The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 19, 1909, Image 7

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dangerous points of the shore Pro
cessor Gray and Mr Mundy conducted
experiments near Gloucester about
iV nine years ago in which a bell weigh-
V tit 3
v aBpKt r wrtt Trr VA nju m c i
two of the most Important Inventions
Kf the age have greatly reduced the
danger to human life in travel upon
the sea for It was because the Repub
lic was equipped with the Marconi
system of wireless telegraphy and wit ii
snliniirhiii sfrMinlitur irmfirntim lhif
VU W wf L1vw v- j
-31 great disaster J
rrii i j ii I
KUMIIlflllllU Slglllllllli SJiSIUIIl I i
Ithe result of an idea suggested to Pro J
fessor Elisha Gray by Arthur J Mun j
dy of Boston After the death of Graj i
Mr Ifundy carried on experiments in j
this direction and added numerous in I
rVAiiHnti of his nivii Hms lidrfiwtiii
y the system The idea came to Mr I
pie experiment often made by boys of
striking two stones together under
the water when swimming and listen
5ng to the sound at some distance IIp
tnew that water- was an excellent
conductor of sound and the though I
Occurred to him that some system
might be devised which
ships at sea in a fog to
-other or to learn of their
V 1 S 4 v-4-- 9 J S
n ft ixSL sqMax l n
iIIE annals of the sen afford few foaiiiInffsur2fns waver fromwhlch
incidents so remarkable thrill- lie was picked up by the Gieshnms
Ins d significant as the story men clinging to some wreckage after
of the collision between the a battle with the elements which well
White Star liner Republic and the nigh exhausted him
Florida of the Lloyd Itallano line and Captain Sealby was born in Vine
the rescue of the passengers and crew land N 7 forty six years ago and has
or the former vessel Though six lives been with the White Star line since he
jwere lost in consequence of one ship j first went to sea In 1879 His first
crasnmg into ine otner in tne log on age was as an apprentice In the iron
the Nantucket shoals no one was
drowncd despite the hundreds of hu
man beings In peril of such fate and
this outcome was gratifying proof that
bark Esmeralda under Captain Jona
than L Park and in the fifteen
mouths he was on this vessel she was
engaged in trade on the Pacific coast
and young Sealby saw some stirring
scenes in Chile and rem during the
war between those countries Upon
completing his apprenticeship he serv
ed as second and first mate in sailing
ships and at an early age took com
mand of the first Oceanic running be
l twceii San Francisco Honolulu and
Yokohama While in command of the
Coptic he was the first to take the
news to Honolulu that the Hawaiian
Islands had been annexed to the Unit
ed States He was honored by a ban
quet and presented witli a loving cup
by the citizens of Honolulu
Next to Captain Sealby perhaps the
greatest hero of the Republic disastei
was the wireless operator of the
ship Jack Rinns who was able to
keep on sending signals and bringing
other ships to the rescue without re
gard to his own peril Binns is a native
of Peterborough England and
sj2J ty five years of age
dJi ing experience as a
in Jamaica during the
would enable1 Uj
signal each T
nearness to j p
Ho had an excit
wireless operator
When the Florida struck the Repub
lie ripping off the roof and all of one
Itf fat
vlng S00 pounds was used and which i of the collision put out of commission
wall of the wireless station the shock
the dynamo winch supplied the power
Binns had used for the wireless The
lights in his station also went out at
once Binns sat in the darkness with
the roof and one wall of the station
gone waiting for orders
After a few minutes had passed and
Captain Sealby had realized the ex
tremity of his peril he told Binns to
send out his widespread call for help
the now famous signal C Q D To
operate the wireless at all Binns had
to rig up cumulators and these stor
age battery substitutes for the djT
namic power furnished by the ship
had only a short life
In sending out his call he notified all
those that received it that while he
would listen in on all wireless mes
sages lie could not attempt to send
more than were absolutely necessary
For more than ten hours Binns sat
in the wrecked wireless station with a
blanket tied over him as a roof and
with the fog banked all about him be
fore he thought of food
