The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 05, 1909, Image 1
fe ft y ywamwwBc ffP5a1 ---- TWENTY SEVENTH YEA rvar - ffEf STAMWPICTIJRES FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY TWENTY FIVE25 PICTURES For TWENTY FIVE 25 CENTS DONT MISS IT GET WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT You Will Have to Hurry FEBRUARY 15 LAST DAY Over Steins Clothing Store in the DIAMOND Building Just Third Place Red Willow county was awarded third place in the Southwest Nebraska declamatory contest at Rtratton Satur day night Miss Minnie Nelson of Lebanon securing that position It was the original purpose to divide the contestants into classes dramatic humorous etc but the limited num ber of contestants precluded such a course and the six applicants for honors wont in under the samo classification making difficult of course the decision of the judges Miss Gertrude Morrissey represented the McCook high school although having but a few days in which to pre pare a long and difficult selection Miss Claudia Hatcher accompanied her Death Relieved Her Suffering1 Mrs William Caldwell who has been a sufferer for a long time with cancer passed away last Sundaymbrning A requiem high mass was conducted at St Patricks Catholic church Monday morning at nine oclock by Father Paquette after which the remains were interred in the parish cemetery The deceased was 50 years of age and has for many years lived in our city being survived by her 6econd husband several children a sister Mrs S A Haley and a brother George Foster who removed from here several years ago Men Wanted Men are wanted for the special mens meeting to be held at the Congrega tional church nest Sunday afternoon at 300 oclock Rev P A Sharpe will speak to the men on the subject A Full Grown Man Every man ought to hear him Come and bring a friend Notice Personal Taxes Personal taxes for 1908 were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are subject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 The Eclipse Wind Mill Is probably as good a wind mill as is made we sell these as well as the Demp ster Woodmanse Perkins and others also put them up also make or repair your wells also furnish all kinds of supplies Prices reasonable McCook Hardware Co Velie and John Deere Buggies and spring wagons at tbe McCook Hardware Co They alwajs have a good line to select from and every article guaranteed One Cent Upwards We have valentines from one cent up See them A McMillen Druggist Dr R H Gatewood dentist office over McMillens druc store phone 163 McConnell for drugs Attention R A M There will bo a Koyal Arch decree conferred tonight Supper will be serv ed in the banquet room at 6 oclock by the ladies of the Eastern Star All Royal Arch Masons invited V B WnrrTAKEE Secretary Special Meeting A F A M A special meetinK of McCook Lodge No 135 A F fe A M Tuesday Febru ary 9th at 730 p m Two Entered Apprentice degrees By Order of the W M Lon Coxe Secretary 1 I Dr R 11 Gatewood dentist office over McMillens drug store phone 163 Special cards for Washingtons Birth day St Patricks Day St Valentines Day etc at this office hSS n hs4u DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS x The following cases have been dispos ed off at the term of district court being held in our city this week The Western Land Co vs Margaret H Heade et al tax foreclosure contin ued Vocances Franklin vs The City of McCook damage settled and dismissed at plaintiffs costs Acme Harvesting Covs Edward Cur lee civil motion to separately state and number E C Clark vs C B Q Railway Co damage plaintiff allowed 10 days to plead motion1 separately state and number cause of action overruled plain tiff excepts motion to strike answer from files overruled plaintiff excepts C L Hawkins vs D E Ewing ap peal verdict for S100 Peter Holmes Updike vs Eli Titus et al equity order disposing of surplus S C King vs I II Wasson equity settled and dismissed John Matthews vs John Farrell ap peal appeal dismissed Herman Brendt vs Frank L Spicer specificperformance continued Bertha Quigley vs Donald R Quig ley divorce dismissed at plaintiffs costs Sarah J Hickling vs William Ham mell damage continued Hiram C Rider vs William Huber et al suit on note continued John F Connor vs Aaron J Redfern damage leave given to withdraw ans wer and file demurrer David A Goodenberger vs Mary A Foxetal equity continued Wallace Plourd vs Charles H Kinget al injunction dismissedeach party to pay half of costs Charles Hotze vs Clarence SThomp son appeal appeal dismissed Kettle Rivers Quarries Co vs R N Liberty and A S Ennis suit on con tract continued William S Fitch vs Charles Jacobs appeal leave given to withdraw answer and file motion to dismiss Geo W Wyrick vs John J Strunck equity leave given to file answer instan ter leave given to file reply instanter continued State of Nebraska vs