The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 12, 1909, Image 1

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    11 J
Tou Will Have to Hurry
Over Steins Clothing Store
in the DIAMOND Building
Very Severe Storm
This section felt the force of a very
severe storm Monday night ana Tues
day of this week the storm approaching
jlizzHrd proportions A very high wind
-A-below -zero temperature and some
aaow complete the details of the bitter
incidentally the rural carriers and
atar route drivers were unable to cover
their routes
Freight traflic was practically aban
doned during Monday night and Tues
day while passenger service was de
flayed many hours
Business was reduced to the minimum
during the storm and plenty of new
btzsiness made for the plumber
A broken large window pane in the
assembly room and the severe weather
siiade it necessary to dismiss the high
school Tuesday afternoon
Wednesday morning the temperature
moderated decidedly and Yorick is
bmsef again
Could we have evenly traded the sur
us of gale and temperature for more
aaow we would have been much the
Was Quiet Wedding1
A pretty though quite wedding was
solemnized last evening at the home of
and Mrs C Burdett Sawyer of
xreenacres when their daughter Miss
Kathryn became the bride of Thomas
A Tucker The ceremony was per
fo imed by Rev Paul Little of the Hajs
Park M E church the ring service
being used
The different rooms were decorated
sitb dark red roses and carnations
placed among the ferns A wedding
tapper was served following the cere
mony Both the bride and the groom
-are from McCook Neb the former
coming here last spriDg and the groom
arriving a few days ago They will
make their home in the west The
Sicide was the recipient of many beauti
ful presents from her friends Spokane
fWash Daily Chronicle
Notice Personal Taxes
Personal taxes for 190S were deliquent
Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that
date should be paid by not later than
ebr 1st next as on and after that date
itbey are subject to collection by distress
warrant C Naden Co Treas
McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909
The Eclipse Wind Mill
ia probably as good a wind mill as i3
made we sell these as well as the Demp
ster Woodmanse Perkins and others
sxlsoput them up also make or repair
your wells also furnish all kinds of
supplies Prices reasonable
McCook Hardware Co
Velie and John Deere Buggies
and spring wagons at the McCook J
Hardware Co They alwajs have a
good line to select from and every
-article guaranteed
Supreme Court Decision
Citizens Bank of McCook vs Waifield
Stipulation in re briers allowed Lincoln
Dr R H Gatewood dentist office
-over McMillens drug store phone 1G3
McConnell for drugs f
A F A M Meeting
Hepnlnr meeting of McCook Lodge
JSo 135 A F A M Tuesdar Febru
ry 1C at 800 p in Work xx Master
Vinson desree
By Order of the W M
Lox CoNE Secretary
Imporfant Business Session
There were a number of items of im
portant business taken up at the session
of the Commercial Club Tuesday even
Road committee reported progress on
the improvement to the east approach to
oast river bridge but that the severe
weather was delaying completion
The matter of the meeting of the
Southwest Nebraska Teachers Associa
tion in our city Wednesday Thursday
and Friday of first week in April was
presented by Supt C W Taylor
The following named gentlemen were
appointed by the president to collabor
ate with Supt Taylor in the arrange
ments for this great gathering which
will bring -100 or 500 teachers to our city
nnd will tax our hospitality A Barnett
chairman C L Fahnestock H C
Clapp Fred Bruns and F A Pennell
As but six weeks intervene between now
and the meeting the fact is evident that
the committee has active and persistent
work ahead and on band
A legislative committee composed of
P Walsh F M Kimmell and J R Mc
Carl was constituted to make effective
as possible the sentiments of the club
on the Junior Normal School the High
Snbool measure proposed and now before
the legislature and the appropriation by
the state of money for manual and agri
cultural trainingand instruction in high
The committee on change of location
of club reported in favor of securing the
north suite of rooms on the second floor
of the new temple opera house building
The committee was authorized to make
a lease at 8600 per annum
A Surprise Pound Social
The ladies of the F M S of the M
E church together with many friends
surprised Rev M B Carman and wife
by giving a pound social at their resi
dence on Wednesday p m Feb 10 in
their honor it being their fifteenth wed
ding anniversary
They were liberally remembered with
many many pounds
A special feature of the occasion was
the presentation of an autograph quilt to
Mr Carman from the society Mrs Jo
