The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 26, 1909, Image 4

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If you have surplus funds
for investment in Real Estate
Loans for a term of years or
short time securities that aro
gilt edge wo can nearly al
ways supply your wants in
this lino Wo oITer nothing
that is not safe and if you
aro looking for investments
wo would bo pleased to have
you consult us at any time
Become a regular patron of
this bank and note the excel
lent facilities wo oiler our
Bank of Mccook
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Colonel Bdtler of tho Arapahoe
Pioneer is simply determined to be dis
pleased and dissatisfied with our follow-
citizen and congressman G W Norris
who may jugt as well make up his mind
first as last to wiggle along without the
colonels support or commondation
Arapahoe has wisely and properly
decided to not obscure the local situation
there at the coming spring election
They will vote on the dry or wet
question and the candidates on both
city tickets have decided to abide by
the decision of the people on that ab
sorbing question
That is not regarded as an auspicious
day wherein a new bank is not organiz
ed in Benkelman To the second bank
just organizing a third is being added
with Thomas Ashtorij Joseph Rodidoux
Jacob Rosmiller J C Ough and W A
Holland of Orleaus at the head It
will be organized as a First National
Bank and is to be housed in a building
to be erected on the corner south of the
Presson hotel It will be capitalized at
S35000 and will be in operation by the
firdt of July so it is said
Knickerbocker Suits 175
in brown mixed and grey mixed suit
ings in sizes 4 to S years trimmed with
braid and handsome buttons finished
with bow tie and patent leather belt
only 175 Dont miss them The
Thompson D G Co Tho utmost serv
Farm Loans
2 J Johnson over McConnells store
Hundreds of different patterns of wall
paper to pick from Were sure to have
just the one you want
L W McConnell Druggist
The Dates Decided Upon Are the
14th i5th J 6th of July Next
The directors of the McCook Driving
Park association held a meeting in tho
McCook commercial clu rooms lust
week Monday to canvass the matter of
the summer meeting of 1909 It was de
termined by them to hold the summer
race meet in July and on the 14th 15th
and 16th days of that month
The race progrum for harness horses
agreed uoon is as follow
230 trot 8 50000
215pace 500 00
Free-for-all trot 500 00
225 pace 500 00
220 trot 500 00
210 pace 1000 00
It requires no stretch of imagination
to Fee that this program these purses
will draw to McCook in July the great
est aggregation of harness horses ever
assembled at a similar event in this sec
tion of the state Especially will the
81000 00 stake in the proposed 210 race
the pacing event of the meet be
effective in that direction It is expect
ed that the bpst horses of this part of
Nebraska and of the adjacent section of
Colorado and Kansas will participate in
these races and that barring bad weath
er tho race will be a record breaker and
an epoch maker in that line
The annual election of the City of Mc
Cook Will be held on
Tuesday April 0th 1909
at which time the polls will be open be
tween the hours of 9 oclock a m and
7 oclock p m Central Standard time
for tho purpose of electing
One Mayor
One City Clerk
One City Treasurer
One City Engineer
One Councilman 1st ward
One Councilman 2nd ward
Two Members of the Board of Educa
tion District No 17
The polling place of the First ward
will bo at No 307 Main avenue
The polling place of the Second ward
will be at the hose house in the city hall
on west C street
By order of the Mayor and Council of
the City of McCook
Seal H W Conover
Gity Clerk
Revival at M E Church
Last Sunday night the Methodists be
gan their revival meetings with Guy I
Waltz of Boston as soloist and chorus
director and Mr Carman the pastor as
his own evangelist A packed auditori
um and side room greeted the siuger
and speaker The attendance this week
has been better than tho church folks
looked for the first week A personal
workers band has been formed with
E C Hill as its head and conversions
are looked for next week The chorus
is doing splendid work in Gospel song
and Mr Waltz pleases and inspires the
people with heart touching solos Next
Sunday will be a full day with three ser
mons Mr Carman will preach in the
morning at 11 oclock on The Christian
Home in the afternoon at S oclock to
men only Cut It Out and in theeve
ning on No Man Cared For My Soul
The unsaved are urged to come early
next Sunday that they may procure the
best seats Mr Waltz will sing at each
service The song service will begin at
715 sharp each evening
Human hair switches coronet puffs
sanitary hair rolls at Miss Andersons
It doesnt cost much to paper your
walls when you select the paper here
Our large stock of up to date styles
makes tho choosing easy
L W McConnell Druggist
lil silr Hsv m ill
i wmW 1
111 Worn EvWhmM nir Ktyt m
LQVELL NiES 111 West B st
Stunning New Tailored Hats
Positively the Best Values
This millinery store the acknowledged leading
millinery store of McCook through wonderful fa