Arthur Forbes appeal nojle filed Harry Morris Bailey vs C B Q Railway Co suit for damages defend ant allowed 10 days to answer William Jeffries vs Herbert Beach suit on damages continued John J Galley vs Liona L Easton et al foreclosure default of all defend ants due plaintiff 33S9 interest at 10 per cent from date decree of foreclos ure Ella W Ford et al vs George WLis tonetal partition continued Lavilla J Burlless vs Lovina Kend all foreclosure continued Alvin R Scott vs Dan A Hewitt et al appeal leave given to plead instan ter to answer In matter of application of Sarah A Crosby to sell real estate stricken from docket Frank Stillman vs C B Q Rail road Co appeal continued Mrs G W Romans vs Thomas D Morrissey appeal motion for security for costs motion confessed security to be given in 30 days or order of dismiss al defendants 30 days thereafter to plead State Bank of Lebanon vsSophia and Joseph Boos mortgage foreclosure de murrer to petition overruled defend ants except 30 days to plead William H Kendall vs Murphy equity default of all defendants Josiah W Gittens vs Zachary T Mc Uolluni damage motion for security for costs continued on defendants ap plication HP JU af Ora Troy Kelley vs Abram Peters appeal settled and dismissed at costs of plaintiff Clara E Smyth vs Claude Smyth divorce coniinued State of Nebraska vs Henry N Coll ing mandamus continued M II Hammond vs J O Hammond et al partition referees report con firmed referees fees 825 attorneys fees 100 guardian ad litem fees 5 State of Nebraska vs Noble E Mc Murrin appeal nolle asked to be filed State of Nebraska vs Bell Hall crim inal plaintiff asked leave to file amend ed information granted filed and serv ed defendant in open court on being arraigned enters a plea of guilty to the third count in the information there upon sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of 8250 and to pay costs of prosecu tion and to stand committed to jail till the fine and costs are paid thereupon thd county attorney asked leave to file nolle prosequi to the remaining counts of the information Similar action was taken in like cases against Minnie Brown and Ruth Frost Barry - Clarence B Gray vs C B Q Rail way Co appeal motion overruled de fendant excepts 30 days to plead May Spaulding vs Charles E Spaul ding divorce decree of divore Minnie Luke vs Anna Bohm equity sale confirmed and deed ordered refer ees fees S10 guardian ad litem fees 0 attorneys fees 50 State of Nebraska vs John H Dwyer criminal continued State of Nebraska vs Luther Bush criminal forfeiture set aside Lavonia Finch vs Chester A Rodg ers plaintiff allowed 30 days to file pe tition defendant 30 days thereafter to plead MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Gov L Campbell of Coleman pre cinct has moved to Macdoel Calif Miss Jennie Kubick was the guest of Red Cloud relatives last week Mrs R D Austin went down to Red Cloud last week on a visit to her par ents Mrs T E McCarl returned Sun day noon from spending a few days with her homefolks at Cambridge Mrs William Richardson of Haig ler a former resident of our city was a city business guest first of the week Misses Elsie Campbell Hazel Merle Minnie Berry and Viva Phelan will en tertain a company of friends February 12 tb in Monte Cristo ball Mrs James F Whiteford arrived in the city last B riday morning on No 2 from San Bernardino Calif on a short visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Syl vester Cordeal Frank Cullen whose headquarters are in Omaha but who travels for a South Bend Indiana concern spent Sunday and Monday in the city ou business and to renew oldtime friend ships Frank thinks the old town is going some and faith she is So is Frank O L Littel superintendent of Hitchcock county was in the city Tuesday on the occasion of the visit of the Culbertson teachers to the McCook public school system Lester is a Mc Cook high school boy who is making good And it is always a pleasure for him to visit his alma mater ben Altol J Zint son of William L Zint lato of our city but now living in Denver has been chosen by the board of directors of the Colorado Manufac turers association as their secretary He assumed his new position February 1st Mr Zint for three years past has been traffic manager for the A T Lewis Son Dry Goods Co Denver F -V - McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 5 1909 All Three Were Injured Thomas Williams little but spirited bluck driving horse ran away Tuesday evening causing more or less painful injuries to all three ofthe occupants of the buggy Mr g Williams had been in East ly jok investigating a real estate proposition and in returning home one of the front wheels became cramped and dropping into a ditch threw Mr Williams out of the buggy the wheels passing over his chest H C Sbriner was also in the buggy and he subsequently jumped out fracturing his