The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 12, 1909, Image 6

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lfe 1
- -- ana aweg
McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M mostn
every first and third Tuesday of tho month at
800 p in in Masonic hull
Lon Cone Sec
Occonoxoo Council No 16 It S M meets on
tje laut Saturday of each month at 800 p m
n Masonic hull
Ualfh A IIaqdeuo T I M
KinR Cyrna Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month nt
800 p m in Masonic hall
Clabekcb B Quat H P
St John Coinuuiudery No 16 K T meets on
tho second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hull
Emehhon IIanson E C
Samuel S Gabvet Roc
Enrokn ClinDtor No 8G O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p m iu Mnsonic hull
Mtt8 Sabaii E Kay W M
W E Habt Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second und fourth Thursday of each month ut
830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Julius Kunrbt Consul
J M Smith Clerk
royal neighbors
Noble Camp No 862 R N A moots every
b icond and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morris hull
Mb8 Caboline Kunebt Oraclo
Mes Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Ciias F Maekwad C C
W C Moyee Clerk
McCook Lodge No 01 AOUW meets every
Monday ac800 p m in Monle Cristo hall
ftlAuuiCEGuiFriNKec MS Jennings M W
JMWENTZFinnucier UoyZint Foreman
degree of iionob
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
sacoud aud forth TiifSdays of each month ut
8C0 p in iu Monte Cristo hull
Miw Della McClain C of H
Mbs CaubieSciiiagel Rec
McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets
evory second uud fourth Sunday of each
month ht230 in Morris hall
Walteb Stokes C E
W D Kubnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets even Saturday at 730 p in in Gans
chows hall
I D Pennington M
C II Husted Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
Bocjuti und fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 301
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClube Sec
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of It T
meets first and third Sundays ut 230 p m and
second and fourth Friduys at 7 30 p m each
month in Morris hall C W Corey M
R J Moore Sec
Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A
meet on thoiirst aud third Tuesdays of each
month in Morris hall at 730 p m
Ray O Light C C
N V Fbanklin Rec Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets
every second and fourtii Tnesdaj of the month
at 800 p m in Ganschow hall
Fred Landberg Pres
M L Search Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Cor Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic hall
H W Conover C C
D N Codb K R S
odd fellows
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday ut 8i00 p in iu Morris hull
a G Hughes N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first und third Fridays
R U Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Conncil No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p min Diamonds hall
G R Galk F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each mouth at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
McCook Corp No 98 W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p rrt in Ganschow hall
AdellaMcClain Pres
Susie Vaxdebiioof Sec
l of g a b
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each month at
230 p in iu Monte Cristo hall
Maey Walkee Pres
Ellen LeIIew Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m t
artne nomes ot tue various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mes C H Meeker Cor Sec
MsJo to butld New Btmlncai A trial will
mase you our nermanent customer
PliZe Collection varieties
11 the finest Turnip 7 SnlcncLd Onion 8 best varie
ties 10 Bprlntf floTrtrin Bulb C3 varieties in au
to cover pof Ujs and packing nd reecire thla valuable
collection ox reeaa postpaid tcfdner Trim ray big
jnnirncuvc iicanuiut nxoana riant liooK
WUI on w w Acfc lAucun Ul aeeus jaslS QIC
HW Rlirthop ooa BUyBEE STREET
CURES disease with Pure Blood
Trustees Sale
At one oclock p m Monday March
221909 at the store room 306 Main ave
nue McCook Nebraska the undersign
ed will offer for sale to tho highest bid
der for cash in bulk the entire Granni9
stock of merchandise consisting of a
clean up-to-date stock of about 5700000
of Dry Goods Notions Furnishing
Goods Carpets Traperie9 and a full
line of Groceries all in first class condi
tion Also an assignment of lease of store
room 23x130 feet rental 5000 per
month At the Bame time book ac
counts of face value of about 81000 will
be offered for sale to the highest bidder
J E Kellev Trustee
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for ai tho McCook
postoffice March 12 1909
Brown Mr Clinton
Clark Mr Willie
Jameison Mr J A
Matsou L F
Knrah Mr W J
Fisher Mr J K
Knlin Mr George
McCarthy Edison
Stephen Mrs Kate
Hraini Mrs Anna M Brown Clayton
Macks Mrs Reasoner John
Tynrelle Wm
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
J F Cordkal Acting P M
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not beyond the reach of medicine
Cures headache and irregularities that if
