n r V Y r IV 4 1 f J W i fc - B L Kv n I J II HARTLEY Tbo Btork left a a wont little girl at the homo of our druggist Mr Babbitt last week Cecil did the correct thing and set em up to nil cnllera R R Hcrigkins was a business visitor to Clay Center Nob this week I W Stevens of Fairmont Nebr is hero on a visit with his eons Art and Bert and Mrs Porcy Catlett The mnrriago of Jesse King and Clara Bush by Rev Hagoman last week was the consummation net of a royal pair She got a King and ho got a queen What will the harvest be John Mayos son was oporated on re cently for appendicitis Up to this date the operation promises to bo successful Mrs H L Brown and children visited in Indianoln Inst Thursday Art Stevens and Sam Hart each had public sales last week Good prices were paid Dr Hathorn reports the advent of n nice little girl nt the home of Mr and Mrs Richard Burton The Seventh Day Adventists dedi v cated thoir church here Inst Sunday The visiting ministers were AT Robin son nnd Charles Thompson G W White is the resident minister Zac McCollum is down from Kimball county on business He reports Mrs McCullom a3 being well pleased with their new location Last Saturdny was a galadny in Bart ley Beauty and intelligence wore tbo predominant feature of the day It being the occasion of all the fair school marms in the countyattonding teachers institute here A family by the name of Caton moved to Bartley this week from eastern part of the state The family preceded Mr Caton who camo through on the freight with his goods and stock At Oxford his car was jammed in switching dam aging the goods and seriously injuring Mr Caton who at this writing is growing worse Sp w La M 1 m 2 S Z j y n C H x en Sold only in Moisture Troof Tackages Elder Parker of Araphoe was up Fri day attending tb meeting at the Christian church Anthony Fern brother of Mrs Ellen Burton died at her home Sundaynight He was 78 yoars old Funeral services at the house by Rev Hageman People hore wero shocked Sunday evening when hoaring that Sylvester Cozad had been shot and instantly killed by a son of Robert Bonar while playing ball near Freedom Sylvester Cozad with his parents were residents of Bartley The Cozad boy was about 1 years old and the Bonar boy 17 While running to home base a pistol foil from the Cozad boys pocket The Bower boy picked it up and fired the fatal shot It is another case of did not know it was loaded The remains of Cozad wero buried in Bartley ceme tery Tuesday afternoou A short fu neral service was held at the grave by Elder H J Wilkinson Sol Promor was visiting in Bartley latter part of last week and first part of this with Mr and Mrs Voiles and a special friend The ovangelistic meetings are still in progros3 at the Christian church II J Wilkinson is an able minister Large crowds are in attendance Several have been added to the church Mr S D Pidge pf Omaha is now proprietor of the Citizens hotel Mr Stehr has gone to Grant to take charge of a hotel several of our people are pleased with the chauge GERVER M Austin had trouble with his pump Saturday You can see Alex Ellis smile clear through his whiskers since the arrival of that new boy the 24 Mr Furrow who has been very low with the measles is recovering Some of the children are still down with the disease Mr and Irs Loper are the proud parents of a eirl born the 26 DANBURY Mrs T E McDonald departed lost Wednesdny for Lincoln Valpariso and other eastern points for a visit with friends and relatives Howard Ruby was called home last Wednesday on account of the serious illness of his brother John Oscar Thomas returned home Wed nesday from Lincoln He reports Mrs Thomas to bo home in about two weeks Henry Kettering of Lebanon was a business visitor Tuesday Robert Murphy of Lebanon was in town between trains last Thursday Georgo Miller has accepted a position with the Beaver Valley Telephone Co as lineman The pictures nt the Methodist church Friday night was well attended The pictures being of the slums of New York City and were enjoyed by all John Ruby who has been very sick with pneumonia is some better at this writing Frank McFee of Oberlin was a busi ness