The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 09, 1909, Image 4

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One Half
tho money you blow in
foolishly if invested in a
bank account would soon
put you on easy street
You owe yourself tho
protection a Savings Ac
count will afford you
If you are spending all
you earn it is unfair to
yourself and those who
may bo dependent on yon
You have noticed tho
manner in which small
amounts expended count
up in a month a part of
such expenditures saved
will allow you to have an
account at this bank
Start with a dollar
have money in the bank
Bank of Mccook
mi im
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
The death of Ex Governor W A
Poynter Monday following his address
before Governor A C Shallenberger
favoring the daylight saloon for Ne
braska constitutes a pathetically tragic
incident which has touched all hearts
The Tribune is not now concerned
with anayzing the motives personal or
political which actuated Governor
Shallenberger in signing the Daylight
Saloon bill It is sufficient for us that
he signed the measure with its possibil
ities for infinite good and hope of in
creasingly better things Upon the
basis of a manly and noble deed we con
gratulate the chief executive and accord
him a tremendously higher rating
The interests are esteemed to have
won a victory in the resent attempt to
defeat ttev bouse rules but doubtless
the fact could be better stated by saying
that they temporarily saved themselves
for such means and methods disclose a
rankness and rawness which must event
ually bring defeat to all who stoop to
such extremities in accomplishing poli
tical ends This much may be noted
The success of Cannonites was not
chargeable to failure of the insurgents
but to 23 traitorous Democrats A
straight Republican victory secured
by the purchase of 23 Democratic Bene
dict Arnolds is a spectacle not to the
liking of thoughtful American people
Every such working of the systems
machine which it may be noted is not
partisan or political will tend to make
more persistent and insistent the effort
of the American people to return to
original democratic principles in which
the people are accorded a fair and square
part in the affairs of government If a
victory twis dearly purchased
How the Vote Stood
It isinteresting to note tho vote on
the Daylight Saloon bill which pass
ed the Nebraska legislature at the last
moment of its official life and which
was signed by Governor Shallenberger
Republicans for the bill 12
Republican against the bill 1
Democrats for the bill 7
Democrats against the bill 12
Republicans for the bill 21
Republicans against the bill 2
Democrats for the bill 30
Democrats against the bill 36
It is worthy note that but three Re
publicans voted against the measure
while forty eight Democrats are record
ed against
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
George C Baugh 26 FairmontNeb
and Ruie Amanda Maranello 21 Cam
bridge Neb
Edgar N Green 50 and Mrs Bertha
T Seabrook 28 both of Denver
John B ONeal 28 Rollwitz Neb
and Roxie L Brown 23Danbury Neb
O C Burt 27 and Edna E Holcomb
24 both of lndianola s
Edwjn L Boyd 24 and Laono Wal
ters 25 both of Lebanon
Fred O Morris 21 and Mrs Cora B
Rgester 20 both of Holbrook Mar
ried March 31st by county judge
Jacob Grosscob 20 and Lucy Walker
20 both of McCook
stops the cough and heals lungs
A P Ely was a Sunday visitor in
Red Cloud
Mrs Howk Smith has been quite ill
with a severe attack of the grip
P E Reeder expects in a week or
two to remove to Kansas City to pract
ice his profession
Mrs Harry a Bealk entertained a
small company of friends last Suturday
at a seven oclock dinner of five courses
to meet Mr Benles mother of Red
Cloud who came Inst Friday on a short
visit Miss Elsie Campbell sang during
the serving Mother Beale gavo a piano
selection during the evening Mrs
Beale returned to Red Cloud on Tues
day of this week
Mr and Mrs J L Woodson 1726 K
street weie happily surprised Tuesday
evoning by twenty of their friends who
came to their home to observe the fifth
anniversary of their wedding Many
articles of useful aud humorous wooden
household utensils were brought as gifts
to the host and hostess The evening
was passed in playing cards Lincolu
New Game Laws
The game laws passed by the rpcent
legislature provides for open seasons as
foljows Chickens and grouse October
and November ducks and geese Sept
ember 15 to April 5 jaeksnipe and
yellow legs September 15 to May 1
plover July 15 to August 31 squirrels
October and November black bass not
leBS than sjx inches long June 1 to
November 15 trout not less than eight
inches April 1 to October 1 all other
