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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1909)
I If t x Iv I fi 5 K CITY LODGE DIRECTORY I l A F A M McCook LkxIkoNo 135 A F A M moots oYotr flrst and third Tunsdny of tho mouth nt 8 380 p m iu Masouic hall ClIABLESL IAHNKSTOCK V M Cos Coke Soc b s J1 Occcnoxoo Council No 10 R S M moots on tho last Saturday of eucli month ut ertX p m n iluaouic hull BArra A IlAanEita T I M STLVdiTEB CORDKAL SC K A M KtagCiyruB Chapter No 35 R A M meets very tfrst and third Tiiurmluy of eacli mouth ut SIX i tn in Masouic hall CfARBNCi B Gbay H P VT 8 UllITTAKRB SC KNiailTMTKMFLiAIt St- John Commniiilory No 10 K T meots ou ttw coiid rinirIuy or oacu niontii at sU0 p m f Uuhonic hull Lmebson II anion 12 C S t v ei S O A kvkv Uoc EA8TKKN STAB Eureka Olmptor No 83 O K S moots the aoeoad and fourth Fridays of ouch month ut tiiMl p m in Masonic hull Mub Sarah K Kat W M W K Hbt Soc MODERN WOODMKN NoUloCuinpNo 663 M W A moots every wcoml und fourth Tlmr day of ouch mouth ut SStfl in iu Morris ltall Pay assessments t Vhito Homo Grocery lULIUH KUXRRT CoUhlll J VLHut rn Clork UOYAL NKIUH1MJBH NiiUle Otmp No 802 It N A meots every fwcond and fourth Thursday of ouch month at Sitttti in in Murrii hull Mb8Caboiine Kunebt O tfta Augusta Anton Rec IEDS EUCKBEES SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER 51o3o to build Neir BnnInesK AtrlalwUl mate you our permanent customer le av o av Mefttjs second and fourth Thursdays ut 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Ciias F Mabkwad C C WCMOYEB Clerk WOBUMKN ifcCook LoIir No 01 A OUW inoot s every Slonrfay at6 tX p in iu Mnnto Cristo hull MiiceOrikfivKoc MSJkmninohU V JitWttjfTZFinauciHr UoYZiNTForouiaii DEOREEOF IIONOB McOook LodvoNo 3 D of II meets every tcKid and Torth Ilieidays of each mouth ut jrfjj 0 n iu Monto Cisto lmll Mrs ImiA McCdain C of H CvkrikSoiilaoei Kec LOCOMOTIVE ENOINEEB3 KcCoik Divisiou No 02a U f L E meeU wcy secouri and fourth Sunday of each moathBf2w in Morris hall Waltee Stoker C E W B Rorxgtt F A E GOCOMOTIVK FIEEMEN AND ENQINEMKN cCok Lodge No 599 B of L F E vitsujtn every Saturday at 7 W p m iu Gaus chows hall I D Pennington M G H HTusted Soc RAILWAY CONDUCTORS tlarvey Division No 95 O R C moets the coal and fourth Wednesday nights of oach raoatli in 800 p m in Morris lmll at SOI Main Avenue S E Cailen C Cou 51 0 McClube Sec RAILWAY TBAINMEN C W Uronson Iodga No 437 B of It T ciWtvfir t and third Sundays t20 p m and scoi and fourth Fntitja at 730 w in each II f fjtfV M -annul in iiorns imu - hvj ft J MoOBE Sec Woduesday at 800 p in m Masouic nan H W S N Cobb K R S EAILAVAY CARIIEN 7oau America Lodge No 4r0 l It C of A meets on the first und third Tuesdays of each maulfiin Morris hall uS750 p in Ray O Light C C S V Franklin Rec Sac MACHINISTS Kd Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets cverj second aud fourth ruead iy of tho month atSW p tn in Gaiischow hull Fred Landeeko Pres M SEABcn Fin Sec Ilocd Berry Cor Sec BOILERMAKERS JEcCoofc Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A cieets first aud fiird Fridays of each mouth la Odd Fellows hall KNIOUTS OF FYTHIAS WcCoofc Lodge No 42 K of P moots overi Conover C C odd felloavs McCoek Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every Monday atSKK p m in Uauschnw s hall 11 G Hughes N G W A Kiudletov Sec EAGLES HdCoofc Aorie No 1314 F O E meots the second aud fourth Fridays of each month at S00 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings actlio first and third Fridays R S Light AV Pres G- C Keckiian W Sec KNIGnTS OF COLUMBUS McCcok Council No 1120 K of C meets the Qrst tt third Tuesdays of each mouth at 8 AX p ra in Diamonds hall Gr S Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho secoud ttad Cocrth Thursdays of each mouth atS p m in Monto Cristo hall Anna IIannan G R Neclie Kyan F S LADY MVCCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meots vwry Erst and third Thursday oveuiugs of each moatii in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commandei Hacciet E Willetts R K G A E S K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meots on Cos first Saturday of each mouth at 2 o0 p in Giischows hall J M Henderson Cmudr Jacoji Steinmetz Adjt belief corps ITcCook Corps No 93 V R C meets ovory aconi and fourth Satunlav of each mouth at O0 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Scstc Vaxderhoof Sec L OF G A E MicCook Circle No 3J L of G A R meets on Cite first and third Fridays of each month at 233 p in in Monte Cristo hali Mary Walker Pres Eclcn LeHew Sec p E o Chapter X P E O meets he second and foartii Saturdays of each mont j at 2 SO p m at the homes of the various member Mrs G H Thomas Pros MES C H Meeker Cor Sjc fhrize Collection jKTOrieuesit i it tiiinosr mnup 7 spienoia onion s nest tieKlOSprUff