The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1909, Image 8

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Eviuvitrtm in riruas McOonoell
ljrwnid 1 1 onunroiftl hotel
Mcrnuuf llfl BiiUrtJu cures coughs
Use McMillon a Cough Cure 25c
Picture fruming The Ideal Store
Hig Clearing Saleof Hboeunt Vierseus
Mary IJarrisonnurse Phone black 286
Mrs J Jncason nurj Phono red 251
Big Sale now in progress at The Hub
- -
McMillcns Cold Cure will break up
jour cold
Wall paper Y -always at McOon
nells Druggist
McMjlIenfl Sure Com Cure will re
move your corns
Shoes are almost one half t less during
Viersona Big Clearing Sale
Horse buyers are increasingly nuraer
ous in this section of Nebraska
Of course you know Huber keeps the
Wedding Breakfast Coffee
20 overcoats at 15 at Rozell Bai
lerd during One Fourth Off Sale
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
All S100 flannel shirts now 75c at
Rozell Burgers One
St Valentine purties are budding
briskly as the jolly old saints day draws
Ten per cent below the low blue mark
is the present deep cut at the Big Hub
Store Sale
All wiuter caps gloves and mittens
reduced one fourth it Rozell Bargers
Get yours
McMillona Cream Lotion will cure
ohapped hands and make thejskin soft
and smooth
Still slaughtering prices regardless at
The Hub Store Only cutting values
deeper and deeper
A 25 per cent discount on all winter
underwear at Rozell BargersPlenty
cold weather coming
Youll escape blood disorder if you
take McConnell8 Sarsaparilla It eli
minates all impurities
All heavy pants in this One Fourth
Off Sale at Rozell Bargers S4 pant- I
at 3 5 at S3 75 and so on
IT you want the new styles in box
pappr or tablets with envelopes to
Tnatnh Ill H 1 -
now open
An Amateur Conjurer
During a little pedestrian trip a gen
tleman came unexpectedly upon a
country race course and on one por j
tlon of the ground found a thimblcrlg
establishment In full work
standing the remonstrance of his com
panion the gentleman who was a bit
of a madcap Insisted ou watching the
Now would the gent like to wager
a crown he could find the pea re
marked the expert
Yes was the reply
The money was on both sides depos
ited and the pedestrian lifting up the
thimble pointed out the required pea
and took the stakes
A second bet double or quits end
ed to the surprise of the expert In the
same result
Then a third wager a pound or
nothing steadied the nerves of the
loser and the trick was aceoniplished
twlth great caution The gentleman
lifted up the thimble and showed the4
pea at the same time pocketing the
Bhelp me etc I didnt put it
theie exclaimed the bewildered art
No but I always carry my own
pea rejoined the mnn who had come
out right as he went on his way with
the spoils of war London Tit Bits
In Modern Egypt
Douglas Slodens book on Egypt
fourth Off contains some curious anecdotes For
instance My doctor was called to see
an Egyptian who was in a very low
state What Is the matter he asked
I think it is only depression 1 have
been a fool and lost a law case 1
would not backsheesh the other mans
lawyer and he backsheeshed mine
Later on when -another Egyptian told
my friend that he had won a law case
my friend said I suppose you back
sheeshed the other mans lawyer
The Egyptian gave a beautiful smile
and said How did you know
And again 1 was at Luxor when
they were recruiting for the armj If
a young man was found to be phys-
ically fit his relations were plunged in
r2 t Atu
goes of win y had been
ing the dear man Boston Transcript
Not Surprised
Mrs Gramercy She must have been
surprised when her husband gave her
- - WU nnfc ho nn 6UCUUU Kuanc inUu
on tneir investing - - -- t g my dear but suspl
investdr in this association where your
monthly savings no matter how small
-will earn -you a good rate of interest you may try to do many a days
Soo the secretary ahout the new series worty but you can do only one days
I work at a time
SV 1 hi in iim I
nvoluntary Attempts to Help Athletes
at Exciting Moments
In pictures of athletic competitions
chiefly hurdle races and high jumps
an occasional spectator is seen in a
queer posture
If it is a picture of au athlete leap
ing ten chances to one the spectator
has Involuntarily raised his right leg
twisting his body in automatic expres
sion of a desire to help the jumper
With hurdle race photographs this of
ten may be noticed too and in the
case of sprinters not a few men stand
with faces twisted up and holding the
breath in correct imitation of the ath
lete actually competing
So too with football views In one
of a big game there was a photograph
of a man on the side line watching a
tackle who was crouching down in al
most exact imitation of a waiting de
fense man who was shown at the mo
ment making ready for his leap at the
Men who follow athletics know how
Involuntary this is One athletic train
er has appeared in hundreds of pic
tures as watching some one of his
charges high jumping with his leg
swung out just as if he were making
