-- i I t laynnmiirtu 1 CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Chkistjan Bible school at 10 a m Preccbing at 11 n m and 8 p m C E at 7 p tn All are welcome R M Ainswouth Pastor Preaching services at St Albana church at 11 a m and 730 p ml Sunday school at 10 a m All aro welcome to these services E R Eaklh Rector Catholic Older of services Mass 8 am Muss and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O 61 1 Methodist Sunday school atlOam Sermons by pustor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Pastor Baitjst Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P IT at 7 p m A most cordialinvitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pastor Evanoklical Lutheran Regular Gerruua preaching sarvices in the frame building of LhaEtist Wardjacnool every Sunday morning ttt 1000 All Germans and Russians cordittllyjinvited Rev Wm Bkukggkman 607 5th St East Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching it 11 a m and 8 p m by pistor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wuduesday evening al eight oclock Tho public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor Christian Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a mt and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all tho time Science literature on sale Subject next Sunday Truth Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m aud 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 AUGernians cordially invited to these services - Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Elizaboth Cchooley unrad to Glarn McKay wd to Iots5G bJkrl 2nd McCook 1S00 00 May Martin sing to Isaac M Smith qcd to se qr nw qr 7-3- 97- 1 00 Mary et cons to Charles A Leach wd to lot 7 s hf lot 8 blk 3 1st McCook 125Q 00 Ruth Frost Barry et cons to Middy Gilhouse wd to lots 11 12 blk 29 McCook 2000 00 Lincoln Land Co to Jacob J Klein wd to lot 1 blk 6 6th McCook 225 00 Charles Bailey to McCook Brick Co lease to pt se qr aw qr 30-3-29 N 1 00 P F MuKenna et ux to Austin Dutcher wd to sw qr sw qr 29 se qr so qr 30 2 30 240 00 Philip Voiles et ux to Caroline Voorhees wd to lot 9 blk 64 Burtley S7 00 -Philip Voiles et ux to Otto Webber wd to lots 8 10 11 blk 64 Bartley 225 00 Edward E Smith etux to Mary Etta Moon wd to lots 3 4 5 6 blk 1 Esther Park Bart- ley 50 00 Roy E Walkington to Alfred H McElroy wd to pt lot 2 blk 3 Esther Park Bartley 125 00 Alfred H McElroy et ux to Frank A Premer wd to pt lot 2 blk 3 Esther Park Bartley 107 00 Eila T Webbersgl to Alvah H Barrows wd to 3 4 in C Esther Park add Bartley 200 00 George E Carr et ux to Alvah H Barrows wd to 1 2 in C Esther Park add Bartley 950 00 Hiram C Rider et ux to A L Sikes wd to 6 in 7 Riverview Cemetery 20 CO William Edward McKillip to A L Parker agr to n hlf ne qr sw qr ne qr 5 6 in 5-3-26 and other lands in FurnasCo 12120 00 Mollie B Bump etcons to Chas Caldwell wd to 9 in 2 Willow Grove 20000 John Hunt et ux to J H Thoma3 wd to 5 6 in 4 4th McCook 500 00 R P D NO 1 r4S5msr - g DANBURY Wm Brixner and wife who have been visiting at the parental Remington home for the pant wfek roturm d to their home at Grafton Neb Thursday last Mr and Mrs Joseph Murphy wbo have been visiting relatives at- Green leaf Kansas returned home Wednes day Mr Strain and Bister Miss M E with relatives and friends Pierre MacFee of Oberlin Kansas was in town tho last of the week Several from here wont down to Leba non Thursday night to attend tho con test between the Lebanon peoplo to see what ones will take pare in tho elocution ary contest at Stratton V A Stone and wife visited at Ed Penningtons in Lobanon from Satur day until Monday morning There will be an entertainment in the opera house by the school children Friday evening Operator Harris and wife are rejoicing over a visit from the stork January 24 a baby boy Mrs John Remington and daughter Sylvia of Atwood Kansas visited with relatives the first of the week Will Sandon left last week for Den ver to recuperate Martin Wilson and J II Wicks of Marion were in town on business day Herbert Watkins and family departed Tuesday evening for Whiting Kinsn where they expect to visit with relatives until March 1st The boys took their skates and went to Cedar Bluffs Tuesday night to roller skate Mrs Ed Eno who has been danger ously ill is improving slowly PROSPECT PARK Willard Dutton was in this part of tho country Friday buying calves W S and M E Hartman delivered some cattle in McCook Monday Master Lynn Wade has been tquite sick for the last week with measles but is improving at this writing Roy Albrecht and family visited rela tives north of McCook over Sunday Mat Hafner and family of Herndon Kansas visited a few days last week at home of Joshua Rowland Mrs ner is Joshuas sister Miss Gertrude Hartman visited at home over Sunday She is teaching school south west of here Don L Thompson has lost quite a number of cattle in the stalk fields Andrew Anderson and family will leave in a few days for Kingsburd Cali fornia Last