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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1909)
Jfi WimWUiillMliiniiwi iitiaTfr raflri R WM B jB IK The GLAD NEW THE BEE HIVE quitting business in McCook forever MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Sverything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsam cures coughs TjJJse McMillens Cough Cure 25c Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 Mrs J Jncrtsun nun e Phone red 251 fresh fruit always in season at Hubers McMillens Cold Cure will break up your cold Wall paper and paints McConnell Druggist McAiilleus Sun- Corn Curt- will re move Miur corns Of course you know Huber keeps ten Wedding Breakfast Coffee Large size Sunkist oiangfs 40c a 3dzen at J A Wilcox Sons Fon Rent 5 room bouse at 910 west gnd street Phone red 329 1 29 tf We have fresh lettuce and celery every Wednesday and Saturday HUBER Dr K II Gatewood dentist office ever McMillens drug store phone 163 McMillens Cream Lotion will cure snapped hands and make the skin soft sd smooth Youll escape blood disorder if you take McConnells Sarsaparilla It eli minates all impurities The stork was gracious to Mr and Sirs Arch Hatcher Wednesday of last sreek a fine ten pound son - - It you want a good pickle in sweet sour ar mixed we have them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER We have the finest lme of Olives and Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur jJock line HUBER Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Srrike o cent cigar Rev S Mills Hayes of the I nnity church at Lincoln is the missioner at St Albans church Come and hesr jici A B Long a Burlington brakeman nd Mrs Belle Pugsley were married at Curtis first of last week They will j jeside in Denver I If we fill your prescription it is right ly filled and the price will be the lowest possible for the quality of drugs L W McConnell Druggist The McCook Building Association opens n new series of stock and you should call on the secretary and sub scribe for 5 or 10 shares at once There is no safer or better investment for your monthly savings Investigate if you do not understand the proposition SL IT K2dMu5sS2S3 iS2nS5rE2i n ii im9 MeCiniiplls Ralnm cur s cough Use McMillens Cough Cure 25c See Stayner for2nd hand typewriters McMillens Cold Cure will break up your cold Try our crackers in tin boxes You will never use any other HUBER Gasoline flat irons at the McCook Hardware Co Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tin hunk office Dnnt foraet the mission at St Al bans church F b 16 at 730 p m Dr R II Gatewood dentist office over AlcMillens drug store phone 163 A weeKs mission at St Albnu church beginning Feb 16 Daily ser vices A new shipment of late neckties the nifty kind just received at Rozell Bargers If you like homeopathic remedies we carry all the leading specifics Alc Connell Druggist Miss Millie Vance and Mr Charles Scarff both of Curtis were married in this city Tuesday of last week Alex Bergeron the well wnown piano tuner will be in AlcCook about March 1 t in the pursuit of his profession hoping to receive the patronage of all old patrons any many npw ones Fioch the West B street furniture dealer is the price cutter sells the bpst for the least money al 1he time Se my ad in this paper then come and conpare my goods with my low prices A monthly investment of S1000 for 120 months pays the holder of McCook Building Association stock 8200000 smaller amounts proportionately See the secretary and place your order for the now stock now open Past experience of owners of matured stock in the McCook Building Associa tion shows a net earning of Si per cent on their investment Why not be an investor in this association where your monthly savings no matter how small will earn you a good rate of interest Soe the secretary about the new series now open COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report Robert A Jones 20 Lebanon and Jessie L Roesch 21 Danbury Alar med by county judge Feb 2 Charles H Scherf 21 and Millie Vance 18 both of Curtis Married by county judge Feb 2 JIf if Vt ftTniFirt f iB ft 7 frtfffl ee oive in ii i ffii8giHara S is SPREADING to every HOUSEHOLD i Engine 2019 got on the ground at the west of the yard about 11 30 Mon day night and blocked all trains until about 9 CO a m Tuesday when she was re railed Nos 3 15 and 2 suffered bad delays Failure to get the switch over in the storm was the cause Conductor Nash and Engineer Deere were in charge of the train IKDIANOLA Neal Quick visited Sunday at Mc Cook T A Haley went to Culbertson Fri day on business Maude Goben and Bess Tonigood were McCook visitors Thursday Edna Thompson and Lucy Miller were passengers on No 5 to Red Willow Thursday night Charles Russell left Saturday night for Moline Illinois to visit his son in law who is quite sick at that place Mr and Mrs Lewis Elmer are re joicing over the arrival of a bain girl born Friday W A Reynolds left for Lincoln Sun day night on a pleasure trip A Mr Willfall of Iowa is holding down the second chair in Geo Micks tonsorial parlor Mrs B field is visiting in AlcCook this week Marion Powell of Lincoln was in town on business the fore part of the week Checkers is the main game of the dnv nojv four parties claiming the pionship ADDITIONAL RAILROAD I t G H Pearce has resumed bib oar in the freight service j A McC lj - j iH H L m i inti imtm n i rnMWMwnrtnwwnTnnr - - T iT MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Alms Sidnev Brown is a ciry visitor AIrs J G Schleich has joined her Engine 2810 is receiving drrp pit re- j husband in Pocatello Idaho pair und iew flues The 1218 i over j REV Al B Carman is assisting in re pit No 2 and is receiving new Hues and VIVIlj meetings in Arapahoe this week steam dome repairs S B Gockley was in the Southwest Nebraska hospital this week for an op eration Nellie Spencer of The Tribune force is visiting her sister Mrs C A Mowery at Ilolyoke Colorado this week Al iss