After getting some refreshment he
resumed his vigil with the receivers
ths bepublio sinking 0f the wireless apparatus clamped over
being rung under the water by a his ears He did not take off this
strong magnetic current moving the harness until ordered to leave the
laraincr gave forth such a volume of ship On his way into New York
sound as to be heard at a discance of
Xourteen miles Subsequent improve
ments made it possible to send the
ound a much greater distance
The system proved such a success
that tiie leading ocean steamship lines
placed the apparatus on their vessels
several years ago It has been applied
ulso in connection with naval vessels
especially for the purpose of detecting
the approach of torpedo boats On
merchant vessels by placing transmit
ters on both sides of the ship it has
lieen possible to detect not only the
direction but the approximate distance
and character of the sounds Receiv
ers are now located in the pilothouse
of a ship and in the hold is placed
the transmitter case where it Is pro
tected from the water and the possi
bility of accident The signal bell is
usually located on the side of the ship
The courage of Captain Sealby and
members of his crew in staying on
board the Republic as long as a chance
of saving her remained excited much
admiral ion Not until the Republic
Tiegan to settle preparatory to taking
her final plunge beneath the waves did
ier captain leave his post ne was al
most too late to save his life and had to
climb to rhe top of a mast as the
steamer settled and jump into the
on the derelict destroyer Seneca Binns
was handed a wireless message which
had been sent from Washington tell
Jng him that Representative Bouteli
had spoken in his praise in congress
That was nice of him wasnt it
Binns said io the man who told him
Rut I didnt do anything great
Miss Murray visited in Indianola with
homefolka from Friday until Monday
d Ruby of Marion was a business
visitor Saturday
One of Bert Powells small children
has pneumonia
II E Waugh of Lebunon wus a busi
ness visitor Monday
Mrs Sina Smith and children of Wil
son villo came up Monday for a visit at
the John DoLong home
Mr and MrsIrving Smiley of Devises
Kansas moved onto a farm west of
town one day lust week
Clifford Holdridge who hns been in
the eastern part of the state for some
time arrived home last Thursday
Roy Hindmnn and family who are
living in the Sund Hills arrived one day
last week for a visit with relatives
Oscar Thomas departed Friday for
Lincoln where Mrs Thomas had an
operation performed
Mrs Morgan Mrs T E McDonald
and Mrs A U Woods attended the
mothers meeting at Marion Tuesday
Jesse Smith is suffering from a fract
ured arm
The snow will put a stop to the dirt
for a few ds
The school board is offering a S30 00
reward for the arrest and conviction of
tho party or parties who have been
breaking in the school house baaement
Aaron Bates who has been in Mis
souri for the past week returned home
Mr McIIenry father-in-law of John
DoLong departed Tuesday oening for
a visit in Oklahoma
Mrs Gilbert who has been visiting
with her nanghter Mrs John Ruby
left for her home Saturday
Floyd Resslor of Wilson ville was a
social visitor Saturday
Dave Boyer from Washington Iowa
visited with relatives last week
Miss Fay Nadeu entertained a number
cf young people to a Valentine party
Saturday night Several games were
played and prizes awarded Supper was
served at a late hour and all departed
feeling that Fay was a great entertainer
Mrs WAStone departed Monday
night for St Jobepb Mo on business
Eud Rittnhouse and family who have
been visiting with relatives the past
week returned to their home at Pine
Village Indiana Monday night
The snow plow weut up the line Sun
day night
The Congregational church will tjive
an entertainment at the hail Saturday
night February 20th 1909
Miss Harmon of Oberlin is the new
central girl
This section was visited by a heavy
snow btartiug Saturday afternoon and
continuing until Sunday evening About
six or seven inches foil
Alma Noe took her grandma to In
dianola Saturday and on account of the
snow was compelled to stay until Tues
John Ruby and Otto Ruby returned
Tuesday from Wauneta Nebraska they
being called there by the illness of an
There will be a dance in the new ball
February 22ud in honor of Washingtons
J L Newman was a Marion business