Thursday the 22id a number of the friends and- neighbors surprised them and spent the day very pleasantly Toe ladies took well filled baskets and about 2 oclock the tabb was spread and all partook of a bounti ful feast Altogether it was a very en joyable alTair the only drawback being the fact that we are so soon to lose the Andersons They have lived in this neighborhood for over 20 years and we are sorry to see them leave but we all wish them a safe journey and a happy and prosperous life in their new home BOX ELDER James Beebe returned from Omaha last Friday A W Campbell is expected home this week from his Oklahoma trip Mrs Geo Younger is visiting in Kansas this week Mrs Reese Harrison is entertaining a brother from the east R C Harrison who hes been here helping to take care of his father who has been very sick returned to Denver last Friday The special meetings will continue this week The earnestness of Rev Rubottoms preaching has created quite an interest among the people and if there are no souls saved it will be through no fault of his Cecil E Matthews of Bartley late Democratic candidate for state senator has taken charge of the Review at Riv erton this state And Cecil will speak for himself Only this month can vou secure the unparalleled bargains at the Hub Stem IIS I SgfiUlEyyyiJil1 US Mrs Edwards of Mohaska Ivansis Stomach trouble is but a symptom of and not i j in itself a true disease We think of Dyspepsia spenta few days witn her daughter Heartburn and Indigestion as real diseases yet r a Philins tn ntfpnil tha f imoral they aro symptoms only of a certain speclfio Mrs U A rnilips 10 aitena tne luneral Nerve SiCkne53 nothing else of Badv Philips and to visit the daugh 1 was this fact that first correctly led Dr Shoop ui uj r a in the creation of that now very popular Stomach ter brieflv I Remedy Dr Shoops Restorative Going direct Mr Bergquist of Kansas was the nnd favor to Dr Shoop and his Restorative With- guest of C G Coghzer hrst of week G H Barthel of Eastern Nebaaska was a visitor at the home of JG At Roedel first of the week G C Smith has moved onto tho Evertsou place Carrie Flechtner has been at horce during tho illness of her mother Henry Calkins spent Thursday-Mon day in Lobanon ir - uuif LliUU uiguiui mill lliiiij YihiipiuiuyiCfUU such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had For stomach distress bloating biliousness bad breath and sallow complexion try Dr Shoopi Restorajtivfi rJShJsteor Liquid--and see for yonr Kelf what it can anaw ill dJ We sell and cheer fully Tecommend Dr Shoops Restorative A Mc MILLEN fV HOW TO CAGE A BEAR Show Him Carrots and Bread and Lead the Way to His Den Escapes of animals from their cages Id zoological gardens taud menageries are fortunately rare When they tlo occur the work of recapture Is set about in a businesslike fashion and the prison breaker Is generally cap tured before anything is known out side In tho nnrlodlonl Issued 1v tlio Strain departed Friday for Dea Moines aeraent of thQ uresiau garden an and other points in Iowa for a visit amusing story Is told of an incident of this kind Some years ago on n fine autumn morning just after the gates were opened thero was n loud knock ing at the pay window andin reply to the inquiry of the money taker wbo presented himself a man In a state of great excitement said that as be wa walking on the Oder bank be bad seen through the palisading a large bear loose in the grounds Greatly obliged to you sir was the reply We know that already that bear goes for a walk every morning and returns to its cage before the visitors come In The man went away quite satisfied The official who knew the real state of the case at once ordered the gates to bo closed and the director was at once informed that the bear was loose It was a serious matter for the bear bad killed the keeper in a raveling menag erie and for that reason was sold to the zoological garden Moreover vi a mate had been put in with hni - ie soon fell a victim to bis bad ten i While the authorities were considering the best steps to take to recapture the bear for they were loath to shoot such a fine animal the keeper whose negli gence in leaving a door unfastened bad caused the trouble made bis appear ance nis only reply to the reproaches of the director for allowing the bear to escape was Well we shall have to get him in again1 t lie went off to the storeroom filled bis apron with carrots and bread and then sought the bear When he saw the animal be called out to attract its attention and by throwing down food enticed it to the back of the bear dens Here the man entered through a small j door by which new arrivals were put into the cages He was closely follow ed by the bear but reached the middle of the cage before it bad scrambled through the small opening Then be dropped on the floor the rest of the food he had in bis apron and made his way out of the cage which was at once securely fastened in front and at the rear Thus the incident which might have bad