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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1909)
to- -- V LVv r V fe fr J U LJ W sr 4 TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR MYTTTTYYTTYTTTTYYTTTTYTTTX i - Portieres and Rugs A rate new Hue in all sizes qualities and prices now on dis play in this depart ment Come and be shown the splendid assortment Pade Furniture and Carpet Co Strong Entertainments If Your Tastes Are too fine for letter press printing if they demand engraving and steel die em bossing come and get our figures on such work Dont send away or give your order to some traveling shark that is dont do it before you have seen our samples of such work and gotten ouc figures Blankets May Not Interest you much but when we tell you we are closing out all our lap blankets plush robes also square and shaped horsp blankets at twenty per cent discount off an already low price It is time to get busy Do it now McCook Hardware Co Real Corn Fed Article Wo have purchased a fine bunch of corn fed steers cows and heifers and offer our trade some of the finest meats aver put on the block in this city Come and test us RODOERS MODRELL The Pony Was Frisky Seth son of Supt Taylor is nursing a fractured of bis left arm sustained tfn Wednesday in being thrown from his pony It was humerus but not funny The New Skirts Your choice of a very large line of new skirts from 1 50 to 81250 We make the necessary alterations free The Thompson D G Co WALL PAPERS- Every kind but old Every price but high L W McConnell Druggist FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Field garden and flower seeds at H P Waite Cos Onion sets at H P Waite Cos Are you going to the rink tonight A F A M Meeting Special mcetinB of McCook Lodge Ub 135 A F A M Tuesdar March 23 at 730 p m Work in Entered Ap prentice degree By Order of tho W M Lon Cone Secretary Have You Reported Havo you phonod or told tho com mittee how many teachers you will room or board during the meeting of tho S W Nebraska Teachers association April 123 The rates as averaged from those who havo listed accommodations with the cjauuiitoi aie liooius for two parsons at 75 cnts to 1 00 hoard and room for uqu person 81 00 to 31 25 per day We wiih ro aid that thH committee that ihey will require all the available accommodations of the city and they urge upon all who have not reported to do so at the earliest possible time Phone H C Clapp or call at the store DO IT NOW Tho SouthwesternNebraskaTe chera lasts -Association will bring tliree strong jplatform attractions to McCobk On Wednesday evening March 31st lr Chas Fordyce will give an illus trated lecture entitled -The Golden Hours of Youth Thursday evening Dr Loveland will jjive his celebrated lecture Fogyism Friday evening the State University Mule Quartette assisted by Mr Guy Montgomery will give a program of music and impersonation These numbers will be held in the High School auditorium Tickets will go on sale Monday at the drug stores of L W McConnell and A McMillen ihii rfyvmmfmm I 1 2r 4 A - i i A 4 4 KUAAAAAAiAiiAAAAiAAiAAAAB St Pat and Kaffee Klatsch The KiiffeuKfatHch club met with on Wednesday aftrm on with Mrs Earl 0 Viihuo in a session of Si Patricks dy rfrHjimoutjeostumB9 and dec oraiioni etc An unexpecti d incident of tlio oocaion was the appearance ou i mit schjio oi me ladies liueba tnt who Is Going- to Texas Julius Stein announces his early re moval from our city having reeently acquired a body of land in Texas upon which he will move as soon as he can close up his business affairs hero and which he proposes to improve In the meantime he is advertising a special sale announcement of which will be found in this weeks Tribune and which will doubtless attract attention and interest as the figures are perused The sale opens tomorrow Note the big red sign and follow the crowd Special Kensington Program The kensington at the formers home yesterday afternoon by MrsT BCamp bell and Mrs V J Gatbercole was of a special St Patricks day character and program of unusual interest J Frank Forbes read selections Florence Rose bush sang Marjorie Schobel aud Doro thy Dungau gave a duet Mrs G B Hawkes played a piano number and read a selection Mrs Louis Suess sang and Nellie Schwab gave a vocal number A Chance to Get a Home in Oklahoma One million five hundred thousand acres of Oklahoma school will be sold this year on 40 years time at 5 per cent interest under the law just passed by tho legislature Map and copy of law description of land and how to buy sent upon receipt of SI 00 School Land Adv Co Helena Okla Ten Thousand New Views Handsome new post card views of Mc Cook in colors have just arrhed from Germany These show views of Mc Cook never before offered the public Business residential and church For