The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1909, Image 2

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    c J
Just Received Ruga nil si03
and qualities Wolton Velvet
iirfit quality Body Brussels
Tnpoatry Brussels etc etc
Itemperance column I
3 Condactedsby to- IlcCook W C T U I
tJkattotil iihsnjuy romjilcoholic
Taors is fcliH onlv Rfctituile is becoming
xxxts and more apparent as we observe
ik habits haa d upon t
1b5e who tiro vinj jitsuuu9 in th i ii ld
f jbletics
Mr Hoiferon wbo bus bacnm i
celebrity and is known intTim
3aiilly as tha South Africa run inr
JuViito hucuie the first place ii thf
gra Marathon race in London In an
5asr7iew with a reporter of a me mn
Tjsx paper ho is reported to 9ud
y7l weather was just right for tut
-rail I saw it had a great effect upon
-ethers My misfortune happened uear
lose two miles from which to my
royiet I accepted a draught ol
i2iwpngne It was a great mis take
3 K a cramp a mile from the finish
amd then lo3t my head But for this
nsjortunate use of chain pus no it is al
Mjsiher likoly that the Queens cup
not have gone to Italy the home
tcf ioranda the winner We doubt not
35eron has learned a lessen which he
T2L never forget Would that everyone
za hS profit by his experience E-
Inland about Uult tne size of
has no jail no penitentiary
i no court aud only one police
nsu Not a drop of ale bulic liquor is
ott the island wd its 73000 poc
jSv are total abstainers sinco tui will
225 3rmtt an liquor to bo im no tied
Tzare is not in illiterate on the island
ajsraehiUi ten years old unable t read
of the public schools being
37ect There are special seminaries
East ool leges several good newspapers
sag a printing establishment which
areas jear publishes a number of ex
books on various lines Such is
rtba joport oroughc d northern tniveieis
F Shis incomparable aud ideal laud
liass Hon
Ssdrew Carnuaie aB that he gives a
- bastis of ten per cent to the emplov who
his word of honor that he hi-
zJl drank any intoxicating liquors
Tzzs she previous year
2t istaid that over two millions of T lie
lisi busiuess positions in the country
atr dosed to ill but total abstainers
SJhbistian Bible school at 10 a m
3rea3hing at 11 a m and 8 p n C E
sSTp m All are welcome
R Al Ainswokth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
jffi ana church at 11 a m and 730 p
p Sunday school at 10 a m AH
-ere welcome to these services
E R Eable Rector
Satholic Order of services Mass
iain Mass and sermon 1000 a m
3foming service at 8 oclock Sunday
je3k1230 p m Every Sunday
Wji J Kibwin O M I
jSsthodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sasaons by pastor at 11 and S Class
Junior League at 3 Epworth
ILesgne at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
sssisj night at 745
M B Cabman Pastor
3Lstst Sunday school at 10 a m
fetching service at 1100 a m Even
asgservice at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
jfc 2205t cordial invitation is extended to
xL So worship with us
E Burton Pastor
J5tangelic l Lutheran Regular
Sazncan preaching services in the par
ssage every Sunday morning at 1000
JLsI Germans and Russians cordially
Rev Wji Brueggeman
607 5th st East
CbifGBEGATiONAi Sunday school at
333 m Preaching at 11 a m and S p
H by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
S2or Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
air Wednesday evening al eight oclock
fTa public is cordially invited to these
2i73S G B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
insa Services Sunday at 11 a m and
TSishissday at 8 p m Reading Room
5isi sll the time Science literature on
ssfe Subject next Sunday Christ
Stancelical Lutheban
Sunday School at 930 a m
JEceEcbing at 1030 a m and 730 p m
jjnstor Junior C E at 130 p m
Sebcw C E at 400 p m Prayer
savings every Wednesday and Satur
Ssj evenings at 730 All Germans
car Sally invited to these services
Rev GdstavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
SSSSJP cures coughs and colds
The Composer Trick When Mcncy
and Firovood Were Scarce
Here is an anecdote of Wagners
early life an related by Liszt Wag
ner Bulow and 1 were all quite young
when we lived together in Leipzig aud
had a good time that Is I enjoyed
myself but Wagner was already fer
menting with ills political and philo
sophical ideas and our prosaic cir
cumstances offered little ground for
the idealists of the future We called
Bulow Krltlkus and we especially I
always feared his sharp tongue a lit
tle Of course all of us had little mon
ey but Wagner put our slender purse
to great strains lie could not biar
money worries and we let him feel
them aa little as possible
Once after a lorfjg autumn it be
came cold suddenly and Wagner
with his nerves suffered from the
sudden change in the temperature
lie demanded a heated room at once
For two whole days the debate raged
between him and Bulow as to the im
mediate purchase of wood with our
reduced purse
I was not asked because Bulow
