The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 09, 1909, Image 7

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Tho R P D No 2 will begin Juno
Loonard Hothcote of Indianola was a
business visitor Wednesday
O VV Rogers was an Oberlin pilgrim
Harry Butler and family departed
laBt Wednesdny for Essex Iowa where
tbey will mako their future-home-
Word whs received from Omaha stat
ing that MrP Olmsted was in a critical
Chas Skalla of McCook was in town
on business Monday
One of ho nicest Hnowstorms we have
over witnessed started to fall Monday
evening ami continued until late Tues
day This will certainly put tho ground
in lino conditio
Tho Workmen and Degree of Honor
gavo a supper in tho town hall Friday
evening Thero were several present
and all report a fino time
Georgia Short of Indianola visited
with Mr and Mrs Samuel Minrnear tho
last of the week
Rev Harry Shepherd of Hendloy was
n town transacting business Wednes
day -
Rev Nance gave a lecture in tho hall
to a lar o and well pleased audience
Wednesday night
Mr Fiench and daughter Ida of IIrn
don Kas visited over Saturday and
Sunday with his daughter Mrs Roy
Mrs Richard Lumb is on the sick
Mrs M M Young and son Ed visited
over Sunday at tho Rea Oman homo
Tho graduating class are very busy
now days writing and learning their
S W Stilgobouer was a Marion social
visitor bstween trains Saturday
Mr and Mrn B N Leisure who
have spent the winter in Calexico Cali
fornia arrived home last week
Mrs H Watkins and daughter who
hnvo been visiting in Whiting Kas for
the past two months arrived home
Thero were several came up from Leb
anon Saturday night to attend roller
James Cumming and family from
Lebanon visited over Sund at the
parental Hayes borne
Charles Hulbert of Wilsonville visited
hero Sunday with his sister Mrs H
Wayno Hethcoto and wifo wore over
Sunday visitors at Indianola
Messrs Schwab Hupp and Guy of
Lebanon were social visitors between
trains Monday They also visited the
Walter Hurlburt departed Monday
ovening for a visit at Lincoln Neb
Mrs Henry Gcodonbergers brother
from Oklahoma City who has been
visiting them for the past weeR depart
ed Monday ovening on 190 for Texas
Beth and Madeleine McDonald came
up Thursday and visited with home
folks until Monday evening returning to
heaver City to resume their studies
Winter lingers in the lap of Spring
so long ic makes it hard for the sick
Mrs Rugglos does not improve very
Owens Longnecker has been tussling
with the grip
Mrs King and Mrs S Meyers with
their family spent the day at Louis
Lonpnockers on Wodnesday Nino
children were there all except ono with
the whooping cough
jjohn Longnecker arid pons Will
Meyers and lien Kintr attended the
Sheridan sale on Wednesday
There was no school tho last threo
days of the week as the teacher attend
ed the association
Roscoo Korns and wife were callers Ht
Louis Longneckers on Sunday after
n on
Mr Smith had reached Flagler when
he wrote homo and found Paul and a
neighbor to meet him and take him U e
20 miles drive It is audi a round a
bout way to get to the Red Willow
colony it will be left for the men to do
the visiting for awhile
Lewis Ruggles and Charles Rinck are
preparing to have an extensive market
R F D NO 1
Carl Schuetz is a sufferer
severe attack of rheumatism
Frank Dudek is pleased with the dis
covery of his shepherd dog lost some
time since
School recently closed at tho Picker
ing district with a program by the pu
pils and a fine surprise dinner by tho
The Ash Creek school closed its
spring term recently
Mrs James Cosgro in a sufferer from
Reverend Burrows and wife are enter
taining some friends from the east
Mrs Sarah Nutt and daughter-in-law
drove over from Danbury Sunday They
wore tho guests of M Akers and wife
while in town
Miss Lonorn White arrived homo from
Arapahoe Saturday after a few days
visit with friends
Mrs Mary Bolding and Mrs John
McClung went to McCook Saturday
night on number five
S R Smith went down to Ilolbrook
Tuetiday on legal business
Irving Andrews returned from South
Dakota midJIe of the week Mr And
rews made tome kind of a land deal
while away
Mrs A C Teol is in Omaha having
her eyea treated
Mrs Bailoy who has been a visitor in
the Chessmore home returned to Arapa
hoe Wednesday morning
Thomas Haley was a business caller
in Culbertson a few days ago
Henry Schuz of Grafton Iowa ar
rived in town Friday evening for a visit
with his brother who lives south of
Miss Carrie Schocntha who has been
visiting relatives hero left for hor homo
near Uennot Friday night
Miss Augusta Landrockof Omaha is a
guest in the C II Russell home
Robert Lee returned home from Oma
ha first of the week His wife remained
there for a longer visit
Mr Van Motor and family have gone
