The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 09, 1909, Image 6

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The Easter Window
Twas Eastertide and Easter gowns
Approached the window space
Where each was told In accents mild
To occupy her place
With maiden joy the Organdie
Essayed to take her stand
Just where she thought the morning
Could slyly kiss her hand
And then- the Grenadine walked up
With lace and frills galore
And crowded to the foremost place
Upon that showroom floor
Unmindful of the modest Cloth
With military braid
Or dainty Lawn or dotted Swiss
Or natty Tailor made
But all her grace began to place
When with a haughty stride
3Tho Brocade Silk moved in apace
And bade them all aside
Tve held the leading place she said
In yonder gay Pahree
3My Louis Fourteenth neck must show
Sly birth of high degree
At every ball I enter first
At drawing rooms and teas
Seep off my train you Linen Miss
What country bumpkins these
With that the Purple Velvet frowned
Tho Breakfast Gown turned green
While one by one the passersby
Looked in upon the scene
Margaret S Tennent in Philadelphia
Bessies Bonnet
Bessie hath a dimpled chin
Mouth with smile upon it
Eyes of blue to glory in
But she hath a bonnet
Thats the only thing 1 see
When she dares to don it
Climax of all witchery
Lies in Bessies bonnet
i Tet though I have sung the spell
Oft in many a sonnet
To this day I cannot tell
One tiling that is on it
- Were it off her dainty head
Who would care to con it
i Shes the charm when all is said
Of her dainty bonnet
Tlio Hats
Bee the ladies with the hats
Stunning hats
Looming up m battlements and slanting
down in flats
How they flutter flutter flutter
At the corner of the street
And the ones who wear ern utter
Words as soft as melted butter
To the friends they chance to meet
As they flash flash flash
In a sort of shiny hash
Till youd think a flock of blue and green
and pink and purple bats
Were the hats hats hats
Hats hats hats
ITIho fearful and the cheerful string of
Belindas Easter Hat
Uelinda Waters went to town
And in a milliners shop
She saw a turban with a plume
Of whiskbroom shape on top
She bought a frame untrimmed
She hied and down she sat
With Jeremiahs shaving brush
Sho decked that Easter hat
Melinda Waters set the style
She went to church and lo
Now every man for miles around
Must let his whiskers grow
Por all hr friends beheld her hat
And marked the plume upon It
And each one took a shaving Tsrush
To trim her Easter bonnet
- - -
The Easter Cherub
She had been to Easter service
This sweet grave maiden of four
The lilies were set in perfumed aisles
From the altar down to the door
Fragrance and light were about her
Anthems ecstatic were sung
Whllo the air was full of the chiming
From bells in the tower hung
The light from a violet window
Fell over a picture there
It lit the tall cross beside it
With a glory radiant fair
A picture oJ the Lord Jesus
Coming away from the tomb
With cherub faces above him
And angelo forms in the gloom
The children bore away lilies
Each in a tightly shut hand
Bore them to homes rich or humble
A sweet happy Easter band
And baby was shown a new sister
Come on the glad Easter morn
A child of lilies and chimes and hope
A child on the Easter day born
A fond smile came to her features
A glad light shone in her eyes
Ts glad for dat baby angel
Taint a very big sprise
I prayed when I saw those chillern
Flyin erioun so sweet
Dat oned turn to my house
An 1 tolo em de number an Street
Easter Brilliants
I know the sting of death its victory
Since one more dear than mine own life
is dead
And I can nevermore be comforted
Whatever love may come in years to be
Till God gve back what death has
wrenched from me
Yet ye may slay my hope Who was it
There is no resurrection for such dead
What thou hast lost has perished utterly
False seer
Those eyes-
My dead shall live again 1
once oh so kind shall smile
And the dear hands
good to me
that wrought but
Hold mine in warm close clasp
Lifes solace and bepatient with its pain
Until the daybreak and the shadows flee
Katherine E Conway
Rejoice happy
I can
Judah Thy sorrow is
Thy King is ascended and victory won
His kingdom is love he is waiting to
And life is victorious oer death and the
No ear may hear his coming
But in this world of sin
Where meek souls will receive him still
The dear Christ enters in
Phillips Brooks
And with the morn those angel faces
Which I have loved long since and lost
awhile John Henry Newman
Therefore dread I not to go
Oer the silent river
Death thy hastening oar I know
Bear me thou life giver
Through the waters to the shore
Where mine own have gone before