knew tknt I would yield but he as
treasurer contended that It was ridicu
lous to buy wood in the month of Sep
tember But I am freezing said
Wagner in a rage to wjiich the inex
orable Bulow suggested that he go out
and get warm by running or warm
himself by his muse Kaughing at his
cheap spiteful advice Bulow and I
went out but when we returned after
two hours we were thunderstruck to
find Wagner in the room heated to
suffocation lie sat at his writing ta
ble deep in his work His face was
Where began Bulow but the
words stuck in his throat for a glance
around the room showed him how
Wagner had helped himself Several
chairs and our work tables lay on the
floor permanently crippled Wagner
had cut off their legs and made the
fire with them Bulow was speechless
with rage but 1 stood at the dooi1 and
laughed till the tears came at this in
genious way of helping oneself Bulow
lamented that we would have to re
place the landladys chairs and tables
and that he could not sit down or
Wagner answered spitefully I
have what I needed Fellows like you
who do nothing but go walking need
neither chairs nor tables If you had
given me the money right off your
valuable furniture would still be in ex
istence You wished it so Firewood
would have been cheaper
Method cf a Vancouver Island i ribs
to Drive Away Disease
A few years ago an epidemic of
measles broke out among the Indian
tribes living on Vancouver island in
British Columbia not far from Fort
Rupert and the shamans or medicine
men came to the conclusion that a can
nibal sorcerer whom ihey termed the
hamatsu measles cannibal was
slaying their children to eat them and
that he would continue to do so until
he wis killed
As they could not slay a ghost in his
own person they arranged a ceremony
in which one of their number posed as
the cannibal aud was treated as they
would have liked to treat the real foe
This fact of a substitute was of
course not made public only the med
icine men knowing the truth of the
Against a wall of rock was painted
an imitation opening in the center of
which the cannibal was fastened
At the proper time after going
through various incantations a cover
ing was jerked away exposing the
cannibal apparently springing through
the solid rock He was promptly grasp
ed by two of the priests who dragged
him cut and rushed him throHgh a fire
which was burning in front of the
place and which was surrounded by
all the members of the tribe beating
drums and singing at the top of their
voices By soriie jugglery the canni
bal was got rid of and the people were
told that he had flown away through
the air and would not come back
After this ceremony had been re
peated several times to put an end to
other epidemics which were only too
prevalent among the Indians it grew
into a sort of annual affair managed
by the members of a secret society
wboc members know that the sup
posed iiamafcn was only a man
Sciectif e Amerk in
In ETrry
raisjraeut r was legally
praTiuvi in I rn e and with great
so iviv p o the trt of the first
reoricn If te r m cdemncd es
cap d a ciiiini v is nut up in his
rcI u the iV routine of the law
rJIcvMl to ike iN cour o The war
r v read to it ru on the day
ajv l vls fOuteil to th
so ft0 il tht presence cf all the le
gal fu i nrs and wirh al the fir
cuiiistar -e t 3 lw - Sietimes
the same pm was tnevntod i e
shuultaieour v cities but
that did not enc r1 jam from actual
punishment should he be afterward
Warning tho SuffragcLtcc
Bridgewiist What is the subject of
Mrs Suffragettes lecture this after
noon Mrs Clubwoman The disas
ters of married life Mrs Bridgewhist
I suppose she will have her husband
on the platform as an exhibit Town
Rare Combinations
The time the place and the girl
how seldom we see them together
And another rare combination is the
man the scheme and the coin Louis
ville Courier Journal
Muguration of the
Twentyseventh President
It Will Be a More Imposing and Costly
Function Than Any of Its Predecessors
ROM present indications It Is ap
parent that there will be- no
falling off in the Inaugural cel
ebration this year Although he
never led a charge of rough riders and
has no actual right to sing Cheer Li
Comrades Mr Taft will be honored
by an attendance at the inaugural cer
emonies of as great a military force a
that which marched In parade behind
President Roosevelt In keeping with
the essentially peaceful and civic char
acter of the Incoming president the in
dustrlal and civilian feature of the pa
rade of next March 4 will be far more
exlenslve and Imposing than ever be
The program of the inaugural period
is divided into live important features
and some others of a lesser degree rf
interest first the imposlug miir rv
division of the pageant whkh U
linen arranged on a hlr scI nv - t
General J Franklin Bell who U gr d
marshal second the civic organisation
division of the parade with Major
Thomas P Morgan chairman of the
The Joint committee of the two
houses of congress purposes to make