sale at this office Alfalfa Seed 750 per bushel and up t this price you can afford to try and raise the best crop ever raised on a farm McCook Hardware Co For Rent The Babcock 15 acre tract near town Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street West Boyle Eldred Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Roller skating healthy exercise en dorsed by leading physicians everywhere Onion set at H P Waite Cos Field gardeu and flower seeds at tl P Waite Cos Livy sold a touring car to a Cam baidge party first of the week Riant sweet peas now from H P Waite Co irJ llrP wore gonuinu stovepipe hats nd the green Tito nhamrucU cut a tLxtio in tho menu tind Irih wit and somj i uddid to tlit blFiir mkm Chicken JtVicwee wiih Middy E Praties with Gram Pa Shamrock Srinrittichc f Asparagus Tips fr m Emerald Lb FlitLot ErinSfihid with Golden Jn tii Putri Delight with Diviis Food I iff e Nut Irish Minin Some Staples Good quality pearl buttons perd z 3c Simpsons prints 5o Best table oil cloth loc American A 2 bu gram bags 21o Peerless carpet warp per lb 21c Pjpereil 9 quarter sheeting 22c Good unbleached muslin 4tc Lonsdale cambric muslin lJc Be tupron ginghams 0o Ilandsome new lawns 5n 36 inch black talTetatik 1 00 3G inch satin messalmes 69o Mens new spring suits 650 to 81500 Mens swing pocket bibb oalls 39c Mens Kibbid Btlbriggan union suits 7i5c We solicit jour trade Tho Thompson D G Co IT PAYS TO PAINT There is nothing that adds to the selling value or renting vnu of a house like a good paint There is nothing that makes home more like home than a good paint It pays to paint The better the paint the better it pays The Shekwin Williams Paint for painting building inside aud otifc ide pays in the beginning because it lasts so long and looks so well as Ions a it hero -is no j aint iike it for beauty and durability for economy and satisfaction L W McConnell Drntrgist Buy the seeds 3192 C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans Citizens Party Caucus The Citizens party electors of the City of McCcok are called to meet in caucus Friday March 10th 1909 at 8 oclock P jVl in the GanscbowFiher hall 201 Main avenue for tho purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the follow ing ofRcod to be voted for at the city election to bo hold April Gih 1909 to wit Mayor City Clerk City Trensurer City Engineer two Councilmen Mem bers of Board of Education and Pre cinct Committeemen and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting I M Smith O E Peakov S D McClain C J Ryan City Central Committee Ladles Embroidered Collars just received in 3 styles at 2Cc to 25c The new dutch collars too at 35c New BUin bows to wear with laundered col lars New veilings in the Minnish and Russian nets We invite your inspec tion Tho Thompson D G Co Wives of Woodmen Under auspices of the Royal Neigh 1 bors local talent last night successful ly presented Wives of Woodmen1 in Menard hall under personal direction of Dr S C Beachbefore a crowded house A more in detail account next issue For Sale Cheap If taken at once and for cash Lot 8 block 8 Willow Grove add to Mc Cook Address Mrs C Foster Waterloo Iowa 19 3 No 420 Franklin street H Republican City Caucus The Kepublican electors of the city of McCook are called to meet in caucus Friday March 19 1909 8 oclock p m in the county courc room for the pur pose of placing in nomination candidates for Mayor City Clerk City Treasurer City Engineer Police Judge Members of the City Council and Members of the Board of Education and to transnct such other business as may properly come before the meeting Signed II P Waite C W Baijne E F OsuonN Lon Cone City Central Committee Services Closed Sunday The revival services which havo been progressing iu tho Baptist church for the past two weeks closed last Sunday evening with fnirly satisfactory results a few conversions and an aroused inter est and concern among the members and others Mock Marriage The Endeavor society of the Congre gational chuich induged in a social at the church last Friday evening of more than nrdinarv nmuhini narticulars A mock marriage was an item of detail and -other features were scarcely less jolly Heavy Galvanized Steel Tanks are the best for stock tanks and we have a good supply of these in all sizes Call and see them if ou are in need of a tank McCook Hardware Co Dont forget mask carnival night aud couples night Friday night THIS MONTH ENDS IT Notices have been mailed to all subscribets of this paper owing for the year 1 90S All such ac counts not paid by April 1st 1909 or satisfactorily arranged for will be placed in the hands of an agency for collection and the names removed from our subscription books Notices will also be mailed to all subscribers covering the present year 1909 and we hope responses