seph Allen presented it in a very grace
ful manner Mr Carman responding by
a very hearty and touching speech
Miss Dougan Florence Rosebush and
Jane Knowles entertained the company
with vocal and instrumental music
which was very much enjoyed
Mr and Mrs Carman did their best
to make everybody have a good time
and the occasion will be long remem
bered by all who were present
Mns Kate Hautwell
The quality of our drugs is no higher
now than before the Pure Food and
Drug Law was passed our goods were
up to the highest standard before
What is more we enforce something
else which no law can and that is
carrying of an adequate stock
To properly serve the community a
good store must have what is needed
when it is needed
Our constant endeavor is to meet
every requirement also
These are good reasons for asking for
your trade
L W McConnell Druggist
Postage Must Be Paid
A farmer on a rural route was called
upon recently by a postoffice inspector
and assessed a fine of 10 for placing
sale bills in rural mail boxes without
affixing the required postage It is said
that the department allows nothing put
in mail boxes upon which postage has
not been paid
Only the Horning Delivery
The city carriers only made the morn
ing delivery Lincoln Day and open
hours at the postoffice were confined to
8 to 9 a m and 12 noon to 100 p m
Lincoln stamps were placed on sale
this morning
Make the Price to Suit
If we can fit you and we have a good
assortment of winter overcoats we will
make the price to suit you Come in
and investigate
Rozell Barger
Dorcas Kensington
Mrs G W Norris and Mrs J G
Schobel will give a Dorcas kensington at
the home of Mrs Norris Thursday
afternoon Feb 18
Cntckens Are High
This should interest you in the Lind
sey incubator at the McCook Hardware
Co Only twelve dollars
If you want a farm or city loan call
on C F Lehn
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
C F Lehn buys road orders
m E 12
Notices have been mailed to all subscribeis of
this paper owing for the year 1908 All such ac
counts not paid by March 1st 1509 or satisfactorily
arranged for will be placed in the hands of an
agency for collection and the names removed from
our subscription books
Notices will also be mailed to all subscribers
covering the present year 1909 and we hope
responses to these will be prompt and numerous
Business conditions make itpimperative that sub
scriptions shall be as far as possible in advance
Kindly observe
The February terra of district court
closed last Saturday Following we
give thH cases passed upon since report
published last week
Leon A Fitch et al vs C B Q
Railway Co damage Two juries called
both objected to by defendant and sus
tained Cause continued
Lettie A Brown vs H I Peterson
and John II Grannis appeal Con
Jade W Arbogast vs Everybodys
Motor Car Manufacturing Co appeal
To jury attachment sustained general
finding for plaintiff defendant excepts
motion for new trial
Steele Weedles Company vs David
Diamond and Mrs Diamond his wife
equity Continued
J E Dodge vs P M Short appeal
R P Smith Sons Co vs David Dia
mond revivor of judgment Objections
Edward Smith vs Edward Thompson
et al 1 quity Continued
Edith N Deeder vs Arthur J Deeder
divorce CcntTnued
August Nothnagel vs the Unknown
Heirs of George H Castle deceased et
al distribution of surplus clerks costs
Western Land Co 8150 48 J W Hupp
588 9G Rice Stix Co 838753 de
cree for defendants
Jesse Ray vs Esther Ray divorce
Decree of divorce to plaintiff who is to
pay costs
This is the season when the com
plexion is apt to be permanently injured
if not properly cared for What is most
needed is proper circulation in the skin
and activity of the pores
Skin specialists recommend com
plexion brushes as the natural means of
keeping the skin healthy We have all
the good kinds in both rubber and
goats hair
L W McConnell Druggist
You Will Be Glad
if you take advantage of our clearing
prices on cloaks Notice them
Ladies 8500 50 inch coats reded to 8289
GOO 389
800 3 99
S75 4 G9
10 00 5 99
12 50 G99
15 00 8 69
Misses and childrens at similar sacri
fice Fur scarfs at 49j to S585 about
price The Thompson D G Co
St Patricks Church
The Question Box is being used at St
Patricks church every Sunday evening
in connection with the service The
Question Box is open to all who wish to
inquire about Catholic doctrines and
all are invited to the Sunday evening
Pay for Federal Building Location
The Secretary of the Treasury has
sent a check for 85570 to the United
States District Attorney to pay F L
Spearman for the site of the public
building to be erected at McCook
Washington Cor Omaha Bee
Saddles Bridles and Blankets
of the latest designs for ladies and gen
tlemen at the McCook Hardware Co
Look them over before buying
Curlees Reduced Too
The 8250 Curlee pants are now 8188
