The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1909, Image 3

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McCook LodkO No 135 A F A M meet
evory first und third Tumtday of tho month at
8 -00 p in iu MiiRonic hall
Ghaklks L Faunestock W M
Lon COKE Sec
E 8 M
Occcnoxoo Council No 16 RS M moots on
the last Suturdity of each mouth at 800 p m
n Masonic hall
Ralph A Haobebo T I M
King Cyras Chuptor No 35 R A M moots
orery first and third Thursday of each month nt
800 p m in Masonic ball
St John Conmmudery No 10 K T moots on
tho second Thursday of each month nt 800 p
tn in Masonic hull
Emeuson Hanson E C
Euroka Chnptor No 5 O E S moots tho
secoud and fourth Frldnjs of onch month at
80 p m iu Musonic hall
Mks SAEAn E Kay W M
W E Hakt Soc
NobloCampNo 6KJ M W A meets ovory
secoud and fourth Thursday of each month nt
830 p en iu Morris hull Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Julius Kunbet Consul
J M Ssurii Clerk
Noblo Camp No 802 R N A moots every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morri hull
Mns Cakoline Kunbet Oracle
Mes Augusta Anton Kec
w o w
Moots second and fourth Thursdajs at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Chas F Maekwad C C
W C Moteh Clerk
McCook Lodiio No 61 A OUVT meets every
Monday nt8U0 p in in Monto Cristo hall
MAURionaRiFFiNRec M SJenningsM V
JMWENTAFiiiniicier HovZiNT Koroinnu
DEGREE op honor
McCook Lodpe No 3 D of H moots every
second and forth Tnnlnjs of oach month at
800 in in Monto Cristo hall
Mrs Dkma McClain C of H
Mrs CaukikSchiagel Roc
McCook Division No 62 H of L E meets
every bccond and fourth Sunday of oach
month ut2 M in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Hcrnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meots every Saturday at 730 p m in Gaus
chows hall
I D Pennington M
C II Husted Sec
Harvoy Division No 95 O R C meots the
second and fourth Wednesday nights of oach
month ut 800 p m in Morris hall at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClure Sec
railway trainmen
C W Bronson Ledge No 487 B of R T
meots fir t anil third Sundays at 230 p m and
second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each
month in Morris hall C W Corey M
H J Moore Sec
railway carmen
Young America Lodgo No 456 B R C of A
meets on Ihelirst and third Tuesdajs of each
month in Morris hall at730 p m
Ray O Light C C
N V Franklin Rec Sec
- machinists
Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets
every secona aim iiiunii iucmihj ui muutu
at 800 p in iu Gauschow hall
Fred Landderg Pres
M L Search Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Cor Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of oach month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall
H W Conover C C
D X Cohb K R S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every
Monday at SKX p m in Morris hall
II G Hughes N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridajs of each month at
800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the ilrt and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets tho
first and third Tuesdajs of each month at 800
p m in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Conrt Granada No 77 moots on the second
and fourth Thursdajs of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Qneen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Haeeiet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Ganschovs hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
belief corps
McCook Corp No 93 W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
2 30 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridajs of each month at
230 p m in Monte Cristo hall
Mary Walkee Pres
Ellen LeIIew Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Satardajs of each monta at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mes C H Meeker Cor Sec
Mode to build New IJaIncs A trial will
make you our permanent customer
Plize Collection uaUhi7vMieUesLrt
YnA T - hlB 1 AMI VAAC
11 thA finest Turnip 7 splendid Onion 8 best varie
ties 10 iiniin a varieties in all
Write to day Mention this Paper
i to cover pottage and packing and receive this valuable
a Inetrnctlre Beantlful Seed and Plant Boot
teUj ail aDOul uie ucst isueuca vi iicw cjauts ci
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
One of the Company Was an Expert
at tho Game
A general arrived from St Peters
burg in a garrison town In the Interior
of Russia to hold an inspection of the
troops After the review ne stepped
into the officers mess room where he
noticed on the counter a row of bot
tles to which instead of usual -labels
white tickets with a single letter of