neglected might result in Brights dis
ease or diabetes A McMillen
k tt wminonf
fr jMT vl VmiSSks 3EP
amBaking Powder
No alum no lime phosphates
As every housekeeper can understand
burnt alum and sulphuric acid the in
gredients of all alum and alum phosphate
powders must carry to the food acids
injurious to health
Read the label Avoid the alum powders
A Religious Authors Statement
Rev Joseph H Hesperman Salis
bury N C who is the author of several
books writes For several years I was
iilllicted with kidney trouble and last
winter I was suddenly stricken with a
severe pain in my kidneys and was con
fined to bed eight days unable to get up
without assistance My urine contained
a thick white sediment and I passed
came frequently day and night I com
menced taking Foleys Kidney Remedy
and the pain gradually abated and final
ly coased and my urine became normal
I cheerfully recommend Foleys Kidney
Remedy A McMillen Druggist
LEGE If so we can help you We
have already put hundreds through col
lege by means of our plan Write to
day for full information regarding our
offer of a free scholarship in any school
or college Address Robert J Slier
lock 29 31 East 22d street New York
Simple Remedy for LaGrlppe
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneumonia
FoloysHoney and Tar not only stops the
cough but heals and stiengthens the
lungs so that no serious rpsults need be
feared The genuine Foleys Honey
and Tar contains no harmful drugs and
is in a yellow package Refuse substi
tutes A McMillen Druggist McCook
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Th
Tribune office
fcrtr s
all kmcis oP
Its natural for us all to want themost and thejoest our money
will buy But when you buy a bill of lumber an
estimate from us how do you know that you are getting the best
bargain that is possible for you to get You simply cant tell a
thing about it You dont know whether youre losing money
or not The best way is to always let us make you an estimate
on what you want We have complete stocks of everything and
years of experiencealong selling and building lines that we are
willing to give you the benefit of
We are more portly than the above picture shows us but just
as keen after your business right now as when we posed for the
above picture
Stansberry Lumber Company
at an Old Stand
We wish to make known to the people of McCook
and vicinity that we have purchased theDC Marsh
Meat Market All we wish to add at this time is
thatwe shall make it our earnest and utmost effort
to maintain the present high character of the market
for the best of everything in season at the very low
est cash price We wish the continuance of your
patronage and shall endeavor to merit your con
fidence and trade
at Marshs Old Stand
A Dollar Cut Off
During tho om week of March 23 to
28 The Lincoln Daily News will accept
82 from mail subscribers for a whole
year to April 1 1910 the regular prico
being S3 There is a constant discussion
of how articles can bo placed in the
hands of the consumer without any
middlemans profit and The Lincoln
News has done this by cutting traveling
solicitors and their railroad fares and
other expences the saving resulting in
this 1 which is cut from the regular
price of S3 Wo do all the business di
rect with you which Is the cheapest
way requiring everyone to pay in ad
vanco aud stop every paper when the
time is out thus avoiding all losses and
costs of collection If farmers could
sell their rain and livestock direct to
the user saving a lot of middle charges
he would get more for his stuff So
when you can buy a newspaper that cuts
out all the middle expenses you can
save the saving Over ten thousand
state families think The Lincoln News
is the best paper in the Btale Its a
big clearly printed and carefully edited
newspaper handling every bubject that
directly interests the people is against
corporation domination and the rule of
all selfish interests Refuses all liquor
and unclean medical advertising and is
a constant worker for the great temper
ance reforms which are now before the
people In fact its a fit paper for any
home and every Nobraskan interested
in self government and the future pro
teotion of himself and family will find a
tremendous value for his 82 Remember
its a regular S3 paper and it is only
during this one week jou buy it for this
low cut prico of 62 Dont pay money
to strangers Send your order direct to
Tho Lincoln Daily News or to your
local agent
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska March 9 1909
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present S Premer C
B Gray and F S Lofton commissioners Sid
ney Dodge county attorney and Charles Skalla
county clerk
Tho minutes of the meetings held in Februnry
were read and on motion approved
A motion was made by Gray seconded by
Lofton that the county treasurer be instructed
to collect taxes for 1S9J on the northwest quar
ter of section 1 township 1 range -9 including
interest only to January 1 1E01 the date of sale
of said lands for taxes in which sale tho county
treasurer at that time should have included tho
1893 tax Motion carried unanimously
