The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 26, 1909, Image 5
JV ft s r l L X kv B MplMlllllllgiaWWWMWjMMWenWlWWagMHBlWnWncMWWMMMMJ 9JL Sl I V Vl5L H i nliMJiwttwwnjuiFjjgarr n imnmiw tffifftWi Time Card mm No mm McCook Neb No 15 VI M 18 1 i r 13 15 MAIN LINE Fa8T DIUART Central Time 1027 r M 500 A M 715 a M 942 P M 400 A M MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET MouutaiaTime 950 A M 1142 v M Arrives 1025 a M 1217 A M IMPERIAL- LINE No 17R arrives Mountain Time 5 05 P M No tTSdenart 710 A M Steeping dining and reclining chair cars rohbi true on through trains Tickets sold and baugaro checked to any point in the United Stnt or Canada For information time tables maps and tick pts rail on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General FHfMTifer Agent Oinnhn Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Aent F L Emow of Orleans was at headquarters Sunday Mrs S W McCreary ts here from Galesburg Illinois visiting Sy Mr G A Whittaker visited Dr and Mrs Prime of Oxford part of last week n n if nriwleu attended the wedding The Seasons Mode in the Latest Styles and Newest Colorings of Spring Millinery Miss Anderson McCook OPEN EVENINGS AN ENDURING ENJOYMENT i mro nisii miliiro intended yon should obtain from your teeth lack of attention The assurance of lack of usefulness is sure to follow your prosperity will be far more in your favor if you bend every effort to preserve sound ti eth The request of new patients to have the same satisfaction my operations have Riven others is convincing evidence that my patients toll neighbors about my doings A call will be sure to give you a pleasure DR H J PRATT DENTIST Over McConncIIs Drus Store 212V4 West Main m njgntaxu ic maauszax f rvi f J - mvJiUBja I A zvjxim iaBnaasaxsBszsarsdEaasssiiiKLisu Republican Platform We the nominees of the republican caucus to fill the various city offices make the following declarations of principles Wo believ die vigorous administra tion of city affairs which has ized the term of tho present executive has been eminently satisfactory to local commercial interests and that a con tinuance of the policies that have been inaugurated is essential to the welfare of the community We in common with all good citizens believe in the enforcement of statutory and municipal regulations for the government of the citys institutions and its inhabitants and in the mainte nance of good order and dececnt con duct within the corporate limits We believe those who are entrusted with the control of public affairs aro the servants of the people by whom they a e elected and that as such they should in so far as lies within their power fulfill the will of their con stituents oUhl ro JnJTjantftn Wednesday jVbeHevthc jjolicy of the jnrcseiit evening 1 executive in requiring the city treasurer FkndCurranishack to stay and has to pay intocst on daily balances of a clerical position iu the mechanicil de- municipal funds snouict oe conuuueu We bi lieve sentiment in this commun pnrtiiieut Henry Jeffrios went to work for the compauy iu tho roundhouse this week Tuesday Conductor and Mrs C B Sentence entertained Mrs Martin and daughter Miss Ilattio part of lust week Mr and Mrs I D Pennington went over to Lebanon last week on a visit of a week or so with relatives We aro advised that R S Wilson formerly night operator at this place mnrricd Feb 27th to Miss Bessie lKnJauiCLmjmlUMtJLMILIIMtlLKltMilJU I 1 1 I and there arc doubtless many more owners c f such machines who will be o lad to know that while such r a chines have no actual value the DE LA VAL Company continues to make liberal trade allowances for them because of the opportunity such ex changes afford for the most practical illustration possible of the difference between good and poor separators and putting a stop to the sale ol others like them in the same neigh borhood Nobody is injured through the re sale of these old machines as they are simply broken up and scrapped for their old metal value Then there are many thousands of ity favors the issuance of licenses under the Slocumb law and that the verdict of tho majority cf our citizans in this regard as in ail others should be re spected by thoso whom tho people choose to represent them We believe if the McCook Water Works Company shall persist in violat ing tho ordinances of the city of Mc Cook and shail refuse to supply water at rates that are just and reasonable to the consumers tho city should at onco enter upon tho installation of a munici Genevieve Uayosa charming j oung lady pal plaut but that the peoples money and of Carrollton Mo The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs Robert Wilson They will make their future borne at Siloam Springs Arkansas BonUelman Chron icle should not be recklessly expended the burden of taxation unnecessarily in creased JostuH Stephens IT P Waite Li W McConnell iPn1niBMcnmiuiUiia Trade In Your Inferior Separators 15000 American users of poor or worn them in last year on account of new out separators traded