fish April 1 to November 15
There is no ofen season for quail
doves swan or white crane
Seines with meshes two inches square
may be used in waters designated by the
game warden if a license is obtained aod
a bond in the form of a certified check
for 8100 is given to secure the state
against misuse of a seine This license
is issued by the chief game warden and
costs S2 A permit to seine gives the
holder a right to take carp suckers
buffalo gar and catfish from June 1 to
October 31 during daylight hours The
sale of carp buffalo cattish suckers
sturgeon and gar fish is permitted under
the new law The sale of game birds is
still prohibited
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook
today Friday are paying the follow
ing prices
5 50
Butter good 23
Eggs 15
Rozell Barger are the local dealers
in Hart Schaffner Marx goods
J P Notley has the sub contract for
all the plastering in the temple opera
house building
Soft shirts with and without collars
in all the fancy styles and colorings at
Rozell Bargers
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Barb wire woven wire and chicken
mesh everything in wire at tho Mc
Cook Hardware Companys
Cream separators should be owned by
all farmers We have them from thirty
dollars to seventy five dollars
Have you seen the pretty childrens
school hats at 50 cents and S100 at
Miss Andersons
MrsCM Bailey informs us that they
have just completed the planting of 130
trees in Calvary cemetery at an expense
of 88510
The fashionable Zebra hosiery at
Rozell Bargers all the plains and
fancy stripes Elegant line of ties just
received from New York
Are jou going to paint We can save
you money on paints and oils The very
best quality Guaranteed to be right
McCook Hardware Co
Dont fail to see our large assortment
of Wall Paper before making your
selection Prices from 10 cents a double
roil up McMillen Druggist
Majestic ranges are built of malleable
and charcoal iron the only range that
is They will last you a lifetime
Sold by McCook Hardware Co
One mile of lawn and garden hose at
McCook Hardware Cos Bought di
rect from the factory this gives you the
best hose for the least money and all
We often wonder how any person can
be persuaded into taking anything but
Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds
and lung trouble Do not be fooled in
to accepting own make or other sub
stitutes The genuine contains no
harmful drugs and is in a yellow pack
age A McMillen Druggist
During the spring every one would be
benefited by taking Foleys Kidney
Remedy It furnishes a needed tonic
to the kidneys after the extra strain of
winter and it purifies the blood by
stimulating the kidneys and causing
them to eliminate the impurities from
it Foleys Kidney Remedy imparts
new life and vigor Pleasant to take i
A McMillen Druggist
zzzzzr 2Xs
Several Nebraska Schools Dropped from
Accredited List of North Central
Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools
Telegraphic dispatches indicate that
McCook along with Grand Island
South Omaha Superior and Auburn
was dropped from the accredited list of
tho North Central Association
Superintendent Taylor immediately
wrote the state inspector of high schools
for Nebraska to learn the cause but the
inspector was as much in the dark as
local people for he had reported favor
ably on the McCook high school Fol
lowing is Supt Taylors letter and the
answer of the inspector
McCook Public Schools McCook
braska Chas W Taylor Superin
March 30 1909
Inspector A A Reed
University of Nebraska w
Lincoln Nebraska
Dear Mr Reed
I note in the telegraphic dispatches
from Chicago that McCook along with
a number of others was dropped from
the list of the North Central Associa
tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools
at its meeting last week
TTnvinrr nnh lnwornd but rather raised
our standards during the past year and
having not received noiincaiion oi a
raised standard on the part of the asso
ciation wo are at a loss to know why
such arbitrary action should be taken
Any information will bo appreciated
Such a highhanded and arbitrary way
is not in keeping with the public school
system of the United States
Very truly
Chas W Taylor
The University of Nebraska Lincoln
A A Reed Inspector of Accredited
Schools and Associate Professor of
Secondary Education Associate Di
rector of Teachers Session A M
Voss Assistant Inspector of Accred
ited Schools
April 11909
Supt Chas W Taylor
McCook Nebraska
My dear Mr Taylor
Replying to yours of the 30th inst I
beg to say that I can give you no def
inite information just now as to the real
cause of the telegraphic dispatches as
they have appeared relative to the sev