flowrrlns lJolb Co varieties in all GDAKAXTEED TO PUELVSE I Wsifc to day Mention this Paper SEND 10 CENTS fa cover jiostago and pscklnc and receive this valuable GsCtdwB oi Pca poxpoiu wyBmcr tiiut my oig J IntrncU vo isenuuiui tca ana Ainnt isooic toSusu aboct tn Xicst Tancues ox teeoj riaats eic U W Dnnlea oi3 BUCKSEE STREET BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures couehs and colds 4 I V iijuiim up -4--e V V 9 V V 1809 The Lincoln Champion of Democracy and a New Political Gos pelHis Belief In the Plain People A a W c A A A V V v so tliat it can almost indefinitely ex tend its life Each individual goes through all the stages of growth that have pre v ceded it on the ladder Starting with the germ it must make the whole journey must climb the Avhole ladder from the lowermost round to its oaaii appointed place The i nnlv rmin from flip pvnlnHmi i seemingly is that the neAv individual goes through all the early processes up to its own stage Avith great rapid Sty It is as though a man AAere to run his race along a prepared road that ended in a forest As far as the road had been completed he could so SAvift ly From that point en he Aveuld have to fell the trees and make his own roadbed so that his piviTejs avou1 be much impeded He V cv v rid have reached his ov n tage f dA IMment Thus a csid 3 tiirough all tit pvorci germ to riiv m m f gT 1 1T t 1 ri - t birri At - but lit 71 - j f ii Centenary 1909 ft I Lincoln as the Americanlype By James A Edgerton Copyrltfht 1000 by the American Press Association jsss v S -- -x i i Lincoln When NomQinated For the Presidency In I860 j it tJu tie r i jl tie I- I 1 boy IViti t rroAvth ir r - i seen f ttf i mist d 1- rapid- iu cliiT dwelrr - bipel iwsl baco tii t maclii c self te dar C and fCj hy t the rlni to- J iiyiug pvs So is it vri i j rici America lias gone o er thi st h m rl devel opment traAori d b zrel Home Greece England Only she his had t the experience and has gone over the road much more swiftly than they This AAay was already prepared by their Iming traversed It before The Ft ages of the journey she accomplish- ed in a year had required them a cen tury Finally she has reached her I A-A-A A 4 A A 4 NATION is more than a own place and Is now more slowly lection of people more than working out her own peculiar develop Its history or destiny or both i nient and mission together more than the in one aspect this laud may be called CI S hills forests Seas and Skies that for mndorn PnlwHnn Tho rllm lms wuur UbU - furnish it footing environment and cover more than its hamlets villages cities and all its communities more wore like those who escaped out of Egypt Washington was another Abra ham Lincoln another Moses But our than its pursuits and industries more peculiar ark of the covenant is polit than Its great men its work and its jca liberty This Ave are to carry as mission more than Its power In war the chosen people of this age until the or iim uuuhijuicu in pence more uiucn more than any of these or a combina tion of all of them A nation is a body politic with a soul The great est thing in it the determining thing is not visible It is its spirit its gen ius its life It seems that no one lias yet com prehended or stated the American gen Jus the national soul that I world is converted to democracy Yet we are more than a Palestine having in iis the elements also of a modern Greece and more especially of a modern Rome All the stages of the Roman republic have Ave passed through Now ivo are at the age of the Caesars only let us hope that the later experience and liberty of the Avorld have given us suIHcient wisdom tiates tills from all other nations the and strength to avoid empire self reliant self deAoloping spirit of democracy the constructive attitude the individual initiative iiiAcntiveness energy sanity humor that go to make up the peculiar type Ave call Ameri can But although no one has been able to phrase this it still has had ex pression Lincoln incarnated it He was the AAord American made flesh A nation is like a man It comes lias it ever occurred to the people of this time that a great new civilization is springing to life in the nations that fringe the shores of the Pacific and that Ave hold much the same relation to this new group of developing states that ancient Rome held to Avestern Eu rope The parallel can be carried fur ther This is but a suggestion of it There are historic years as Avell as through the same periods of birth and solar years The first historic year groAvth likewise of sin and sickness too often of death But its body seems more plastic and responsive to its soul had its springtime in early Greece Tudea and Rome Its summer came in the days of Julius and Augustus - i si sfe3ia2j tf mm i m asjmMM ftl V1i r yCS3aiA4toftTiVtiifflfete t jtttwrititvx4sztwiit i Wim9 KA V gTk rlc Caesar