IM 5t 1 i I M p R j th X - a3CSl T r7TMKBKLSIl STM L yjV svr 1WINWW - swvL7V wvvrcjHBuear u IIIM IT Vrti J8Jl v- MWsrXBS3VVliI7 mfiwmW vivikMux vvNj3MHMisii feVlYWliL XJZOPYRIGHT BYUNOERWOOO UNDERWOODNY I J V toll FROM ZTCRJiOCRfiPH COFYIVGHVr jp v ttf uforlrfjea r tTucKTwnK7 1 TWO HAPPY KIDS ON EASTER MORNING Song of the Resurrection Morn After Richard Le Gallienne AWAKE fond heart and sing an Easter song To the sweet anthem of returning bird And swelling bud and pale ascending blade Add the last word Drear was the winter and the waiting long Heart there were hours indeed thou wert afraid So long the spring delayed AWAKE fond heart and go thou forth and sing Unite thy voice to all this music sweet Of opening leaf and busy building wing And falling showers The murmur soft of little lives newborn The armies of the grass the myriad feet Of marching flowers QHUT in the winters alabaster tomb So white and still the sleeping summer lay That dead she seemed And none might know how in her magic side Slept the young spring and moved and smiled and dreamed Behold she wakes again and open eyed Gazes in wonder round the leafy room At the young flowers Upon this Easter day Awaken too my heart open thine eyes And from thy seeming death thou too arise Y TOW softly blows the resurrection horn Across the meadows over the far hills In the souls garden a new sweetness stirs And the heart fills And in and out the mind flow the soft airs Awake fond heart and sing this Easter morn In the years resurrection do thy part Awake fond heart jpij -T ttefcrWPHIWPBP BBPk JBt Jtf r I lr L YOTJITG LIFES ASTIR ON RESTTRRECTION MORN Easter M d Bour t By GEORGE H PICARD Copyright 1SB9 by American Press Association 3fyr i w r Jr when the egg began to cut JUST an important ligure in the cclebraliou of the Easter festival is still a subject of grave dis pute It is perfectly clear however that the good people of the early mid dle ages knew all about it The folk lore of that period makes frequent ref erence to the part played by the egg in Easter doings and there have been handed down numerous entertaining stories about it One of them tolls how a very beautiful young woman secured a noble husband through its agency Her name was Margaret and she was a royal princess the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian of Germany She was born sit Ghent in 1480 and although that is a long time ago her fame as an attractive young person still survives When one looks on her fair face as the old time painters have depicted her it seems incredible that she should have found it difficult to provide herself with a suitable hus band Yet it happened so When she was still an infant Marga ret was betrothed to Charles VI II of France Of course the tiny princess had no opportunity to say nay and she grew to maidenhood in the belief that her matrimonial affairs were all settled Her royal lover proved faith loss The chaims of Anne of Brittany made him indifferent to the fact that he had promised to become the son-in-law of the German emperor and he married her Margaret was only elev en altogether too young to lose her beauty sleep over the matter Her fa ther was exceedingly wroth but noth ing dreadful came of it He waited until his heiress was seventeen and married her to Don Juan of Spain son of Ferdinand and Isabella Almost before Margaret had made her new husbands acquaintance even before he had had an opportunity to introduce his bride to the Spanish court he fell sick and died Under the circumstances- Margaret was not inconsolable but she waited anothei four years before she began to scan the matrimonial horizon in sean li of IJo 2 Her experience had taught he one thing in future she purposed do ing her own selecting with no aid from anybody except Providence Finally at the age of twenty one more beautiful than ever the youmr widow put off her weeds and notiiied Providence that the game was on In order that she might enlist the services of her patron saint she set out on a pilgrimage to a shrine in the south of France That Providence was taking a lively interest in the business is evi dent from the sequel It was not even required of her that she should complete her pilgrimage Midway of the journey the princess and her parly halted at the little vil lage of Bourg for a few days rest It was a charming spot in the mountain region of the Cevennes with great dark forests on every side It happened to be the Eastertide On Easter Monday the chatelaine of the castle at the princess was a guest proposed that a party should be made up to attend tiie vHlasre games Margaret accepted the proposition with enthusiasm For a long time she watched the varying scene with the liveliest interest The day was per fect The air was soft and genial and Nature was in her most amiable mood Luncheon was served in the open and afterward the great personages put aside their state and joined in the dance Toward the middle of the afternoon came the sreat event of the day the famous egg contest of Bourg Several