heckman is in Dixon Illinois on insurance business Miss Mary Barbazette is home from Denver for the Easter vacation SB Gockley and family have moved to Missouri and located at West Plains Walter Seay was called down from Haigler recently by the illness of his sister C F Lehn went down to Lincoln Monday night on No 6 on a matter of business Ed Jeffers who has been working at the plumbing trade at Alliance ar rived home close of last week Miss Audrey Jones is with the par ents over Easter vacation coming from the university last Friday night Miss Margaret Thomfhon came up from Lincoln last Friday night to b with the homefolks over Easter vaca tion Ed ORourke was up from Lincoln where he is attending the university spending the vacation with the home folks Miss Myra and Miss Opal Connor came up from Lincoln last Friday night and visited McCook friends over Sunday J J Baker and family departed Tuesday night for Lincoln where they will locate All their McCook friends wish them well in their new home Velma Sutton who is attending a convent school in Omaha arrived home Friday night on No 3 to be with the homefolks during the Easter vacation Mrs Hugh Brown and niece Miss Bertha Brown came up from Hastings last Friday Mr Brown joined them Saturday night and they remained over Easter Sunday he attending services t with St John Commandery Sunday afternoon in the Christian church They returned to Hastings Monday morning FRIDAY APRIL 23 an SATURDAY APRIL 24 pring Ex THE B I i i Biink1 what - COKNW TOOIBJ VOLS IKKIVSZi Come in on the above date and take advan tage of being measur ed by a skilled suc cessful expert rj2JjJiA35 CTBg WTTSmmKlmnfTtT i m n L R Hileman was down from Den ver over Sunday C Hauxwell of Box Elder precinct was acounty capital visitor Friday last Ray Pool of Lincoln has been spend ing the Easter tide with McCook friends Mr and Mrs Will Dolan and IM Beardslee were Indianola visitors in the city Tuesday Mrs Margueretta Heinlein is daughter Mabel up in Hitch cock county for a week or two Miss Lorene Calhoun entertained a company of young friends last Satur day evening in honor of Miss Katie Brady Andre Sodar director of Norton Kas School of Fine Arts was in the city Tuesday looking to the contract for decorating the theatre Frank Moore our representative in the last legislature spent a few hours in the city Friday visiting his brother County Judge Moore and friends in the city W W Barrett from south of Tren ton is now a resident of our city with his family and engaged in the livery business C L Ketler who last week sold the Benkelman Nows Chronicle was iD town Saturday on some matter of business He will engage in the drug business there Thomas Ashton of the Haigler Wray country who is interested in odo of the new bank propositions at Benkelman was in the city last Saturday in con sultation with President Franklin of the Citizens Bank of McCook V Franklin president of the Citi zens Bank of McCook the Bank of Ben kelman and the Bank of Wauneta at tended the meeting of Nebraska bankers in Lincoln close of last week to take action in determining the legal standing of the Nebraska guaranty law Mrs Leroy Kleven entertained a score or more lady friends last Thurs day afternoon at 130 oclock lunch eon which was served in five courses Large bouquets of carnations graced each of the large tables at which the guests were seated and chicks were tho seasonable suggestion on the place cards Mr Smith represented the Redpath Chautauqua bureau of Lincoln in tho city Monday He announces that the chautauqua will commence in McCook some time in August and promises a program worthwhile in every respect He states that they are featuring five musical organizations instead of four as last year with Miss May Butlers ladies band of 21 instruments as a head liner aBitaisEft frKAi Agra nun 1 - - Miss Mary Williams was home from the university for the Easter vacation Joe Downs returned Wednesday from briefly visiting his daughter William Staddler at Minden W H Smith who has been absent for several months in York state arriv ed in the city fore part of the week Mrs J E Tirrill was called down to Superior this morning on 1G to see her daughter Mrs Al Overman who is very sick Captain and Mrs C II Barrett re turned Wednesday from spending tho winter in TopeUa Kansas and will re main here for the present J W Jones left Wednesday night for Verdon this state called by serious illness of his aged mother His brother J F of Trenton accompanied him Mrs D E Eikenberry and son Cyde left Wednesday for Monte Vista Colo to join Mr Eikenbery in their new home Fay will remain here with her aunt until school closes urn nu llltAJ sslivsejs r 7i tnns rinfeiLJ FMHyoi cul - nsss J JLK 5f2fiC COMING sition Sale of Mens To Order Tailored Clothes Chesterfield hy iSWSBS ON THE ABOVE DATE DESIGNER and CUSTOM There will be at our store an EXPERT CUTTER from the staff of Chicagos famous Tailoring House Felix Kahn Co He brings with him a magnificent exhibit of exquisite New Spring Woolens in the full bolt Come in and ask him to show you the Champagne Worsteds Aerial Greys and Blues Heather Modes Sage Green Cassi meres etc as they will be worn by good dressers this Spring Ask him to show you the new Fraternity Models No 131 and No 133 Do ot order before you see these new fashions and materials YOU ARE INVITED and most welcome to look over his beautiful exhibit of Foreign and Domestic woolens f fH ls iaciiSJ UDDIWwa jun Its the most complete and successful showing of its kind ever come to town an instructive de lightful exhibit of all the Spring Novelties Leave your measure now If you prefer you can- have your suit shipped later on Remember the above date At our store XZ 14 1 4 EST CLOTHES MERCHANTS I 41 yftfr 1 Frank Ratliff is a very sick man Roy Scott a high school boy spent Sunday at his home in Palisade Mrs Sargent and Miss Faus expect to go to Iowa Monday on a visit J II McAchran of St Louis was a guest of his sister Mrs J G Stokes over Sunday Rev J L Murr of Trenton came down to the city Monday evening to meet his wifes parents from the east Mrs Lottie Brewer entertained a large company Wednesday afternoon at a kensington Three course luncheon was served Mrs G E Thompson arrived home last Friday night from Newark Ohio where she accompanied the remains of her father who died last week in Topeka Kansas Mns Mary Smith has been down from Palisade this week nursing her son Earl who hag been laid up with an attack of measles Earl is here attend ing high school rtl Jt m 2i r v t exr S H piY Some people cant see straight but they do not hau to see they can feel that we have as good lumber as monoy can buy and you hit the mark every time you let us figure your lumber bill If we do not sell the bill there is no harm dnni You can rest assured that you have bought your lumber right if you buy on a basis of our figures We do not get son and chew the rag with anyone because we do not sell you your lumber We want to figure your bill every time you want a stick whether we sell it or not Drop in We have books with cuts of modern houses from 400 up and take a pleasure in helpingjto arrange your home Stansberry Lumber Company K f t li H H M v3 v- lfc n 1