to these will be prompt and numerous Business conditions make it imperative that sub scriptions shall be as far as possible in advance Kindly observe THE PUBLISHER The New Wash Fabrics the latest and most attractive the mar ket affords are with us See our new 18c and 20c crepes the latest develop ment of tho season See our linen fin ished Dundee suitings in all colors our SL inch wide fine bleached linen sheet ing for SI 00 a yard for suits our 5c lawns 7c challies our 16c embroid ered dotted swiss our beautiful assort ment of 38 styles of very fine mercerized foulards at 20c and 25c a yard Dont miss these if you possess the ready cash with which to buy We invito your in spection The Thompson D G Co PU0NE AT ONLE I am about ready to go into the nurs ery to fill orders of spring delivery of nursery stock and especially call atten tion of the people of this city and vicini ty to the fact that they may give their orders before I leave I live in McCook and handle Nebraska nursery stock Phone red 333 will find me W T Makch McCook The Nooby Stylish Kind Rozell Barger have just received a new shipment of shirts and neckties all nobby and stylish at the right prices A nice assortment to select from All the Latest Implements of the John Deere make also the latest and best in buggies wagons and harness Let us fit you out McCook Hardware Co FARM LOANS W M Rozell makes farm loans See him at Rozell Bargers clothing store What the English makers of dinner ware havb been trying for years to do is to make a ware that has the appearance of thb French Haviland goods We have been fortunate in securing two patterns of this ware in two different decorations We have it in open stock so can sell it in as small amounts as you want J E Lodwick Lincolns Absolutely Pure Mixed Paints are the only home product and made especially for this climate Fully guaranteed A McMillen Druggist The Kings Business The Methodist revival begins next Sunday March 21 and continues after noon and night until after Easter I JIB GUI IRWIN W LTZ of Boston will have charge of the mu sic with chorus and solos Mr Carman the truth denouncing sin and offering Christ as Saviour in sermon Come and hear the following subjects dis cussed the first week Sunday night March 21 The Wicked City Mon day -People to be Feared Tuesday Warnings to Men Wednesday Religion and Clothes Thursday Strong Womanhood Friday -No Room for Christ Song service will begin at 715 sharp each night These meetings are for you Dinner ware in any amount you want for everyday use with Haviland decor ations at the same prices as the od patterns sold for Dinner sets from 8700 up J E Ludwick Plant sweet peas now from H P Waite Co Buv the seeds Large Sun Kist oranges 65 cents a peck J A Wilcox Son Dishes that have Haviland decorations at Ludwicks McCOCK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA- FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 19 1909 Chapter X Elects Officers The annual meeting of Chapter X P E Oi for election and installation of Olivers was held at the homo of Misses Laura and Maudo McMillen last Satur day evening In former years election night has seemed rather a bore thau otherwise since no one wished to take any office The Misses McMillen art fully changed all that by sanding out invitations to the members for a seven oclock dinner and of course no one would absent herself from an event like that Fortunately for Chapter X tho hos tesses had a reputation to sustain as proveditors of excellent dinners and this one was equal to the best served in four courses in approved style as evi denced by the satisfaction of the guests Between the serving of the last two courses the electric lights went out giv iog the company an opportunity to lighten the rooms with brilliant con versation It is a fact that women as well as men are on the best of terms with themselves and the world after having been well dined so the election wont off in the best of humor resulting as fol lows President Mrs Wilcox vice president Mrs Ebert recording secre tary Miss Powers corresponding secre tary Mrs Schobel treasurer Mrs Forbes chaplain Miss Laura McMillen guard Mrs Burney journalist Mrs Willetts pianist Mrs Britt The new ly elected officers were installed by Miss Maude McMillen the retiring acting president after which adjournment was was taken to meet with Mrs Burney on March 27 CITY ELECTION NOTICE The annual election of the Ciyof Mc Cook will bo held on Tuesday April 3th 1909 at which time the polld will be open be tween the hours of 9 oclock a m and 7 oclock p m Central Standard time for the purpose of electing One Mayor 0 One City Clerk One City Treasurer One City Engineer One Councilman 1st ward One Councilman 2nd ward Two Members of the Board of Educa tion District No 17 The polling place