the leap himself There is a sort of
relief for the feeling of trying to help
the jumper in swinging the leg up
and almost any person is likely to tlJ
himself doing it instinctively
It may be noticed at prizefights that
some men go through the entire battle
punch for punch crossing and counter
ing an imaginary opponent as they
watch the struggle before them Men
drive and ride horses In races from the
stand making the effort in the stretch
along with the jockey of their fancy
This is one of the well known features
among the race crowd where there are
many grand stand riders In wres
tling matches almost any one will try
purely by instinct to help the athlete
who is down and who is bridging des
perately to avoid the fall
And yet there is rarely enough
grief Professional mourners were I pathic suggestion in the air surcharged
hired to squat outside the police -with desire to bring about a result dif
tion where the recruiting took place ferent from what naturally might be
yelling and weeping If on the other j expected at the moment when the
hand he was rejected as undersized greatest wish for something else is
or a weakling or tainted with a loath- j born that is to say the high jumper
some disease his relations and friends doesnt necessarily clear the bar nor
flew to him rejoicing and kissed him j the sprinter squeeze out the inch or
and hung on his neck so that he needs nor the jockey whip
his mount in for the head that means
victory Washington Post
consumed by the licensed victualer I Eugene Sues Vanity
and still he was sober at least so he Notwithstanding the extraordinarv
Take aarantage of the Big told the city coroner Goes- is a com- Hterai y success which he enjoyed
Shoe Sale at Viersen Sons
their big ad for the figures
George E Clark an oldtime and quit
wealthy citizen of Arapahoe committed
suicide last Saturday morning
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
r mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
To take good pictures use an East
man kodak
L W McDonnell Druggist
We have a full line of California Canned
Goods in both the Advo and J M brands
Nothing superior HUBER
Toilet soaps for the hair Shampoos
and Shampoo bags
L W McConmell Druggist
We are now agents for the Famous Car
kartt Overalls and Jackets atso for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Theres skin comfort in eery box of
By Lo talcum powder
Ii W McComnsli Druggist
We have the finest line of Olives and
eiive Oil in KcCook The full Reid Hur
iock line HUBER
Get paiut that will wear until you ar
tired of it Thats what the Sherwin
Williams paints will do Satisfaction
L W McConnbll Druggist
One Minnte and Motor Washing Ma
chines make washing a pleasure you
purely are not economizing wisely if you
are doing without one of these splendid
-machines at McCook Hardware Cos
A monthly investment of 1000 for
120 monthg pays the holder of McCook
Building Association stock 200000
smaller amounts proportionately See
the secretary -and place your order for
the new stock now open
gef I mon term in this connection but it when his works were the vogue En
I lacks the full appropriateness to the gene Sue posed much more as a man
ESXLUUUUU oi us duulusu equivuieui in Ausmuu man a mail 01 leuers Alter
the story of another big drink told by his dinner at the Cafe de Paris he
Dean Ramsay It was at a party near would gravely stand on the steps
Arbroath held to celebrate the recon- smoking his cigar and listening to the
dilation of two farmers who had long conversation with an air of superiority
been enemies When the party at last
broke up at a morning hour the
goes Indeed London
Expert Figuring
A well known actor tells a story of j heads
a in a little New En
A Sensible Person
An old Scottish lady during her last
illness was assiduously attended by
a physician to whom she invariably
gave a guinea when he came to see
her He told the friends with whom
she lived that her death would
bly be very sudden and one day wlen
without attempting to take part in it
His mind was supposed to be far
j nurious lady of the house who had not away devising schemes for the social
been able to sleep a wink for anxiety and moral improvement of his fellow
called over the stairs to the servant i creatures These philanthropic mus
How many bottles of whisky have Ings did not prevent him from paying
they used Betty
a great deal of attention too Imuch
T dinna ken mem was the answer perhaps to his personal appearance
but theyve druncken six gang o for even in those days of beaus bucks
ter J and dandies of Counts dOrsay and
To the poorvgirl who had to gang others men could not help thinking
to the well for the oualifvinc fluid Eugene Sue overdressed
these were
Umbrella Etiquette In Turkey
In China ladies are attended by serv
ants who hold umbrellas over their
The Chinese and Japanese
j troduce both the umbrella and parasol
land town where he has often spent into their decorative work and athletic
his summers I was walking down sports In western Turkey it is neccs