which were so close to the day of the Xazarene The long periods of peace and fruition under the Anto nines and Constantine in the later em pire constituted the autumn Then came the first icy blasts in the form of the raiding hosts of the Goths and Vandals succeeded by the long win ter of the middle ages The renaissance the reformation and the discovery of America marked the spring of the neAv year and hoav we aie again at the hih title of summer This land Avhir Ii avs withheld from mens gae until the opeuirg of this new and dirinrr yir is to be tho the tcr en vLi i AviI be emu ted the chief event i itr I and i i A c i year I Ie an s iral re - li than it- co - ri i i y ---- higher and dev tvv urdr the sun Vh t our brS -- ra y and custrii ti Democ rTy ii i men Ccr2 upen Iidci it the- relf gov erniuir v k lxirt thy muvie is fiGveie id 1 v nee er lj employment of Kuv fauity rixi thi it so Avheii i i are mrco ti d- hr OAelvt fn the aue of doi for the vireh es Tis i i he hief blessing f d- rcra - tiik so are ayc Tu cqu jiiv rf c v breed- a rtrc jgr iww Indi vidual andtf inventiA oness have succeeded PA ery era uf liberrj and democracy Amerka has brought this new day till the sunlight of its intelligence is shining over into all lands The constructive attitude is also ours the spirit of the builders We do not tear down we erect We are posi tive full of faith and optimism as the builders always are Wo have come to know God as the great builder and we would be in his Image James Rissell Lowell spoke of Lin coln as a new groAvth of this now soil the first American Whether or not he was the first he was at least the most conspicuous And Iioav fully be Avas a type of the national life even embodying some of our faults lie came from the common people as do Ave AA as eloquent as we try to be told stories Avhicli has be come a national habit even played the great American game of ball The one place that he did not include our ices is that he did not indulge in that other great American game of poker Doug las says he drank but Douglas is not the best authority Others deny the statement If Lincoln drank at all it was but mildly and the habit was abandoned in his mature years Nei ther did he use tobacco In these mat ters it may be objected that he was uot the American type but at least he was our ideal type expressing us at our best if not at our worst and let us hope he was the type of our future man Tobacco Avhisky and poker are not absolutely essential to a great man hood Avliile the Lincolnlan qualities are Perhaps Ave shall slough off some ephemeral faults but tho great dura ble elemental traits that he had as a model for all of us must remain This genius of Americanism which Is giving a neAv spirit to other lands lie came not only to typify but to- pre serve Paine Franklin Jefferson Washington and the rest had given it statement and initial form in tho be ginning Lincoln Avith Garrison Grant SeAvard Stanton aud their co Avorkeis came to give it restatement and to saAe and enlarge Its form Lincoln saAV what Ave must ail see If Ave comprehend Americanism at all that our nation has brought a nev po litical gospel which Is to revolutionize all nations and ultimately make a re public of the world as a consequence of this neAv political gospel it likewise brought a new industrial and social gospel It is no idle boast to say that it has become AAorth Avhile living since America has appeared on the stage America is not alone responsible for this any more than Lincoln was re sponsible for all the happenings of his era She is only the type and most conspicuous fact of this new age just as he A as the type and most conspicu ous individual in our civil war crisis and just as he is rapidly becoming the type and most conspicuous entity of our nation itself Lincoln specifically stated that his mission or rather his purpose was neither to preserve nor destroy slavery but to save the Union The Union was and is the body politic incarnating the national soul It is the vessel holding the precious ointment the temple con taining the holy of holies the form ex pressing and perpetuating liberty It Avas not merely the loss of a feAv states that Lincoln faced aud It Avas the breaking up of this body the escape or destruction of this American genius the change of our national life To the one Avho saw Avlfntr blessings American liberty de mocracy and eonstructiveness would mean to the future of the entire race this Avould seem the greatest Avork that man could perform America avus and is the key to the Avorlds neAv civiliza tion the prophet of political equals all round the earth the forerunuer of man free intelligent energetic con fident redeemed and aAvakened man man the racial man climbing the lad der toAA ard the type of a Lincoln It did not happen by aceideut that the men Avho directed our