The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1909, Image 2

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Ttrrrl rti
1 IjIIII LjlVnilUl rV W A J A A 1
i Conductedsby the McCook W C T U I
Rum On The Run
Fhe liquor iiittrebtM from ihpclngut ry
5tbe trust liivH fought the prouil i
o movf uiHiit t uvnry htep They used
wry arc Knovvn o practical politics
Tby triod thn uiimpiiun of brass hand
Jed skyrocket tun gum shoo tind mill
iont tho hard driva mid the nofc pedal
and got whipped In tho beginning
iy fought tho placing of any tax wbttt
wer upon liquor They fought every
3PO poditiuu to iii nine the Hcodbp thry
iosglit in California for thuir iiinliouable
aglit to Bell whisky to minora and to
Hawa drunkards The fought theiive
sAio laws fought local uption fought
sftare wide prohibition They are now
Sgbtsng tooth and toenail against tho
law proposed in congress that the federal
government shall no longer issue iuter
sai revenue licenses in communities
sfcere tho salo of liquor is prohibited by
I6cal law They are now fighting to
miwjituin Uncle Sams partnership with
lh blind tiger wherein the majosty cf
the United States is held up as a shield
t be dive keep and a protection to the
ottihiv At practically every step they
hara been beaten
thoroughly aroused at last to the dan
ger tihat threatens their trade the
wholesalers are beginning to an
seance a general house cleaning They
seyj iu articuiu morLis that they want
5 3t the dive out of business and keep
Shsiiv trade respectable Laudable but
2iiv Years ago all good people would
liave welcomed the brewers aid in stif
ling the dive Now they will attend to
fc jhb thpinselves askine permission
EfcUtior of tbt dive keeper nor the brew
07 find they will do it in their own good
way and time Harris Dickson in the
Circle Magazine
Gjtbistian Bible school at 10 a m
Pleaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
3t7vp m All are welcome
JJ M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Jbns church at 11 a m and 730 p
3s Sundny school at 10 a m All
sro welconie to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
i a 21 Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
3ehoal230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M 1
MtoaoDiST Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
league at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
ii raoat cordial invitation is extended to
si to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Evwnsklicai Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in the frame
building of the East Wafdscbool every
Sunday morning afJ 1000 All Germans
acd Eussians cordiallyinvited
Rev War Brueggeman
507i5th st East
Congregational Sunday school at
IDs m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
12 by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
3ae Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
aen all the time Science literature on
3ae Subject nextSunday Truth
Svaijgeltcal Lutheran Congrega
230SAL Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
sy pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
ajsetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
ssfdially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Real Estate Filings
The folio wing real estatefilings have
aeen made in the county clerka office
siieelast report
United States to AlbertE
Lang pit to sa qr ne qr e hf
seqrsw qr se qr 13-3-27
George Fahrenbmch et ux to
Jacob Klein wd to pt se qr
30 320 600 CO
Sincoln Land Co to Grace L
Biggs wd to lot 3 blk 9 4th
McCook 225 00
iincoln Land Co to Grace L
Biggs wd to lot 4 blk 9 4th
McCook 225 CO
Ssorge E Evertson et ux to
Charles E Corell wd to e hf
aw qr e hf sw qr e hf 33-3-53
1GS00 00
rtrude E Morgan to Charles
A Leaoh b of s to clothing
stock and fixtures 2500 00
Bessie Eberhart et cons to Wil
liam M Spitler wd to sw qr
v 1600 00
Fowell Nil33on toJ W Pep
per deed to lots 3 4 blk 4
TfefMarion 200 00
Rescuing a Carnal
The camel has been called the ship
of the desert LIHe the ship he may
be capsized nnd In that predicament
he is helpless Ills manner of lying
down to rest Is to fold his legs be
neath his body If he happens to roll
upon his side he cannot recover his
feet again This infirmity of the ani
mal is mentioned by the Count de Les
dnln in the account of his journey
From Pekin to SIkkIm
The caravan was made up of cam
els I had brought some new one
nnd had no Idea of taking any other
animals into a country largely com
posed of loose sand An amusing in
cident marked the beginning of our
march One camel awkward as they
all are managed to tumble Into a
ditch of thick mud between the road
nnd a wheatfield When once fallen
n camel can only get up again if it
can arrange Its feet conveniently un
der it and if the ground is nearly flat
In this case it was not so The ani
mal lay with all four feet in the air
perfectly resigned and incapable of a
