The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 26, 1909, Image 7

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Evangelist Wilkinson went to May- at tlis writing
wood lust Friday to rotnain until over
Sunday from thoro bo goes to Red
ing the harness in several places It
was very fortunate the affair terminated
no worse
Ivan Ularlc anil J rank uoaic iook a
tandem rido on tho Masonic goal lastl
Seward Flanigan has a very sick child
A child of Baxter Rowe has been very
sick for Sveral days and is not improv
Cloud to hold a revival in tho Christian jIIg The reiKrt now is that it has cer
church at that place
Roy Hart had a runaway last week
which for a time looked very dangerous
ebro spinal meningitis
Clin Sipo son of Mr and Mrs James
Sipu of Hartley was operated on last
It howover happened that tho horse wee for double inguinal hernia and at
broke the cart into smithereens and tho present writing is recovering nicely
throw Key out backward Hurling mm Mr and Mrs G A Durbin visited at
some The horse then got loose and left Lebanon last week with friends
WIlUllUMUrillCI UiMUaHC Ait MrPr111T rWl cl f
-v -- wvs ii iivgvi SU V lUVOt Ui
his harness stock and placed tho re
mainder in the liands of a party hero for
disposal Mr McCollum has returned
to his home in Kimball county
Miss Lola Fidler is in Omaha this
week It is said they proved so expert wek undergoing a surgical operation
ttiev were receiveti mio me oraer in urn
fellowship and given tho title of mast
ers of the art
Mr Enyearts daughter who was ope
rated on last week for appendicitis is
recovering nicely
Will Lyman lias improved his resid
ence with a now roof
Congressman G W Xorris has added j Pirlr known to be a very mild
much to the already high esteem people tempered man but his risibilities were
in this vicinity had of him He may elevated last Friday when shaving a
lose some favor with the Iron Duke special customer he found great diflioul
and President Taft but the people will v in keeping lather sufficient for his
reward him for standing up for won After several trials and a scien
ilo and iustico to all tific lecture on good and bad barber
ci a
Durbin and wife of Denver i
Truman Wood returned home this
week and will iix up bis residence and
premises Ho and Sol Premer are get
ting queer ideas
Bechtol has returned from his visit in
Dundy county and is at his chair in the
t arbershop again
The proprietor of the Corbin
soaps he finished his work and
r i gated his soap which was found to be a
uoio aro uere on a visu io ins uncics
1 41
John and George Durbin and their fam
George Munce exhibited on the street
here last week what is pronounced by
many tho finest horse ever shown in
Bartley a full blood Belgian
Mr and Mrs Will Stilgebouer of Ma
rion were visitors here last week with
his brother F G and family and his
nephew S W and wife He had re
cently returned from a visit to Calif
At tho town caucus last week Joseph
Hoover and C M Babbitt received the
nomination for village trustees for two
years and Will West and ILirry Brown
for one year Several recommendations
were made for better enforcement of the
ordinances now existing and for enact
ing others which would be of benefit to
Harvey Babbitt was up from Cam
bridge last week visiting his brother
C and family
Leo Simpson made a business visit to
Cambridge ths week
James John was up from Cambridge
one ihn this week
iiiuu jjiuuu ui iHJUiiU jJiauuu 111 liiu uujj
by Theo Faubin a la McCook
enjoyed the joke
J E Dodge threshed cane seed for
Milford Pew last Thursday and Friday
Ed Lawthers of Cedar Bluffs loaded
a car with household goods stock and
the first of the week going
to Butler count
E T Woods from northwest of Dan
bury did some engine work on the big
ranch last week
Mrs L D Gockley was an east bound
passenger to Danbury last Friday
William Miller and wife of Danbury
were in town Saturday guests of WII
Eifert and family
Mrs T F Gockley and children were
eastbound passengers Friday going to
County Attorney Dodge of McCook
was in town from Friday till Tuesday
Mrs M W Rodabaugh was a passen
ger Friday to Beaver City being called
j there by the death of her sister
nmmicwiiju tjumumama
Mrs Ewnns of Orleans doputv organ
izer of the M B A was in town a few
days last week
The bag social given by the W C T
ized by the sale of bags An interest
ing program was rendered and light re
freshments served
E Galnsha did somo work on the
Kendall farm northeast of town first of
tho week
Mr and Mrs Bryson from northwest
of town in Gerver precinct wero Beaver
City passengers last Friday called to
that burg by death of her sister
A fine shower last Friday evening
and night and lots more rain and some
snow Tuesday night
Several from town attended the R N
A entertainment at Danbury last week
Born to Mr and Mrs A J Greer on
the 22nd a baughter
