Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1909)
Cream w we pay ireignton 51U orders Oyst mwmTiwn in m m - i G 1 Tyr y ers witn T O Is te most efficient and perfect of leavening agents MADE FROM PURE CREAM OF TARTAR No alum lime or ammonia Think About Your Boy MR FARMER By the time your boy grows up and becomes old enough to take up in his own name one of the now Government Irrigated Farms in the Big Horn Basin it will be too late for him to get one Will you let his chance go by Is this fair to the boy What will he think of your foresight when he seeks for land and finds out what you neglected to take in 1909 almost as a gift an Uncle Sam Irrigated Farm that in 1909 will cost him S150 per acre Of course if he has the price all right but what if he has not Only 2750 Round Trip After March 1st Personally conducted excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month Write D Clem Deaver General Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau 1001 Farnam Street Omaha about these excursions HflimfsfsH TTE i i i D F HostetteRj Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W Wakeley G P A Omaha j PMWMkWwiiMHIrimgaK MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK UKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone SthTcner Tablets Sold by A McMILLEN McCook Nebraska feqVfeVfefefe WS V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President V FRAHKUH THE CITIZENS so 6SQ T JU Uilg ti DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE They are shipped in a steel container nir tinht KPalpd nnplrpd with i BANK OF MeCOOK NEB B a B B B Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 f A C EBERT Vkfcfeqyr Trees and Seeds That Grow For the past 23 years we have supplied our customers la all btates with Trees and Seeds that crow We carry a most complete line of fruit and Urna mental irees Berrv Bushes noses Perennials Bulbs etc at low prices ippju c rmra xuc vnerry jvc all budded trees Concord tt uraoes aau per iuu fcV - - KB jSi S Oysters with the true oyster flavor the kind youve smacked your lips over at the shore Sealshipt Com plete stock oof all kinds of Farm Garden and Flower Seeds to select from Write for our large 112 page catalog and Garden Guide We mail same free of charge to anyone interested also sample pkt May King Lettuce the earliest and finest of all head lettuce German Nurseries and Seed House Box 110 Beatrice Neb V fsI Irk ikaB I1 around the container No ice or water touches the oysters You get solid meats perfect and unbroken Sealshipt Oysters go further and taste so different Come and see them Ask for SEALSHIPT SENSE -a Book About Oysters All the following dealers sell Sealshipt D C MARSH fai IblMI f mi Xy7 The genuine Sealshipt Oysters are always sold from a White Porcelain Display Case bearing the Sealshipt trade S in bIue This is for yur protection look for it The Sealshipt Carrier Svstem is natented znents will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law NATIONAL OYSTER CARRIER COMPANY - r -- V South Norwalk Connecticut -- Att a 3 rptaa S2 PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Last week we placed on the shelves four volumoa of Carpenters Geographi cal Reader We now have the set com plete North Americn South America Europe Asia Africa and Australia Our Colonies and Other Inlands of tbo Sea The author Frank G Carpenter has traroled the world over acting as a newspaper correspondent from many foreign countries His letters have been always interesting and bis books are not only instructive but entertaining as well They are all well illustrated They are bookb that have been asked for by teach ers and pupils and we hope they may havo a large reading The Library Board met Friday evening February 5 The following bills wero read and al lowed W E Corwin for wood- 13 00 Bay View Reading Course 3 SO McCook Gas Co November 1 15 Frank D Burgess work 75 Boyle Eldred insurance 27 00 McCook Waterworks Co 4th qr 1 70 McCook Electric Light Co Nov and Dec 3 00 W C Bullard coal 70 00 Librarian Nov Dec Jan 103 00 Janitor Nov Dec 20 25 Book Supply Co books 12 49 A C McClurg Co books 15 88 Total bills allowed 274 02 v A member of the library board desires that special attention be cnlled to an Abraham Lincoln paper in the March Cosmopolitan by Henry Walterson In a little foreword Mr Watterson says With respect to Abraham Lincoln I as a Southern man and a Confederate soldier here render unto Cresar the things that are Caars even as I would render unto God the things that are Gods Tlip article is one of fairness and ap preciation and well worth the reading at thir timo of special observance of the centennial Librarian We have a full Hue of California Canned Goods in both the Advo and J M brands Nothing superior HUBER ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous In McCook Do the right thing lit the right time Act quickly in time of dauger Backache is kidney danger Donna Kidney Pills act quickly Cure all distressing dangerous kidney ills Plenty evidence to prove this Mrs B Hurlev of 204 E 24th St Kearney Nebraska says Last winter I caught a heavy col J hich settled my kidneys and made me miserable 1 was rarely free from a dull aching in the small of my back and the kidney secre tions passed so frequently as to annoy me greatly I drank large quantities as I always felt thirsty and a doctor whom I consulted told me 1 was in the grasp of diabetes He treated me for the trouble but I became no better and was suffering intensely when Doans Kidney Pills came to my attention I used this remedy and the first box brought me such relief that I continued with it un til completely cured I sincerely hope that my statement will be the means of benefiting other persons aflliuted as I was Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at L W McCon nells drug store and ask what custom ers report For 6ae by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Public Sale Having decided to move to Denver I will offer for sale at my farm