visitor between trains Mondav
Percy Catlett has moved onto the
Drugmuller place and the Drugmullers
have moved into the Catlett residence
Mr Pugh has finished painting and
varnishing the interior of the Christian
Mose King and wife are now keeping
restaurant in the Miller building
The roof of Frank Jennings house
caught fire Sunday during the severe
storm and only by hardest of work was
saved from entire destruction
The storm Saturday and Sunday was
the worst of the season Temperature
Monday morning IS below zero which
is 10 degrees lower than before during
this winter
Rev GWWhite Adventist preacher
recently from Omaha has moved into
the Mrs G W Ritchie property
E J Hachenberger has returned fiom
Burlington Colorado where he had
been for some time looking after some
rental property he has at thai place
The bovs and girls who attended the
Lilly Fox party at Iudianola last Friday
night got all mixed up on account of
trains and some did not return until
Sundav morning
Jim Barton received a wireless mes
sage from Mars Thursday night and
left for McCook early Friday mornine
returning very promptly Saturday on
account of the large amount of import
ant business awaiting his attention
Evangelist Wilkinson is now holding
a revival meeting at the Christian
Lincolns centennial birthday was
celebrated by the different depaJtments
of the high school
Owing to the severe storm Saturday
the match game of basket ball between
Holbrook and Bartley was postponed
for better weather
Mra Newberry and two boys went to
Danbury on Saturday evening going
down on the passenger and returning in
the freight
R 8 Gise our rustling livory man
made a drive to McCook Friday evening
and back Saturday morning
Dr Bartholmew was a Lebanon busi
nets visitor between trains Friday
Martin Nilsson attended the state
legislature u few days recently While
at Lincoln he was the guest of Marion
Lew Wier from south of town is in
Kansas City taking treatment at a sani
Meivin Rodabnugh was at Lebanon
between trains Friday Ho went to a
doctor to have the X ray used on bis
ankle which he strained some time ago
and found a bone had beon cracked
Miss Short of Wilsouville visited with
her sister Mrs Shorey last week
Harry Gockley from northwest of
town was awarded 2nd prize in the
junior class comprising the western half
of Nebras ta on ten ears of corn at tho
national corn show at Omaha the first
of the year and received a trio of Buff
Rock chickens valued at 820 He re
ceived tho birds one day last week
A Mr Day from Boulder Colo who
has been visiting at the Wicks home
the past week left Monday evening for
Pueblo Colo
Powell Nilsson shipped 3 oars of
sheep to the Kansas City market
Tuesday night Marion Powell of Lin
coln cime in Tuesday noon and accomp
anied tho shipment
About an eight inch snow fell in these
parts Saturday afteruoou and night and
most all day Sunday accompanied by a
northwest gale drifting tho snow quite
a bit
The Danbury News manwas in town
between trains Monday
Mr and Mrs Earl Notley and son of
McCook came out last Friday to visit
a few das with her mother Mrs A T
D B Doyle is on the sick list
On account of the storm and bad
roads there was no school Monday
A T Wilson returned from his west
ern trip Tuesday
Word has been received that Maxwell
Wolfe and family will return from Ore
gon this week
Last Wednesday was the birthday of
Mrs Geo Shields and Miss Hazel Ball
ai d to celebrate the occasion J C Uall
and family Mr and Mrs Rubottom and
Mr and Mrs T M Campbell met at
the home of Mrs Shields in the evening
The time was spent in singing and
instrumental music During the
nvening a lunch was served All en-
jojed themselves unlil the moon came
up to light them around the snow drifts
A T Wilson James Doylo and Shui
Wray have gone west looking for loca
Mr and Mrs F G Lytle and Mr
and Mrs T M Campbell visited at
Chas Masters last Sunday
On account of repuirs being made on
the church there were no services last
Sunday and will be none next Sunday
Robert Liriugton and family visited
her parents near Havana last Sunday
Mr and Mrs N H Tubbs were call
ed to Indianola last Tuesday by the
death of her brother who has been in
ill health for some time
Thursday of last week thrirty five
men gathered and tore the old shingles j j
off of the church and put on new ones j
The women of the vicinity f urnishpd f
an excellent dinner for theoccasion In