De Laval Cream Separators sss m Lr s DE LAVAL users who should know tha tney may exchange out-of-date machines of from 10 to 25 years ago for the much improved closer skimming easier running and larger capacity machines of today For Sale or Trade at Harmons Second Hand Store Corner B St and 2nd St W Telephone 215 THE PRESENT STATUS Many of our busy citizens have been so occupiod with thoir private concerns as to lose sight of tho status of the water question Some huo fnllen into tho idea that tho lGcrato has been accepted by the water works company Not for a minuto They aro prosecuting their suit at this moment having carried it up to tho Supreme Court whore they hope to get by hook or crook a reversal or a new trial or some kind of a victory over tho city They havent a ghost of a show on the merits of the case but they rem ember the other suits against tho city and they have their case in the s une hands and they hope to wear out tho city Some of our citizons express the fear that in tho end they will get their way in the courts and that tho company will then compel the users of water to pay up at 30 cents per thous and gallons from the time suit was be gun until now How would you like that Thats one phase of the affair But like all shrewd hunters for game or vic tims they have more than one string to their bow They are saying nothing hero to the people but they have had a bunch of their Lincoln stockholders hero recently tearfully imploring the city council to buy their old out worn and outgrown plant for S75000although they claim at oilier times that the de preciation amounts to 3 per cent a year which leaves the plant at present only worth about 81S00000 If they can at the present citv election elect two non committal men to the city council they will hope to beg off the building of tho city plant which the people have order ed built How will you like that A third string is now being worked for all it is worth they have spread an alarm among tho saloon men and those in fav hi that direction or of the present status tion attempting to cloud the real and declared issues of the election and to raise issues not raised by the platforms If thoy succeed in that they hope to worn their ends on the water consumer and they will keep that wooden horse moving on the field until the polls close April 6th Will you be diverted from your real interests by that cunning move You will pay dearly for it if you do This sort of deal goes by twenty or twenty five ear periods and if they get a couple of plunks or S or 10 a year out of you more than is just it means a total of 8100 or S200 or more out of each water consumer for the total period That will buy automobiles and create bloated wealth sure enough Are we hrirrht Rnniifrh and enoutrh alive with good red American blood to hold this matter level or will we oe oougut aim sold and traded in like cattle The Citizens ticket and platform points out the intelligent business coure to be pursued and counts on the true McCoo spirit to roll up the requi site majority for the entire Citizens ticket Signed Citizens Committee Roy Zint is ou four feet now T J Caiu spent Sunday with parents in Roggen J W Chase heard Gypsy Smith in Denver Sunday Mrs J S Chambers is away on a visit to her homefolks Miss Maude Jones of chief dispatch ers office was a Sunday visitorTrenton Henry Best chief clerk trainmarters office returned to work Wednesdaj af ter short vacation Engineer Jacob Matz and family have moved to Norton Kansas out of which point he is now running Bruce Campbell who has held various clerical positions at headquarters is now at Red Cloud as foreman of an extra gang Passing of an Old Resident Mrs Lovina Kendall widow of the lato Darius Kendall died at tho state hospital iu Hastings last Saturday The remains were shipped here ou No 1 Monday and funeral services were held it the homo of Howe Smith at 230 oclock in the afternoon conducted Rev M B Carman assisted by the singer evangelist Mr Waltz after which interment was made in Riverview ceme tery beside the body of her husband a who preceded her into the spirit land some vears ago The services called together a comp any of friends of the dear old lady of former years and better days A num ber of floral offerings paid tender tribute to memory of the one gone on before The departed was an early resident of McCook having lived here for a quarter of a century Her last days were under a cloud of mental dissolution during which time she was an object of tender care and solicitude on the part of thoughtful and loving friends She was SO years of age Lovina Collins was born January 15 r 1829 near Rochester New York When about 27 Tears of ase was married to I Darius Kendall They early moved to Wisconsin They moved from Crete to McCook in 1882 Her husband passed on August two years ago Death of Michael Houlihan Michael Houlihan one of the early and respected farmers of this vicinity died of pneumonia Monday evening at six oclock Funeral services were held in St Patricks