The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 19, 1909, Image 1
r ji J M r J HI I V itf I l b t N ft TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS 1 have many bar gains to offer in Secondhand and Shopworn Pianos and Organs I wish to clean my floor of these instruments that I may have room for my now spring stock and will dispose of them at almost your own price Pianos 50 and Up Organs 10 and Up Come and see these instru ments and get our payment plan H P SUTTON Severest of the Inter The severest storm of the winter pre vailed over this section Saturday night and Sunday A heavy snowfall strong wind and below zero temperature tell the story graphically Church services were practicnlly abandoned Sunday and only necessary and imperative activities wero indulged in during the day Monday morning opened fair and quiet after the coldest night of the win terthermometers indicating a tempera ture of 17 degrees below zero at 3 p ni Tho fall of snow wa9 by far the heavi est of the winter but -was quite badly drifted Nevertheless it is most wel come At St Albans Church Kev S Mills Uajes rector of Trinity church Lincoln is conducting a mis sion in St Albans Episcopal church commencing Tuesday of this week and to continue into next week Subject this afternoon is Sacramental System Touightat730 Religion in the Home Saturday afternoon at 330 How to Worship In tho evening Ministers of the Fire Sunday morning The Lost Sheep At 330 in the afternoon a service for men Purpose in Life Charged With Thett Fred Whitney was arrested Tuesday charged with thb theft of a sack of flour from the McCook Milling Co He was confined in tte county jail awaiting pre liminary examination At the preliminary examination yesterday he pleaded guilty and was bound over to the next term of district court Notice Personal Taxes Personal taxes for 1908 were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are subject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 Ten Thousand New Views Handsome new post card views of Mc Cook in colors have just arrived from Germany These show views of Mc Cook never before offered the public Business residential and church For sale at this office Fell and Broke Collar Bone Miss Mary Sawhill who is just re covering from a serious and prolonged illness had the misfortune to fall down the stairway at the Oyster home yester day and fracture her collar bone Pythian Memorial Postponed The observance of Pythian Memorial which is dated for this evening regular ly has been postponed indefinitely date to be announced later No Services at St Patricks On account of the vey severe storm of last Sunday no services were held in St Patricks church Will be at McCook Feb 22 Dr C M Headrick will visit McCook Monday February 22nd at Pulmer hotel FARM LOANS Wbittaker Gray 107 West 13 Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf -- - iiiiiiii m m i A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook LodRe No 135 A F A M Tnesdaj Febru ary 23 at 700 p m Work in Master Mason degree By Order of the AV M Lox Cone Secretary ii 1 1 injiTi i jyagMfinifriiMc M Chapel Exercises Rev Hawkes addressed the high school at assembly hour Thursday morning Friday morning Rev Hayes of Lin coln performed a similar act of profit to the pupils Make the Price to Suit If we can fit you and we have a good assortment of winter overcoats we will make the price to suit you Come in and investigate Rozell Barger Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks t order promptly and accurately Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S IIeaton Dr R H Gitewood dentist office over McMillens drug store phone 163 C F Lehn buys road orders inirrmrifiiHi win u 1 1 vj 1 0aat mJ IJIr J1 -U Sudden Death of Captain OBrien Captain John OBrien passed away i suddenly Wednesday morning at the home of his son C J OBrien cashier of the McCook National Bank The captain had been in as good health as usual up to tho time of bis death He had for years been a sufferer with asth ma He was up for breakfast as usual on the mording of his death Soon after eating however he retired to hia own room Later not hearing any signs of activity in his room Mrs C J OBrien entered nnd found the captain dead or in a dying condition His death is at tributed to heart disease Captain John OBrien was born in Irland March 25 1839 died in McCook Nebraska February 17 1909 His second wife preceded him to the spirit homo several years ago and he has since made bis home here with bis son and only child Charles Deceased was a veteran of the War of the Rebellion a mat of high character and esteemed by all who knew him for his integrity aqd straightforward manliness His sudden death is a shock to all The son and family have tenderest sympathy in this sorrow Utica New York was for many years tho home of the departed and to this city were taken the remains which will rest beside those of his wife and com panion in life The body was shipped on No 2 Thursday morning C J OBrien accompanying them It is ex pected to