left foot at the ankle Latter ic the affair Mrs Williams was thrown out snstaining painful injuries though no bones were broken Lincoln Anniversary The 100th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln will occur on Feb 12 1909 The federal government and the government of our state have recom mended the appropriate observance of this day in memory of the illustrfous citizen and martyred president It is highly desirable that the citizens of Mc Cook appropriately decorate their homes and places of business and that all hous es of business may be closed from 130 oclock p mto 4 oclock p m that the memorial service to be conducted by theG AR in Menards opera house may be attended by those so desiring J II Stephens Mayor A Victim of Croup Little Clara baby daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Zeiler died on last Fri day of croup after a brief illness The little one was born August 22 1907 on the ocean while the parents were coming from Russia to America The little remains were buried in Riverview cemeter Sunday afternoon after ser vices of a brief nature at the home by Rev G L Henkelmann There were some very pretty flowers of tender tri bute to the sorrowing parents Bartley Degree of Honor Mrs Augusta Anton deputy grand chief of honor D pf H went down to Bartley Thursdsof last week to as sist in boosting the D of H at that place Tbe drill team of the local lodge went down on Friday to help along and give an exhibition drill It was the occasion of hartleys four season so cial and a big program was pulled off with several initiations a spread and general fine time Died at Hot Springs S D Mrs C H Barrett of our city now living at 1260 Mulvane street Topeka Kansas is in receipt of a telegram an nouncing the death of her brother Wil liam Crockford an old and early resi dent of Red Willow county There are no particulars given save that Mr Crockford died on January 31st 1909 Une Fourth Off Sale See Rozell Bargers announcement of a genuine one fourth off sale on win ter goods All goods marked in plain figures Real values at 25 per cent off Regular goods Solid worth Take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts Buttons Imperative Most profuse is the display of buttons in the coming spring styles We are now well supplied with the moulds for making all four of our sizes and can promptly turn out the buttons Bring the scraps our machine does the rest The Thompson D G Co One Fourth Off Means In winter suits at Rozell Bargers 820 suits at S15 16 ones at S12 S12 val ues at 9 And the other values re duced accordingly Take the benefit Chickens Are High This should interest you in the Liud sey incubator at the McCook Hardware Co Only twelve dollars A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf LOANS If you want a farm or city loan call on C F Lehn Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton McConnells Balsam cures coughs Use McMillen s Cough Cure 23c McMillen s Cold Cure will break up your cold Try our crackers in tin boxes You mil never use any other HUBER SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS Notices have been mailed to all subscribeis of this paper owing for the year 1908 All such ac counts not paid by March 1st 1909 or satisfactorily arranged for will be placed in the hands of an agency for collection and the names removed from our subscription books Notices will also be mailed to all subscribers covering the present year 1909 and we hope responses to these will be prompt and numerous Business conditions makeiit imperative that sub scriptions shall be as far as possible in advance Kindly observe IrTHE PUBLISHER ribtttte Death of Little Floyd Ralne Little Floyd four-year-old son of Mr and Mrs William Raine suddenly ex pired last Friday fle had been suffer ing from a severe attack of tonsilitis which left his heart in a precarious con dition and finally resulted in the little fellows death Services were held at home last Sun day afternoon after which the romains were laid away in Riverview cemetery The parents and relatives have tender est sympathy in the death of little Floyd Floyd youngest son of Mr and Mrs William Raine was born in Antigo Wisconsin in March 1905 It is a coincidence that the twin brother who proceded him to the spirit land passed away and was buried on the same hour of tbe day and the same day of the week CARD OK THANKS We are more grateful than mere words can express to all the kind friends and neighbors for assistance and sym pathy during the illness and after tbe death of our dear little boy Mr and Mrs William Raine Numerous Small Damage Reports from over the county indi cate that no severe damage was done anywhere or anyone in the county but that the instances of damage are num erous Windmills were blown down by the high wind of last week fences went down by the miles small buildings were blown over chimneys