Lucy Larcom
The while my pulses faintly beat
My faith doth so abound
I feel grow firm beneath my feet
The green immortal ground
Last Words of Alice Cary
w ssr siasi8i5 a t w r J y nig
added Lucy ea
Ive Boston
ferns and ivy
and well just
look at that
window youll
see we can
make quite a
showing with
out calling on
any outsiders
one ac-
rord they turned tov
ttic of the dim
t td a maguni
plants In v
r i --
cation that personal
t J il II i II III
for help said wrx wait till
L x cur SOME-
ie south bow
ia where
bowing of
stages of
0 I 1
I Three
Al ti faster
Copyright 1909 by American Press
fTTIIE Rev Barnabas Crane re
moved ins gold eyeglasses auu
peered nearsightedly over
heads of his congregation
He was a tall man with thin straw
colored hair and mustache and mild
blue eyes which hndiuuoccntly enough
been the cause of disturbing the peace
of minu of several of the ladies of hk
The three ladies in question blushed
and tingled with various degrees of
delight when Mr Crane gave out the
following notice
It is now the 1st of January and
as is customary at this season 1 shall
appoint three ladles of the parish to
serve upon the flower committee This
committee will have entire charge of
the decorations of the church on Eastei
Sunday and in their capable hands 1
feel we may safely leave the embel
lishment of the house of God on that
most significant day
The three members of the commit
tee for this purpose are Miss Emily
Burton Miss Ilarriet Ames and Miss
Lucy Grant
Mr Crane resumed his eyeglasses
and gave out the closing hymn
When the service was over the three
newly appointed members of the ilow
er committee gravitated toward one
another as by common consent
All were Hushed with excitement and
perhaps disposed to be a trifle jealous
of the other but save for rather criti
cal surveys of one anothers bonnets
and gowns there was no outward
dominate the faithful performance of
their service on this important com
Come over to my house tomorrow
lit suggested Ilarriet Ames with
her usual air of leadership Come
over and stay to tea and we will talk
over the plans
Miss Burton and Miss Grant nodded
assent and the three parted to meet
again the following night around Miss
Ames tea table
When the dishes of pink tinted ham
and light biscuit and damson preserves
had gone the rounds and Miss Ames
had poured great cups of fragrant tea
and when the delicious poundcake was
still in anticipation the committee got
down to business
Now said Ilarriet briskly we
must decide what decorations weshall
have and act accordingly We want it
to outshine anything that any other
committee ever did
Yes indeed murmured Lucy mild
Terhaps youve got a plan all laid
out Ilarriet youre so forehanded
remarked Emily Burton with a touch
of asperity
Well I have returned Miss Ames
frankly The fact is 1 laid it all out
on a piece of paper last night Theres
three places to plan for
What are they questioned Lucv
The back of the chancel and the
railing around the choir and the bap
tismal font She paused and looked
defiantly at her colleagues
Lucy urant fluttered over her tea
cup Aint you forgotten something
Harriet V she asked nervously
Youve forgotten the ministers
desk said Emily bluntly She stared
at HarrieL Ames with cold gray e yes
Lucy Grant fl ishcd crimson and hur
riedly helped herself to two slices of
pound cake
Miss Ames w s not at all perturbed
I knew you and Lucy would be think
ing of Mr Cranes dodk she said sar
castically thHe wasnt any need for
me to that Xow youve
mentioned it my idea is to wait til
the last minute ayd then buy some
thing approprialu for that
She turned to the other members of
the eomruttee
They bughtenod visibly Yes in
deed they agreed enthusiastically
We will wait till the last minute and
then buy something very nice
Now Ive got an oleander tree and
a rubber riant and sights of geraniums
that will be
grand by Eas
ter appended
Emily Burton
Look up and rejoice all ye children of And 1 have
men three bir inn id-
Beyond the night shade shines the morn- nnviir fovn
mg agan
With saints nriesfs and nrnnliofc Jlhd lots 01 De-
voices we raise Jj gonias and other
In the blessing of hope and the beauty of small plants
growth but all promising a luxuriant
yield by the forthcoming Easter Sun
Lucy Grant went straight home froir
the tea party and evading the curiou
questions of the bedridden aunt witL
whom she lived she made her way tc
the cellar and from a dim cornel
brought forth five flowerpots
These pots contained five Easter lily
bulbs which Lucy had been surrep
tiliously forcing for the decoration of
Mr Cranes reading desk Planted
and watered in secrecy she had not