men in holiday attire advanced eacli with a basket on Lis arm containing the gayly colored eggs which were to be used in the content There were twelve dozen of these in all and one rPiOX r TvVM TvnN irsx lu hVi i l r TWA - AHl fs 5a r iff - ft J f rW3A JfHM Q3 A TERSOX OF GREAT by one they were distributed over the field in a series of figures When all was feiyjj ready the music changed to a 5 stately measure and a young man and his chosen partner stepped forward and be san the dance It was a serious matter for the dancers for on their success in j making the peril 1 ous pasage of the figures de 1 w penned tIieir fu ture happiness Three trials were accorded to each couple and the on 1 lookers made themselves exceedingly f merry over the affair but the principals in the contest wore anxious and tain countenances It was the couple that could glide over the eegs and pass among them in all the varied movements of the dance without crack- ing i single one that might mirrj in spso f the opposition of the parents It was one of the most highly cherish ed pvi lieges of the young r en and maidens of Bourg Just as this all important bn iuessdf k I fiy rSSSsss2 i EK - -1 a v v wtmo zk 4ftvx ww farA I VraUM x v WSZtfi VVViil I t Lta n Jf Jf - -- if Ji X 8 the day was at Its busiest a bold blast of a hunters horn came from the edge of the forest It was followed speed ily by the appearance of a company of mounted gallants in such splendid at tire that the peasants stopped in the dance to gae open mouthed at the ap parition The Princess Margaret and her party were almost equally amazed to behold such splendor issuing from the forest At the head of the troop on a spirited white charger rode a young man Avhosc rich dress and knightly bearing proclaimed him to be a person of great consequence Without further preliminary tie rode directly to the side of the chatelaine of Bourg sprang frojn his horse doffed his plunH d hat and bending a grace ful knee requested her hospitality for himself and his men Sir I am honored in the asking she responded graciously for she knew that her would be guest was Philibort the Handsome duke of Savoy The duke and his gentlemen were presented to the princess and the dance was resumed From the first it was apparent to the entire company that the young man whose beauty was the theme of every court in Europe had no eyes for the rustic festivity Margaret too her hostess discover ed had abandon ed her interest in the dance and had transferred it elsewhere At last the lady of Bourg made bold to rally the beau tiful widow on her listlessncss I fear ma dame she said smilingly that our Easter sport is becoming tire some bowed low before Not at all de- the lovely clared the isn widow tcss hotiy -I only wish I were one of your good peasants so that 1 might engage in it myself At this astonishing declaration the handsome young ruler of Savoy bowed low before the lovely widow and baid Madame 1 crave the honor of being your partner in the Easter egg con test of Bourg A great hush fell on the gay and splendid company Xot a man or wo man among them all was so stupid as not to realize that Philiberts words meant the proffer of his heart and hand For a moment the fair Mar garet hesitated and her cheeks flushed charmingly Then she accepted her bold young wooers arm and permitted him to lead her to the held It is but a harmless diversion she protested laughingly I shall be cer tain to break more than one egg be fore I have accomplished it Break all of them if you will ma dame but do not break my heart he returned presumptuously She wouid not reassure him by any spoken word and amid the plaudits of the onlookers they entered on the trial The Princess Margarets doleful pre diction was not uj iiel At the end of the dance it wrj anoince 1 public ly that not a staple egg had been bro ken We have wrn nrTttrme snid PhKi bert rapturously fhe E ter egi dance of Bourg h deerrninod om fate There is no rppoul ivou its de cision I suppso yen tg liTht she ad mirtcd softly Gre v t Co iclence to the trditirw of Boa For four yearr thte royal couple lived rhe ideal Avrfded life ard then Marcaret was urn in a widow fins she retrained to the rlore cf hoi lorg life She vas 2 epaMe and iw hi hly esteemed tint he was made resent of Holla 6 fie was also a poet of no mean ditiTtiri ard left enough in1 pdirg letters to mike two bi r vclutre Interesting Easter items Among the Grcgcriin Armenians the irricdk al biesdn of the lioue tihPR pac ft Easter Tin consists the ivMtiin of a prayer by rhe nst acci inpanicd by the imrninjr of i eue ard the sprinkling with holy t tcr in the sala or central room of t j house On Easter eve in the Albanian the nung men assemble with hrhted torches which they wave ut as tley walk in procession 1 1 rough the tillage Arriving at the n trest stream they throw them in crying Kre ya 0 maiden we l row thee into the water with these ti lies so mayest thou never re f n roorrincr evidently to the malev otcit splits When the priest comes tn