fX M r I L4 frj I M i k K IS- ft v u Young iS -5 ff- TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR Of Uncommon Int a for The meeting of Eureka Chapter No At tho conclusion of the degreo work of the session a banquet waa spread a few felicitous toabts eiit uing quite ull bearing tribute service or tatrou Young and to his high and excellent character as a citizen and a gentleman Mr Young departed the samo night for the field of his new labors in Alamosa Colorado with tho regrets and best wishes of all especially of the members of Eureka chapter whom he has served bo satis factorily and successfully as patron for some time Purvis Moore Mr Jesse Purvis and Miss Rose Moore were united iu holy matrimony at the home of the brides parents last Weduesday at 1130 Dr U A Leeper of tho Methodist church officiating A large circle of friends aud neighbors witnessed the happy event Mr Purvis is a prosperous joung farmer of Red Willow couuty while Miss Aloore is also one of Rdd Willow countys best girls The young people were tho recipients of a lot of beautiful and useful presents A host of friends including the Clarion wish them a happy matrimonial voyage Cambridge Clarion Kev Clay Next Week The revival meetings at the Baptist church are growingin interest eachday A few conversions are already recorded These services will continue next week at least Rev J H Clay of Iloldrege who was prevented from coining will bo here and will preach every evening To hear him once will make you want to hear him again Everybody is cordially invited What Kind Of a Comb Do You Like We have it what ever it is Wo al ways have some that you are apt to like better than others you have tried We have the best combs made including the latest improved ones combs -dressing-combs pocket combs infant and bar ber combs Li W McCom kli Druggist Best Grades of High Patent Having bought the flour and feed business ofH S Godfrey Co I wish to announce to the people of McCook and vicinity that I will at all times car ry a complete stock of flour and feed making a specialty of highest grades of high patent flour I have moved one door north of old location into the Cain brick Patronage solicited 1st st west G W Smith The Wife of a Woodman The Royal Neighbors are enlisted in the work of assisting the Modern Wood men of our city in raising funds for the log rolling event of next summer and on March 18th will produce in the Men ard opera house a play entitled The Wife of a Woodman with local talent Fuller particulars next issue NoticePersonal Taxes Personal taxes for 190S were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are subject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 Federal Court in McCook Judge T C Munger R C Hoyt TJ S district court clerk W P Warner TJ S marshal and C A Goss U S district attorney were out from Omaha Monday and opened a term of federal court here in a formal manner Ten Thousand New Views Handsome new post card views of Mc Spwvilr mfo Cook in colors have just arrived from j of our Germany Public Sale We will have a public snle at David We Trust The Worlds Best Are the Standard sewing machines sold by McCook Hardware Co InlUative ana Referendum A petition in 1 cine circulated This project was contemplated last spring but failed of being submitted in time Tho petition is boingquitegener all signed Tho idea 01 the initiative and referendum places the initiation of cer tain matters of legislation with the people on petition as well as refers certain thingd to them for endorsement In u word it gives tho people power to enact legislation direct instead of through the city officials exclusively It is a law which has worked advantage ously although it is not of course without its drawbacks Republican City Caucus The Republican electors of the city of McCook are called to meet in caucus Friday March 19 1909 8 oclock p in in the county courc room for the pur pose of placing in nomination candidates for Mayor City Clerk City Treasurer City Engineer Police Judge Members of tho City Council and Members of the Board of Education and to transact such other busiuess as may properly come before the meeting Signed H P Waite C W Barnes E F Osuorn Lon Cone City Central Committee Bread and Butter Values Simpsons aud ilmericau prints uo Newest side band prints 5c Best checked gingham 6 Peperell 9 quarter sheeting 25c Best table oil cloth 15c Good yard wide sheeting 5c Solid leather suit cases 175 Mens swing pocket bibb overalls 39c Boys double fiont and seat ditto 39c All calf sUiu welted jove 50c Paerless carpet warp per lb 21c Compare these price with anybodys prices that you want to We invite your patronage The Thompson D G Co Business on business principles SOMETHIN GOOD TO Wants Home For Baby Boy Anyone who would be willing to give a home to a baby boy six months old should call on Mrs Carpenter on west 2nd street first door north of the Burke rooming house for particulars The Showing new embroideries aLd laces is These show views of Mc- causing the interest we predicted and Cook never befcre offered the public the outfitting is going merrily on Get Business residential and church For your share The Thompson D G Co sale at this