cluding women and children there were
seventy who enjoyed the feast
Lucy daughter of Albert Ebert and
J W Peabody were united in marriage
Wednesday of this week
Grace Phillips was an Ash Creek
visitor part of last week
G C Smiths family is now attending
school again having been kept out for
weeks by a run of measles in the family
Grandma Dudek has been ailing with
rheumatism Mr and Mrs T M
Phillippi visited her Monday
C R Kluger the Jeweler 10C0 Vir i
ginia avenue Indianapolis Ind writes
1 was so weak from kidoey trouble l
could hardlv walk a hundred feet Four 1 1
bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy cleared i
the irregularities disappeared and I can
now attend to business every day and
recommend Foleys Kidney Remedy to
all sufferers as it cured me after tbo
doctors and other remedies had failed
A McMilIen druggist McCook jfi
The Tribune has for sale a nice j
play of local view post cards in colors
and in black and white Also a well i
selected lineof greeting and other post i
Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that J
may develop into pneumonia overnight
aro quickly cured by Folejs Honey and
Tar and it soothes inflamed membranes
heals the lungs and expels the cold
from the system A McMilIen drug
gist McCook Nebraska
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
There Is a Heap or Solace In Being
Able to Depend Upon a Well
Earned Reputation
For months McCook readers have
seon the constant expression of praise
for Doans Kidney Pdls and read about
tho good work they havo dono in this
locality Not another remedy over pro
duced such convincing proof of morit
Samuel Garrett Main St Minden
Neb says My wife suffered from
kidney trouble for a number of ypars
despite all her efforts for relief Dull
pains in tho Bmall of her back would at
times seizi her and make it almost im
possible for hor to move When she
stooped Bbe would become very dizzy
and spots would appear before her eyes
10 orders
per 100
Plenty more proof Hko this from Mc
Cook peoplo Call at L W McCon
nolls drug atoro and ask what custom
ers report
For Bale by all dealers Prico 50
cents Fostor Milburn Co Buffalo
New York solo agonts for tho Unitod
Remember the name Doanj and
take no other
Pneumonia Follows La Grippe
Pneumonia often follows la grippe but
novor follows the use of Folt ys Honey
and Tar for la grippe coughs and doop
oeated colds Refuse any but tho gonu
ino in tho yellow package A McMillan
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Strike 5 cent cigar
bhe was restios at night and during we are now agents for the Famous Car
the day would feel tirod nnd worn out aaru Overalls and Jackets atso for their
Last fall Doans Kidney Pills were Gloves and Caps HUBER
brought to my attention and I procured
a box for my wife advising here to use Special cards for Washingtons Birth
them She did so and was restored to day St Patricks Day St Valontinos
health and strength Day etc at this oflice
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment o
BLUL3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Sootbinf
Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold by A AlcMILLEN McCook Nebraska
That is tho No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a
No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant
find it call phono No ONE when you will be informed that you can got
No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment
in fact No ONE first last and all tho time
Bullard Lumber Co
Tffees asid Seeds That Grow
For the past 23 years we have supplied our customers
m an estates wirn rrees ana beeas tnat grow weVft
carry a most complete line of Fruit and Orna
raemai irces tierry isusnes tkoses
Perennials Bulbs etc at low prices fj
Apple 7c Plum 10c Cherry
We pa
trees Concord
all kinds of
Farm Garden and
ower Seeds to select
from Write for our laree 112
page catalog and Garden Guide
We mail same free of charge to anyone
interested also sample pkt May Kinjr
Lettuce the earliest and finest of all head lettuce
German Nurseries and Seed House
Box 110 Beatrice Neb
But the Goods Are AH
Fresh Clean and New
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Our Regular Prices Seem
Bargain Counter Figures
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
These Are a Few Items
in Our Stationery Line
Stationery Department