the main street one day said he J sary to close an umbrella on meeting
when I saw old Silas grinning from
ear to ear I hardly thought that he
was that glad to see me So after
speaking to him I said Why the smile
thatwont come off Silas What has
people of high rank and a European
traveler who was passing one of the
palaces of the sultan was nearly run
through by the guard before he com
prehended that he must put down the
happened to make you so happy this open umbrella he carried Every one
morning Ive been a gittin married
this mornin was the unexpected re
ply Married You 1 exclaimed
Why Silas what on earth have you
done that for You know you cant
even support yourself as it is Waal
said Silas you see Its this way I
ken purty near support myself an I
kind of figured out that she could fin
ish up the job Argonaut
passing the actual residence of the
sultan lowers his umbrella as a salu
tation to the brother of the sun and
the moon
An Old Idea
Macaulay was not the first man to
frame the famous image of the man
of a new civilization standing amid
the ruins of that which we know to
day Long before he wrote of his
traveler from New Zealand meditat
ing upon London bridge Mrs Barbauld
had used the same image with the dif
ference that she applied it to Black
friars bridge An earlier reviewer had
used it in an article published in 17G7
we are told by an English commenta
tor and Horace Walpole says -in one
she seemed to have become j of his letters At last some curious
scious the doctor was hastily sent for
traveler from Lima will visit England
U JWJ J1UU wioiu uere on his arrival he found that his pa- I and give a description of the ruins of
v n of v ciaiiuici t tlcnt baa ceased to exist and taking St Pauls
anmenc uoia 0f uer rjgUt ilima which was
Jj W McCohnbli Druggist j closed but not rigid he calmly ex-
V I tracted from it the customary fee re-
Standard Machines sold
bewmg are marking as he dia so to tIlp attendant
and guaranteed by McCook Hardwaro frienis Sensible to the last
Co These sewing machines have few
equals and the price is 40 Sold o Eyes Only For Her
monthly installments if desired I Martha You dont mean to say you
MgCook Hardware Co have accepted that Mr Spooner Why
he is so awKwaru vou Know i saw
The McCook Building Association uiR1 homing au umbrella over you the
opens a new series of stock and you other day and all the water it caught
should call on the secretary and sub- he allowed to drain right on to you
There JSancy - w nat ueuer prooi coum i
e rSi fnr 5 or 10 shares at once
for have that he is in love with me He
better your j
is no safer or
Ttt f v in hadnt the least idea that it was ran
montniy savings iuirougno j
not understand the proposition
Past experience of owners of matured
stock intho McCook Building Associa
tion showsa net earning of S per cent
The Perfect Woman
There is a quaint old tavern sign in
Kent The Perfect Woman a wo
mans head without a mouth This
signboard was once quite common and
as late as ISIS a silent woman stood
in St Giles in what is now New Ox
ford street bearing beneath the picture
of a headless female the fojldwing
A silent woman how can it be
Patient traveler do not scoff
Drawn from the very life is she
And mute because her heafl is off
London Chronicle
Like a Mule
A man wif a bad disposition said
Uncle Eben Is a heap like a mule
Yous always bavin yoh doubts about
whether his usefulness on some occa
sions pays fob his troubleseineness on
others Washington Star
Ogilby translator of Homer and Vir
gil was unacquainted with Greek un
til b was past fifty years of age
Origin of Old Glory
In the reminiscences of Lord Ronald
Gower Is found a story of the origin of
the stars and stripes
The star spangled banner of tho
Amerlcau republic had its origin from
an old brass on the floor of an ancient
church in Northamptonshire The brass
covers the tomb of one Robert Wash
ington and Is dated 1022 On It ap
pears the Washington coat of arms
consisting of three stars with bars or
stripes beneath them On the first day
of the new year 1770 the thirteen
united colonies raised a standard at
Washingtons headquarters
This introduced the stripes of the
present but retained the crosses of St
George and St Andrew on a blue
ground in tho corner In 1777 tho
crosses were replaced by stars as the
Declaration of Independence rendered
the retention of the English element
unnecessary and inconvenient in thus
adopting the arms of his ancestors as
his own distinctive badge Washington
no doubt intended the flag merely as a
private signal for his own personal fol
lowing but it was at once adopted as
a national emblem Probably there is
not another case in the worlds history
in which the private arms of an ob
scure family have attained such world
wide eminence and repute
The Bank Could Stand It
A western lawyer tells of a remark
able instance of the convincing powei
of feminine logic as evidenced by an
occurrence which he once witnessed
while standing on the edge of a crowd