visitor Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs F G Stilgebouer of Bartley wore visiting with relatives Monday Mr and Mrs Murrry Graham who have been spending the winter in Cali fornia returned home oneday last week Mrs A V Olmsted is seriously ill this week Mr and Mrs Rea Oman and family i and Mr and Mrs C W Rodgers and family spent Sunday at the MM Young home Miss Murray aud Gaitha Noe were Marion social visitors Saturday Clifford Burbridge and lady and Rollo Cathcart and lady of McCook were so cial visitors Sunday Mrs J L Sims daughter Lorotta and Mary Sims were Marion visitors 1 itter part of last week Fred Osborn Lee DeLong George Thomas and Ben Moss attended the dance at Lebanon last week Brlll H JI The only Soda Cracker possessin Mrs H E Wnugh of Lebanon was a social visitor Friday Dan Cashen was an Indianola visitor Monday W A Stone wns a Wilsonville visitor one day last week Ed and Forest Hothcote the latter from Holyoke Colorado was over today visiting friends and relatives Ed Ruby of Marion wbb a Dnnbury visitor last Friday D P Clouse of Indianoln was over today visiting Leila Burbridge of near Lebanon was a Danbury visitor Sunday L Cann will give a picture show at Marion Saturday night the subject being The Slums of Now York INDIANOLA Bes3 And Dorothea Toogood wore Mc Cook shoppers Thursday Harlow Porter of Haigler Nob is visiting at the homo of G S Jarvis this week Mrs Wallace is spending this week in McCook Mrs Harvey Brown of Bartley was an Indianoln visitor Friday Zekey Ormond was a Bartley visitor Tuesday Minmck Bro have installed a new lighting system in thoir drug store Mrs Cnvelick left Tuesday morning for her home in the eastern part of the state Mrs Armstrong who has been visit ing her parents Mr and Mrs C Yearde loy living northwest of town returned to her home in Lincoln Thursday Mesdaraes Boldman Porter and Pow ell were McCook visitors Saturday night Harry LeBaron of Cambridge was an Indianola visitor Thursday evening P Anderson and family shipped their household goods to Deloy Iowa Satur day night whore they will make their future home When you think of NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY you naturally think of Biscuit When you think of Biscuit you naturally think of ml ifvYi S j S3 fv JrS wA a IS H S JEK ieRgs i 1 n rvr i - yifa waji A S JSfULfi mWjSs vox Mr Cavelick shipped his household goods to tbo eastern part of the state Saturday Miss Carrie Schoenthal arrived from BennettNeb Monday for a few weeks visit with her brother Dan Mrs Joy Weaver left Monday for her now home in Gregory South Dakota after a short visit with her mother Mrs Toogood The ladies of tho Congregational church gave a farewell reception Fri day at tho home of Mrs C II Russell in honor of Mrs L Smith who will soon move to her now home in Pine Bluffs Wyoming Will Moheng and family moved from Red Willow to Indianola Monday and are now living in the house formerly occupied by L Hethcoto Bert Toogood arrived Tuesday from Bertrand to spend a few days with tho homefolks Tim Bonar while fooling with a revol ver accidentally shot and killed Clint Cozad one of his noighbors Sunday Both boys live near Freedom about 12 miles northeast of hero Mrs Hatcher went to Sterling Colo rado Monday to visit her sister Ernest Dodd slightly sprained his right arm Sunday but at the present it is much better Mr and Mrs L B Simmons of Edi son are viaitintr her parents Mr nnd Mrs C B Hoag this week Little Floyd Thompson who has been quite sick with lung fever is better now Edward Hethcoto camo down from his claim in Colorado last Friday for a short visit with homefolks A reception was given last Thursday at the home of Mrs H VV Kayos in honor of Mrs Milgate who will soon go to Pine Bluffs Wyoming to make her homo A dainty luncheon was ser ved and all present enjoyed a good time Revival meetings are still in progress this week at the Methodist church Tho meetings this week are conducted by Rev Allen of Denver Mr Corwin and family have moved to Cambridge Jim McCallum is transacting busi ness in Kansas City this week MARION S H Stilgebower and R S Goro were county capital business