church Thursday morn ing at 1030 after which the body was buried in Calvary cemetery He leaves a wife two daughters and four sons to mourn his death All were present at the funeral Deceased was 69 yearsold The bereaved ones have tenderest sym- pathy of many friends in this sorrow McCook Nebraska March 23 1W The board of county commissioner mut in regular session Present S Prciucr C 15 Oray and P S Lofton cominlsjionrb und Charles rikulla county clerk Tho minutes of tho nicotines hold on March 9tK 10th and 11th wore read nnd on motion un proved Tho outition of A Petorh nnd others nakiiiK for tho establishment of a public road vus read and considered Tiio board finds that all tho requirement of tho law hno been complied with and tho public nood reouiros it ou motion samo was granted and road established as folIowbiis e tablished by the coiiiniNbioucr ap pointed to io v said road 1 Commencing nt tho northeast cornor of the southeast iuarter of section III township 1 nJrth ranse i west in Orant precinct ruiiuiutr thence wet210 rod- to tho southeast cornor of tho Wet half of the northwest quarter of sec tionTtl thence north one half mile thence west ou tho section line to a point 228 feet oust of Ravine iheuce north tt decrees west IS feet thence outh 07 west ton point on sec- I l r i fit I i r nn III1U WIIU IllL WUSlf 11 U1U lM uuuit ill iiiKiiu thence e t to tho south a e t corner of sect ion 27 j thduqe north on section lino between sections 27nnd 2S to tho northeast corner of the south east quarter of t eetion 2S thence west HXJ feet thence north 132 decrees est Us7 feet thence vost to tho west lino of the northeast quarter of section IS thence north to the northwest corner of tho northeust quarter of section 28 nnd torminatm therent All in township 1 north ratiKe HO vet fith P M Said rond to be known as road No IKiH and tho clerk was instructed to notify tho oerseer of hijjhwnjs to open said road Tho petition of W II Ilartman Hnro Row land and other aHkiiiK for tho establishment of t mihltR rond wus rend and considered The boaid finds ihat al the requirements of the law have beo i complied with and that tho public good requires it on motion same was grunted and road established as fol ows as established by the commissioner appointed to iew said road Commencing at u point 74 rods south of the northwest corner of section 2S township 1 north range 3U west in Orant precinct running thence east one half mile to a point 71 rods south of the northeast cornor of tho northwest quarter of section thence north 15 rods thence east parallel with north line of said 28 122 rods thetee north 88 rods thence east 2fiVi rods to line between sections 21 and thence north along said section lino to southeast corner of section also commencing GJ rods north of the northeast corner of the quarter of section 10-1-S thenco east Pli rods thence north to a point 50 rods east of the northeast corner of tho south east quarter of section thmce east -10 rods to old road thence northeast following traveled road i rod- to a point on table between two canyons thenco continuing noitheust on trav elled road 2t rods to a point 93 rods north of tho southeast corner of the iorthwest quarter of suction 10-1-30 thenco north and northeast following tnnclled road ton point on section lino between sections 31-2-30 and 3-1-30 111 rods west of the northeast corner of said section 3 thence east ou -aid section line 28 rods thence north 100 rods to a point 2 rods east of pocket in cimvon thence easl on half section line 181 rods to a point 3o rods west of west bank of canyon thence north 1 rods following traelled road to a point on divide between two caujous thence east ft rods to head of pocket thence northeast 11 rods thence east 151 rodstoa point on section line 98 rods -oath of the northeast eomer of section 3VMX terminating thereat also to vacate that part of road No 330 com mencing 80 rods north of tho southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 21-1-A running north 3i mile aud thence east Vi mile to the southeast corner of eetion 10-1-30 also com mencing 220 rods north of said southeast corner and endimr at the northeast corner c f section ill 30 also to vacate the road between the northwest quarter of section 28-1-30 and the southwest quarter of ection 21-1-30 said new road to be known as road No 421 and the clerk was instructed to notify the overseer of high way s to oihju said road Amotion was made by Lofton seconded by Gray as follows It is hereby ordered by the county commissioners that till the count oilicers desiring stationery and supplies shall make a written requisition for the same to the county clerk whoso duty it shall be to approve or disapprove uch requisition and order tlio same from parties with whom he can do the best Any supplies purchased contrarj toth is order will not be approved allowed or paid by the county Motion carried unanimously On motion J M lirown was annotated as justice of the peace for East Valley precinct to flu vacanci The