Genevieve Feeny was a guest of McCook friends and relatives end of last week Aliss Alex AIehaffey entertained the M E Ladies Aid society yeterdaj at an all day session Miss J F Whiti ford was the guest of honor at the Awl OV convocation Tuesday of last week with the Alisses R an R A Green was over from Cedar Bluffs Kansas last Friday He will shortly leave for Montana to engage in business W II Clarey has opened a real estate j office in the Mills Simmons building over the Electric theatre coming here from South Dakota Mis and Mrs C W Lepper who have been spending the winter here with relatives departed on No 2 last Satur day for their home in Edgar Nebraska Alias Ruth Campiiell went down to Lincoln last Saturday morning on a flying visit lo her sister Airs E J Kates returning home on No 3 Sun day night Andrew Anderson and family took their departure Tuesday of this week for their new home in California Kings- burv Success to this solid and j ble family Quite a uumber of the friends and j George Henderson and family de i neighbors of Mrs Frank Fritsch treated pfirtfd Tuesday for Dundy cjnntj her to a pleasant surprise Wednesday j werf je has bought himself a farm io honor of her TGth birthday Quite a snow fell Monday nignt A C Teal was a AlcCook visitor Tuesday Tho little son of Shepler Frye is quite sick with scarlet fever Mike OReilly returned home Alon day from his trip to St Louis Grant Lakin and wife of Esbon Kan sas are visiting at the home of his par ents Mr and Mrs Ed Lakin this week Foleys Orino Laxative cures constipa tion and liver trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regular Orino is su perior to pills and tablets as it does not gripe or nauseate Why take anything else A McMillen 1 northwest of Haisiler where he will make his home in future Success to him Miss Katherine Bowlby teacher in the Hastings schools was a gupst of her sister Miss Virginia of the AlcCook high school teacher corps end of last week coming np on Friday evening and enjoying the fortnightly dance and re maining until Alonday morning Frank Stillman and family took their departure Wednesday for their home in Harris Kansas where he has recent ly acquired a large ranch property about 100 miles southwest of Kansas City He still retains his large landed interests here May success be their portion n McCOOK and VICINITY The Bee Hives High Grade 12000 Stock of Mens Womens and Childrens Fine Shoes Gents Furnishing Goods and Groceries still goes to a deeper cut for the final days of this great money saving sale Wednesday our opening day we were literally taken off our feet by the great throngs of eager buyers that crowded the aisles of the store from early morning till late at night Never in the history of McCook was there such a genuine bargain feast of high grade merchandise We can not advise you to strongly too be here as early as possible The Bee Hive is going out of business no matter how big our loss so tell your friends and let them benefit accordingly - If MHUmii iQnxnms CAUTION Owing to our extensive advertising other stores may try to mislead you but be sure you are right before you enter any store Look for the big blue sign on our windows iissEamastfC A OOK NEBRASKA y rywvA in hi jwiMiin wutmHanrKnTWirm Instructive and Interesting Rev U G Houston addressed a good audience of appreciative people in the Baptist church Wednesday eveninjr his topic being Over Jordan in the Steps of the Saviour Besides being a traveler and lecturer of note the rev erend gentleman exhibited some 200 specimens from the Bible lands over which he has trav led Observe Lincoln Centenary The lG0h anniversary nf the birth of the immortal Abraham Lincoln vas ob served this morning by the Ale Cook public schools in an appropriate pro gram with an address by K v Ains worth and music by the High School or chestra The schools were dismissed for the af ternoon in honor of tho Great Com moner Abraham Lincoln will be the subject of the sermon Sun day morning at the Methodist church Special appropriate music Evange listic service at night All welcome John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Alc Cook National bank FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Alc Cook Nebraska 25 tf valeniines We have valentines from one cent up see them A AIcAIillen Druggist I Tv pewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office E55EZS5 M ARSH THE BEE HIVE quitting business in McCook forever r3zazzfflmz3rmagS2 rrrrt iirni 1 1 nrn iigirrBirT niirwn RED WILLOW The stork visited Arch Hatcher one night and left a IOV4 lb boy John Burtiess wife and boy came down to John Longnockers on Tuesday and Airs Burtiess went home with them after a weeks visit with Mrs Long- I riecKer I Little Blossom Longnecker had a birthday party on Saturday As the friends were too small to come alone the mothers were invited to bring them 15 j little tots at down to a five oclock din- ner and then sppnt a hilarious time in a room up stairs which was given up to them The fathers stopped on their way from town whore the grown ups had heir dinner and then enjoyed a bo cial evening with games and music Holtou Longnecker and family left on Monday morning for AlcCook where Airs Longnecker will remain indefi nitely 1 ut Holton left on Tuesday for Rollinsville e m ffiBffgf LOW PRICES Just Received Rugs all sizes and qualities Welton Velvets first quality Body Brussels Tapestry Brussels etc etc AI1SSION BUFFETS and CHINA CLOSETS P T iV P IT WEST B STREET i r 1 11 L II McCOOK NEBRASKA 1 EPUTATION t ArWiKKKJjLAJJLluSSUlS rAg VTrTj f gwjwtiyiwa S a legitimate asset in every up-to-date busi ness mans capital and success But reputa tion and success are only achieved by square dealing and having and selling goods absolutely right It is not enough to sell right you must first buy right and be able to meet every demand of the trade Through his cash system this is accomplished by THE ORIGINAL CASH MEAT MAN j6 Q Ai v j t t WJ M tf tv i rt 2a 1 V 1