bless the house on Easter day the vs i uen throw hot embers after him as leaves in order that he iiay take nwy all danger from fire bOTIUKOI PROBATE OF FOHEIUN WILL State of Nutntskn lted Willow County To till jhtpoii iiiterebti d in tlio est at o of linrriislM Iiib 1 eccused Wlieruis Albinn It Hprii has filed in my oil co ndtily ntitl cntirnted copy of mi iiistru went piirnurtii globe the Int wilt and tst I incnt of Harriet M Htiis ducriiid and of the iirobntu of tlu tiiiii in the cutroKatos court of WjomiiiK count w York niid n petition pnijitiR that u linc and place he fixed for hear mp lio Mime which will relate to real ct ate in lted Yullow ruunty e nnla wherefore I hue appointed baturday ttettli da of April iWJ at the hour of Nine oclock A M at in ollce in the c urt hoiiM in the City of Met oolc in Miid count as the tin eiuid place of provuii said will at which time and place any person coi corned limy appear and contest the probate of the Mtuic It is further ordered that said i etitioner cau e notice to all r ergons interested in Miid estate of the poudetc of Miid petition and the time and plucc el for heuriiiK the miiiio lij cau iiK a copj of his order lobe published in the McCook t iibtine for three wee previous to thf date set for such hearing In Testimony Whereof 1 have herein to set my hand and tllicial heal tliis 1nd day of April nwt f J C Mcork County Judiro Pnvi Khred Atorn REFEKEES SALi Uy virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the clerk of the district court of lied Willow county btato of Nebraska on a judgment rendered in said court in the eaiise wherein Charles E Smith is plaint ill and Nellie Smith Ann Smith John I Smith Lizzie Smith Komi iJelle Dodge Arthur S Dodge Frnk Real John H 1 enl Julia F Eeal and Helen Mar guetite Heal are on the 17th day of March 11X1 for the partition and -rile of the following described real estate to wit The noitheast nuarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section numbered 21 in township numbered 3 north of range niiinl ered 3 1 west of the Oth 1 in Red Willow coutt State of Nebraska I will offer for sale to the highest bidder Tor cash on the 2th day ol April llKK at the enst front door of the court house in McCook in said county at one oclock in the after oon the at real estate Dated this 19th da of March 1C09 3 lil Ms John R HriiKi Referee State of Nebraska Red Willow County To all persons interested in the estate of La voniu Kendall late of said county decensed You are hereby uotiled that on the first dny April 1M Howe Smith filed his petition in the count court of said county for his appointment as administrator of the estate of Laouia Ken dall late of said county deceased and that the ame will be heard at the county court room in tlie city of McCook in said county on the 17th day of April 1W9 nt the hour of 10 oclock a in It is further ordered that notice of said hear ing bo given all persons inteiu tcd in said estate by the bublicationof this notice for three consecutive weeks in the McCook Tribune a newspaper printed and published and circu lated in snid count Dated this first day of April 1UV J C Mooui Count Judge You neednt be afraid One day a lady who had been reared in the careful luxury of the old fashioned Virginia home was invited to visit the kitchen of a great Chicago hotel She wanted to go but was afraid When asked why she replied Im afraid Ill see something that will forever destroy my appetite for hotel food She went and found everything delightfully clean Good housewives consider cleanliness and purity first of all thats why Quaker Oats is their choice among all oatmeals In making Quaker Oats the grain is sifted and resifted passing through more than fifty processes of cleaning before it is cooked and rolled If you took a handful of oats and scrubbed and polished and wiped each separate grain it wouldnt then be nearly as clean as Quaker Oats No human hand ever touches a single grain of Quaker Oats from the field to your kitchen The best advice on foods you could have is Eat Quaker Oats every morning for breakfast Youll find Quaker Oats put up in two size packages the regular size and the large family size for those who are not convenient to the store M JL p flllB GUARANTEED ALL WOOL NOTICE OF SUIT Albert P lumiuotiM Elizn U Rittcnhotwo Flora It Mnnnflcld bun unl Raster Miuwlicld Georgia L Martin II Hnyden Martin Harry Stern mid hlauche St rni Defendants You are hereb notiiied that Olive If Ritfen house plaintiff hitH filed ler petition ngtilunt ou in the District Court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ol ject and i rner of which mo to confirm the title of the plaintiff anil the de fendants Albert V RittenloiiM and Mora It Mtinxllelil etth in an undivided one sixth in Lot Nuinlir Kitveu 11 in lllocl Number Nine U in the Originnl town of Mo Cook Red Willow county Nebraska mid the title of the defendant llnrry Stem in an un divided one half inlenit in Miid lot mid alo to confirm the title of th plaintiff and the