office I Actual ca h values 1 Windmills and Tanks Tanks that are rust and frost proof - - 1 1 Beamana March 11th 19G9 3 miles and windmills tnat will tio nam wonc a west of B utley Ladies are invited j long time are sold and put up wells are David Ueamak drilled and repaired OSVandoken j McCook Hardware Co White Muslin Underskirts you will not miss the display of new i Our Qew line is now open and is an hand bass and belts just arriving and all tsar assortment containing more First Examination Saturday The local civil service board at this place will hold its hrst examination 8y O E H lint Fridaj evening was of ing tho city council to place on tho bal unusual interestthreo conditions anting lot at the coming city election tho prop out the gathering a special niannei oBition for mid against the initiative Attendance wbieherovW d tiio hundred and referendum in order that the peo mark the initiation of four candidates j plo of the city way he able to vote on and un mfonnal faieweil to Patron I the proposition at the next city election to the efficiency ofAthe as an officer -READ If you wish to enjoy yourself these evenings you will find in our book stock We have a number of tho latest fiction also a fine line of the pop ular copyright books at less than half the usual price In 50 cent popular copyrights you will find books that only a short time ago retailed at 3135 These are good editions good print and binding and among them are some of tho most popular noels of re cent years L W McCoxsell Druggist Daylight Saloon Proposed There is some agitation of the day light saloon proposition for McCook That temperance would be greatly aided by such action is scarcely to be question ed The Tkibcne knows of nothing in sight in the temperance problem that could now bring better results than a restriction of tho drink hours to the day light hours Never Touched Him The little two-year-old son of F D Frazier of South McCook fell into a well in that part of the city yesterday and although the distance was 41 feet the three feet of water in the well was tho very cushion that brought the little low out unscathed Oliver Jeffries got the little fellow out THIS MONTH ENDS IT i r J Notices have been mailed to all subscribeis of this paper owing for the year 1908 All such ac- 1 counts not paid by April ist 1909 or satisfactorily - arranged for will be placed in the hands of an agency for collection and the names removed from our subscription books Notices will also be mailed to all subscribers covering the present year -1909 and we hope responses to these will be prompt and numerous Business conditions make it imperative that sub scriptions shall be as far as possible in advance Kindly observe THE PUBLISHER Teachers Meeting- Saturday Success characterized the meeting of the teachers of Red Willow county last Saturday in Bartley and a lively inter est was manifest in all its proceedings The program was of excellent parts all well and strongly presented some very meritorious papers among the number Discipline was the keynote of the meeting The address of F G Stilge bouer on Scholarship and Citizenship was a splendid effort the speaker ad vancing ideas and thoughts which if carried into effect would largely conduce to improvement along the lines of citizen ship and bcliolarship Mr Stilgobouer though now in the banking busines was in earlier days a school teacher and the habit has not deserted him Tho attendance was large considering the statu of tho mads some of the teacher driving 10 15 and 20 miles to participate in the meeting Good varnishes Varnishes that do good work always arH not easy to make Its not every manufacturer who ha itfofacilitiP9 and the capital necessary to the making of good varrmhrs The Shkkwin - Williams Vaismshes are right idwa s They bring out in full the natural beauty of the wood They wear and lt ep their luster for the long est time You can not buy better var nishes For sale by L W McConkell Druggist Physicial Educaton The next meeting of the W C T U will beheld at the home of Mrs Rose bush March 12th at 300 p m Sub ject Physical Education An espe cially good program is being prepared by Mrs Mary Hartwell Come and bearit Those who were present last week can testify to the value of these meetings Our women are being educated along lines which must prove helpful in the home life High School Assembly Program Program at the high school assembly this morning was as follows Piano solo Tessa Fish clarinet solo Ray Jordan violin solo G J Heckman vocal solol Miss Dougm selection Girls glee club Baby Died This Morning Mr and Mrs Charlie Byfield of East McCook will have tho sincerest sympa thy of their neighbors and friends in the death of their infant child at early hour this morning after an illness of a few days One Year in Pen Fred Whitney pleaded guilty in dis trict court in chambers last Saturday and was given a term of one year in the statn penitentiary where he was at once taken by Sheriff Peterson American Beauty Corsets take their name both from their perfec tion of form and finish aud the result I produced by wearing them They come in the various su les in favor Sold oulv by The Thompson D G Co Implements