The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1909, Image 1

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Regular Meeting A F A M
A regular meeting of McCook Lodge
No 135 A F A M Tuesday Febru
ary 2nd at S0J oclock p m Important
special business
By Order of the W M
Lon Cone Secretary
SQall McCook Have a Company
An effort is now making to secure the
organization of a company of the Ne
braska militia at tbia place The fact
alone that there is no such organization
in this part of the state is in favor of
McCook a purpose The uncommonly
large proportion of young men here is
nnothor fact in favor of the project
Quite a number are more or lees enthu
siastic over the matter which is being
A R Scott of the Electric Co who
has seen militia service and regular ser
vice in the Philippine is giving the
matter epochal attention and any one
interested is invited to see and con
sult with him about the prospects
No city in this portion of Nebraska is
perhaps better situated or equipped for
the organization of a company and we
hope the desires and ambitions of those
specially interested may be realizod
For More Than 26 Years
An oldtime friend of The Tribune
who has been a continuous reader for
almost 27 years in advancing his sub
scription this week to January 1st 1910
adds the following Mr Dear Kim
mell Enclosed find my check for 1909
subscription for your paper I am al
ways clad to get the paper It is a re
minder of old times and always stands
by its good old principles Wish you
a prosperous 1909
Which was worth more to the pub
lisher than the two plunks enclosed
Workmen Have Social Time
The members of McCook lodge 61 en
joyed a fine social time Monday eve
ning in Monte Cristo hall A Hard
Times Dance was a feature of the en
tertainment the boys of the orchestra
playing The hall was orowded
The recenty installed officers of No
61 are M S Jennings M W Roy
Zint Foreman J M Wentz Financier
Maurice Griffin Receiver
The Farmer or Dairyman
who looks closely to his various sources
of profit will not be without a cream
separator The Blue Bell Cream Har
vester is the longest lifed machine and
will cost you less for repairs 400 pounds
per hour machine 7500 It does not
pay to buy a cheap separator any more
than a cheap watch Get tbs Blue Bell
at the McCook Hardware Co
To The Reform School
John son of John Fahrenbruck ot
East McCook was taken to the reform
school at Kearney last Friday The
lad seems to have a faculty of getting into
trouble and his parents have not shown
ability to manage and restrain the way
ward youth Hence the interference of
the state
NoticePersonal Taxes
Personal taxes for 1908 were deliquent
Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that
date should be paid by not later than
Febr 1st next as on and after that date
they are subject to collection by distress
warrant C Naden Co Treas
McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909
McCook in the Sunday Bee
An Omaha Bee representative was in
he city early days of the week secur
ing data and photographs for a McCook
page in the Sunday Bee to appear in
the near future A committee of the
commercial club assisted in the matter
One Fourth Off Means
in winter suits at Rozell Bargers
20 suits at 15 16 ones at 12 12 val
ues at 9 And the other values re
duced accordingly Take the benefit
February Terra District Court
The February term of district court
for Red Willow county will begin in this
city next Monday There are about 60
cases docketed
WInslow Roller Skates
made in the largest factory in the world
and more of them sold than all others
because they are the best Full line at
McCook Hardware Co
A combination of odors fragrant and
lasting 50 cents an ounce
McConnell for drugs
Attention R A M
There will be Mark Master decrees
conferred on three candidates Thurs
day eveninp February 4th besides the
the regular order of business On Fri
day afternoon at 130 the Past Master
and Most Excellent Master degrees will
bo conferred and in the evening the
Royal Arch degree will be conferred
All members and visitors are respect
fully invited to attend
W B WniTTAKER Secretary
V vSr -
Lincoln Anniversary
The 100th anniversary or the birth of
Abraham Lincoln will occur on Feb 12
1909 The federal government and the
government of our state have recom
mended the appropriate observance of
this day in memory of the illustrfous