of the First ward will be at No 307 Main avenue The polling place of the Second ward will be at the hose house in the city hall on west C street By order of the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook Seal H W Conover City Clerk CORRECT WALL PAPER There is an attractiveness about our wall papers that appeals to the people of taste Theso papers come from the best housos They are designpd by artists and represent the most advanced ideas in wall decorations They are ex clusive and unique the colors harmon ize and are durable The patterns are mostly exclusive and you can have paper different from anybodys else if you wish You are personally invited to see our 1909 wall papers L W McConnell Druggist What Do You Know About This The points of value in a taffeta silk are strength lustre fast color absence of thick thread knots blisters and dull streaks in other words perfect weavp We offer an astonishing value in a yarc wide black taffeta for 69c a yd We abk jou to compare it with other SlOO silks Our price for the jard wide satin messaliues is only 100 Give your purse tho benefit The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values NoticePersonal Taxes Personal taxes for 1903 were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are tubject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 Our 36 mca Satin Messallnesl00 Twelve colors to select from Think of the width Think of the price Come and examine Give your purse the bene fit A iarge Jire of silk to select from The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Farm Loans N JJohnson over McConnells store The Missionary rociety of the Con gregational church will meet on next Thursday March 25th at the home of Mrs Weber The leaders for the meet ing are Mrs Scott and Mrs Morris We have in stock a large line of new designs and colorings in wall paper at right prices A McMillen Druggist Everyday dishes with Haviland china decorations at everyday dish prices J E Lodwick i1 W NUMBER 43 STARTING A BANK ACCOUNT TT is no moro trouble to open a bank account than to buy a pound of nails Couio in and say to any employe or officer of tho bank I want to open an account Toll tho man at tho window how much you want to start tho account with Ho will fix up your pass book give you a check book and will ask you to write your namo so wo will knowyoursignature when ever wo see it Thoamount of your deposit will becroditedln your pass book All this will not take moro than two min utes and you will have facili ties for saving money and taking care of it that are un known to tho man who is not a bank depositor Wo will bo pleased to seo you at THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK A homo bank A growing bank They Attracted Many Women Add to ideal weather such appealing details as a brilliant outpouring of the fair sex and tautalizing exhibits of the milliners art ai n skill and you compass the circumference of the successful and satisfactory millinery openings of Tues day afternoon and evening by Miss An derson and Lovell Nies Miss Andersons store was very at tractively decorated with artificial flowers and other incidentals of tho mil liners art and with a large and hand SDme showing of spring hats of the sea sons colors materials and styles a generous illumination in the evening and music both afternoon and evening loft little to be desired At Lovell it Nies tho picture story was reproduced with but negligible difference in detail Their decorations drow upon their resources of s ock and skill of art very effectively tho select and tasteful creations of the season were in numerous evidence chic and smart and nothing was wanting to make the occasion a success Engraving- and Embossing Your wants can be supplied at The Tribune in the line of engraving and embossing such as calling cards invi tations and announcements monogram correspondence paper etc Handsome samples of all on display Prices rea sonable Prompt service If interested come and inspect You Will Have No Trouble in selecting a spring suit from our stock we have the latest styles and colors a fine line at tho right reasonable fig ures Rozell Barger outfitters to their majesties the people MONEY SAVED BY GETTING your paints of us Paints oils and var nishes of the Acma Quality McCook Hardware Co John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for saIealso flour and feed C J RYAN Every housewife could spend a profit able hour daily in the rink Healthful exercise You need not worry longer about your corns if you use McMillens Sure Corn Cure Dr R II Gatewood dentist office over McMillens druu store phone 1G3 C F Lehn buys road orders For Seed Barley Oats and White Spring Wheat at Updike Grain Co SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager Phone red 196 I i i i