the ceremonies attending the actual in
uuguratiun f President Taft and Vice
rnwklent Sherman as solemn aud dig
nified an hefts so important an event
Joy and mrie and the r pirlt of festiv
ity wll maik the inau ural pa rule
and the scene- along the stress will
be as brilliant as ever but in the capi
tal ard on the inaugural stard cre tcd
on it east front solemnity ami digniiy
will dominate The details are already
perfected and every official and every
croloyee understands tho p irt he is to
The senate wiI complete the work
of the last session cf the Sixtieth con
gress about 10Cft a m on March 4 and
will then take a re es so that the
scenery may be set fcr the important
act in the great drama of the republic
so soon to talce place ShcrMv before
noon the vice precidnt will all the
senate to order The secretary of the
senate will annoume the arrival of the
speaker and the house of
committee in charge as marshal third
the great display of fireworks on the
White lot just in front of the White
House in combination with the illu
mination of the streets of Washington
through the downtown section the
dome of the United States capltol and
the Washington monument and a drill
and display of pyrotechnics by the Re
publican Flambeau club of Minneapo
lis fourth the inaugural hall in the
pension building the biggest brick
stiucture in the world fifth the fore
noon parade of the American veteran
soldiers and sailors of the G A R
the United Spanish War Veterans and
the Army and Navy union which will
form the escort of honor for President
Elect Taft and Vice President Elect
Sherman from the White House to the
capitol where they will take the oath
of office preceding the big parade and
other features
Sailors and Marines
The details of the big military pa
rade have been worked out by Briga
dier General John A Johnson chief of
General Bells staff assisted by Major
Fauuel D Sturgls adjutant general
both regular army officers on duty at
the war department Here is the in
auguration day program in a nutshell
as prepared by them
The morning escort of the president i
from the White House to the capitol
at 10 a m by the veteran grand dm-
Biou the exercises at the capitol on a
stand accommodating 7000 persons
concluding Avith the administration or
tne oath of office to the president and
3ns address the assembly of the mili
tary and grand division in the streets
south and southeast of the civic grand
division in the streets west and north
west of the capitol the afternoon es
cort of the president by the military
and civL grand divisions from the
capitol to the White House at the con
clusion of his inaugural address at
about 1C0 p m review of the mili
tary and civic grand divisions by the
president from his stand in the court
of honor in front of the White House
from about 3 to G in the afternoon and
the dismissal of the parade the dis
play of fireworks from 730 to 9 p m
In the military division there will be l
about 3000 sailors and marines from
ithe battleship fleet fresh from1 Its
cruise around the world the famous
Philippine constabulary band the mid
shipmen and cadets from the acade
mies at Annapolis and West Point
tlvcs and they will file into the senate
chamber and take the places assigned
to them Jsext in order will come the
supreme court of the United States
headed by Chief Justice Fuller and
then the ambassadors and ministers
plenipotentiary cf the foreign nations
Following the heads of the diplomatic
corps will come the heads of the exec
utive departments who will take their
places immediately back of the seats
assigned to the chief figures in the
Following the cabinet the vice presi
dent elect will be formally announced
and will enter accompanied Jkiy Iu es
cortSenator Frye ffRysident pro tem
pore of the senate and Representative
Young The president elect will be
the next announcement and William
n Taft accompanied by Senators
Knox and Lodge will enter and final
ly the president of the United States
will enter alone At each announce
ment the entire assemblage will rise
copyfttGM r By BRQwr arosAry
and temalYi ainnOTns unCTT flu person
announced Is seated
Mr Fairbanks Valedictory
When all the dignitaries have rr
rlved the vice president will deliver
his valedictory and will then call to
the rostrum James S Sherman to
whom he will administer the oath of
the vice president of tho United States
after which he will declare the senate
adjourned without da Havfaig been
eworu Mr Sherman will ascend the
rostrum aud taking the gavel will call
the senate to order for the new session
and will ask that new members of the
senate come forward and take the
oath of office Presumably there will
be sixteen new faces in the senate
Each new senator accompanied by his
colleague will step forward and take
the oath This done the entire assem
blage will proceed to the in mgural
The semen of the senate
and the house will lead- the stately
procession This is an innovation as
heretofore it has been led by the mar