that was besieging the doors of a bank
supposed to be on the point of sus
pending payment
A conversation between a rosy cheek
ed Irishwoman and her husband whe
were near the lawyer at once attract
ed his attention
Mary said the man we musl
push up so ye can dhraw your money
at dnct
But I dont want to draw it out
Roger replied Mary placidly
Dont ye know Marj persisted th
husband that theyll lose your mon
ey for ye If ye dont hurry t dhraw it
An shure Roger retorted Mary
aint they better able to lose It that
we are
Roger was stunned by this unan
swerable logic and after a few more
words the two withdrew Fortunate
ly the bank survived its difficulties
and no depositor lost a cent Harpers
A Purse For the Bride
Some brides may be inclined to re
gret that the old marriage custom ol
the dow purse has fallen into disuse
It was the custom of the bridegrooir
to fill a purse with a goodly sum ol
money and present it to the bride or
the wedding day as the price of thf
purchase of her person It sounds lik
slavery like the buying of goods and
chattels yet the bride had a nice lit
tie sum of money for her own use
Some of the oldest inhabitants oi
Cumberland may remember a similai
custom in that county The bride
groom provided himself with a num
ber of gold and silver pieces and ai
the words with all my worldly goods
I thee endow he handed the clergy
man his fee and poured the othei
coins into a handkerchief held out fov
that purpose by the bride In othej
places again the bride had the right
to ask her husband for a gift of monej
or property on the day after the wed
ding and he was bound in honor tc
grant the request London Answers
Sixty Kinds of Bananas
To most persons in the temperati
zones a banana is a banana But th
truth is that there are over sixtj
known varieties of the fruit with ai
great or greater variation in charactei
as in the different kinds of apples
Hawaii is said to have something ovei
forty distinct varieties of the fruit
most of which have been introduced
by the whites Some of these are ol
extremely delicate and delicious flavor
while other kinds are used if at all
only when cooked in various ways
There is scarcely a city house lot ol
country kuleana or homestead whicl
does not have a clump or two of ba
nanas which grow with practically nc
care new plants or suckers shootinj
up to replace the ones which hav
fruited and been removed Los An
geles Times
The Eees Market Basket
Every bee carries his market baske
around his hind legs Any one exam
ining the body of the bee through i
microscope will observe that on tin
hind legs of the creature there is i
fringe of stiff hairs on the surface thf
hairs approaching each other at th
tips so as to form a sort of cage Thh
is the bees basket and into it aftel
a successful journey he will cran
enough pollen to last him for two 01
three days
Sleight of Hand
Hyker I attended a successfu
sleight of hand performance last night
Pyie So Hyker Yes I lent a con
juror a counterfeit dollar and Jie gavi
me back a good one Exchange
Trying to Explain
Howell What did you mean by say
ing that I would never set the world
on fire Powell I meant that yoc
were too much of a gentleman to dt
it Exchange
First Forgive
When ye stand praying forgive h
ye have aught against any that youl
Father also which is In heaven maj
forgive you your trespasses St Marl-
In friendship we see only those fault
which may be prejudicial to om
friends In love we see no faults bu
those by which we suffer ourselves
D la Bruyere
Hyyyy WVyiEytriyvH rif i i i JTr iv r f - it
I Friday January 15th to Saturday January 30th A
The Ideal Cash Store
- i -
THE WEEKLY STAR in addition to printing
the entire news of the week in concise form has
Absolutely Accurate Market Quotations
So valuable are these that such are copyrighted
by THE STAR and appear only in this news
THE WEEKLY STAR has also the famous
Chaperon Feature which furnishes free advise
and help on many perplexing problems Also
Answers which takes care of all questions the
reader cares to ask
- -
It has a practical successful Kansas farmer in
charge of its Farm Department which is of
great value to all farmers and stockmen
for any limited set of people its for every
member of every family If you dont find
something of interest in a particular issue well
the office looks on that issue as a failure 25c
pays for one year
Best Advertising Medium
I China Glassware Lamps Etc
NOTICE A beautiful piece of Photo China absolutely free
of any cost to every lady visiting this sale Monday January 1 8 J
Below j
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I Special Trial Offer I
Just to prove to the people out in the state that The Lincoln
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All you will have to do is to send your quarter direct to us or
give it to your postmaster Dont pay money to strangers for
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Daily News Lincoln Nebraska
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1 I