single movement to help Itself To
draw it out took more than half an
hour and required the united efforts
of many men with cords passed under
the camels back
Welcoming the Traveler
I have always had a good opinion oi
the enterprise of the life insurance
agent It has seemed to me that the
busy bee is a lazy com
pared with him Recently this opin
ion lias been strengthened
An old colored servant living iu a
neighboring family made his first trip
away from home and visited relatives
in New York
On his return to Louisiana he was
asked what he did while in the north
Well mong uddah tings I done tufc
out a life insurance policy fo fi huned
Why what on earth do you wanl
with a life insurance policy You havt
no wife or children
Dats what I done toP him but 1
had t take it all de same De agenl
man he met me at de boat landin an
he said Id haf t have one or hed sen
me back home He warnt gwine fo t
low me t laud if I didnt buy one Dej
dont low no one in New Yawk less
dey has a suhance policy Womans
Home Companion
Economy of Costly Foods
The economy of expensive foods is
explained by the fact that digestion
at least in man is dependent upon
flavors without which it Is so defec
tive that we do not obtain the good of
the food we swallow As far as ex
periments go they substantiate these
assertions for the sight and smell ci
pleasing food start the flow of di
gestive fluids while disagreeable odors
and sight stop it Delicatessen then
would seem to be staples for they are
necessary The talk of being able tc
subsist on a few cents a day is simply
nonsense and leads to deterioration oi
health What seems to be extrava
gance in food purchases may be
wholesome instinct The high cost ol
living is partly due to the cost of the
flavors we need We commend thest
ideas to our worthy dietetic econo
mists Laymen may not be so foolisH
as the physiologists themselves
American Medicine
A Novel Method of Advertising
A storekeeper in a small out of tlu
way town many years ago hit upon s
novel method of advertising his store
He conceived the idea of buying ur
the stock of stamps at the postoffict
across the way The postmaster ob
jected to be denuded of all his stock
but iiis mysterious customer demanded
the stamps over the counter sheet aft
er sheet as an ordinary member ol
the public until he had bought everj
stamp to be had Then he took the
stock over to his store across the road
and plastered his windows with no
tices that postage stamps were onlj
to be had at his store and to his mor
tification the postmaster had to send
customers across to the store over tht
way for any stamps they needed unti
some days after he once more got in
stock from headquarters
Won a Wife by His Skill
Action was a Grecian painter oi
about the time of Alexander and hi
won his wife by his great work H
painted a picture called The Nuptials
of Alexander and Koxane which wai
exhibited at the Olympic games Ii
created such a stir that one of the
judges cried in admiration I reserve
crowns for the victorious athletes bu
I give my daughter in marriage to the
painter Action as a recompense for his
picture Action was one of the art
ists who excelled iu the art of mixing
colors He could not go to the nearesi
Store and purchase them as artists d
Mens lives are generally interesting
but I wont stand to hear a woman teL
everything she knows even if she does
pay for my dinner Id rather pay fci
my own dinner and get an occasiona
shy at the conversation New YorL
A Hard Shot
Husband angrily What Mori
money When Im dead youll prob
ably have to beg for all the nionej
you get Wife calmly Well Ill bf
better off than some poor woman whe
never had any practice
Peace and War
Peace hath her victories quotec
the wise guy
Yes but we generally have to figh
pretty hard for them added the slm
pie mug Philadelphia Record
The Good Housewifes Experience and
Its Abrupt Ending
Maggie said Mrs HartZord sharp-
Jy this meat is not properly cooked founds
My husband says it is not ht for a
Bui Mrs
Now do not answer back Maggie
I do not care to argue with you I
went to the butcher myself yesterdv
and bought the steak so 1 know i i
all right
If you-
Do not he impudent- with me 1
have warned you several times about
trying to correct me You have made
a dismal failure of todays dinner Mr
Hartford is thoroughly disgusted with
your cooking and just left for the cafe
to get something to quiet his appe
By this time poor Maggie way iu
There is no use crying about it effect
tainly discharge you without a mo
ments notice
But Mrs Hartford awoke with a
sudden start and shaking her hus
band violently said
George I have just had the
impossible dream St Louis Ilcub
Vhips Stickc and Iron Rods Are the
Methods That Win
Kindness and argymint said the
backwoods father of the husky sons
is great things but whenever 1 want
er persuade one o my boys to do
suthin in a hurry thet he dont want
er do 1 use a bale stick
In laying down this rule for the