shals of the supreme court and of the
District of Columbia Those present I
the senate chamber will fall Into line
in the same order in which they en
tered the senate and the entire com
pany will march to the inaugural
The troops gathered In front of the
stand will present arms as the presi
dent and the president elect appear at
the main door of the capitol and when
they have arrived at the front of the
stand Chief Justice Fuller will step
forward aud administer to Mr Taft
the oath of office following which the
new president will deliver his inau
gural address which is understood to
be unusually brief From the stand
the president will descend a flight of
steps to his carriage and drive imme
diatelv to the While House where he
may snatch a brief luncheon before
taking his place in the stand
There v ill be a slight change thi3
year in the order of the progress of the
president the president elect and the
vice president and the vice president
elect to the capitol In view of the close
relations of Senator Lodge to the pres
ident he will ride in the carriage with
the president and the president elect
as will also Senator Knox who as
chairman of the committee on ar
rangements is the personal escort of
the executive The vice president will
have as escort Senator Bacon and Rep
resentatives Burke and Gaines while
the vice president elect will he accom
panied by Senator Frye the president
pro tempore of the senate and Repre
sentative Young Heretofore only one
senator has accompanied the two chief
figures in the ceremonies
Ball a National Function
Always a pleasing and picturesque
feature It is proposed to mala the in
augural ball of TlOi something more
a great national function of supreme
interest and signilicance It will take
tin form of a reception by President
Taft and Vice President Sherman to
the country at large En h state in
the Union will be officially represented
on the floor by one of if distinguished
sons whose mi sion it will be to co
operate officially in the presentation of
the visitors from here there and ev
ery whre to the great men of the na
tion v ho will be in attendance
Gist Blair whose lallier Montgom
ery Blair was postmaster ce icral in
the cabinet of President Lincoln is
chairman of the committee in charire
of the inaugural ball and has so plan
ned the event as to bring the entire
Union through the fort3 six states into
direct and active participation in the
Washington is a national city a
city belonging to the country Chair
man Blair said in discussing the ball
arrangements It is our desire that
all who come to the inauguration and
there promises to be the biggest at
tendance in the histpry of these af
fairsshould feel that in coming to
the national capital they are coining to
their own city
The ball will be essentially and dis
tinctively national A representative
from each state has been designated
as a member of the inaugural ball
committee These gentlemen will
know many of the people who come
from their respective states and will
see that they are properly introduced
to the statesmen and their wives and
other distinguished visitors Thus it
is hoped to bring the forty six states
into close touch with the national cap
ital on this memorable occasion
2 1V1 s S itii
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ySjLytJ jSpz vv- i
i tL ivn
- fuWp x i - i
y0r4 ww 54f
Offlco Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh BIk McCook
Br J A Coller
Room - Postokkics Building
ImTV I V WV I1 T TflV fitrflVV yfrrtlW
U- R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drugstore
Phone ia5 McCook Nebraska
CJjLLUA dALilibttLll J tiltrt1
McCook Nebraska
aABaatof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Vatar Works Oflice in Postotlico building
C H Boyle
Kooma 1 aoi i second tioor
Postofllce Huildius
C EEldbkd
Long Distance 5 oiie 44
Mcloo Neb
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
Real Estate i arin Loans
and Insurance
F Oflice over Marshs Meat Market I
iVlicldleton Ruby
FWI I Wt tViliWf W rPTlBg JjS
f Dr J U oruce
Telephone 55
McCook Neb J
ElecrlcThcatreonMaln Ave 4
Office over
tilriiitMitft1 llAl
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
1 1
All tirnrlr oriifirnnfPAH 74
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
uix Updike Grain Co fok
Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr
pVi JJ fry M KlAl M
Drayman -
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
jPlg ptS
v s -1 lwf7
Srm w
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Fresh Reliable Pure
Guaranteed to Plessc
Fr tv Can npr ad
Par ei uitvt e
yi r r n pr fs f ur
we w I iez1 potiaitl our
1 ptc GO Day Tomato 20fl
1 plf Irinfr RaIib MM
1 f5 Sli Jrowins Clery 20o
1 pts Early Arrow hsl laWne 15
1 rc Full rton Jlarlet Lttn 10a
AIo 12 -it
rito today Snd 10 cnts to blp pay postage and
packing and receive thaSne Famoaa Collection to
thr with enr itsd IntrnctiTe Cardrn Gaide
BB3 lln e St
Kockford Illinois