On motion the following overseers of high
ways were appointed to fill vacancies
VY F Miller Dist No 19 Reaver precinct
E F Cousc Dist No 7 Willow Grove pre
George E Carr Dist No 10 East Valley pre
A motion was made by Gray seconded by
Lofton that the clerk be instructed to notify L
W McConnell that tho goods purchased by P
E Rceder on November 27 amounting to 1040
consisting of one half gross pencils at 300 one
box carbon paper at riO and three Loses of
typewriting paper at 390 and the one half
gross of lead pencils purchased by H I
on January 5 1909 as per claim of Mr Mc
Connell filed on March 9 1909 will not be al
lowed by -the county board Motion carried
On motion the clerk was ordered to tend no
tices to all physicians residing in Red Willow
county that sealed proposals will be receicd
by the county commissioner at the oilice of the
county clerk up to noon April G 1909 for such
medical services of physicians audlmedicines as
may be required by the poor of Red Willow
county proposals to embrace the following dis
tricts of said county viz
Tho first district comprises the six eastern
precincts of the first commissioner district
The second district comprises all of the pre
cincts of the second commissioner district
The third district compiises the eight western
precincts of Red Willow county
The county commissioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids
The following deputy assessors were appoint
ed by the county assessor to till vacancies and
their appointments were on motion confirmed
by the county board to wit
I E Neel IJox Elder precinct
V T Lopcr Gervcr precinct
W B Whittaker McCook city and Willow
Grove precinct
WTClark McCook city and Willow Groe
The report of Ed Hethcote justice of tho
peace for Reaver precinct of fees and tines col
lected was examined and on motion approved
aud ordered placed on file
The bond of F M Kimmcll for the printing
of the commissioner proceedings legal notice
and delinquent tax list for 1909 was examined
and on motion approved aud ordered placed on
The following official bonds were examined
aud on motion approved
S W Stilgebouer member of soldiers relief
JAWilcox member of soldiers relief
G W Probasco justice or the peace Alliance
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and the clerk was ordered to draw warrants
on the road funds of the respective commission
er districts as follows
W II Eifert nails Com Dist No 1 i CO
John A Genther road work
Com Dist No 2 4 50
George H Genther road w ork
Com Inst No 2 1 20
W C Sheets road work
Com Dist No 2 10 00
Leonard Smith 30 loads of rock
Com Dist No 2
James Doyle Jr road work
Com Dist No 3
George Traphagan road work
Com Dist No 3
Henry Corcoran road work
Com Dist No 3
Edward Predmore road work
Com Dist No 3
12 00
12 00
13 50
3 00
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S
of McCook tho sum of 113 and to McCook
Lodge A F A M the sum of 160 being the
amounts illegally assessed against them in 1908
and paid by them under protest
On motion tho county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to R V Cndman the sum of 200
being tho amount of poll tax assessed against
him in 1905 and paid by him under protest for
the reason that he was not of age at that time
On motion the board adjourned to meet
March 10 1909
S Premek Chairman
Attest Chakies Skalla County Clerk
V ZV S3 3
L 3eS8
Highest Aware
Worlds Pure Food Exposition
Chicago 1907
What cioe is mean
Jt means that Calumet lias seta new Standard in
Baking Powder the standard of the World
Because this award was given to Calumet after
tnorough tests and experiments overall other baking
It means that Calumet is the best baking powder
in every particular in the world
And this means that Calumet produces the
best most delicious lightest and purest
balding of all baking powders
Doesnt that mean
ery thing
Notico is hereby given that tho Stansberry
Lumlv r Company Ims filed its articles of incor
poration in the oilice of tho county clerk of Red
Willow county Nebraska and iu tho oilice of
tho secretary of stnte of the state or Nebraska
The principal place for transacting the business
of said corpora ion is McCook Nebraska and
the general nature of tho business to bo trans
accd by said corporation is Dealing in lunf
ber lime cement brick hardware paints oils
mill work building material of all kinds coal
and fuel of all kinds and such other materinls
and merchandise as are usually or may bo con
veniently handled at retail lumber and coal
yards general contracting and the erection
construction alteration repair and fitting up
of buildings of all kinds And in furtherance
of these purposes this corporation may pur
chase own lease sell and convey real and per
sonal property may enter into contracts with
persons and corporations and may do and per
form such other acts as may bo necessary or
proper to tho convenient conduct of its said
business The amount of capital stock author
ized is 25 000 divided into shares of 1M each
to bo fully paid when subscribed and non
assessable Said corporation commenced on
March 1 1909 and its duration shall be perpet
ual Tho highest amouut of indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation is at any time