the alphabet on each were affixed
The bottles stood in rank and file and
in alphabetical order
What does this mean the general
asked the lieutenant who was show
ing him around
That is an officers charade your
excellency replied the officer rather
The general continued his inquiries
and elicited the following information
Each bottle contains a different
kind of liquor At the meeting of the
officers club one of us mixes some of
these varieties In a glass so that the
initials spell a name and the older
and more experienced members of the
club after lasting it guess what it is
composed of and name the word in
Very original Idea remarked the
general And are you able to make a
guess of that kind
If it is your excellencys pleasure I
will try the lieutenant replied
The general went to the counter and
mixed a glass while the officer stood
at the other end of the room with his
face to the wall
Now guess what this means said
the general as he handed the glass to
the officer
The latter drank it at one gulp
smacked his tongue and replied
That tf as Anna yonr excellency
Bravo exclaimed the general It
requires a lot of practice eh
Your excellency Anna is easy
enough but there if a captain In our
corps who can even guess Nebuchad
U 5iVU5saSJ
A Toss of a Coin With an Unexpected
A New York traveling man was tell
ing stories of Toothpick Tom a fa
mous Bowery character who lived by
his wits as a gambler Tom was
known far and wide not only because
of this gambling mania which was in
satiable but because of his quaint wit
and originality He was an illiterate
and could neither read nor write but
in the course of his career he handled
perhaps a little more than the average
gamblers share of coin raked in across
the green cloth
One afternoon Tom woke up with
a healthy appetite for breakfast said
the New Yorker lie found on in
vestigating his pockets that he had a
five dollar gold piece and he set out
for the nearest cafe to appease his
hunger But just as he was about to
enter the restaurant he suddenly rec
ognized the entrance to the next plaee
as the one leading to a gambling house
which he had not visited for some
time Tom paused He felt himself
torn between two emotions hunger
and the spirit of gambling
Should he risk his gold piece on the
faro table or the roulette or should he
eat That was the question He might
make a killing in which event of
course he would eat sumptuously
Then again he might lose and face
starvation The natural thing for Tom
to do was to leave it to chance
Heads up I eat breakfast tails I
play said Tom and flipped the coin
It was heads up and Tom scratched
his head thoughtfully and said
Well well make it two out of
Again he tossed up but this time
the gold piece struck a crevice in the
sidewalk and disappeared Tom look
ed at the crack and philosophically re
Whipsawed both ways Milwau
kee Free Tress
Tricked of the Time
A Philadelphia lawyer who spends
most of his time at his country estate
employs a sturdy Irish gardener whose
one desire in life is to live until the
banner of freedom is unfurled over Ire
One evening the strolled
through the ground 0 his place and
stopped to have a chat with the gar
Michael do you know that while
we are herenjoying the beautiful
twilight it isark midnight in Ire
land he asked
Faith an Oim not surprised re
plied the gardener Ireland niver
got justice yit Judge
Money Getters
Do you think it pays to send our
sons to college Do they obtain the
practical experience in money getting
that is so necessary in these days I
Well judging from the experience
I have had with my son I should say
they did His practical experience in
money getting increases with every
letter that I receive from him
Simplified Debate
Are you going to attempt to an
swer all the charges made against
Certainly replied Senator Sor
ghum Answering charges these days
Is easy All youve got to do is to say
Youre another Washington Star
A Definition
What is the difference between pre
ferred and common stock
Well if you buy the common you
lose your money right off but if you
buy preferred there is a little longer
delay about it Judge
A liar ends by making truth appear
like falsehood Shenstone
it- L ku
Of the ears
Triii c
Copyritfht 1009 by American Press Association
loud and clear the chorus swelk
10NG The voices of the years
Each ringing with achievement grand
And calling to the spheres
To look and view
One loyal true
Who snatched from Tyranny a land
The fairest neath the sun
And started Progress on her way
Brave noble Washington
him War found a champion
IN Courageous dauntless true
His heart of steel was tender too
And sympathy it knew
And friend and fee
When lying low