reach TJtica by Saturday after which final services and interment will take place Members of McCook Lodge No 1170 Knights of Columbus were pallbearers The Knights of Columbus marched to the residence Wednesday evening and prayers were uttered by Rev Father Kirwin O M I Thursday morning at nine oclock there was a Solemn Requiem High Mass in St Patricks church with Rev Father Kirwin O M I as celebrant Rev Father Sirois O M I deacon and Rev Father Paquette O M I sub deacon t Any Floor Any Style No matter how you want to finish your floors painted varnished or waxed finished you will get best results at lowest cost if you Use the - Sherwin Williams Modern Mhthod Floor Finishes We have no desire to influence you as to how you shall finish your floors We are no more interested in floor paints than in floor varnishes wax or stains Our only interest is to give the best goods to produce the finish you want in the style you choose Call for color card and further formation L W McConnell Druggist Day of Prayer The inter -denominational Day of Prayer for Home Missions will be ob served by the Womens Mission Circles of McCook next Thursday 25th inst at3pni in the Baptist church The program issued by the general committee will be given and every one is cordially invited to attend Call upon me aqd I will answer and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not If Your Tastes Are too fine for letter press printing if they demand engraving and steel die em bossing come and get our figures on such work Dont send away or give your order to some traveling shark that is dont do it before you have seen Jour samples of such work and gotten our figures The Newest Laces We have just received a beautiful Hue of new laces including Valenciennes torchons the new colored lace bands and allovers and some very attractive pillow laces We invite your early in spection The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS Notices have been mailed to all this paper owing for the year 1908 Entertain Entre Nous Club The ladies of the Entre Nous club and their husbands were most royally enter tained at a dinner and valentine party Tuesday evening by Dr and MrsW F Jones and Mr and Mrs J G Stokes at the home of the former The home was very artistically decorated for the occas ion with red ribbons hearts cupids and red and white carnations The tables were especially beautiful being laid with band painted covers Cupids were used as place cards A very elaborate four course dinner was served at 730 oclock the seasons idea being given fullest ex ercise in the preparation and serving of the menu After the gentlemen had en joyed a fragrant season with the weed various games were played in which Mrs J D Young was victor and J G Seho bel the consolation winner at whist and Mrs Ainsworth Monies and W W Mc Millen respective first and second prize winners t flinch Annual Washington Dinner Tho Aid Society of the Methodist church will serve their Annual Wash ington Dinner in -the church basement Saturday February 20th Following is the MENU Roast Turkey Cranberry Sauce Roast Beef Brown Gravy Mashed Potatoes Escalloped Corn Baked Beans Pickles Celery Brown and White Bread Pie Cheeeq Tea Coffee SUPlEIt Roast Pork Hot Meat with Sauce Escalloped Potatoes Cabbage Salad Doughnuts Jelly Fruit Salad Cake Tea Coffee Price for each meal 25 cents Planning for 1909 Races Yesterdaylast Thursday a man from McCook conferred with Secretary Mines of the Hastings association relative to including Hastings in a western Nebras ka circuit to follow the race meeting in Colorado Springs and Denver In tho Colorado meetings special prominence is given the running events Probably if McCook Holdrego and one or two other towns organized for the proposed circuit the dates can be so arranged as to bring the western horses here for the August meeting in the state circuit If the plan is carried out the meeting will be one of the chief racing events in the state for it will attract horses from both the state and western circuits Hastings Tribune Special Meetings A series of revival meetings will be held at the Baptist church beginning Sunday Feb 21 After March 1st Rev J II Clay of Holdrege will do the preaching Services will begin each evening at 800 A most cordial invita tion is extended to all to attend and help aud be helped by these sermons For the Facts Sake An auricular failure caused The Tri bune to place the all day session of the Ladies Aid society last week with Mrs Alex Mehaffey when in fact Mrs Joseph Allen was the genial hostess of the interesting occasion ITS THE FILM that is all important Lens and shut ter and camera all play their part but upon the film depends the picture We sell Kodak N C Films exclusively the dependable kind L W McConnell Druggist Curlees Reduced Too The 8250 Curlee pants are now 18S and S395 will buy the S500 value Kozell Barger C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans subscribeis of All such ac- counts not paid by March 1st 1909 or satisfactorily arranged for will be placed