and 8395 will buy the 8500 value
Rozell Barger
One Cent Upwards
We have valentines from one cent up
See them A McMillen Druggist
C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans
Closed Sunday Evening
Special meetings which have been con
ducted in the Congregational church for
past two weeks under the leadership of
Rev Perry A Sharp pastor of the Con
gregational church Marshall Minn
came to a close last Sunday evening
with a well attended service an earnest
and helpful service special music
While the meetings have not been
marked by large audiences and numer
ous conversions the gospel has been
preached with earnestness and power by
Rev Sharp and at least many Christian
people of the city have been benefited
and strengthened by the same if those
for whom the services weie especially
provided were not reached in such num
bers as was fondly hoped
Rev Sharpe has during these meetings
strengthened the friendships formed
during his meetings of three years since
His is the service of a Christian gentle
man of ability and tact vigor and whole
bOiutfconservatism which yields nothing
of real faith and principle and appeals
not to sensational and cheap devices
The Word has been fitly spoken and
itwill not return void -
Mns W G Dutton entertained the
Priscilla club Wednesday afternoon of
present week
J M Henderson has been laid up
all week with a severe cold but at this
writing is improving
W S Morlan went up to Denver
Wednesday on business before the su
preme court of Colorado
Mrs W A Mitchell will go down
to Lincoln tomorrow to spend two or
three weeks with the home folks
Mr and Mrs R M LeGore came up
from Lincoln last Saturday night on a
visit to their daughter Mrs C D
Mrs C se of Syracuse who has been
visiting her mother Mrs Katherine
Snyder returned home Wednesday
Mrs Chester A Roders is enter
taining a company of old time friends of
her mother Mrs L R Hileman this
Mrs H M Finity returned to Lin
coin Sunday to continue treatment for
her heart which this elevation notice
ably affects
Mrs F M Kimmell went down to
Aurora this state yesterday morning
to be absent a week or two visiting her
sister Mrs E E Magee
W E Bower expects to leave next
week for Edgewater near Denverwhere
he will make his home His son Amos
now lives in that Denver suburb
Herbert L Mills the new Congre
gational pastor at Trenton dropped in
upon t ho special servicesat the Contrre
gational church last Friday evenine
Harry Allen was the hot at a pleas
ant social affair at tho Allen home list
Saturday evening at which a social
dance and refreshments were special
items of entertainment
Mrs L R Hileman arrived in the
city end of last week and is the guest of
her daughter Mrs C A Rodgers for
a week or two before joining Mr Hile
man in Denver their new home
Mrs HP Waite entertained a small
company of ladies yesterday afternoon
at a card party of pleasant partic
ulars in honor of Mrs R M LeGor6 of
Lincoln Nebraska A two course
luncheon was served
Miss Inez Kenagy who has been
teaching at McCook is now engaged at
the McKinley building as kindergarten
teacher in the place of Miss Lulu Roth
who was recently married to Mr Brad
ford Lincoln Journal
ffl ri b Mitt
Stockholders Annual Meeting
The annual mooting of the stockhold
ers of the McCook Co operative Build
ing and Savings Association was held in
the First National Bank building Mon
day night almost 1200 shart s of stock
more than the legal requirement being
represented in person and by proxy not
withstanding tho inclemency of the
The report of the committee appointed
to examine the books of the association
was read accepted and placed on tile
The report found the affairs of the asso
ciation in excellent shape in every ro
spoct loans properly and well protected
expenses at the minimum and records
in due form etc
The election of three members of the
board of directors resulted in the reelec
tion of Messrs II P Waite W U
Mills and J A Wilcox The ottier
memborsof the board are JE Kolley
C J OBrien T B Campbell C F
Lehn Emerson Hanson F M Kimmell
The Gates bill respecting building as
sociation taxation came up for consid
eration Messrs F M Kimmell C II
Boyle and C L Fahnestock were ap
pointed a committee to express in such
form as they deemed best and most ef
fective the protest of the shareholders
of the association against the passage of
this proposed measure
After the adjournment of the stock
holders the board of directors went into
session and completed their organization
for the ensuing year by the re election
of J E Kelley president the election
of J A Wilcox vice president and the
re election of Secretary F A Pennell
and Treasurer Louis Thorgrimson
The success of the association one of
the greatest factors in the home building
of this city is 1 irgely creditable to the