Alike to him were brother men
His fellows every one
War was but Mercys path when led
The soldier Washington
IHE chanting years sing Peace today-
Sweet is the theme and grand
And sound the praise of him who first
Enticed her to this land
Her light more clear
Shines forth each year
To all the world a beacon bright
Hopes never setting sun
All nations voice their gratitude
To our George Washington
first in war and first in peace
THOUGH more than this was he
We call him Father for to us
He gave sweet Liberty
lift loud your song
0 years prolong
The antheta and while time endures
Proclaim the victory won
First in the hearts of all true men
Aye live3 our Washington
BIM Mill I W iFljLjMi ii rlkWUlAUlWjiMiuLirrtfytfa2
- - jd - - - i
The Lstter a Rapid Fire Maxim tr
Fcrmcr a Thirteen Inch Can
Probably no educational instltuti 1
in our country has ever graduated twi
more eminent and eloquent lawyer
than old Dartmouth college gave u
In Daniel Webster and Rufus Choat
Bays a writer in Our Dumb AnimuU
It was my privilege as a member o
the Suffolk bar to attend many yer
ago the trial of one of the most lm
portant cases of the year In our su
preme judicial court at Boston
On the two sides were nrrayn
some half a dozen of our most eml
nent lawyers Daniel Webster anrt
Rufus Choate as it happened were on
the same side
A hostile witness was put on bj
the other side some of whose evidence
was of the utmost importance to Web
ster and Choate if It could be ob
tained and Choate undertook the task
of obtaining it No man at our oar
had more profound skill In cross ex
amination and the questions he put
to the witness were like the fire of a
Maxim gun but In every Instance he
failed to get the evidence he wanted
and finally sat down In despair
Then Webster who had been sitting
in his great armchair apparently about
half asleep as though taking no inter
est in the case whatever slowly arose
to his feet put his great eyos on the
hostile witness asked him in the most
serious tone a single question and
brought instantly the required answer
Then as quietly he sat down and ap
parently went about half asleep again
It was a scene photographed on my
mind never to be forgotten
The difference between Webster
and Choate cannot better be explained
as it rests in my mind than to com
pare Choate to a Maxim gun raining
bullets of eloquence wherever he chose
and Webster to a great gun that can
send cut a thirteen inch shell to pene
trate an ironclad
It was wonderful to listen to
Choate I remember a case in which
an ordinary lawyer would have sim
ply said to the court that he moved a
postponement of the case because wit
ness So-and-so was sick but in this
case Choate arose and commenced by
saying that his important witness was
on a bed of sickness and perhaps a
bed of death and so went whirling up
almost to the skies on this simple mo
tion to the great interest of everybody
that heard him
Our old chief justice Judge Shaw
one of the greatest lawyers of his
time was a plain practical man and
looked in his old age as he sat on the
bench somewhat like a Chinese idol
and he used to frequently cut off Mr
Choates eloquence by calling him back
to the plain facts
The Reconciliation
The doctor was soon at the childs
bedside Remedies were administered
then the agonized pair watched the
fight for life skill and vitality on one
side fierce disease on the othr When
at last the struggle ceased the gray
dawn of day was looking in at the
window Life had won The child
She is all right now said the doc
tor shaking the mans hand which
had gripped his and feeling his heart
grow warm under the look of mute
gratitude the woman turned upon
When he had gone the two stood
side by side at the babys crib listen
ing to her regular breathing Then
with one accord they turned and kiss
ed each other And in that kiss the
icy barrier between them melted away
Atlanta Constitution
The French Guide Is a Public Pest
Paris has produced a species which
Is the lowest embodiment of sentient
being It is the guide The guide is
an evolutionary throwback a rever
sion to type You must go deep into
the muck heap whence the race has
risen to find his prototype back of
the ape back of the tiger back of the
snouting hog though he partakes of
tho nature of all of these to the dim
ages when nameless troglodyte tread
ed in cold lftharuy 1i primordial
slime Somewhere in frit citogirj
belongs the Pris guide Ilolin
these ghosts of dead dt i i - hJ
and gibber in tho street of the
A Lcrc Tpcii cf D y
A Scots1 hd Knc to r
his way to I fi and Vr fw d- -had
time to U t ef m
seeing he re his d -a y O
car Ramsay i his RTris
ne had been r rch r k v I h i1
pearance of the mor rd
the hore uirds V d r