citizen and martyred president It is
highly desirable that the citizens of Mc
Cook appropriately decorate their homes
and places of business and that all hous
es of business may be closed from 130
oclock p mto oclock p m that the
memorial service to bo conducted by
theG AR in Menurds opera house
may be attended by those so desiring
J H Stephens Mayor
A Good Start
The meetings at the Congregational
church opened Tuesday night A large
chorus of young people were on hand to
lead the music and Rov P A Sharpe
began his work with an earnest helpful
sermon There is overy prospect for a
successful fruitful series of meetings
There will be meetings every night
including Saturday at 745 this week
and next Sunday morning subject
The Great Commandment Sunday
night The New Birth
Everybody is welcome Come
Another Practice Run
W B McClains frisky young team
indulged in one of their semi occasional
practice runs Monday afternoon on
Main avenue at C street Web gracious
ly unloaded and let the ponies have
their way The team soon became sep
arated from the oil wagon and were
caught unhurt about a block away
The vehicles damage list included a
smashed wheel and a demoralized top
about the usual bill of fare for such
There was a time when people who
harbored corns had to put up with
them This is no longer necessary
Corns can be painlesslyremcved by the
I use of
McConnells Lightning Corn Cuke
Dont allow your self to be annoyed
with corns because they are unnecessary
i L W McConnell Druggist
Hub Sales Continues
I will continue the sale until February
1st As my spring goods are now on the
road Imustmake room for them there
fore I will makejafurther reduction of
j 10 per cent below the blue mark
The Hdb Store
Julius Stein
An Old Land Mark Gone
The last vestige ot the old DeGroff
building was razed and removed from
East B street this week This removes
one of McCooks first business houses
For 27 years it has been the leading
business corner of the city A hand
some cream brick block replaces the
OnetFourth Off Sale
See Rozell Bargers announcement
of a genuine one fourth off sale on win
ter goods All goods marked in plain
figures Real values at 25 per cent off
Regular goods Solid worth Take
advantage of this opportunity while it
Special Prices On Buggies
We have a few Velie buggies for
85 You should come and take advan
tage of this very low price for high grade
buggies McCook Hardware Co
What is the finest powder with the
most delicate odor BY LO It has
no equal
L W McConnell Druggist
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
If you want a farm or city loan call
on C F Lehn
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
For Sale
Flour feed and seed business
particulars see C J Ryan
McCqnnells Balsam cures coughs
Use McMillens Cough Cure 25c
McMillens Cold Cure will break
your cold
Try our crackers in tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Special cards for Washingtons Birth
day St Patricks Day St Valentines
Day etc at this office
Wells Pumps Windmills Pipe and
other supplies alsaa modern well drill
ing machine for shallow or deep wells in
charge of competent men Estimates
furnished Prices reasonable
McCook Hardwnre Co
Penmanship Contest
For some days past the pupils of the
oity schools have been busy preparing
for a penmanship contest From tho
interest taken by teachers and pupils it
is evident that writing still holds an im
portant place in the modern school sys
All of the grades from the preparatory
to the graduating class in the high
school took part It is a wonder that
the children can write at all well having
been started in the vertical system and
later changed to tho slant It will be
remembered that the whole country
went wild on vertical penmanship a few
years ago For a time some form of the
vertical system was in use in 95 per cent
of the graded schools of the country
In the contest each pupil was assign
ed an identification number which was
placed on his paper without bis name1
Thus the personality of the writer
could not be determined from the speci
man of penmanship The county sup
erintendent Miss Claudia B Hatcher
appointed Misses Adela Merle Laura
Glandon and Sallie C Hawkins to act
as judgps These ladies are teachers of
Red Willow county
The winning papers have been mount
ed and placed on exhibition in the bdow
window of C L DeGroff Co where
they can now be seen The work of the