in the hands of an agency for collection and the names removed from our subscription books Notices will also be mailed to all subscribers covering the present year 1909 and we hope responses to these will be prompt and numerous Business conditions make it imperative that sub scriptions shall be as far as possible in advance Kindly observe THE PUBLISHER Thus Endeth This Chapter ThoJiquors seized last summer in the bawdy house raid which have been stored in a vault in the court bouse since the raid passed out of Sheriff Petersons possession last Thursday The cases and bottles at least were de manded by the saloon keepers who sold the liquors to the women No formal order to destroy the liquors were made by either county or district court So numerous legal propositions arose jur isdiction -orders demands etc One question is settled however The liq uors have been removed from the court house The cases and bottles are pre sumably in possession of their owners and the contents disposed of in some manner Remember the Contests at the Rink The prize winners up to date are Ern est F Wright having won the prize for the best costume at the masquerade last Saturday night Monday night gentle mens contest Wilbur Pearson won be ing the best genteman skater on the flor Tuesday afternoon boys contest Roy Bayles took the prize Upon request the ladies contest takes place Saturday night inrtead of iast Wednesday as an nounced Tonight Friday is couples night Girls contest will take place Saturday afternoon Remember these contests take place every week Hand some prizes are being awarded New Partnership Marshall Osborn has become a part ner with L S Viersen in the V S Shoe Parlors and the new firm is mak ing a special effort to increase the popu larity of that prominent store by courte ous treatment and selling the leading and most stylish goods at the most reas onable prices all the time They have placed an expert shoe repairer in charge of their shoe hospital The boys are af ter your patronage and will do every thing fair and square to earn and keep the same Another Week of cut prices on dress skirts We will I still sacrifice 812 50 skirts for 8G 99 810 00 ones for 80 39 S750 ones for 81 99 SG00 ones for 8399 85 00 ones for 83 39 84 00 ones for 82 89 8300 ones for 81 99 8200 ones for 8139 Alterations free These are bona fide reductions from very low cash prices Last warning The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Engraving and Embossing Your wants can be supplied at The Tribune in the line of engraving and embossing such as calling cards invi tations aud announcements monogram correspondence paper etc Handsome samples of all on display Prices rea sonablo Prompt service If interested come and inspect At Both Services Rev Carman writes that he wili be home tomorrow from Arapahoe and wiil occupy his pulpit in the Methodie t church next Sunday morning and eve ning He adds that the meetings have been very successful 44 conversions to dare Stock Shipments D C Marsh shipped three cars of cattle to St Joseph Saturday Tuen day of this week F S Wilcox made a shipment of six carloads to that market and Kansas City dividing evenly Galvanized Steel Tanks rust and frost proof made by the Bush nell Tank Works busbnell Ills Car load just received McCook Hardware Company An Even Break It is just about an even break be tween Doc fcabnestocks colicky and Al Eberts storm geese With hon ors easy Z 14 McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 19 1909 Miss Heckmans Recital Miss Heckman will give a pupils re cital Friday Feb 2Gth at 745 at the Congregational church All lovers of muBic cordially invited PROGRAM Promenade March Ringuet Izora Rolfe Helen Vanderhoof Marion Norris Remembrance Gaenschals Josephine Forbes Little Postillion Lichner Brisben ilofer June Roses Spaulding Beulah Mitchell Visions Celestial Lindsay Barbara Schlecht Woodland Brooklet Gaenschala Ruby Lineburg Evening Star Romance Liszt Hazel uarbazette Dream of Homeland Kern Leila Fisher Under the Lindens Ilillor Frank and Clarence Emorson Valse Op100 No 2 Streabbog Jtcuby Lnneburg Corinne Hasty Fred Heckman First Valse Durand Helen Thompson Language of Flowers Benson Izora Rolfe In a Gondola Bendel Alice Benjamin Winged Messengers Ringuet Dorothy Duncan Sonata in G Allegro Andante Mozart Helen Byfield Second Valse Godard Elsie Moore Valse BrillanteOp 18 Chopin Genevieve and Lucile McAdams By the Firesidp 0 vohn GHeckman Dance of the Fairies MrGeorge Heckmn Chas Markwad Passes Away Charles Markwad died last Saturday evening at 730 oclock in his 65th year on the Barbazette farm a few miles southwest ot the city Funeral services were held in the Baptist church Monday afternoon at 230 oclock conducted by Rev Edker Burton after which interment was made in Riverviow cemetery Miss Tillie Penner of Omaha a grand daughter was present at the funeral Mr Charles Markwaii whose fu neral was held at the Baptist church Monday afternoon was born in Germany September 22 1814 Came to tho United States in 187G and settled