suffered from the gale housewives were given extra work and so on ad infinitum but the total loss and damage is not large and alto gether we are to be congratulated upon escaping so easily from the storm which compassed the land from ocean to ocean gulf to Great Lakes with wind of tor nado force below zero temperature and overwhelming snow in some sections In Sealed Envelopes The postal regulations have recently been changed so that post cards bearing particles of glass metal mica sand tinsel or other similar substance are unmailable except when enclosed in envelopes tightly sealed to prevent the escape of such particles Heretofore tinsel cards merely had to be enclosed in envelopes Now unless the envelopes are tightly sealed the cards will be sent to the dead letter office First class postage is required You Will Be Glad if you take advantage of our clearing prices on cloaks Notice them Ladies 500 50 inch coats reded to2 89 600 3 89 800 399 8 75 4 99 1000 599 1250 G99 1500 869 Misses and childrens at similar sac rifice Fur scarfs at 49c to 85 85 about price The Thompson D G Co Read This Big Ad Your attention is called to the big closing out sale ad of the Bee Hive ap pearing elsewhere in this issue These bargains will be offered for ten days after the opening Wednesday of next week You should be on hand and get your share of the bargains offered For particulars read the big ad on the eighth page of this issue The Famous Blue Book Rozell Barger have just received the famous M Born Co Blue Book and are prepared better than ever to se cure tailor made clothes for their cus tomers in spring and summer styles from Americas greatest merchant tail ors Guarantee them to fit and please you Some Remodeling To Be Done The Pade Furniture and Carpet Co is preparing to do some remodeling of the interior of their store room An in side stairway and sky light are among the improvements contemplated Unequaled DeLaval Separators W H Harmon is the local agent and has in stock on West B street a number of these famous money making separa tors Consult him Specify the Lennox Torrid Zone Steel Furnace sold and put in by skilled workmen at as low prices as good work can be done McCook Hardware Co Saddles Bridles and Blankets of the latest designs for ladies and gentlemen at the McCook Hardware Co Look them over before buying SUNKIST Best navel orange grown C 4 All sizes Only 65 cents a peck J A Wilcox Son valentines We have valentines from one cent up see them A McMillen Druggist Hacking Coughs soothed into silence with McConnells Balsam Price 25 cents g5g TjgjP NUMBER 3T HOW VERY EASY it is to spond small sums of money when you havo a largo amount about you How much safer and better it would bo to keop your sparo monoy in the bank This bank is at your sorvice THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTOHS J J Loughran P F McKenna The Time Is at Hand The special meotings now going on at the Congregational church will close Sunday night The meetings the past weeks havo been largely attended and a deep abiding work has been done Rev P A Sharpe is interpreting the Gospel message in clean reasonabloappeals to conscience and will There will be meetings Friday and Saturday at 300 p m and at 715 p m Sunday three great meetings will be held At 1100 a m and at 745 p m mass meetings for all At 300 p in a special mens meeting to which all men are iuvited The time is short If you are to get into this work it must bo at once Come and get the blessing See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Tribune has for some time been printing a lodge and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers etc by the several lodges and orders As we devote 10000 a year free to this purpose we expect those re ceiving tho benefit to keep the cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and we must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards You Need Not Have Cold Feet No need to suffer from cold feet for a minute A good hot water bottle cover ed with a flannel cloth will keep your feet warm all night It also relieves toothache neuralgia and any kind of pain that yields to the application of heat Have them in all sizes and all prices L W McConnell Druggist Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators are easy to run and easy to clean and you can get the profit from your cows with one of these Sixty five dollars at the McCook Hardware Co Dr R H Gatewood dentist office over McMillens drug store phone 163 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS I have many bar gains to otfer in Secondhand and Shopworn Pianos and Organs I wish to clean my floor of these instruments that I may have room for my new spring stock and will dispose of them at almost your own price Pianos 50 and Up Organs 10 and Up Come and see these instru ments and get our payment plan H P SUTTON 1