Now Ready at McCook Hardware Cos and a large line io select from Headquarters for the famous John Deere line W opening at The Thompsou D G Co j beautiful style than ever before Prices j Taylor wife of the city superintendent Actual cash values j f rom uoc to o ou mc moinpson u of schools is very ill I G Co Mrs C W Taylor Very Low As wo go to press today Mrs C For Rent The Babcock 15 acre tract near town Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street it i r p t FARM LOANS j next Saturday tomorrow for rural free wesi U1 tV umu Whittaker Grav 107 West B Mc- delivery carriers in Red Willow county j Farm Loans Cook Nebraska 25 tf WAN1ED IMMEDIATELY Apprentice girls Miss Anderson Miss Anderson Wants uluni io several apprentice girls See her at rnS3Ion the milliners store No cash com P S II EATON C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans Rev Hawkes Olficlated Kev G B ilawkes of the Congrega tional church of our city was called to Culbertson last Sunday afternoon to officiate at the burial of one of the earli est settlers of Hayes County J E Buzzell The deceased was born in Portland Maine January 1st 1840 Died at his home in Culbertson Nebraska February 26th 1909 being 69 years 1 month 26 days old at the time of his death De parted for the past 33 years was a mem ber of the Congregational church He is survived by the wife and eight children all residing near the parental home but two sons Will and Bert who make Poplar Bluffs Mo their home Temperance Mass Meeting1 There will be a temperance mass meeting in the Baptist church Sunday afternoon March 7th at three oclock to which all persons interested in the temperance cause are urgently invited Come out and discuss the matter If you have any suggestions be prepared city election is upon us April 6th is the date Crowd the church Committee We Claim to Give superior service with our button mach ne Our extensive making of buttons has produced carefulness and skill 4 sizes 152 to 35c Bring your material Often made while you wait The Thompson D C Visible undeniable values Endeavor Topic Sunday C E topic at the Congregational church for Sunday March 7th Lifo Lessons For Me From the Psalms 461 11 Consecration meeting led by Miss Hazel Norns All young people are made welcome at these meetings Religious Revival The Methodists will begin a Special Revival Effort Sunday March 21st holding services every night for three weeks or more Mr Guy I Waltz of Boston will be chorus director and soloist The Nobby Stylish Kind Rozell Barger hae just received a new shipment of shirts and neckties all nobby aud stylish at the right prices A nice assortment to select from FARM LOANS W M Rozell makes farm loans See him at Rozell Bargers clothing store For Sale Buff Orpington cocKerels Eggs iu season S E Ralsten Lebanon Neb ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mil and Mrs Fletch Waugh wciaysyajgsgssjratHWW vwiaa Srtbttne Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday morning march 5 1909 have moved here from Red Cloud H W Keves of Indiauola had busi ness of the law hee Monday and V Franklin president of the Cti zens Bank was in Lincoln Monday on busiuebs Mr and Mrs L R Hileman depart ed Tuesday night for Denver their future home Mr and Mrs A P Ely visited her parents and sister Mrs Doling iu Red Cloud first of the week A L Overman departed Wednesday for his new home at Superior this state where he takes charge of a largo farm Success to them Mrs Sarah Rowell returned home Tuesday evening from spending several weeks with the children in Beukelman and Fort Morgan J A WoDDELtaud family departed close of last week for their future home in Prairie City Iowa with the best wishes of an increasing circle of friends here were also served 4- WILL TAX OUR HOSPITALITY S W Nebraska Educational Associa tion Will Bring- Hundreds Here in April The Tkibune hopes that tho people of McCook will respond liberally and promptly to the request of the committee having in charge the matter of providing accommodations for the hundreds of school teachers who will be drawn here by the meeting of tho S V Nebraska Educational association April 1st 2nd and 3rd Based upon past experience there will bo a need for accommodations for 400 teachers on this occasion which fact means that McCook will have to throw opeu its private homes as well as its hotels boarding houses etc It is needful to remember also that tho time U short in which to complete all arrangements and that an early re sponse is most essential in order that the matter of accommodations mny be lined up In order to finance the matter in hand it is probable that tickets at 50 cents each will be sold which will ad mit holders to the association sessions and the entertainments during the ses sions lectures and music numbers There will be three rpecial items of entertainment and it is expected that they will each and all be worthwhile All citizens who will tako teachers during the association or during part of the time should make the fact known to the committee Phone II C Clapp at No 56 or call at his store and make known your purpose in the matter DO IT NOW The Mock Court The Epworth League mock court last week