serious consequences ended happily for those on whom the responsibility rested Loudon Field Warned In a Dream On the occasion of a fatal accident to a lift in a Paris hotel some years ago a lady who was just going up in it started back saying Ob there is that dreadful man again and tried to induce her husband to come off it too but be refused and was among the killed The dreadful man to whom she referred she bad seen in a dream which the niece of the friend wbo told me tho story had heard her relate a day or two before the acci dent It was of a funeral drawn up at her door so pompous as to produce a great impression on her presided over by a big dark man in a strange sombrero hat This man she saw or believed she saw in the lift and the coincidence terrified her from going up in it London Notes and Queries Ladies and Gents When I was younger kids were kids in Kansas or in Cadiz Now all the boys are gentlemen aud all the girls ladies Where are the kids wbo climb ed the trees the tousled young ca rousels who got their faces black with dirt and tore their little trousers Where are the lads who scrapped by rounds while other lads kept tallies the maids wkojnade their pies of mud and danced in dirty alleys Theyre making calf love somewhere now ex changing cards and kisses Theyre all fixed up in Sunday togs and they are sirs and misses Heal kids have vanished from the world which fact is surely hades and all the boys are gentlemen and all the girls are la dies Walt Mason in Emporia Ga zette A Difficult Examination Candidates at the Royal Veterinary college London must pass examina tions in English grammar and composi tion Latin mathematics and either Greek a modern language or logic horse sense This from the Matric Find the center of gravity of a uni form wire which is bent in such a way that it forms three sides of a square One1 in the candidate for V S has to cover chemistry physics biology bota ny histology physiology bacteriology materia niedica toxicology hygiene dietetics clinical medicine meat in spection and horseshoeing Horses Horsemen and Stable Management London on American Clothes Observes the London Chronicle In London the man who demands respect has his clothes made for him But no New 1 ork man who is not a millionaire or near it buys anything but store clothes And the ready imide clothes are so standardized that you have but to confess your inches and you aro clothed In America An -Eternal One Tough Looking Customer Im tired of this blamed town and Im going to leave it I want the longest journey I can get for -11 cents Ticket Seller Go and spend it for chloroform Chicago Tribune A scholar without good breedings a pedant the philosopher a cynic the soldier a brute and every maa -Chesterfield There Vere Lively Times on He bears misery best who hides it most Shakespeare rjvcr STORIES OF THE SEA When the Big Monkey Got Himself Mixed Up With Hot Pitch and Gun Cotton and Took a Trip Aloft We were making passage from Nor folk Vu to Lisbon Portugal in the United States steamship Alliance It was shortly after 4 oclock I had just gone to mj room for a pipeful of to bacco when the sailmaker came to my door with a scared face Got any wa ter in your room Mr Du Bois he said Yes heres a pailful For Gods sake give it to me quick The sail rooms afire but dont say anything Ill have it out in a min ute I handed him the pail of water but was not going to take any chances of a fire on a man-of-war with fifteen tons of powder not six feet away so I ran to the ships bell and rang the fire alarm as furiously as I could In less time than it takes you to read this hand grenades were being thrown and water was pouring into the now sti fling mass of burning canvas Men jumped in among the great bundles of furled sails and passed them out and when one could not endure the smoke any longer another look his place At last the danger was over and I began to look around and take stock of the affair I had often wondered what I would do in case of a fire on the ship I would save ray watch A watch Is never used at sea so it hung from a hook over my desk I would be sure to take along my best girls picture and there were a few other little be longings which must not be parted with Well when the thing was over what had I gathered together Not my watch not my best girls picture not anything that I had thought I would but I had filled my pockets with extract of beef and nothing else Dumb instinct not a thought of any thing but of something good to eat In dire extremity How did the fire start The sail maker whose duty it is to keep the sails in good order is privileged to go to the sail room at any time but be is supposed to always carry a peculiar lantern consisting of a common candle set in a globe of horn sufficiently opaque to give enough light for his needs there The candle does away with any danger from oil that might be spilled and catch fire and the globe being of horn instead of glass pre cludes a possibility of breakage Thi time the sailmaker