remarkably low cost of manngement
which is less than one half of one per
cent on the total loans of the associa
tion which now has SHO000 loaned to
McCook s home makers
Entertains at Luncheon
Mrs Charles D Ritchie entertained
the ladies of the Shakespeare club at a
130 oclock luncheon Tuesday to meet
her mother Mrs R M LeGore of Lin
coln the details being clever and the
hospitality most hearty
The home was decorated seasonably
scarlet of course being tho dominant
tint A large bouquet of carnations
the floral contribution to the color
S3heme in the library where hearts large
and small formed portiere and curtain
effects and were in liberal evidence on
walls etc In the dining room a hand
some and elaborate candelabrum sup
plied with scarlet candles and flanked
with vases of choice violets was the
chief item in decorative effect The
place cards were in dainty heart shape
distinguished by various names of
Shakesperian plays
A five course luncheon was served the
heart shape and scarlet effects being
carried out where practicable in the re
freshments Miss Edna Waite assisted
in this tasteful and effective feature
The regular reading and work of the
club was taken up during the remainder
of the afternoon
U S Civil Service Examinations
Competitive examinations under the
rules of the U S Civil Service Com
mission for the many governmental po
sitions in the various services will soon
be held throughout tho United States
being the regular spring examinations
If jou are interested in this service
make application for forms and infor
mation to the U S Civil Service Com
mission at Washington D C or to the
Secretary of the Board of Examiners at
St Paul Minn
The Famous Blue Book
Rozell Barger have just received
the famous M Born Co Blue Book
and are prepared better than ever to se
cure tailor made clothes for their cus
tomers in spring and summer stales
from Americas greatest merchant tail
ors Guarantee them to fit and please
Buttons Imperative
Most profuse is the displuy of buttons
in the coming spring stjles We are
now well supplied with the moulds for
making all four of our sizes and can
promptly turn out the buttons Bring
the scraps our machine does the rest
The Thompson D G Co j
Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators
are easy to run and easy to clean and
you can get the profit from your cows
with one of these Sixty five dollars at
the McCook Hardware Co
Unequaled DeLaval Separators
W H Harmon is the local agent and
has in stock on West B street a number
of these famous money making separa
tors Consult him
Another Rural Out of Bartley
Rural free delivery route No 2 has
been ordered established out of Bartley
April 1st It will serve 73 families
it is to spend small
sums of money when you havo si
largo amount about you How
much safer and hotter it would
bo to keep your spare monoy in
the bank This bank is at your
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
A Mission at St Albans Church
There is to be a mission at St Albnns
Episcopal church beginning Tuesday
February 16 at 730 p m There will
be daily services as follows At 730a
m Holy Communion At 330 p m
An Instruction At 730 p m Devo
tions aud Sermon Tho Missioner is
Rev S Mills Hayes Rector of Trinity
Church Lincoln Mr Hayes is a gifted
man He is among tho ablest of the
Lincoln clergy We trust that tho citi
zens of McCook will come out to hear
him E R Earle
A Pree Lecture
Every Nebraskan should know his
own state There is a large part of Ne
braska that you know nothing about
but you can find out by hearing the free
lecture given by Supt J D Stewart
and Missionary L O Pearson at the
Congregational church next Tuesday
Feb 10 at S00 p in These men are
from tho firing line They know where
of they speak and the pictures tell
their own story Free to all You cant
afford to miss it Come
A Card ot Thanks
Our hearts are full of grateful appre
ciation for every kindness assistance
and sympathy extended during the ill
ness and after the death of our dear one
Mrs Mary Caldwell by friends neigh
bors and others Signed
Mr and Mrs II II Hurt
Mr and Mrs W A Caldwell
Mr and Mrs Geo Humphrey
Howard Humphrey
Fracture and Dislocation
Clarence the 5-year-old son of Frank
Douglass of South McCook fell off a
board in the family coalhouse last week
sustaining a dislocation aad fracture of
of an elbow
To Trade
Good new residence property for Reo
touring car or roadster Write
Frank Ball
2 12 tf Holbrook Neb
Dr R H Gatewood dentist office
over McMillens drug store phone 163
I have many bar
gains to offer in
Secondhand and Shopworn
Pianos and Organs
I wish to clean my floor of
these instruments that I may
have room for my new spring
stock and will dispose of
them at almost your own
Pianos 50 and Up
Organs 10 and Up
Come and see these instru
ments nnd get our payment