scholars is of a very high order and such
that all patrons of the public schools
may be proud of it
Following are the awards of the
12th grade Margueritte McAdams
first Francis Hughes second
11th grade Wilhelmine Berdino first
Roy Green second
10th grade Katherine Griffin first
Francis Hall second
9th A grade Carl Schmidt first
Mary Rozell second
9th B grade Martin Lawritson first
Frank McClure second
8th A grade Celestine Kendlen first
Noah Reisher second
8th B grade Helen OBrien first
Florence Wilson second
7th A grade Gertie Hawkins first
Harry Allen second
7th B grade Marie Krieger first
Mabel Smith second
6th A grade Elizabeth Tuttle first
Thad Godfrey second
6th B grade Marie Walker first
Leadia Klien second
5th A grade Genevieve Copeland
first MargaretLichtehberger second
5th B grade Cecelia Elbert first
Thelma Heskett second
4th A grade Edward Lichtenberger
first Jacob Schillereff second
4th B grade Nellie Schwab first Ja
cob Bauer second
3rd A grade Seth Taylor first Ed
ward Hoyt second
3rd B grade Mildred Gollehon first
John Kern second
2nd A grade Annie Wagner first
Pearl Hosier seeond
2nd B grade Doris Randel first
Henry Lebsack second
1st A grade Katherine Kern first
Elsie Evans second
1st B grade Cloyd Clark first Ethel
Matson second
Prep A grade Bertha Knobbs first
Viola Neill second
PrepB grade Raymond Search first
Clyde McKillip second
Lincoln Postage Stamps
Postmasters have been notified that
shortly before February 12 1909 the
department will issue a 2 cent postage
stamp of special design to commem
orate the one hundredth anniversary of
the birth of Abraham Lincoln
This stamp is of the size and shape
of the regular issue of postage stamps
color red The subject is a profile
within an ellipse on end of the head
of Lincoln from Saint Gaudens statue
A spray of laurel leaves appears on
either side of the ellipse Above the
subject appears the words U S
Postage Below the ellipse is broken
by a ribbon containing the dates of Lin
colns birth and of its one hundredth
anniversary 1809 Feb 12 1909 with
the denomination in words Two
Centr beneath They are to be placed
on sale February 12
No other denomination than 2 cent
will be supplied in the special Lincoln
in the Baptist Church
A series of revival meetings will be
held in the Baptist church oegining
February 21st Rev J H Clay of
Holdrege has been secured to do the
preaching Mr Clay is a very able
preacher and pastor evangelist Get
ready to hear him
What Is More Beautiful
than a lady or gent astride of a nice
saddle mounted on a knowing horse
We invite you to call and see our nice
line of saddles Varioty of styles with
prices ranging from 812 to 835
McCook Hardware Co
Mr and Mrs S W Hockett and
EddifTPembrook of Harvard were in
townjend of week
P E Reedbr wbb released from quar
antine close of last week and is at
business as usual now
Earl Barqer is in Culbertson with a
stockSf clothing which he is disposing
of at attractive prices
Mrs C H Meeker is down from Ft
Morgan for a short while Mr Meeker
is expected Saturday
Mrs Barney Hofer entertained a
company of lady friends yesterday aft
ernoon at a social card party
Miss Flora B Quick of Indianola
was a guest last Friday afternoon of
the Norris Schobel social function
Frank Brady spent Sunday in Den
ver attending the initiation of a class
of eighty five into tho Knights of Co
Miss Aline Kiplinger of Holdrege
arrived in the city Saturday evening
last and is a guest of her aunt Mrs C
H Stennett
Dr J A Colfer was in Superior
yesterday in attendance upon the
meeting of the S W Nebraska Dental
association meetings
Mr -and Mrs J A Croube arrived
home Sunday night from Seward
where she and the baby have been with
her homefolks for sometime
Rev M B Carman has been assist
ing in revival services in the M E
church Trenton last week -and part of
Fred Yarger and Harry Gross of
South Bend Indiana visited J H Yar
ger briefly this week on their way east
Al Shera who has been in Iowa for
some time arrived in the city Monday
noon on No 1 and will spend a week or
so here looking up some business mat
Dr Harry ones of Kenesaw has
moved to Kearney and associated him
self in partnership with Dr Meservey of
that city in the general practice of med
Mrs B F Coffey and baby boy left
for their home near Oxford Wednesday
morning Their visit was prolonged by
theillness of the baby and a quarantine