them in rofi raw e clirhrj 1 r r
ern sojourn On hi- rittirn afr a
riod of ttiirt
yflJ p v i
horse guards lie h i I oie v
seeing him as he t1 o ht nn lwgcv
as to horso pjsithn ad iv uter
ments he Vd freend
hae had a Iai snell oit sin I left
itutur San irs
They steed beneath the mNteroe
She was justly resentful of what he
had done
now dare you kiss me she ex
claimed I never was so surprised in
ell my life
Neither was I he replied coi trite
ly I thought it was your younger
sister Chicago Post
Forbidden Fruit
Your luncheons are always so suc
cessful Mrs Penrhyn Paget Do tell
me how you select your menus
Oh you see the doctor has given
me a printed list of things I mustnt
eat and I choose the dishes from
that Womans Home Companion
A kindness done to the good is never
lost Plautus
In the County Court of Roil Willow axtnfc
Stnte ft NelirnnVn Counly of TtodWMtos
To tnrrio Simons Willhim Ulntt Ilulifclu
llliitt ILcrt Ulntt rrnnk MnttAiiRtibti ifefc
Lucille Ulntt suul hnimu and six
porsons interested iu tltu cMnto of 1hiliji IfaS
On reudlnc tlo petition tt William ltf
prnyhiKtlint the ndmi lstrntion of nil ivtea
ooKrunted to Charles r LehiiuHndiniiiMmcK
It is hereby ordered tlint oi mid all htmjwt
interested in Mild matter inny mill da iiinwar
nt tno County Court to b hold in md for ttM
county on tho 13th diiy of March A I IiisS
Oni o clock I M tosho enusr If nn tiimt
be why the iirnjer of tin pHitiouur sthoutat
bo Krnuted and thnt notico of tho pondoncr C
hnlli TlHtltirill flllll fllllt till tumrint fluiru Im
Kion to nil perMm interested in nid
lllitttLl nf lt ln I 1
Tribunc n weekly newspaper printed in ntit
county for three succehfhe weuks prior to joAT
day of henrinir
witnossnn hand and vnl of aid court tr
Jrd day f Fobruary A D 1WJ
sfal J O AlooiiK County Judt
J K Kelley Attorney AWt
Nellie Smith Ann Smith John D Smifiv
Lizzie Smith Romi Helle DixIko Artluc KL
Dodie Frank Real John II Heal liilii S
Heal and HcIcnMnrRiicriteEeul willtuku ttutni
that on the 22nd day of January 1MV Clnrr
K Smith filed hit petitition in the DiJacS
Court of Red Willow county Nebraska ajaiS
baid defendants the object and prnjer of vuilt
uru thnt the defendants and each and all
them be required to t et forth the interuftdtrv
and each of them claim in tho northeast czr
ter and the north half of the southeast mzritr
of section 21 town 3 N raiiKe 0 of tin 2a
V M in Red Willow county Nebraska tttaS
the plnintill be decreed to be the owner ia ftVa
bimile of nn undivided two thirds intcrv la
said laud thnt the defendants John 1 Stctti
and Rosa Uello DodRe each bo decried Ur hrr
the owner of nn undhided one ninth inttrcri
therein and that each of the defendants FmrlL
Rcal John H Heal Julia F Real and It Sir a
Marguerite RenI bu deer ed to I e the owiasiu
fee simple of nuundiided one thirt ixli in
terest in said premises that n jutc tm
hadcontlrmiiiK the hares of the puriuis vu
hereinbefore set forth ami for tlepartitJoaMC
snid premi eb according to tho richts of tira
repectiepnrtiesthereinnnd if snid renlenfrua
cnniifit be equitably divided that the Miief
sold and the proceeds of such sale be di4Ei
uted nmoiiK the parties uccomHuk to tiuir
respective rights and for Midi other and furs ber
relief as may be just and eiimttiblo
You are required to answer said injtitioa ox
or before the Mb day of March Kti9
Dated this 27th day of Jsuiuiiry VJSX
ClIAULl s E SiMiril PlniiifiI
Cordeal Si MeCarl Attorneys for IlnintilL t
1 J Pkfftm
Stomach trouble is but a symptom of ce
In itself a true disease We think of Dyssesiv
Heartburn and Indigestion as real diseases 4K
they are symptoms only of a certain toeaSa
Nerve sickness nothing else
It was this fact that first correctly led Dr 5ac
In tho creation of that now very popular Stenscis
Romedy Dr Snoops Restorative Goln GsvcB
to the stomach nerves alone brought that tatw
and favor to Dr Shoop and his Restorative 3a
out that original and highly vital prindpte a
such lasting accomplishments were over to ba iL
For stomach distress bloating biliousneai fisul
breath and sallow complexion try Dr Sboacc
Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see forpBS
self what it can and will do We sell and ebeza
fully recommend
Dr SKoops
Mike Waists
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Casfe j
New location just across IrCnrir 1
Rtmntin P WHIsh hnililinL llVVJUBt
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sever Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice 3uilding
I make a specialty of paper
banging and carry a well se- V
Jected stock of vrall paper i
Work guaranteed and prices
reasonable Phone Red 2G7
SiwiWl Ml
S if
Barnett Lumber Co