t their home in the Sand Hills
Mrs Myrtle Thomas and three chil
dren of Lincoln are home on a visit
to Mrs Thomasls parents Mr and Mrs
Arch Mann
Mrs Ira Pennington came down from
McCook Sunday and visited with friends
during the day
A number of our young people went
out to Miss Mabel McWilliamsa school
Friday evening to an exhibition
Mrs I Sheridan is visiting her
daughter Mrs Frank Allen in Fair
bury before going to their new home in
southeastern Missouri
And Indianola went dry by a very
largo majority and everybody happy
Charlie S -call a was an Indianola
visitor Monday
Representative Frank Moore came
home Tuesday for the election
V W ji imp Etw ymmmm miniiiiL hi jl1L Tju
mMMJT f jliiiiiiiiiaiBiiiniiaMnHSBaBB MyfygTww7rwwfcMMJJrTrt
There always have been soda cracke
ays wi
aere never were and never will
ny otner isecta trackers to ecral
Roy Mann who has been doing
carpenter work nt Sticknoy is taking a
short vacation from bis work in order
t i be in Indianola on election day
Frank VanWotmer skipped in from
his work out in tho country somowhero
to cast his vote on Tuesday
A four inch snow fell horo Mondnv
night which was very welcome in the
way of moisture
Mrs Tom Haley went to Arnpahoo
Wednesday morning for a few day
visit with friends
Frank Ilardesty has sold his residence
property toW II Short and will seek
another location soon
Mrs D B Doyle Jr ia visiting rela
tives at Maywood
Tho people of the neighborhood en
joyed a party at the home of Mr and
Mrs A T Wilson last Saturday night
Miss Dora Oyster attended the teach
ers association last Thursday and Fri
day at McCook
Miss Sadie Blanchard closed a very
successful term of school in district
No 57 last Friday The teachers and
pupils gavo an entertainment in the
R O Harrison of Denver has return
ed to hoi p care for bis father who has
been confined to his bed for four
Work was begun last Tuesday on tLo
Box Elder lake
Darrell Lytle is working for Chas
Bolles Poto Modrell for J A Modrell
and Orin Wilson for T M Campbell
Samuel Bennet is a quiet unassuming
and Godly man living just over the line
in Valley Grange precinct Last
Wednesday 31 being the 20th anniver
sary of their marriage his wife con
cluded to surprise him a little so friends
were invited coming with well filled
I baskets And that he was agreeably
I surprised is putting it mildly Each
and every one enjoyed themselves to the
full extent of their capacity
Chas Loftons baby has been very
sick In fact all of them have been
more or less miserable
M Austin bad a crazy sick horso
The boys are commencing their Sun
day ball again on the Banksvillo dia
Typowriter ribbons papers
sale at The Tribune office
- - i
igi A
Sete Ju Mtrti1v k
z i
Pxr n
etc for
v U-
3 91
flV i
rs of AMmmXmK v
Md Only in
NH Moisture Proof Package
Wo aro all rejoicing at the fino snow
of Tuesday morning About six inches
fell much of it melting soon nftor
Lute Fliot of Arapahoe visited with
the homo folks hero ovor Sunday
James Kithcart died last Friday and
was buried Sunday afternoon funeral
at tho home near Bartloy An opera
tion was performed but not successful
the patient dying a few miuntes after
the operation was performed
Will West who for somo time has
been a general clerk in the Smith
Cochran storo left Wednesday for
Graud Island to take a position with tho
Donald Porter Company as traveling
notion salesman All Bartley people
and of tho vicinity wero warm friends
of Mr West and wish him success in
hN new vocation Mrs West son and
daugbtor are not yot decidod where they
will make their future residence Wo
all hope it will continue to be Bartley
Tho marriage of Mr Charles Hickman
and Miss Mario Ilarsch has long been
anticipated and meets with tho approval
of their largo circle of friends who have
known of their worthiness for many
Mr and Mrs S W Stilgebouer hnvo
moved to their new home near Marion
on the Beaver creek They have chosen
iarm life which is the best of all voca
tions They are young in years but
both husband and wifo have had much
practical experience on the farm and we
anticipate they will bo very successful
which will be very gratifying to thoir
many friends
Mrs W D Williams has returned
from Riverton and roports the sick
children of her daughter Mrs C E
Matthews as being much improved in
Ira Ritchie made a business trip to
Wauneta latter part of last week
Miss LutoaMaranillo and Mr Baugh
of Fairmont were married March 31st
and left next day for their home in the
eastern part of the state
Ed Curlee Fred Paley and Will Kite
returned from their trip to Hayes county
where thoy had gone to make a deal for
a store and postollice where Mrs
Sibbit was formerly postmistress The
deai was not accomplished
Ask Leo Simpson about the pancakes
he had on the morning of April 1st and
