The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 09, 1909, Image 5

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Pvl HP tW
12 7K
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E3 1PFtI
Viw 1
The Tubular is the cleanest skimming most durable
easiet to wash separator made The waist low can saves
your back the enclosed gears cant pinch your fingers the
self oiling device saves time uses the oil over and over and
prevents dripping on machine or floor The Tubular skimmed
2j4 to 9 times cleaner than any other in the National Clean
Skimming Contest
The Tubular is a money maker and labor saver it in
creases the butter money 25 to 150 percent sometimes more
and lessens the work of handling milk about one half Bring
your wife around to see it Shell say it is the easiest to wash
Let us give you a catalog with a lot of good things in it
Also the John Deere Line of Implements
The latest improved John Deere Two Row
We will have A CAR LOAD SOON Let us know
if you want one and be sure to see them before buying
phone 31 McCook Hardware Co
Special Easter
Showing of
Zft AaYVmYfoilB Wp nipntion eletnnt Dress Hats in the
lMfTM4f frail
irtmlWhr shades that are newest at 550 to 3500
Street Hats smart as they can be clev
erly trimmed with quills and velvet ribbon
Childrens Hats prettily trimmed at 250 to 500 and School Hats at 50c and 100 W
ice AnfPTsOn 2I7 an Avenue McCook
MMMMnMrjjjgpixriCCriLBniHBJZBBTOKffl 1 gggjffBSSOKISttXKWIBBiMSBUXmBmftnmfXimmtMtmsimmaaamamm
at an Old Stand
We wish to make known to the people of McCook
and vicinity that we have purchased the DC Marsh
Meat Market All we wish to add at this time is
that we shall make it our earnest and utmost effort
to maintain the present high character of the market
for the best of everything in season at the very low
est cash price We wish the continuance of your
patronage and shall endeavor to merit your con
fidence and trade
at Marshs Old Stand
Stick to the Handle
You get more facts about easy
running right at the crank of a
Sharpies Dairy Tubular Creapi
Separator than by listening to
talk If a Separator turns easi
ly the crank tells you so as soon
as you touch it We are selling
the lightest running cream sepa
rator made and its the best every way you look at it Its
The Sharpies Tubular
Time Card 1
McCook Neb
Southwestern Nebraska
main line east depart
So 6 Central Timo 1027 P M
500 A M
715 A M
942 P M
400 am
No 1 Mountain Time 9r0 a m
3 1142 P M
5 Arrives 835 p m
13 1025 am
15 1217 am
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 P m
No 175 departs 710 a m
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
states or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
S L Wray of Box Elder left first of
the week for Hyatfcville Wyoming
Mr and Mrs CJL Bunstock visited
her family the Glahns in Oxford last
J A Eckman has moved from Orleans
to Oxford and is on No 63 to Red
Three members of Jim Egans tmgang
have been off duty this week and on
the sicklist
Dispatcher Campbell investigated the
workings of the telephone system in
Lincoln Saturday last
Katy officials have announced that
any employe who has his pay check
cashed in a saloon will be discharged
Second Trick Operator C F Cole at
Oxford has been suffering with rheuma
tism Operator JC Rabe relieving him
Mr and Mrs Guy Tomiinson and
little boy were guests of his parents
Mr and Mrs W S Tomiinson first of
the week
The whitewash gang under Foreman
Harmon are at work on the job of putt
ing a white inside on the roundhouse
and shops
Frank OConnell fell off the running
board of an engine Tuesday with some
damage to his face and back and he is
still on the relief
During the last two weeks over 1C0
cars of Colorado steel rails have been
distributed between Oxford and
Republican City
Workmen are engaged in installing
telephones on the Wymore Red Cloud
division of the Burlington and are as
far west ast Reynolds
Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell
went down to Lincoln Saturday to viit
the Kates family T B returned home
Sunday night but Mrs Campbell re
mained all week with her daughter
McCook Nebraska