eral first class schools of Nebraska be
incr drormed from the list of the North
Central Association of Colleges and Sec
ondary Schools I was unable to be
nresent at the meeting but sent my re
ports in to be acted upon The report
on the McUook high school was tavor
able and I can see no reason why such
reports were circulated However my
reports have not as yet been returned to
me As soon as I receive them I shall
be pleased to let you know the definite
outcome Trusting that the report is
erroneous and that we may be able to
get the matter straightened up at an
early date I am
Sincerely yours
A A Reed
William Neuman formerly of the Ash
Creek neighborhood late of Hooker
Oklahoma is now located at Sultanai
Sam Hughes is scrapping with a cape
of measles -
Mrs Joseph Dudek moved into town
last Saturday and is making her home
with her son T M Phillippi
They shelled corn at the Joseph Du
dek farm last Friday
J C Smith and family Mrs Mary
Schlagel and her children T A Ends
ley and Jacob Fiechtner were all Sun
day visitors at the Wm P Broomfield
Mrs A E Price and children were
sufferers with the grip last week
H Moheng is working for GGSmith
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printing if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures on
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work a gotten
our figures
You can get rid of that cold by using
McMillens Cold Cure
Suit cases and trunks large assort
ment at Rozell Bargers
Seeds of every discription in packages
and in bulk Select them early while
stock is complete
McCook Hardware Co
A very complete line of human hair
switches coronet puffs and largo sani
tary hair rolls also a beautiful line of
back combs barretts and ball hairpins
at Miss Andersons
We have a large and select stock of
Wall Paper from which to choose also
special books from which to order in
case you are not suited in stock
A McMillen Druggist
Alfalfa seed S750 to 810 per bushel
We need more of this crop in this coun
try Let us fit you out with some of
this seed and get this valuable crop
started on your farm
McCook Hardware Co
If you have headache and urinary
troubles you should take Foleys Kid
ney Kemedy to strengthen and build up
the kidneys so they will act properly
as a serious kidney trouble may develop
A McMillen Druggist
Mr F G Fritts Oneonta N Y
writes My little girl was greatly bene
fited by taking Foleys Orino Laxative
and I think it is the best remepy for
constipation and liver trouble Foleys
Orino Laxative is best for women and
children as it is mild pleasant and
effective and is a splendid spring medi
cine as it cleanses the system and clears
the complexion A McMillen
-Nature always at her best in the
springtime is compelling our attention
to her miracle workingn Let us give a
hintof how the library can help to an
appreciation of the spring
iVOur Native Trees by llnrriet Keelr
is written as the author tells us in her
preface hoping it may commend itself
to those whose daily walks leud them
thorough our city parka aud open
commons and to those who feel that
their enjoyment of out door life would
be distinctly increased were they able
to determine the names of the trues
It is worth while to take time from
the rush and hurry of life to observe
the trees and their characteristics The
descriptions given in the book are not
too technical to be of interest to the
average reader
With the putting forth of the trees
and the return of the birds come the
reign of the flower folk and anticipat
ing a desire for better acquaintance
with the beauties of the field the li
brary has added How to Know the
Wild Flowers by Mrs Wm Starr
Dann This work is beautifully illus
trated many of the pictures being in
colors Then with Sharp Eyes and
Eye Spy by William Hamilton Gin
son Curious Hemes and their Ten
ants The Population of an Old Pear
Tree The Look About Club our
eyes should be opened to new beauties
and new joy in spring It seems Almost
a sin to walk with unseeing eye through
a world of God given beauty so ab
Borbed in daily cares as to forget to
really live TOr
The report for March shows a grati
fying increase in the use of the library
Tho total number of visitors for the
month was 2812 a daily average of 90
Total books loaned 1697 a daily average
of 57 to go into the homes
Anne of the Green Gables by L M
Montgomery is one of the new books
and to know this young girl with all
her enthusiasms her optimitn and
her vivid imaginations is to experience
what she herself calls a thrill
A complete set of Poes prose and
poetical works are placed on our shelves
of standard literature In this centenary