of three weeks
V Mr and Mrs E J ICates came up
from Lincoln Saturday night on 3 on a
visit He returned home on 2 Monday
morning Mrs Kates remaining until
Thursday morning
Mr and Mrs John W Jones re
turned home Sunday night from their
absence of several weeks in Eastern
Nebraska where they were called by
the death of her father
Miss Florence Anderson departed
last Friday night for Chicago and
other points east to be absent about
three weeks Upon her return Miss
Youtsey will accompany her from Chi
Mrs D J Killen of Adams Gage
county has been a guest of her sister
Mrs Barney Hofer for a week or two
Mrs Killen has been visiting her par
ents in Wauenta She departed for
home Tuesday morning
Mrs C M Bailey- gave a 630 dinner
on Tuesday in honor of Mr and Mrs R
M Munson and Mr and Mrs James
Munson who departed for their respec
tive homes Wednesday after a visit of
some length with Mr and Mrs Harvey
P Sutton
Miss Marie B Walter of this city
and August Sinner of Culbertson were
married in Culbertson January 17th
Rev Finister performing the ceremony
in the Lutheran church Miss Marie
Hoff of McCook was one of the atten
dents besides this city furnished a largo
number of the 150 guests present
L R Hileman of South St Joseph
Mo arrived in the city Tuesday noon
to spend a few days here with his
daughter Mrs C A Rodger before
going on west to assume the duties of
his new position with the Denver stock
yards people Mrs Hileman will visit
relatives in Exeter before coming here
for a visit on her way to Denver
See to Your Order or Lodge Card
The Tribune has for some time been
printing a lodge and order directory
free on the promise that the cards
would be kept corrected as to facts
officers etc by the several lodges and
orders As we devote 810000 a year
free to thi3 purpose we expect those re
ceiving the benefit to keep the cards
corrected A glance at the directory
reveals many errors and we must insist
upon the proper officers bringing in the
facts Otherwise we shall discontinue
the cards which we find incorrect
Look to your cards
rti V-
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday morning January 29 1909
A Solemn Truth
Mako your home the loafing place
and play ground of your children and
ten chances to one tho littlo feet that
have tracked your floors with mud will
not leave their footprints along the paths
of vice and crime the sweet faces of
jour boye that havo been a joy to you
in their childhood will not adorn the
rogues gallery the little hand that has
been soft pressed to your lips will not
push the chips across the gamblers
tables the chubby arms of your daugh
ters that have oft entwined your neck
will not be employed to embrace a street
rowdy and their lips will not be pressed
to those befouled with obscene language
nor sip the wine that leads to shame
Robt G Ingersoll
Notice to Patrons City Schools
The preparatory grades of tho city
schools will be open to beginners from
January 25 the February 5 inc usive
Parents desiring to enter their children
for the first time in school should sob
that they are entered not later than the
above dae After that time there will
not be suitable classes for beginners to
Chas W Taylor
Snapper Is Figuring
Whether Guy W Green disposes of
the Lincoln franchise in the Western
league to Snapper Kennedy and
whether the latter in the event of con
cluding a purchase retains the club in
Lincoln or transfers it to St Joseph
Mo hinges upon the result of personal
negotiations entered into today by Mr
Kennedy and Mr Green Lincoln Daily
Camera Supplies
Those fortunate ones who received
a camera for Christmas will continue
their good fortune and get more pleasure
and satisfaction out of their camera by
depending upon us for necessary sup
plies This is a particular specialty
with us All supplies fresh and of
superior quality
L W McConnell Druggist
The Famous Blue Book
Rozell Barger have just received
the famous M Born Co Blue Book
and are prepared better than ever to se
cure tailor made clothes for their cus
tomers in spring and summer styles
from Americas greatest merchant tail
ors Guarantee them to fit and please
McConnells Druggist
Saturday February 6
One for each lady customer A beau
tiful empossed picture suitable for cal
endar or framing
Weyeneth Mather
Miss Anna Corene daughter of Mr
and Mrs G Weyeneth and Mr Clyde
C Mather were united in marriage
Wednesday of this week They will be