following oflicial bonds were examined aud on motion approved George E Carr Overseer of Highwajs District No 10 East Valley Precinct E F Cou e Overseer of Highways District No 7 Willow Grovo Pre cinct W F Miller Overseer of Highwajs District No 19 Iieaver Precinct The claim for roll tax refund of OC Thoma of 25j who was assessed in this count April 18 1SC8 and who paid -aid poll tax under pro test the reason that he was later assessed in California and paid poll tax there was ou motion lcjected because he va legally to be asscsd iu thi count before hi- removal Oa motion the county treasurer was in structed to lefund to O J Hadley the rmount of 183 Leiug the amount of 1908 personal paid by him under protest for the reason that his per onal property in school dist ict No 10 while he v a- assessed b the deputy assessor in district No 2 and the diffcrenco in the lev ies of the two districts amount to that amount on his assessment The following claims Were audited and al lowed aud the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the road fuuds of the respective commissioner districts as follows C K Shear road work commissioner trictNol 6 2 50 J H Huntwork road work commissioner district No 2 Z T McCulIom -pikes for overseers com missioner district No 2 Red Willow County Co operative Grain and Live Stock Company supplies for overseers commissioner district No 2 Alfred Carter road work commissioner district No 3 On motion the board adjourned to C30 300 meet March 21th 190it S TREJinR Chairman Attest Chas Skalla Count Clerk McCook Nebraska March 24 1909 Tho board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment Present S Premer C B Gray and F S Lofton commissioners and Chas Skalla county clerk On motion the county treasurer was in structed to collect taxes on lots 4 3 aud C in 1888 with interest onl to June 16 190 i the date of sale of said lots for taxes in which sale the treasurer at that time should have included the 1887 and 18S8 taxes The following claims were audited and al lowed and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the road fund of commissioner district No 1 as follows Thomas Mumby road work in Gerver 3 80 Charles Witt road work in Gerver 3 00 Application of the county clerk for extra clerk kirewas oa motion allowed at StOO00 for the balance of the year providing the fees of the office will pay said amount OnN motion the board adjourned to meet April 6th lJ09 S Peemee Chairman Attest Chakles Skalla County Clerk County LommisstoncrV Proceedings Young Men 5 5 5- are beginning to learn that style is not the only thing to look for when buying clothes time you buy a suit ask these questions Is it all wool Do you guarantee it Will it hold its shape - Will it wear well t You dont need to ask about thestyle vou can see that When you ask such questions of us we show the Clothcraft All Wool guarantee Ma Hi fcgjf ALL WOOI TBM And whats more the prices on Cloth craft range from 1000 to 2500 You cant get all wool clothes at these prices unless you buy Clothcraft I C L DeGEoff COc I iiiLaAi n HtMjJbjj4 n ii 1 11 1 1 11 1 111 111 mill 11 mi 1 11 11 ill wi AtmiJir m a j 1 lull 11 1 1 i 1 The accompanying cuts only illustrate two of the many styles of ladies oxfords we are now showing In a few days our line of ladies oxfords will be the most complete ever shown in McCook as new styles are arriving daily All the latest colors black brown tan champagne ox blood blue and green All the latest leathers patents kids suedes calfskins and undressed kids Each number taken separately or the line as a whole are absolutely the best values ever shown for the prices asked Shoe repairing a specialty 8 ST M B H Sr V Lr vr E fey A ft r ifk fXott wzcSHV ur mm ii ci u uujtna u ii mu zmc Shoe Parlor HAAA 112 WestB Street 3 OU Raymond Lofton Died This Jlornlnsf Raymond the ear old son of Com missioner and Mrs F S Lofton died this morning at 9 oclock Funeral at 2 oclock Friday afternoon at the farm Alfred Carter will start hia milk wag on Monday morning of next week FOR SALE FOR RENTETC Fob Sale Shorthorn bull 2 years old Phone ash 9S3 J A Modrell Fob Sale A 9-horse-power gasoline engine McCook Cement Stone Co phone red 196 Fob Kent 160 acre farm under irri gation 40 acres of alfalfa 19 2 a P Sutton Fob Rent Four rooms Mrs S A Rowell 1C02 2nd street east Fob Rent 6 room cottage at 507 2nd street east y 5 jssfey mr fa if i 4 - f it ir A i c t A 4 f J Jt J AiAAiAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAii Small Difference in Price The regret of thoso who ha I - unable to secure red wheat for seeding may be tempered by the kuowl wx that the difference between thf price d red aud white wheat on the marke writ be small according to local author The governments attitude on The pre tise of bleaching is a consultation ir this matter as t SZS LOW PRICE Just Received Rugs all sizes and qualities Wclton Velvets first quality Body Brussels Tapestry Brussels etc etc MISSION BUFFETS and CHINA CLOSETS rTVfrT WEST B STREET r i 11 L II MCCOOK NEBRASKA