Vrs R S Sanders was under the
doctors care first of week
You can depend upon their merchan
dise being right C L DeGrolT Co
And the price never varies from right
M M Young and family spent Sun
day at the C W Rogers home
Richard Lumb is reported on sicklist
with homefolks
Miss Wright of Oborlin came over
last Fridav for a short visit to friends
Alva Andrews of Marsland came in
Saturday for an indefinite visit with
Lloyd Resler of Wilsonville was a
business visitor Saturday
A large crowd attended tho dance at
Fred Taubers Saturday night and an
nounce a good time
Oscar Everist of Beardsley Kas was
a town visitor Tuesday
Mrs J E Dolph met with a painful
and serious accident last Wednesday
evening while she and her children
were on their wav home The buggv
was upset just south of the hall and in
falling out of the buggy she broke her
leg just above the ankle in two places
Lo veil Moore of Lebanon was a busi
ness visitor Thursday last
Mr and Mrs A B Gibbs were Indi
anola pilgrims Saturday
Katio Miles Vaire Godown and Rota
Puolz from hero attended tho county
U was well attended and 0 were real- spoiling contest in Indianola Saturday
John Hunts baby is still very low
Trade with the Old Reliables in Mc
Cook C L DeGroff Co Tho best
of everything and tho prico right alway
Rov Richards pastor of
tional church was married to a Miss
Hamilton in Steamboat Springs Colo
last week They will be at home here
first of tho month
The proceeds of the R N A enter
tainment Wednesday evening last at
the hall were 84889
When Will McCook People Learn
Importance of It
flV jloisture if roof Wstglx wfll JmK i
utjmwv anvi 1 n r r h w m
YffA J Iit5 134Lliliai
m ii ft
t baked
f A I
Drestie 01
111 me moment
from the package as soon
you take a
B 2d
s yon taste it the
eason becomes apparent why so many hui
dred millions of packages of SJneeda Bisyit
have been bought by the American people
Backache is only a simple thing at
But when you know tis from tho
That serious kidney troubles follows
That diabetes Brigbts disease may
betho fatal end
You will gladly profit by the following
J L Davis living in Arapahoe Neb
j snys About a year ago 1 was in very
Rea Oman and family visited at the poor health having suffered from kid
C W Rogers home Monday
Judge Ilethcote was on sicklist first
of week
Born to Mr and Mrs C W Rogers
22nd a baby girl
Mrs Clifford Naden of McCook came
over last Thursday for a few days visit
ney trouble for somo time My body
was racked with dull nagging pains
and I felt nervous and restless all the
time The Heeretions from my kidneys
were too frequent in action scanty In
passage and contained a heavy sediment
Mv feor and ankles also become swollen
and I suffered from frequent chills
After using several remedies with unsat
isfactory results Doans Kidney Pills
were brought to my attention and I
procured a box They relieved me at
once and I continued to use them until
I entirely received a permanent cure
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
ako no other
My three year old boy was badly
constipated had a high fever and was
in an awful condition I gave him two
doses of Foleys Orino Laxative and the
nxt morning the fever was gono and he
was entirely well Foleys Orino Laxa
tive saved his life A Wolkush Casi
mer Wis A McMillen Druggist
An Effective Quartet of Great
A Ceylon Story About the Reptile
crning Powers
The world is governed by three
boxes said an American wit of u cen
tury ago the cartridge box the ballot
box and the bandbox
Between the first two of these great
covcnihig powers no one questioned
the uatural alliance but that the sex
whose box was the bandbox should
also claim a right to use the ballot
box was in his day undreamed of Half
a century later during the civil war
Horace Greeley the famous editor
held the old opinion
Madam he said bluntly at a pub
lic meeting to the pioneer suffragist
Elizabeth Cady Stanton the bullet
aud the ballot go together If you
want to vote are you ready to light
sir replied the quick
witted lady to the delight of thejiudl
ence I am ready to fight just as you
have fought with my pen
Not all the earty women suffragists
would so readily have countenanced
warfare even In jest for a notable
number of them were Quakers or of
Quaker ancestry to whom force was
abhorrent In the Society of Friends
the rights of men and women have
been always absolutely equal so that
as Lucretia Mott declared it seemed
but natural to wish to counsel and
act with men everywhere on even
terms as she had always done in
One Quaker philanthropist Abby
Hopper Gibbons who had never been
identified with the womans rights
women yet acknowledged with do
mure humor that although she talked
little about her rights she had been
in tho habit of always taking them
when she could
Qjice however she failed to take a
very important one when she was
summoned to do so She had a singu