nov open
for the caro of MEDICAL and
equipped with modern fittings
For rates and further information
Winnetka Hospital Association Ltd
Girl Wanted Inquire at tlio Ctm
mercial hotel
For Salk Blue squaw corn fort eed
Mrs S E Christian phone ash 5582
For Salk House and two lots 900
Easy terms Earl Burger
For Salk Pure bred Barred Rock
eggs at 73 cents per sitting Mrs D 0
Shaw phono cedar 3422 26 4
For Salk Shorthorn bull 2 ears old
Phono ash 933 J A Mndrell
For Salk A 9-horse-power gasoline
engine McCouk Cement Stone Co
phone red 196
For Salk Silverlnetul Wjandoito
eggs at Si for li eggs Phone block 201
Mrs E D PerkinP
For RisT Four rooms Mrs S A
Rowell 1002 2nd street east
For Rknt A good six room cottage
at No 507 2nd street east
Engine 1959 received now tires last
week a full set
Con Yost was sick and oir duty Mon
day and Tuesday
Engines 2814 and 2710 are over the
droppit this week
Engine 1311 is in from Denver for an
overhauling this week
Mrs G S Scott joined him at Heart
well Wednesday morning
Engines 371 and 522 arc ready to go
out of the backshop this week
Engine 1050 is receiving repairs on
driving brasses and cylinders this week
Arthur Scott has been wrestling this
week with a strong touch of grip and
off the job
Jacob Schlect got his left finger in a
lathe Wednesdayand the lathe did the
rest mashed it some
Mrs Charles Benedict and young son
are over from Curtis guests of Engineer
and Mrs Ainsworth Monks
Mrs W H Dungan and son Donald
went into Omaha first of the week in
the interest of the sons health
A pneumatic hammer will be install
ed in the blacksmith shop It will be
used in straightening bolts etc
M L Search returned Monday from
Omaha with his young son whom he
took there for examination and treat
ment in a hospital He did not receive
much encouragement for the lad who
is suffering with a spinal trouble and
other complications
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Foleys Honey and Tar is a safeguard
against serious results from spring colds
which inflame the lungs and develop
into pneumonia Avoid couDteifeits
by insisting upon having the genuine
Foleys Honey and Tar which contains
no harmful drugs A McMillen
Notice ibhcrebj Rhen that I hac filed in the
ollice of the Citj Clerk of McCook Nebraskaa
petition asking that a license to sell malt bjir
ltnous and linuors in the building situ
ated 011 lot 15 block ii in the tirst Ward of the
Cit of McCook Nebraska be Kranted to me for
the coming municipal jear beginning May 1
Dated April 7 ir00
Willi m Y Johnsov
Notice is hereby jri en that we hae filed in
the ollee of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska
a petition asking that a licence to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building
situated on lot 1 block 21 in the Second Ward
of the Cit of McCook Nebraska be granted to
us for the coming municipal jear beginning
May 1 1819
Dated April 7 1909
J H Mitchell
Geu IS Mitchell
Notice is hereby gh en that we Ikuo filed in
the ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska
a petition asking that a licence to sell malt
spirituous and inous liquors in the building
situated on lot S block 27 in the First Ward of
the City of McCook Nebraska be granted to us
for the coming municipal jear beginning Maj
i lyoy
Dated pril 7 1909
J P Mc Fanv
Notice is herebj gi en that I have filed in the
office of the Citj Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition askii g that a license to sell malt spir
ituous and -vinous liquor- in the building situ
ated on lot III block 27 in the Hrst Ward of the
Citj of McCook Nebraska be granted to me for
tho coming municipal jear beginning Maj 1
Dated April 7 1909
Tamls Stiinmvx
Notice is hereby ghen that I have filed in the
ollice of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition asking tht a license io sell malt spir
tuons and inous liquors in the building Mtu
ated on lot 9 block 22 in the 1 irst Ward of the
City of McCook Nebraska be granted to me for
the coining municipal jear beginning May 1
Dated April 7 1909
Notice herebj gien that I hate filed in the
ollice of the Citj Clerk of McCook Nebraska a