Thursday was brim full and running over with mirth E C Hill was judge A Fearn clerk H NRose bush sheriff Eugene Gary II M Fin ity J C Moore O E Pearson Ray Shriner Martin Rishel and others were among the lawyers and other court at taches The coon was acquitted of chicken stealing after which he dem urely drew the chicken in question from under his coat and rewarded his lawyer f llOrUlf Ii T7V1 TT itkll tirnr klC i to offer them for the cood of the cause i ter 7 - - J spiratopof tins the regular February u Iteepin mind the fact that an important - 3UU1UJ I11UXI Wil3 ilLLUUUUU UI1U UI1JU UU by over 150 persons Refreshments Godfrey Sells Retail Business This week 11 S Godfrey Co dis posed of their retail fiourand feed busi ness to G U Smith who has moved the stock into the brick building form erly occupied by the Odell bottling works on 1st street west H S Godfrey Co retain their wholesale business and mill Mr Smith will be remembered as the former general forrnau at tho Burlington shops If Your Tastes Are too fine for letter press printing if they demand engraving and steel die em bossing come and get our figures on such work Dont send away or give your order to some traveling shark that is dont do it before you have seen our samples of such work and gotten our figures Sale Continues Till March 16 While the entire Grannis stock will be sold in bulk March 22nd the pre 3 nt closing sale will continue until the evening of March 16th aud we announce some more-than-ever attractive bargains until that time Come and participate J E Kklley Trustee E C Bishop Manager Not Heretofore have we offered such handsomely de signed and trimmed dress skirts aud such irrefaistible waists as are now arriv ing Do yourself the justice of looking us ibrouga The Thompson D G Go Actual cash values IN BLACK AND WHITE Tho Tribune has for sale a nice dis play of local view post cards in colors and in tilack and white Also a well selected line of greeting and other post caras Unequaled DeLaval Separators W II Ifaimou is the local agent and has in stool on West K street a number of these famous money making separa tors Consult him Field Garden and Flower seeds at McCook Hardware Cos in packages or bulk Select them early while the line is complete Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately APPRENTICE GIRLS WANTED See Miss Anderson at once Dr R II Gatewood dentist office over McMiUens drug store phone 163 NUMBER 41 STARTING A BANK ACCOUNT IT is no more trouble to open a bank account than to buy a pound of nails Corno in and say to any employe or ollicer of tho bank I want to open an account Tell the man at tho window how much you want to start tho account with He will fix up your pass book give you a check book and will ask you to write your name so wo will know your signature when ever we see it Tho amount of your deposit will bo credited in your pass book All this will not tako more than two min utes and you will have facili ties for saving money and taking care of it that aru un known to tho man who is not a bank depositor We will bo pleased to see you at THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK A home bank A growing bank Bishop Graves Appointments The appointments of Bishop Graves of the Episcopal church in the field of Rector E R Earle of this city in this section of the state are as follows Indianola March 8th at 230 p 111 Trenton March 9th at 730 p m Strattxm March 10th at 730 p in Beukelinan March 11th at 730 p in Haigler March 12th at 145 p 111 McCook March 14th at 11 a m and 730 p 111 Oxford March 15th at 730 p 111 NJiponeo March 16th at 730 p 111 Bloomington March 17th at 730 pm Franklin March 18th at 030 p m Has Always Taken An Interest Speaking of the S W Nebraska Teachers association here April 1 2 3 the Miudeu News snyt McCook has always taken great pride in looking after the entertainment of teachers She will do herself proud this year Every teacher within a rea sonable distance should attend tho Mc Cook meeting Childrens Rompers just received in both the bloomer stjle and the straight long pants Regular price everywhere for similar goods is 50c Our price only 39c The Thomp son D G Co Taugible undisputable values You Will Have No Trouble in selecting a spring suit from our stock we have the latest styles and colors a fine line at the right reasonable fig ures Rozell Barger outfitters to their majesties the people Tribune Is All Printed In McCook You will find locil or county news of interest on each of the eight pages of this paper every week It 13 all printed at home No patent print Read all At Your Own Frice Boys clothing in medium and heavy weights all sizes from 3 to 10 years at your own prices Reliable goods Well I guess ves High School Orchestra will play at Epworth League Sunday evening Topic The Souls Bread Grace Lant leader Meeting at 645 Everybody invited John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for saIeaso flour and feed C J RYAN C F Lehn buys road orders For Seed Barley Oats and White Spring Wheat at Updike Grain Co SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a social price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co HN Rosebush Manager Phone red 196