de fendant Albert I RUtenhouso nnd Flora I Manslleld encli in an undivided one third in terest in the Northeast Quarter of Sect ion h ev en teen 111 in Township ton llll North of rtmigti Thirty seven 37 in 1erkins county Nebrruka and for decree for the partition 61 nil of mid real e tate in accordance with the interests of the parties and for the Mile of said real etttnte in the event the same cannot be riiiitablv di vided and the division of the procteds of said sale between the parties found by the court to be entitled thereto and thnt nil the other de fendants may be barred of any interest therein You nre required to iiiiswersnid etitiononor before Monday the 211th day of April liAiU Dated this ltth day of March KM Olivi R Ritteniioi hic Ilaintiff IMJMts Hy Royle Eldred her attorneys ORDER TO SHOW CUSE In the District Court of Red Willow county State of Nebraska In the Matter of the Application of Jennie Kntherin Eastwood Adminis rntrix of the Estate of Montezuma IS Eastwood Deceased for License ioSe1 Renl Estate This cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of Jennie Kntherin Eastwood Administra trix of the Estate of Montezuma RKnstwooddu ceased for license tosell the following describ ed real estate belonging to snid estate tc wit Lot three in block twenty one l in thu second addition to the City of McCooL in Red Willow county Nebrnska for the purpose of pa ing the indebtedness against snid estate amounting to 18lh8 theenstsnf ndministrntioti and the expense of this proceeding there not bping sullicieut personal proerty to pay said debts and exp n es It is therefore ordered that all person inter ested in said estate appear before mo in cham bers nt my oilice in the City of McCook Nebras ka in said County of Red Willow on the first day of May 1S0U at one oclock l M to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administratrix to s II said renl estate for thepurpose of paiug said debts and expenses It is further oidered that notice of Miid heuriug be given by publication in the McCook Tribune for four successive jveekH Duted thisilith day of March KW R C Ohk Judge of the District Court Cordeal A Mctarl Attorneys- ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR Tn the County Court of Red Willow county Nebraska State of Nebraska County of Red Willow s To all persons interested in the estate of Michael Houlihan deceased On reading the petition of Catherine 11 Houlihnu prn ing thnt the administration of said estate be granted to her as administratrix It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may and do appear at the Count v Court to be held jn ami for mid county on the 21th dnof April A D llll at One oclock I M to show cause if any there be why the prajer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of tiie iendeucv of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in sajif county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Witness my hand nnd seal of snid court this 31st day of March A D 1U0U he vi J C Moork County Judge Royle tfc Eldred Attorneys l lWt S O Orav first nnmo to plaintiffs unknown and U E Robinson first name to plaintiffs un known defendants will take notice that on the thirteenth day of March llXiJ J S Lellew Justice of the Peace of Red Willow county Nebraska issued an Order of Attachment for the uinof Twenty live and 9V1G0 Dollars in an action pending before him wherein EI in O Caine and Rnrnett Lumber Company partners doing business under the firm name and style of E G Caine Co are plaintiffs and S O Gray first name to plaintiffs unknown and G E Robinson first nnme to plaintiffs unknown are defendants that the property of the defend ants consisting of an undivided ono half inter est in seventy acres of growing wheat on the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirteen Town ship Two North Range Twenty eight in Red Willow county Nebrnska has been attached under said Order said cause was continued to the fourth day of May IM at elcvon oclock A M Morlav Ritchie A Woirr Attornejs for Plaintiffs Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right ViKxrrYa wui innii IfcWUKl V- V UT all wool first in buying clothes Wool plated clothes like gold plated jewelry are too cheap for the well dressed man Every garment bearing the CLOTTICRAFT label is pure all wool fabric throughout yet sold at 1000 to 2500 the only guar anteed all wool line ia America not sold at high prices CLOTHES made of pure sll wool fefcrics held their shape best and wear longest In CLOTH CRAFT CLOTHES for men and young men the high standard of the all wool fabric 13 main tained ia every other feature cf the gsnaei in style fit linings and r nrte QmS bSV iiiuusuij 5fcJ 5 tiacrfaCltrii4JjT3w W mIMsSk f ZaSs t O Ki ZSJgz V i 1 wmij lLJCZlVmGcicJ y 23Pfi C L DeQrof f Co MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Aslc for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Loose Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablets Sold by A AlcMILLEN McCook Neb 1 1