tho raising quality of the soda sold at
Babbitts drug store
The Southwestern Teachers Conven
tion at McCook last week was well at
tended by Bartley educators
Miss Eva Wagner of Hastings visited
with Mrs II J Arbogast last week
Bartley High School folks are feeling
way up in G since their vietory oer
other schools in the county spelling con
test and later defeated the Indianola
High School ia basket ball with a score
of 11 to 26 and theHolbrook High
School with a score of 25 to 39 They
are asking who is next
Mr Borden of Atlanta visited here
latter part of last week with his sister
Mrs C M Babbitt
Harry Reiley of Friend Neb was a
business visitor here Monday He is
greatly pleased to tell us that the finest
daughter ever is now in his home
James Sipe visited his son Clilfjrd at
the Ilolbrook hospital Sunday
Mrs C M Babbitt went to Atlanta
Sunday with the little ones to visit a
while with her mother
Clifford Sipe returned this week from
the hospital and believes he will noon be
well as ever
Dr Hughey aa aged pioneer preacher
from Missouri 13 here this week holding
revival services in the M E church
His body is feeble but his mind strong
and his preaching forceful
Theo Faubin began work April 1st
in the meat market of Shoemaker
Son with his usual energy and a desire
to have everything neat andj clean He
doued his white apron and tackled
everything that needed a tasteful touch
The proprietor being in an adjoining
room heard some very earnest and em
phHtic declarations from Mr Faubin
such as Gee wouder who did that
kind of work Ill be condemned if
ever I saw such a botched job in rnv
life The proprietor looked through
the half open door and saw Theodore
latheiing and shaving the jewels of a
recently slaughtered pig in the latest
tonsorial ttyle
Simple Remedy for LaGrippe
Li grippe cousjhs aro dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneumonia
Foloyslloney and Tar not only stops the
couyh but heals and strengthen- the
lungs so that no serious results need be
feared The genuine Foleys Honey
and Tar contains no harmful drugs and
is in a yellow package Refuse substi
tutes AMcMillen Druggist McCook
Ten Thousand New Views
Handsome new post card views of Mc
Cook in colors have just arrived from
Germany These show views of Mc
Cook never before offered the public
Business residential and church For
sale at this office
Tribune Is All Printed In McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the oight pages of
this paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
Hundreds of McCook Readers
What It Means
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55
a tflfl Si
AlcCook Neb
Office over Elecric Theatre on Main Ave
Tho kidnejs aro overtaxed
Havo too much to do
Tboy tell about it in many aches and
pains -
Backncbo pidonoho headache
Early Hymr torn of kidney ill
Urinary troubles diabetes Brighta
disease follow
William Sloto living nt tho S E Cor
of Twenty Ninth St Ave A Kear
ney Neb snys My wifo was subject
to attacks of kidnoy complaint off and
on for yenrw becoming woiso as timo
passed Sbo bad dull pains acrosa her
loins and was bothered by tho froquont
action of tho kidney secretions I fin
ally procured Doana Kidney Pilln and
my wife boean using them Thoy
proved very effective in her case and wo
consider them wellworthy of recom
mendation I
Plenty more proofliko this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug storo and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Prico SO
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York solo agents for tho United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
CURES disease with Pure Blood
m t V f rvrivwiri vi v v v t v nwjg
qti ftii i fLfffty tfrf tfiiin
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Btk McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room Postoffics Building
Rwcwv r p riv PviTHwrrrrvTYwSJ
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drug storo
Phone 1G3 McCook Nebraska J
t 1llLil It lLllJU LLLXLllt it 1 f Ll 1 1Jlg
McCook Nebraska
83Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
SYater Works Office in Postollice building
C H Botle C E Eldrkd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Ione 44
Rooms 1 anrt 7 second Boor
PoEtoffice Building
McCook Neb
iVIidclleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Pbone 182 McCook Nebraska
The automobile livery in south
western iebra Ka that always
pet there and lack Trip day
ormcht anju lure Prices reas
Phone 166
a Can be found at 104 itlCCOOK INeb
Hilbf x JLli uSIbsSSSsza
Willj stand during the
of 1909 at my farm
at Perry
Terms 1000 for live colt
100 cash down
Ever care takentbut will not
be responsible for accidents
G W Watkins
iCyNC ti