to subject itself shall not exceed two thirds of
the par value of the capital stock outstanding
Tho affairs of tho corporation are to bo con
ducted by a president vice president secretary
and treasurer who shall constitute a board of
ru ri Stansberry Lumbeu Company
Lskalj Ry j R stansberrv President
Attest I Stansberry Secretary
In tho County Court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss
To Carrie Simons William Blatt Rudolph
Blatjt Albert Blatt Frank Blatt Augusta Blutt
Lucille Blatt aud Emma Schoregge and to all
persons interested in the estate of Philip Blatt
On rending the petition of William Blatt
praying that the administration of said estate
be granted to Charles F Lehn as administrator
It is hereby ordered that you and all persons
interested in said matter may and do appear
ac tno county court to be neld iu and for said
county on tho i5th duy of March A D 19U9 at
One oclock P M to show cause if any there
be why the prayer of the petitioner should not
begranted and that notice of tho pendency of
taid petition and mat tue hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in the McCook
Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said
county for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing
Witness my hand and seal of -aid court this
23rd day of February A D 1909
seal J C Moore County Judge
J E Kelley Attorney
Notice is horoby given that tho McCook Brick
Company has filed its articles of incorporation
in tho oilice of tho Secretary of State of tho
State of Ncbinska and in tho oilice of the
County Clerk of Ked Willow county Nebraska
The location of tho principal oilice of tho corpo
ration shall bo McCook Nebraska and tho
principal place for the transaction of its busi
ness shall bo Ked Willow county Nebraska
Tho general nature of tho business to bo trans
acted by said corporation shall be
To manufacture clay shale sand magnesia
or other minerals into brick roofing tilo drain
L tile or into such other forms articles or build-
lllg Iimiurjilis Ma suuil tliiu annuel luiuuiais uiu
now or may hereafter bo used for
To acquire own lease occupy use or develop
any lands containing clay shale sand magne
sia or other similar minerals or othor lands
for any purpose of tho company
To mine or otherwiso extract or remove clay
shale sand maguesiu or other similar minerals
from any lauds owned acquired leased or
occupied by tho company or from any other
lauds and to make and enter into contracts for
the mining or extraction or removal of such
To buy and to sell or otherwise to deal or to
traffic in clay shale sand magnesia or other
similar minerals and any of tho products there
of and any manufactured articles consisting
wholly or in purt thereof
To joutract for the construction of buildings
or other structures the laying of brick and of
tiling or the doing of any other work in which
the articles or materials dealt in or manufact
ured by this corporation are used
To do general contracting and to make or to
let subcontracts for the construction of any
work in which the articles or materials dealt in
or manufactured by this corporation are used
Tho amount of capital stock authorized shall
be2j000 divided into2TiU shares of ilUO each
which shall be subscribed for at not less than
their par value and which shall be non-assessable
The corporate existence of snid corpora
tion shall begin on the tenth day of March 1909
and shall continue for 20 years The highest
amount of indebtedness or liability to which
the corporation is at any time to subject itsolf
shall not exceed one half of the par value of
stock outstanding Tho affairs of the corpora
tion are to be conducted by a board of directors
consisting of four members selected by the
stockholders from among their number The
oflicers of the corporation shall consist of a
President a Vice President a Secretary and a
Treasurer who shall be chosen by the Hoard of
The McCook Urick Company
Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs
strengthens the lungs and expels colds
Get the genuine in a yellow package
A McMillen Druggist McCook
Seed Corn Lancaster Franklin
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
v FRANKLIN President
A C EBERT Cashier
a a is
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 20000 f
a a d a a
They are shipped in a steel container
nirticrht sealed Hacked with ice
150 Value
for 100
Oysters With III JIf
Sea Tang J iMf f
Oysters -with the true oyster flavor vZf S 1 1
the kind youve smacked your lips jCI ft NyfiSj lj
over at the shore V ll W53 Snmfmr
OyUers Bfw
around the container No ice or water touches the oysters You get solid
meats perfect and unbroken
Sealshipt Oysters go further and taste so different
Come and see them
About Oysters
All the following dealers sell Sealshipt f
The genuine Sealshipt Oysters are always sold from x
White Porcelain Display Case bearing the Sealshipt trade
mark in blue This is for your protection look for it
The Sealshipt Carrier System is patented Infringe
ments will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
South Korwalt Connecticut A
K j
f i