woodsman hit the principle of wild
animal training straight in the nose
The only use an animal trainer has for
the word kindness may be found in
Many pounds of good white paper
have been wasted in describing in
stances of mutual affection between
animal and trainer but when it comes
is done with
a club Everybodys
The Cause of the Delay
Our small boy Arthur had long be
lieved that a baby in the family was
desirable since most of his playmates
came from homes nrnvidoi u ifli tli
Pleasant While It Lasted
He listened intently It was his wife
and her mother talking
No my dear the latter was say
ing I must go tomorrow I do not
believe in a mother-in-law making long
visits But before I go I want to tell
you what a treasure I think you have
gained in your husband He seems to
me to be near perfection Are you sure
however that you are not too strict
with him Do not be quick to chide
him when he stays out late Men need
a little latitude you know say two or
three times a week
The man stirred uneasily in his sleep
It seemed so real but alas it was a
A Light Diet
A certain father who is fond of put
ting his boys through uatural history
examinations is often surprised by
their mental agility He recently ask
ed them to tell him what animal is
Drawing the Line satisfied with the least nourishment
I dont mind listening to a man whe The moth one of them shouted
is paying for my dinner tell me th j confidently It eats nothing but
story of his life said the woman holes Youths Companion
Cordial and Confidential
IIow did you get along with Ma
mies fat her V
Fine He said it was all right before
I asked him And then he asked mo if
I didnt know a few more likely young
fellows who would take the rest of his
girls Cleveland Plain Dealer
Made His Mark
Well young Dr Slicer lias made his
mark already hasnt he
Yes did it on his first case
Great work What did he do
Vaccinated him
There is many a good hearted fool
The trouble is that a man doesnt do
his thinking with his heart Philadel
phia Record
CrowaTnq rifm t
Mr Pogsons three sons had married
ud gone to seltle down In different
parts of the country One day ho re
ceived this telram from the eldest
You have a grandson Fine boy Ton
Mr Pogson auswered it at once
Good Buy finest baby carriage you
can find and send bill to inc
In due time the bill came It called
for 3 and he sent his check for the
A few weekr later his second son
rent him this dispatch
You are the grandparent of a fine boy
Not weighed yei but a bouncer
To this he responded
Glad to hear it Duy good serviceable
baby carriage aad forward bill to me
Promptly came the bill It was for
2o and he paid it
Ten days elapsed and then came a
dispatch from the third son to this
continued Mrs Hartford without t he j You have another grandson Large line
least display of sympathy 1 have re- boy Named for you ALBERT
monstrated with you about your Mr Pogsons response to this was
lect of duty long enough Remember as follows
now if this occurs again I shall cer l AH right but looks like crowding me
Am sending 12C0 Buy
With it
Youths Companion
baby carriage
Very Lucky
The following is a genuine essay by
a ten-year-old boy
My life has been a very lucky one
iWhen 1 was three years old I fell
downstairs and cut my head When I
was live years old I was looking at
some hens and a dog bit my lesr
j When I was eight 1 went with my
i brother in the trap and the horse fell
and threw us out of the trap my
i brother lit on his feet and I lit on the
horses back Last year I was play
ting and I ran into a surrey and cut
liny eyebrow and it has left a mark
One day I went into the slaughter
linnvfk fiiiil i 1r clinnrk rnn nffov mr
ernment of his offspring the old back 1 modown1
aM 1 havc haa a
happy life
This cheerful acceptance of what are
usually regarded as the ills of life re
minds the writer of an old school-
its employment when he discusses his
eow wb t k n he fi
professional methods with an niter-
lanlsla te at tLc wInnlng of the
South African war
After the engage-
jiment he was taken to the hospital at
jPietermaritzburg As soon as he was
able he wrote home and sent his
nlf tho tnnin lin liorl 111 thn
right down to actual cases the sole Lffie
bond between the domestic man and
You wl goe he wrot0f tlmt there
and the fiercer the beast the bigger
and tougher the stick Of the great
army of nature fakers certainly the
professional animal trainer is com
mander in chief
Whips sticks and iron rods are the
accepted instruments of persuasion
and trainers constantly employ them
When a wild animal is to be broken
the first thing to break is his spirit 11
are eleven bullet holes in it but I was
awfully lucky Only six of them hit
me Cleveland Leader
5irHnt r mi iie nti0r ii I when Ur Franklin was walking bv
Tock creok he saw stuck in tho mud
him confidentially that his oft ex
a iekerwork basket which had
pressed wish for a family baby would i
ho lished 0llt the