year of an American who ia reckoned a
great genius these books should be of
interest to those of literary mind
Mrs A A Lafferty the only woman
member of the Colorado legislature
occupies desk ill and says she has no
Miss Elizabeth Planlcinton has pre
sented the Milwaukee Public Audi
torium with a magnificent pipe organ
to be installed in the largest of tho
secondary halls which is to bear the
name of the donors father John Plan
kintou in consequence of the gift
Mrs Corinne Rider Kelsey who was
recently appointed soprano soloist in
the First Church of Christ New York
ut a salary of 5000 a year the high
est ever paid a singer in the history of
church music In America is one of the
best known sopranos in the country
Mrs Grace Whitney rioff is the
friend of the American girl in Paris
nnd has helped many a one to ac
complish an art education with small
means Two years ago she helped
build the Student hotel on the Poule
vard St Michel which is now a model
home for American girls
Mrs Nancy C Bush postmistress at
Charlotte Vt has just celebrated her
seventy eighth birthday She has been
in the postal service for thirty eight
years beginning as a telegraph oper
ator and assistant postmaster In re
sponse to a petition signed by almost
every inhabitant of Charlotte Presi
dent Grant appointed her postmistress
In 1S75
State Lines
Marriage licenses are required In
all states and territories except Alaska
New Jersey if residents otherwise re
quired New Mexico and South Caro
Maine has the unique distinction of
having a public fund for which there
has never been any demand In 1Sj4
G0O was bequeathed for the indigent
blind deaf and dumb natives of the
state aud as yet no one has put in an
application for any of the money
Twenty six different stales are rep
resented by native sons in the Wash
ington legislature while there are ten
natives of foreign countries and one
who was born at sea Washington is
the birthplace of but six members of
its own legislature five representatives
and one senator
Household Hints
Either a little kerosene or a bit of
soap will stop the squeaking of the
door hinge
Cut sheets of tin foil and place under
the flower vase doilies and you will
have no trouble Avith any dampness
affecting the best polished furniture
One of the new culinary appliances
Is a double flour sifter which deposits
the flour from the first to the second
sieve thus lessening the work of re
sifting it for certain cakes
To save many steps in the kitchen
have a small zinc covered shelf near
the range where hot food when re
moved from the oven may be placed
It also saves the table and you avoid
the danger of being burned while car
rying it across a room
for children safe sure No opiates
gaasBBiBBiBw 1
Drebert Clothing Co
-Your will find us at Our Best now with our New
and Beautiful Spring Clothes and Our Best means
Class Clothes and Good Things
as fine an exhibit of High
to wear as has ever been shown in Western Nebraska
V V 3fl
All m
It means a stock of Fine
Clothing that would command
attention from well dressed
critical men anywhere It
means all this at your disposal
in a store operated for your
service subject to your wishes
devoted exclusively to satisfying
the needs of men who want
the best
i Princeton
our Princeton Clothes
cannot be excelled in Style
Fit Workmanship and Pat
terns made for Men and
Young Men Priced 10 to 35
This season is a remarkable season for COLORINGS
and this store is a remarkable store for this seasons
NECKWEAR in all the beautiful colorings Easter Ties
for Everybody Priced 25c 50c 100 125 150 200
You will find at our store the BIGGIST Line of
Beautiful Hosiery Silk and Cotton Pajamas Night
Robes Spring and Summer Underwear New Shirts
and a big line of Mens and Young Mens Hats all
ready for your Easter wear
Drebert Clothing Co
Princeton Clothes Best Tailored Ide Shirts
Munsing Underwear and Keith Hats
I i
1 o I
Made from cream of tartar derived
solely from grapes the most deli
cious and healthful of all fruit acids
s 6 -
5P -3
H t gnIT iWUMUt
uo r Jbs U
Some people cant see straight but they do not have to
see they can feel that we have as good lumber as money can
buy and you hit the mark every time you let us figure your
lumber bill If we do not sell the bill there is no harm done
You can rest assured that you have boughtyour lumber right
if you buy on a basis of our figures We do not get sore and
chew the rag with anyone because we do not sell you your
lumber We want to figure your bill every time yJu want a
stick whether we sellit or not Drop in We have books
with cuts of modern houses from 400 up and take a pleasure
in helpingjto arrange your home
Stansberry Lumber Company
N t