desiring a little more light had taken out the candle It bad dropped from his fingers away down into the bight of a furled sail and the cloth had caught fire There was a terrible mess of burned and smoky sails in there and they were all hauled up on deck and spread out in the sun to dry and to find out just what the damage was In the bottom of the room on the floor one of the men found the stump of candle and put it in his pocket The sailmaker was a favorite on board and the offi cers never found out how the fire started They thought they knew The captain broke the sailmaker that is reduced him to the decks But he couldnt prove anything So after a week or so he restored him to his old rank We came near having another fire once and while it might have been very serious it was really funny We bad several hundred pounds of gun cotton on boa d and fearing that it might have gathered dampness the gunners gang got up the cases from the magazine pulled it all out and spread it on the warm decks far aft in the sun to dry Away forward the boatswains mate and his gang were with tar pots and ropes putting some of their stuff in order We had on board a mascot in the shape of a monkey one of the largest I have ever seen He would stand quite three feet high and ho was the very Old Nick for mischief ne was a great nuisance that monkey and must always be doing what be saw any of the men doins Well Mr Monkey saw the men with tli warm tar and nothing would do but he must have a hand in the job literally so he ran forward and dipped his bands into the pot and in a minute was all besmeared with the sticky stuff then he bolted aft as fast as he could scamper aud rolled in the gun cotton trot himself well covered with it and ran aloft into the riggimr Sail ors have a saying The devil to pay and r o pitch hot but the pitch wa5 hot tlis time and tho condition wn actuary appalling Some of the men ran a t him but it was imposibl to catch Mm He was too shrewd for that The gunners gang gathered up that gtii cotton as men never did so fast in their lives before and put it back into the cans for had that fool monkey dropped from aloft into it he would have blown the ship to king dom come They got it out of the way without disaster but for several hours that creature sat up there nicking gun cottnn from himself and throwing it overboard As 1 said the episode would have been comical had it not been fraught with so much danger It might have been another sea mys tery but it was not Stanley Du Bois In Los Angeles Times tV SPEARING A BEAR 3 Druins Sharp Teeth Bit Through tha Copper Sheathed Woapon I Twice In my chase of bruin I have Ouenching a Blaze In a Humy On made use of a bear spear as my RnarH n War Vnecol i on of attack writes Count Eric von j Rosen and I may take this t niry to maintain that the use of a PRANK OF A TRICKY MASCOT1 BPear entflIls no greater cruelty than j any other mode of attack and that every hunter should be armed with Deck one in reserve since these powerful beasts have a vitality that triumphs over a stray bullet or more unless lodged In a vital region and when wounded their retaliation Is redoubta ble and easily fatal In Karelia Fin land the bear Is jet regarded as a noxious horror The great black haired slagbjorn or killing bear Is still ram pant there and a couple of winters back I was able to wreak justifiable vengeance on some beasts that had killed over a score of cows and nine horses News had been brought me that some of these rascals were hiber nating on a small marsh bound island We found no difficulty in locatiug their lair and I took up my post at the entrance to it armed only with my spear I may explain that a bear spear consists of an ash staff some two yards long and about a couple of inches in diameter There is a blade of steel about twelve inches in length and the shaft is copper cased as a pre vention against the teeth of bruin As soon as my gentleman appeared I tried to stick him in the throat but be par ried adroitly and I missed I made another lunge and succeeded in ing my spear point through his breast He started roaring furiously and snapped at my copper cased staff then made an attempt to strike at my arm with his huge fore paw so that I might drop my weapon The powerful brute hung on to my spear at the one end while I as grimly held on at the other end His bites went through the copper plate and he started shredding the wood beneath Strenuously I checked his further advances and gradually for his wounds began to tell his resistance weakened and he dropped at last over the aperture of bis den I pulled out the spear but so much strength still remained in him that he seized the blade and bit It with a force that left deep indentations In the steel My companion then finished him off with his own weapon This struggle from start to finish covered five minutes QUEER ENGLISH TAXES Babies as Well as Windows Used to Help Swell the Revenues In 1G93 a tax of 2 shillings had to be paid by the parents of every little