visitors one day last mid week Mrs Wicks and children visited in Danbury a few days last week S W Stilgebouer and wife of Bartley were in town visiting relatives and friends a few days last week Cassius Dodge and family moved up from Danbury Saturday he having quit working for the BeaverValley Telephone Company AGibson and wife from sunny Kansas visited in town Suuday ChnsRynn from northeast of Danbury was on our streets Saturday E Galusha and J II Wicks arrived home Saturday after a few weeks visit in eastern Nebraska and Missouri Lionel Bacou was instructed in the mysteries of woodcraft at Danbury Saturday night Uarvo Lyons of Kansas City Missouri visited in town a few days last week the puest of his nephew Sylvester Lyons Mr Bryson a nephew of Mrs M W Rodabaugh began work on theranch tho first of the month Mrs Pepper and children visited at the parental Wingo home south of Dan bury Sunday E E Blake moved his houfe onto his lots south of the right-of-way the first of the week Neta Stilgebouer and Marie Ruby ac companied Miss Redfern to Bartlej Saturday to the teachers meeting held there They returned Sunday Harry Poole moved onto the W M i Decker place southeast of town in sunu Kausas the firat of the week Powell Wiltou shipped three cais of fehfep tu the St Joe market Tuesday The M E quarterly meeting waa held here Saturday and Sunday with Rev Wilson presiding O B Ward from Danbury was in town between trains Tuesday Mrs Sims and children of Danbury was in town between trains Monday P Lehn and family of Danbury visited at the Gore home Sunday BOX ELDER A number of the people of the wcinity met last Friday aud cleaned t he church and Sundi school was held again last Sunday F G Ltle has been entertaining a brother from Iowa He has been visit iug two other brothers in California and stopped off here to visit on his way home Robert Larinjrton is moving this i week to his new home near Haigler Pete Modrell is just getting over the measles Rev Rubottom is still continuing the meetings at Spring Creek There have been two conversions Mr3 Tom Elms visited Monday an d Tuesday with Mrs Chester Nelms near Quick mgaaai ssqssaafiteg tiy say y wr wytwy v nvry pe n I Dr J 0 Bruce OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 McCook Neb jf Office over ClecrlcTltcntre on Alain Ave DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over JlcAdams Store Phone 190 OF B 111 Jft C H Hoyik NN DENTIST pohb iw Oilica Rooms 3 und 5 Wulnli JIIk MrCoolc Dr J A Jolfer DENTIST Room Postoffick Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA gritviriTivTiyiiviyytfiWW R n Gate wood DENTIST Oflicc over McMilluns drug storo Phono lf5 McCook Nebraska i1 1 i Iiifi 1 -1 tUW V i tiliYI JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska jgKeut of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Watar Uorki Otlico in PostoHJce building C KEldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Lour Diiitunco lone44 Roims 1 aud floor Poftotiicn Huildiuj McLook Neb A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska grtltTVlVriVMT PTITTV V VV V WflW J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Oflico over Marshs Meat Market -I UUUUkkit AtlAtAJrfWtiUil itUI ll tAlVi JJMJJ H P SUTTON iUcCOOK -v JEWELER MUSICAL GCODI NEBRASKA Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska ii Updike Grain Co 1221 JCPJLi Phone 169 S S GARYEY Mgr E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL C JKSS3E55S5 vpga y i5raS 3iC i5 SkZta FOR Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 5- g E3 g s p I ffitMsZ w52 7N Ii3l3X rsssfift Fresh Reliable Pure uuafiiiiccu tu r ihas j Every Gardener and Planter Khonld left the KUTif rior merits of Our I Northern mown aeeas SPECIAL OFFER 10 CENTS tve will send -postpaid our PflMOU COLLECTION 1 ntr CO Dat Toalo 20 1 pk Irinfe Raih 1 1 1 ti li Urowmc leiery 1 ptr Earl Arrow hailhht ISs 1 rke Fnllrlon JUrkf t Ittof 10 Alo 12 rieli Cholee t lower Sed 5S flOO Write todsy r i 10 cts to tffp ptj ptlE1 p3 in and receirs tt atra Faaioas Colltetion to- zetlier with our Jiw and InitractiTe GiriJen Cmd GKKAT NORTHERN SEED CO 833 Koe St Koclcford Illinois