three and a half miles southeast of McCook on Tuesday February 16 09 commencing at ten oclock a m the following described property namely 5 Head of Horses one mare 9 vears old wt 1100 one mare comincr 2 vears old wt 1200 one mare llyearsold wt 1000 with foal two mare colts coming 1 year old 23 Head of Cattle eight cows with calf eight heifers comin 2 vears old with coif three heifers coming 3 years old with calf one registered Shorthorn bull 3 years old three calves 15 Head of Hogs four sows with pig ten head of shoats one pedigreed male hog Machinery one Dain hay stacker one Dain hay buck one disc one binder one McCormick rake one McCormick mower one 2 section harrow one harrow two riding cultivators one 16 inch riding plow one 2 row go devil onr stalk cutter onel horse wheat drill one feed grinder one Western Belle lister one 2 row lister cultivator one breaking plow one wagon with tight box one wagon with rack one lot of lumber one lot of corn cribbing one set good work harness one corn sheller two wire cables 50 feet long one woven wire fence machine one spring wagon one top buggy lot of choice seed corn lot of sweet corn lot of Early Ohio po tatoes and other unlisted articles FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms Sums of 1000 and under cash on sums over 81000 a credit of eight months will be given purchaser to give bankable paper drawing ten per cent interest from date Five per cent discount for cash on sums over S1000 No live stock or property to be removed until settled for W E BOWER JHWoddell Auct V Franklin Clk PU HBEMe3 ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PHONE 1114 1420 24 LAWRENCE DENVER COLO LL I aIILULui ill mmu 05 in iff - - - w rr2 rrr mmmmm SALE AT THE ALLEN RANCH Having sold my property and arranged to move to the San Luis Valley Colorado I will sell without reservo at public auction on MONDAY FEBRUARY 15 09 commencing at 1000 a m sharp all of the rHOGS HORSES CATTLE FARMING IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS belonging to me on the Allon ranch and de scribed as follows 28 Head of Work Horses and Colts consisting of two large Percheron mares weight 3500 none better in state two largemares sorrel and brown two bay mares trotting bred two bay milks 3 and 5 years old weight 2200 two black mules 3 years old weight 1800 two sorrel mares 5 and 7 years old weight 2000 two bay geldings 0 and 11 years old weight 2200 one Great Norman stallion 6 years old nameNapoleon weight 1500 two Norman geldings 3 years old ono bay mare 5 years old weight 900 one gray gelding 4 years old weight 1000 nine suckling colts by Im ported Tamberlick w 40 Head of Cows and Heifers on full feed of alfalfa and corn ono thoroughbred Heroford bull 2 years old 40 Head of Well bred Red Rock and Poland China Hogs running in weight from 150 to 250 pounds per head Machinery Implements good Mc Cormick twine binders two cultivators ono 2 row machine ono 3 section steel harrow ono mowing machine and rake ono gang disc plow ono press drill ono low wheel farm wagon three common lumber wagons nearly new ono spring wagon one buggy threo sots double work har ness iwo sets double driving harness ono sot single harness household goods and many other articles not listed TERMS OF SALE Sums of 81000 and under cash in hand on all sums over 81000 a credit of of eight months will bo given purchaser to give bankable note drawing ten per cent interest from date Five per cent discount for cash on sums over 1000 No live stock or property to be removed until settled for F EVERIST Cols Kittle Woddell Denton and Betz Auctioneers - Messrs Pennell and Lozier Clerks 3rVIIMvl3i jacsBssae ISVraiiWiWCTra Pvi K Km I Vii VV7 iiK KftK iiMS w The most remarkable undertaking ever made by a newspaper or other publication Eighty pages devoted to Lincoln Four color sections At great cost The Chicago Tribune has secured the right to use all of Ida M TarbelPs rich collection of Lincoln pictures caricatures made of him during the war illustrations of his earlier and later home and business life relics etc with full privileges of conden sing into minute form her keen S3mpathetic and highly dramatic life of Abraham Lincoln Besides there are a hundred pictures of Lincoln from the Qldroyd collection special articles on differ ent aspects of his life and death his personal and moral qualities his relation to those immediately about him to our nation and to the whole human race and his sayings anecdotes and his sorrows This valuable addition to the Lincoln literature will be pub lished in The Chicago Tribune Sunday February 7th Order it from your newsdealer early to be sure of getting it - y - r -- i v 7 iis y m m XSSsS5SS jjA iz tt SES2 1 ll m Tiy Preventics At My Risk With Book on Colds Just to prove merit to show you how I quickly Preventics can and will check colds ur uie unjjpc 1 win man you irec on request these samples and my book Simply address Dr Shoop Racine Wis Preventics are thoroughly harmless little Candy Cold Cure tablets No Quinine no laxative nothing sickening whatever To check early Colds or Grippe with Pre ventics means sure defeat for Pneumonia To stop a cold with Preventics is surely safer than to let it run and be obliged to cure it afterward Preventics will however reach a deeply seated cold But taken early at the sneeze stage they break or head off these early colds That is surely better that is why they are named Pre ventics Promptness however is all-important Promptness in the use of Pre ventics may save half your usual sickness Feverishness night or day with child or adult suggests the need of Preventics Write Dr Shoop Racine Wis today for samples and booklet Preventics are sold by A Mc MILLEN - Tribune Is All Printed in McCook You will find local or county news of interest on each of the eight pages of this paper every week It is all printed at home No patent print Read all BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds b J i if i L4 h I i mwrn IHlrlJilll T- t l f 4 f i t