stranger born in England except by people in receipt of alms Curiously enough a measure proposing a tax on babies was introduced some time ago in the local parliament of the German princedom of Iteuss by which it was proposed that the parents or mother when registering the birth of a child should in each case contribute a sum amounting to 10 cents Some time ago a good deal of merri ment was aroused by a measure in troduced in the legislature of New Jersey by which it was proposed to tax beards but even this is not an original proposal Queen Elizabeth put a tax on every beard of a fortnights growth while a couple of centuries ago Peter the Great insisted that all nobles who wore beards should pay 100 rubles for the privilege As chancellor of the English ex chequer Pitt rendered himself very un popular by the extraordinary means to which he resorted in order to im prove the state of the countrys ex chequer lie It was who first intro duced the Income tax and he also levied a tax upon horses which caused a certain farmer to use a cow for the purpose of riding to and from market Even more dissatisfaction however was caused by Pitts increase of the window tax first imposed in the year that the tax on babies was enforced This window tax caused property own ers to wall up as many windows as possible in order to reduce the amount for which they were liable Philadel phia Ledger Buddhist Ceremonies Some Buddhist ceremonies present a striking analogy to certain Christian rites An old missionary says The very titles of their intercessions such as goddess of mercy holy mother queen of heaven with an image of the virgin having a child in her arms holding a crescent are all such strik ing coincidences that the Catholic mis sionaries were greatly stumbled at the resemblances between Chinese wor ship and their own when they came over to convert the natives to Chris tianity London Standard Despite the Jokesmiths Grocers never put sand in sugar Architects often build houses within the original estimates Coal dealers usually give a little overweight Telephone girls are nearly always courteous Salesladies ditto Washington ncr sid A Recommendation Ever1 been in jail Countless times But thats no det riment to a man in my business And what is your business 7 Im a chaulTeur Louisville Courier-Journal Like a Streak Was his auto going so very fast Your honor it was going so fa3t that the bulldog on the seat beside him looked like a dachshund Houston Post Jr - r V3k See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Tkiuune has for somo time been printing a lodgo and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers eto by the several lodges and orders As wo devote 810000 a year free to this purpose we expect those re ceiving tho benefit to keep tho cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and we roust insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which wo find incorrect Look to your cards rc wp iiwt F rviw i i iw vii w Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 AlcCook Neb Office over ElecrlcTheatre on Alain Ave gtiiri4AiiiJi ijiAiiiiiJ iJititilttLtLi4jltiJJi McCOOK wkkj DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over NcAdams Store Phone 190 118 SI DENTIST GUNN Phcnb 112 Ofllro Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Br J A Golfer DENTIST Room Postoffick Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASIiA R H Gatewood DENTIST Office over McMillens drug store -10 Arn i xti i ir x uoho iuo lUuouuK iuuniKi jkttMtl ykkt il iilili 1 ail lUUUfwLiULtWtUliJLI JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska lijjAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Postollice building C H Boyle C EEldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw LongDistuuco Sone 14 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor PostofLce Building HCLOOi Neb A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska WWniiWVJfVYWVtirmiVli VWliM 3 S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Ofiico nvor Mnrsli s Tfit Mirkff kui j a m lUirfi u iii iii i1 tiifil jtiiiuiqaiiJi H P SUTTON JEWELLER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Miclclletoii Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska TRY Updike Grain Co E2 Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr E R OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL 33 Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phoiu 13 ma JS3B Fresli ReliaW Pure Guaranteed to Please Ert rj Cr i npr and PUnprI u lttt e supcriir irientetfOur Sor r nOrbv SPECIAL OrFCR FOR 10 CENTS we vta1 send postpaid our FAMOUS COLLECTION 1 rr CO Dar Tomato S9 I plf f rinrrn KiJHh IGo 1 yspliJrowtnc Celery 20 1 pkT Earl Jrrowheart thbac lSe 1 ft fullerton Market 10a aImi 12 t arietles Choice FIoer Sed 5100 Vtr to today Sead 10 cent to tnip r T pige ui packing ard reteiTe tbeabme Fano Cietivn v jtlh w th rnr Jw and IntfnictTe Ciien tiuuie GRKATNOUTUEIIN SKJfTD CO SS9 Rose St Rockford Illinois - i 4 4 i m v li