known how she was to attain the
pleasure of having her plants grace the
pulpit on Easter Sunday Now all wa
clear As a member of the flower com
mittee she would come forward at tin
last minute with her offering Eastei
lilies were rare in Monlbauk village
The same thought had taken root it
the minds of Ilarriet Ames and Emily
Secretly the three members of the
committee eacli tended a few care
fully nurtured pots of Easter lilies foi
the admired ministers desk
During the long winter days that fol
lowed each one dreamed of the tri
umph of producing great pots of pure
white blooms at the last moment
The friendship which bound the
three spinsters together before the ad
vent of the good looking bachelor min
ister became more strained as each day
passed by until open rupture was im
Happily Easier sped on apace and
all loo soon came the Saturday before
the sacred day to the real meaning of
which neither of the three women had
given much thought
Not once after that tea party at Har
riet Ames house was the subject of
the ministers desk mentioned They
avoided it as by tacit agreement
The day before Easter Sunday the
flower committee worked feverishly in
the church Be
hind olnspil ilnnt Q C i
theyr decorated
chancel choir
rail and baptis
mal font Their
houses we p de
nuded of green
growing things
to beautify the
old church
At last they
paused and look
ed at one anoth
er smoldering
resentment and
covert fear in
their eyes
About Mr
Cranes desk
said II ui rict
Ames hesitating
for once in her
The desk
assented Emily
Lucy Grant merely nodded weakly
I have some Easter lilies began
Harriet with eagerness
So have I interrupted Emily Bur
ton irritably
Mine are lovely almost Availed
Lucy Grant
With one accord they vanished from
the church in the direction of their
several homes
Fifteen minutes later three small
boys with as many small wacrons cart
ed pots of stately Easter lilies into the
Three indignant spinsters gathered
about the ministers desk
It was my idea asserted Harriet
No such thing objected Emily Bur
Mine were all up when the commit
tee was appointed sobbed Lucy de
A footstep sounded in the carpeted
aisle Willi one accord they turned to
face the Rev Barnabas Crane beam
ing mild eyed ard enthusiastic
It is exquisite exquisite ladipsv
he said softly rubbing lite hands
And the lilies how pure and sweet
they are emblematic of the pure souls
which grew them for the house of the
He paused for an instant and the
members of the flower committee
dropped shamed repentant eyes to the
floor and not one of them trusted her-
I self to speak
I must tell ynu a little secret la
Oies went on the minister happily
Tomorrow you will see in the pew
r ith my mother a young lady a stran
ger to you from the wet I hope you
will learn to love her as I do for she
s to be my wife very soon
He held out his hand and silently
rhey grasped it and congratulated him
When he had departed the flower
roramittee sighed in unison
Lets put all of them on his desk
said Harriet sturdily
Some about he base of It on the
floor qualified Emily
And some in the ministers pew
suggested Lucy softly
And they all understood
iVi M
Ww If
VyC y
- J LlJ J1
vsss dri
OmaAJOd onwvo
STj j
Buy a can of Calumet today Put it through
the moit rigid baking test that you know If
it docs not fully come up to your standard if
the baking is not justasgoodor better lighter
more evenly raised more delicious and whole
some take it back to the grocer and get your
money CL Calumet is the only strictly high
grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost
Dont accept a substitute Insist upon Caiumet
and get it
Received Highest Award Worlds Pure
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RE ftiEW LAftfDS
JUDITH BASIN MONTANA On the Great Northern line be
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average moisture 17 inches which is enough to insure heavy and
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SUN RIVER MONTANA Government irrigated land 275000
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BIG HORN BASIN A new government irrigated tract of 12000
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ROUND TRIP RATE Only 27 50 to above localities This is
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Take it this spring or summer
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Oysters with the true oyster flavor
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Sealshipt Oysters go further and taste so different
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ments will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
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