in Lake county Illinois From there he with his family consisting of wife and six children removed to Red Willow county Nebraska twenty three years ago where he resided until death February 13th His wife aud five of the children August Ernest Charles Mrs Emma Redhouse and Mrs Etta Pope with a large circle of friends are left to mourn their loss Girls Entertain Many Friends Last Friday evening at Menard hall Missess Viva Phelan Mildred Berry Elsie Campbell and Hazel Merle enter tained a numerous company of guests handsomely Dancing was a prominent part of the plan about fifty couples engaging in this pastime The stage of the hall was converted into a parlor and cosy corners and booths assisted in the attractive effect attained Ice and wafers were served during the progress of the social event Miss Min nie Viersen and Miss Helen Knipple oc cupying the booth Bunting in colors was utilized in making attractive the hall proper for the occasion In determining partners for a special dance duplicate national higs of dimin utive size wero utilized A Few Prices Best apron check ginghams Gc Simpsons and American prints 5c Best table oil cloth 15c India linens 30c to Sc China silk 50c to 30c G big red hdfs for 25c S12 50 mens suits for 83G9 81000 mens black suits for 39 75c black fur scarfs for 49c 8450 net over silk waists for 8299 8225 1G9 8500 heavy wool blankets for 389 S1250 ladies long coats for G99 Mens extra good bibb overalls 39 8250 Mens corduroy shirts 8149 Mens welted all calf glove3 50c Give your pocketbook the benefit of the doubt See us before you buy The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Michael Walsh Marries Michael Walsh and Miss Anna J Fritsche were united in marriage Tues day morning of this week Rev Father Kirwin of St Patricks church per forming the marriage ceremony The Tribune wishes them both much happi ness Unequaled DeLaval Separators W H Harmon is the local agent and has in stock on West B street a number of these famous money making separa tors Consult him Forty Dollars Buys a Standard Sewing Machine at McCook Hardware Cos This will save you money on a high grade machine 1 1 1 i i Ar NUMBER 39 PUT YOUR PAY IN YOUR BANK BOOK The best way to save money is to keep a little out for pocket money nnd then put tho rest in this bank and pay your bills by check Money in tho bank is not easily spent for unnecessaries and remains until a time of ueod comes to you Then you will be glad you have your bank account Wo give you the checks free It costs you notning to havo your money kept safe for you THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna Only the Few Honor Him Measured by tho attendance upon the Lincoln Centenary celebration in tho Menard hall last Friday afternoon Abraham Lincolns memory is not cherished in our city as the writer lieves it ought to be However about 150 people of 5000 population gathered with To Clean Hard Wood Floors Moisten a cloth with a little LIQUID VENEER and go over the floor rubbing it gently the result is marvelous It cleanes the floor and at the same time puts a polish en it For sale at Woodworth Cos Druggists be- our the old soldiers to mark the 100th annivers ary of the greatest American since Washington Tho program as printed in tho city papers was carried out as to its main particulars Death of Baby Epperson Mr and Mrs Ed L Epperson who live about five miles northeast of the city mourn the death of their five months old baby which passed into the spirit land Monday Tho funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon burial being made in Riverview cemetery Rev Aiusworth of the Christian church con ducting the brief service at the grave The Eppersons moved here from East ern Nebraska about a year bince and are living on the Johns place YOUR LAST CHAP You need not have another chap this winter if you will depend upon McConnells Fragrant Lotion Use it every time after the hands are washed or when they are exposed to the cold and the skin will be kept soft and smooth Not sticky or greasy Price 25 cents New Embroideries An elegant large line of new embroid eries just opened up including matched sets fronting for waists flouncings half flouncings beading insertions edgings corset covers and colored edg ing They will repay a special visit to our store The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Help Wanted A lady compositor need not be the speediest but must be ambitious and willing to wait on customers State qualifications Address News Grant Neb Dissolved Partnership This week I W Clark andLAFitch dissolved partnership Clark shipped his portion of the stock nnd goods back to Shambaugb Iowa To Trade Good new residence property for Reo touring car or roadster Write Frank Ball 2 12 tf Holbrook Neb For Harness and Collars go to McCook Hardwars Co A largo stock of the very best harness ever ex hibited for sale in McCook A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for saie at Thk Tribune office John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank I J I s i I 1