petition asking that a licence to sell malt spir
ituous and -vinous liquors in the buiding situ
ated on lor 9 block 21 in the Second Ward of
the City of McCook Nebraska be granted to
me for the coming municipal jear beginning
May 1 1909
Dated April 7 1909
Mitchell U Clyde
McCook Nebraska April 9 1919
Notice is hereby gien that lbert McMillen
Lias hied m the city clerk s omce in- oouu ana
petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building
on lot 7block 22 in the iir t ward of tho city of
ilcCook from Maj 1 1909 to pril 0
Albert McMille Applicant
mtrtBitfJBTiyig sffiatfaa
Just Received Rugs all sizes
and qualities Welton Velvets
first quality Body Brussels
Tapestry Brussels etc etc
Young Men
are beginning to learn that style is not thp
only thing to look for when buying clothes
Next time you buy a suit ask these
Is it all wool
Do you guarantee it
Will it hold its shape
Will it wear well
You dont need to ask about the
can see that
When you ask such questions of us we
show the Clothcraft All Wool guarantee
Hit w
And whats more the prices on Cloth
craft range from 1000 to 2500 You
cant get all wool clothes at these prices
unless you buy Clothcraft
C L DeGroff Co
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska April C 1W
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present SPremer C
15 Gray and F S Lofton commissioners and
Charles Skalla count j clerk
The minutes of the meetings held on March 21
nnd 21 were read and on motion approved
On motion the following over eers of high
wajswere appointed to fill vacancies
C Chider- District No 20 Lebanon pre
John Haag District No II Tjronc precinct
On motion the oflicial bond of J M Hrovvn as
justice of the peace for Kast Yallej precinct
was approved after examination bj the board
The clerk having advertised for ealed bids
for such medical services of phj sicians and
medicines as may be required for the poor of
Iied Willow countj the board on motion pro
ceeded to open the bids on file and after due
consideration found the following bid- to be
the low ct and be t and on motion awarded
contracts for the Tear beginning April C 1909 as
First district 15 eastern precincts of 1st com
missioner district Dr R B Campbell at MOO
a jear
Second district 2nd loner di tnrt i
Dr H J Arbogast atyUa jear
3 and there are doubtless many more
ownprs of such machines who will be
glad to know that while such ma
chines have no actual value the DE
LAVAL Company continues to make
liberal -trade allowances for them
because of the opportunity such ex
changes alFord for the most practical
illustration possible of the difference
between good and poor separators
and putting a stop to the sale ol
others like them in the same neigh
borhood Nobody is injured through
th re sale of these old machines as
they are simply broken up and
scrapped for their old metal value
Then there are many thousands of
Aci - 1 jiJtlAfim tLiLJtit ji tU1 tL HldjAAy
Third district 8wesern precinctsof countj
Dr C L Fahnestock at 100 a jear
The following claims were audited and a I
lowed and the clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the road funds of the respectivf
commi inner districts as follows
John LeMasters road work Com Dist
No 1 10
John 15 Fiechtner same Com Dist No 2 1
S 15 ilankiu No 5 10 Mr
V T Clark
15 C Row man ID
James Arnold v 19 m
AArnold - 21 KJ
Joe Mat on 7
Fra er 21 H
Clarence Hamilton 1
Alza Hjatt 30 m
Frank Cain t 2 i
T 15 Walker H
On motion tho hoard adjourned to mi
May 1UKI
S Phlmek Chairman
xMtest CiiAitLrs Skalla County Clerk
Farm Loans
N J Johnson over Mrfinnelld store
Try our crackers in tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Trade In Your Inferior Separators I m
11000 American users of poor or worn out separators traded
them in last year on account of new
De Laval Cream Seoarators
DE LAVAL users who should know tiia tney may exchange
out of date machines of from 10 to 2o years ago for the much
improved closer skimming easier running and larger capacitj
machines of today
For Sale or Trade at
Harmons Second Hand Store
Corner B St and 2nd St W
Telephone 215