at home after February 15th at ONeill
this state
Are You Going To Paint
Acme Quality Paint is handled by Mc
Cook Hardware Co Tnis is the paint
you see advertised There is no better
Unequaled DeLaval Separators
W H Haimon is the local agent and
has in stock ou West B street a number
of these famous money making separa
tors Consult him
Tribune Is All Printed in McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the eight pages of
this paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thb
Tribune office
Best navel orange grown
Only 65 cents a peck
All sizes
Wilcox Son
Longnecker Bros have been shelling
corn this week for Messrs Clifton Can
aga Waddell ODay and Ben King
Leon Smith was riding his horse bare
back Saturday when it threw him
bruising him about the head and face
and breaking his arm between the hand
and elbow
Mrs Burtless and Holton Longnecker
and family came down to visit at the
farm Wednesday
Mr Longnecker and wife were invited
to Mr Neils Thursday to meet Mrs
Dragoo a sister-in-law of Mrs Neil
She and Mrs Longnecker knew the
same people in Kentucky between forty
and fifty years ago and it was touching
when so many were asked about to
hear She is dead He has been dead
for years
Many Persons
keep thoir money in this bank
that they may havo it within
ready reach when needed for
daily use sonic keep it hero
awaiting opportunities for invest
ment others to avoid tho risk
and annoyance of loaning keep
their money hero as a pormanont
investment It will bo seen wo
accommodate all classes
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Lincoln Centenary
Services under auspices of JK Barnes
post will be held in Menard hull Feby
12th commencing at two oclock p m
The mayor has proclaimed a holiday
and the members of the Grand Army of
the Republic earnestly desire the day to
observed by everybody The military
and auxiliary bodies will meet at Odd
Fellows hall at 130 sharp to march to
the hall
Let McCook remember the Immortal
Lincoln and duly observe his centennial
Instrumental music
Invocation Rev Edker Burton
Singing of America Audience
Vocal Solo
Address on Life and Character of Abraham
Lincoln Rev R M Ainsworth
Reading of Prospectus Memorial Associa
tion Mrs W G Dutton
Collection for Lincoln Memorial
Singing of Star Spangled Banner Audiences
Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Address
Mrs W S Morlan
Singing of Doxology Audience
Benediction Rev G B Hawkes
Profitable Lecture Talks
The Research club held one of their
pleasant sessions with gratifying results
at the home of Mrs Hofer last Monday
afternoon members responding to the
roll call with their favorite quotations
from the topic of the day Rv Earle
who was there a3 a guest gave a very
interesting and instructive talk on the
Historical Drama of Henry VIII
These lecture talks have become a
popular feature of the club work A
vote of thanks was tendered Rev Earle
as a mark of appreciation for his kind
ness Com
Declamatory Contest
Miss Gertrude Morrissey will rep
resent the McCook high school in the
South Western Nebraska Declamatory
contest at Stratton Saturday evening
The leading high schools of South West
ern Nebraska will be represented at thi3
contest Miss Morrissey will read a
dramatic selection entitled The Honor
of the Woods She will be accompan
ied by Mis3 Claudia B Hatcher
Bullet In His Wrist
Mel Harmon is on the relief
painfully injured wrist He
gaged Tuesday morning in a
scuffle over a revolver when
with a
was ec
in some
inexplicable manner the weapon was
discharged the bullet entering his
left wrist
Many of our people went to Ander
sons sale
Tom Mumsby is moving his effects
over into Grant
Mrs Austin who has been seriously
ill is recovering slowly
George Sigwing is building an addi
tion on the house on the Beck place and
will move there soon
We understand Ed Towle is back
from Hendley and reports his father
improving slowly
The dance at Mumsbys Friday night
was well attended Some of the parties
present expressed the desire to go to
Millers dance Saturday night and havs
a good dance By reports we guess
they did
Going To Build Then
specify Lennox Torrid Zone Steel Furn
ace which is put together like a steam
boiler so no gas or smoke can possibly
escape into the house Sold and install
ed in an uptodate manner by McCook
Hardware Co P S More than twen
ty five of these in use in McCook