cilities is able to offer stunning hats at prices impos
sible to others We have a mammoth stock for La
dies Misses and Children Be sure and see us be
fore buying Dont forget we have the best at the
lowest prices
week and will remain here
War Hammkl arrived home last Fri
day afternoon from visiting his daugh
ter Mrs Ira Dye near Curtis
Clark Balev and family of the Bart
ley neighborhood moved onto a farm
about ten miles south of this city end
of last week
Smiley Goodwin of Gypsum Kansas
in the earlier days and for several years
employed on The Tribdne briefly visit
ed in the city Monday evening on his
way home to Kansas where he is pub
lishing a newspaper from visiting his
father and sister in Haigler Dundy
Jmm M W F Princeton
- IS ld il
M w
We feel exceedingly grateful to our many friends and
customers who by their presence and patronage helped to
to make our SPRING MILLINERY OPENING last Friday
and Saturday the largest attended and most successful event
of its kind ever held in the history of our business
And we feel assured by the unusual
number of hats selected from our large
display that the supremacy of our stock
and correctness of our styles combined
with our very moderate prices was
appreciated by all who honored
us with a visit on these days
New ideas are being brought out
each day and we ure all who havent
already done so to call and look over our beautiful line at
once If we havent just what pleases you we will make up
a hat to your own taste
Only Two More Weeks
before Easter
Dont put off your buying until other
choicest selections
have made the
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings McCook Neb
rwirrrmrynMmiiMtiMMasairi mm wu juaautMfciggKriwtwu ri wsaiftwiagiwraiTb amfc ci
P C Bosh and family are now resi
dents of Cambridge
Mrs T Kugglfs who was report
ed very ill first of last week is much
improved at this writing
Wilson Glovei closed up his busi
ness affairs this week and departed J
Tuesday for his home in Ignacio Colo
Mrs G II Thomas of Harvard is the
guest of her mother Mrs Sarah McCarl
this week
Mrs McAchran of St Louis is tho
cuest of her sister-in-law Mrs Jas G
Mr and Mrs Clint Hamilton ar
rived from Salem Illinois close of last
Miss Edith Waite is homo from
Dofine college Crete for the Easter va
Mr and Mrs Clint Hamilton have
returned from Salem 111 and will oc
cupy a farm west of the city
Mrs McGlassen and daughter Mrs
Buckman of Quincy Illinois sister and
niece of Mrs J S Williams are visiting j
the latter atGOl 4lh street east
John Shivklett P B Cole and Wal
ter Faw went to McCook Monday on
No 13 and returned in an automobile I
Mr and Mrs Leslie Jones of Mc-
Oook spent Sunday in this city visiting
the latters parents Mr and Mrs P C
Bush Cambridge Clarion
Suit cases large assortment just re-
Merchants I
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Smith also carries full stock of corn
meal whole wheat graham and rje
flour hay and feed First street west
A trinity of flour superiority Mon
arch Silver Bell and White Satin
Carload just received at Smiths flour
and feed store
Mrs B J Lane returned this week
from Denver where she was called by
serious illness of her mother who is now
w iiiiAiiiiniiiuiriiirin mhi hlK
n mini i i i r i r - J
rebert Clothing Company
McCook Neb
our first Spring Exposition
of PRINCETON CLOTHES is the Biggest collection
of mens good clothes ever shown in Red Willow county
All the new Spring colorings will be found in this besx
tailored line Priced 1000 to 3500
a Magnificent Display of
beautiful silks shown in our big line of neckwear
Priced 25c 50c 100 and 150
solid colorings in Spring hose
new greens purples ex bloods navys grays and fancy
blacks silk lisle finish Priced 25c 50c
Drebert Clothing Co
We Specialize
Miller Made Princeton Clothes
Best Tailored
Geo P Ide Co Shirts and Collars
Keith Bros Hats
Munsing Underwear
White House Grocery
Phone 30
Moore Son
s i
9 ESS Some pooplf cant soc straight - but thoy do 4 i
V nt mi j mj
oe thoy can fer 1 lhit wc have as good lumber as
IfaS nut lllNC it nUt
H money cur Wm
buy ami you hit the mark every time you let us figure y
lumber bill If we do not sell tho bill there is no harm di
Vou can rest assured that you have bought your lumber n
lf you hly on a biss of our figures Wo do not act sore v-
chew tho rag with anyone because we do not sell vou ves
lumber We want to figure your bill every time you r
stick whether we seU it or not Drop in We have im s
with cuts of modern houses from S 100 up and take a pie- -in
helpingto arrange your home
Stansberry Lumber Company
im - Wk
- - - -
OSffBTIlll him
ii HJiiiriLV TrrMtyjmxca
- r i i u rwi ljj 1 m l r
kff -wm iyj fy TUT KBCCeBK3BaaSB3B9tMCffrClT
at an Old Stand
We wish to make known to the people of McCooi
and vicinity that we have purchased theDCMaisS
Meat Market All we wish to add at this time is
that we shall make it our earnest and utmost effort
to maintain the present high character of the marie
for the best of
everything in
season at the very low
est cash price We wish the continuance of yor
paiiuudgc ctnu biian enaeavor to merit
fidence and trade
your con-
ncrrswi i hi
at Marshs Old Siaad 1