larly bold and firm handwriting easily
mistaken for a mans and often signed
business communications simply A H
Gibbons so that she one day found
herself as a citizen and a taxpayer
Imperatively required in the name of
the law to furnish reasons why she
should not serve as a juror
I know of none she wrote serene
ly at the foot of this formidable docu
ment and sent It back But tho official
who read this apparently impertinent
response must have investigated the
record of his correspondent and found
a reason for A n Gibbons house
holder of New York was excused from
service in that fourth box so Impor
tant in civilized communities the jury
box Youths Companion
Its Shining Lure
Every one knows that Ceylon is fa
mous for the amount of queer nd rare
precious stones found in the sands of
is dried up river beds Among these
is one called chlorophane a rare va
riety of fluor spar which shines at
night with phosphorescent light There
has long been a tradition among the
natives that a certain species of cobra
makes use of this stone to attract in
sects in the darkness Indeed the
came givin it is naja kaller or co
bra stone A scientist resolved to test
this wondi rful story during a stay in
the island so offered any cooly ru
pees to poiat out a stone carrying co
bra In about a week an old Tamil
came in and offered to show him one
lie followed this guide and sure
enough the under an immense tama
rind tree he saw a little point of steady
greenish light and could faintly distin
guish behind a cobra coiled and slowly
waving its head from side to side It
would have been desperately dangerous
to approach the reptile and the cooly
begged him not to do so saying tha1
next night Lo would himself got tb
stone He did so and in rather clever
fashion Before dark he climbed into
the tree carrying a large bag of ashes
After nightfall the cobra turned up a5
usual and deposited its treasure which
it carried in its mouth before it
Thereupon the cooly emptied hi- bag
of ashes over the shining object and
the frightened reptile after a wil 1 but
fruitless scarii crept back into the
jungle The ooly descended searched
the ashes fiund the stone and re
ceived his promised reward London
Scotlands Patron Saint
AVhy -as fr Andrew chosen as the
patron saint cf Scotland This ques
tion has been asked many times but
the archdeacon of whom Dean Hole
tells may be considered to have discov
ered the most satisfactory solution of
tho problem Gentlemen said he ho
was speaking at a St Andrews day
banquet at the time I have given
this difficult subject my thoughtful
consideration and I have come to the
conclusion that St Andrew was chosen
to be tho patron saint of Scotland be
iuse he discovered the lad who had
fie loaves and Oshes Dundee Ad
vert iter
Lively Chcess
Ho r did you find the Stilton I seat
Tind it Ye didnt find it As
F ton as ever my wifes back was
turned it jumped from th pantry
shelf ran down the garden out of
he gate and was last seen chafing a
frightened dog down the road Lun
dou Scraps
Hard to Chocse
Whom would you rather entertain
asks the philosopher of folly a per
fectly stupid bore or a clever fellow
who has just been abroad for the first
time Exchange
The acts of this life are the destiny
of the next Extern Proverb
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
Office over ElccricThcatrc on Main Ave
laUtAAUtiUU1 ilAiblbAltitM
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
DENTIST ihcnk m
Office Rooms a aud 5 Walsh Hlk McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room 1 Postokfice Building
ltvvvnyTrVhtiuw iy www
K n uatewooa
Office over McMillen s drug store
Phono IP MnPnnk NnlimilcL
jr 7 --
McCook Nebraska
SkAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Oflico in Postotlico building
C H Boyle C K Eldrkd
Attorneys at i aw
Long Distance P nno 44
Rooms 1 antl 7 second floor
Postoflice Building MCLOOt Neb
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnella drug
store McCook Nebraska
Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Office over Marshs Meat Market
AjjjrfAjjLtjiWaAiti tfjj
Midclletou Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 1S2 McCook Nebraska
liix Updike Grain Co
Phone ifiQ S S GARVEY Mgr
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
pwwv iml
Office First Door
Suf of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Fresh Reliable Pure J
Guaranteed to Please
Ever7 Gardener and
Planter should test the
ennerior merits of Our
we will aend postpaid our
1 pip CO Day Tomata Vta
t pk Printrts IUdbh 10e
1 pit Stlf Crowlnit Celery SOfl
1 pax Early Arrow head Cabbage - 1S
1 par Follerton Starlet Iettne 10
11m 12 Tarietlei Choice rlower Seeda ii
Write today Send 10 c nti to 11 pay rKtieani
pacLias and receiTe tiKabore Famojs Oollettion to
rethr with our New and Instrnctite 0 den Gatdc
B63 IJoso St t Kockfortl Illinois