Revolution constituted the greatest group seen on tills planet since the departure of those surrounding the Xazarene Such a great inception means a greater mis sion To measure that mission and its influence on all men Avill require cen turies On this uoav stem of Americanism this neAv plant of democracy groAA ing in a fresh soil men of the stamp of Lincoln AA ere the natural and inevita ble fruit lie is perhaps the most com plete example but he is by no means peculiar nor alone As said in the be ginning lie is a type Thousands ap proach him none perhaps reaches him in all things Studied from every standpoint he is about the most satis fying human sample produced not only by America but uy modern times the most satisf inj aviic i measured by the intellect by the Iiearc or by the soul This is not mere fulsome eulogy It is the inevitable conclusion that is forced on any student who goes deeply into the nature of Abraham Lincoln Ilappj is the laud that has such a man for its humanized symbol That the people felt Mr Lincolns universal Americanism Avas shoAvn by the ovenvheiming grief of all sections at his death Of the assassination itself and of the scenes succeeding it it is unnecessary to speak here All this has become a part of the folklore of the race At this length of time hoAvever three things stand out prominently the sor roAv of the private soldiers of the ne groes and of the plain people In Washington along the line traversed by the funeral train in its journey to Springfield and in the shop fields and churches of the entire north and even of the south the grief of the average man AA as such as he shoAved only for those nearest aud dearest to him It was the pergonal nature of the be reavement that AAas its most notable feature TAvice since Lincolns day haAe presidents been assassinated Both of these Avere beloved and their deaths AAere deeply lamented The mere trappings and panoply of woe were as great iu either case as iu bis But it AAas the poorest and humblest who Avere touched to the heart at Lin colns death Indeed from that aspect nothing like it has been seen in human history There has been Avoe OA er the passingof rulers before and since but the personal actual stupefying grief of the masses has never been manifeit i in the same degree 1 Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have en made in tho county clerks ofiice ico last report hester 1 Walker et ux to Isaac M Smith wd to lot 8 blk 11 2nd McCook 325 00 n F Dye et ux to Milton II Hammond Avd to lot 2 blk 322ndMcCook 1300 00 lam McKay ot cons to Beat rice Amann wd to lot 9 blk GlstMcCook 700 00 ohn L Riggins et ux to J U Kunimer Avd to Jot 1 blk 9 West McCook lor 0 00 Iiram O Rider et ux to P B Amann wd to lot 13 blk 37 Riverview cemetery 10 00 Lincoln Land Co to Richard B Sheridan pt swJ4 20 3 29 wd 1050 00 State of Nebraska to Marion Powell lot 7 in 18 3 27 deed 397 80 uvxirvivL in the baking ad Lincoln Lnnd Co to Chester L Wntkor wd to lot 8 blk 11 2nd McCook lOOOO Richard B Sheridan et ux to Walter E Corwin pt Bwtf 20 3 29wd lop Arthur P Sidobottom et ux to James Gregory sw 31 1 29 wd 3275 00 W F Purvis ot ux to Ueeoher Stout nwf 213 26 wd 0200 00 We are now agents for the Famous Car hartt Overalls and Jackets atso for their Gloves and Caps HUBER Special cards for Washingtons Birth day St Patricks Day St Valentinos Day etc at this office Pneumonia Follows La Grippe Pneumonia often follows la grippo but never follows tho uso of Foleys Honey and Tar for la grippe coughs and deep seated colds Rofuse any but the genu ine in tho yollow package A McMilleu that is where Calumet Baking PoAvder proves srzSiilf its superiority its wonderful raising power its never failing ability to produce the most delicious baking and its economy In the baking that is the only way you can successfully test it and compare it Avith the high price kinds You cannot discredit these statements until you have tried CALUMET the only high grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost 100000 is offered to anyone finding the least trace of impurity in the baking caused by Calumet Ask your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet Received Highest Award Worlds Pore Food Exposition Chicago 1907 MPtliKjRs ONE ONE ONE That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town Avhich is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No ONE Avhen you Avill be informed that you can get No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment in fact No ONE first last and all the time Bullard Lumber Co J BsBs3rsfNCsBN SSSSSBNGfSSXSN EKSCTyJETsafs TS23SrSEsBNBES Our Regular Prices Seem Bargain Counter Figures But the Goods Are All Fresh Clean and New McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands These Are a Few Items in Our Stationery Line THE T RIBUNE Stationery Department i