probably be gratified The news was f1ru e Carefu
basket and carefully took it apart He
too good to keep and Arthur WIS
promptly boasting to his nearest chum
But when are you going to have
it demanded the friend
Oh I dont know fore long I
guess answered Arthur
Huh sniffed the other whats
the use of waiting What goods a
baby if you cant have it when you
want it Why dont you get it right
Well you see its this way ex
plained Arthur driven to his - wits
end weve ordered the baby but we
havent paid for it yet Womans
Home Companion
Ben Franklins Keenness
I Two incidents recall the keenness
j and the thoroughness the great twin
Abilities to see and to utilize of Ben
I Franklin One day he chanced to ob
1 serve a lady in the possession of an
imported whisk broom With his usual
i interest and careful consideration he
examined it as a novelty He discov
ered on the brush of the broom a seed
which he carefully removed Present
ly he planted it and the growth from
this seed was the first crop of broom
gave cuttings to his friend Mr Charles
Norris who planted the twigs in his
garden where they grew to great size
They turned out to be yellow willows
and as Franklin had foreseen proved
of great commercial value
Found a Better Place
Mark Twain said Once when I was
going out to visit some friends I told
George my negro servant to lock the
house and put the key under a certain
stone near the steps He agreed to
do so It was late at night when I re
turned I went to the stone under
which the key was supposed to have
been hidden It was gone I huuted
around for about fifteen minutes but
still no key Finally I went to
Georges house he roomed outside
and rapped vigorously upon the door
A black head which I had no dif
ficulty in recognizing as Georges pop
ped out of an upstairs window
Where did you put that key you
black rascal I roared
Oh massa answered George I
found a better place for it
It Ignited
Little Rollis four years old came to
the table where we had tomato soup
of which he is very fond Being very
hungry he could not wait for it to
cool but hastily ate two or three
writers husband He
enough to chew tacks
Proved It
What started the riot at the per
formance of Hamlet last night
or McCook Readers
What It Means
Tho kidneys am overtaxed
11 live too much to do
They toll about itTn ninny aehs and
Backache sidciclie headache
Early 8 mptoms of kidney ills
Urinary troublen diabetes Hrghts
diseases follow
William Slote living at the S E Cor
ofTwent ninth St Ave A Kear
ney Neb says- My wifo was subjVct
to attack of kidney complaint off nnd
on for years becoming worse as time
passed She had dull pains across her
luins and wd bothered by the frequent
action f the kidney secn tionn I fin
ally procured Doans Kidney Pills and
my wife begun u ing them They
proved very dFt etive in her cuso nnd we
consider them well worthj of recom
Pleuly mnitj j ro f liko tins from Mc
Cook people Call at L W McCon
nells drug store and ask what custom
ers rej urt
For nile by all doah rs Prc 50
cents Foster Milburn C Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doans and
take no other
Mrs E A Sexton has returned from
her visic to her children and friends in
Iowa and Illinois
E A Sxson is still sick from his at
tack of grip
Mr and Mrs Rozell are spending ten
days with their daughter Mrs F C
Smith on their way to California where
they will m ike their future home
Thero was a pleant surprise party
Thursday night given to Mr and Mrs
Critchiield on the occasion of their
2oth anniversary Thero were nice pre
sents and every oneenjoyed the evening
Mr Thomas wanted the happy couple
to be moro solidly united ho he i erform
ed a marringe ceremony Refreshments
wero served
We have the finest line of Olives and
Olive Oil in JlcCook The full Reid Jlur
dock line HUBER
The First New Woman
We new women are really not so
new as we think avo are said one of
them In the thirteenth century
there were lots of us Can anything
700 years old be new The University
of Bologna had for professor of juris
prudence Movella dAndria She was
no more new than beautiful Her
charms were so overpowering that the
trustees made her lecture behind a
curtain When she lectured openly
the students their minds wholly occu
pied with her beauty could not attend
to what she said Madonna Manzollna
was professor of anatomy Matilda
Tromboni taught languages and Marie
corn in this country Again one day - --
I ucs A university was by no means
u secouu rare one un tsie contrary
it was perhaps the leading university
of Europe It had 10000 students
Called For the Author
The Friars an organization of the
atrical press agents dined a manager
more conspicuous for his shrewdness
than for his culture When the menu
had been discussed the guest
of honor amazed his hosts by making
a speech notable not only for its grace
and wit but for some show of erudi
tion He sat down at last amid loud
applause when Augustus Thomas at
the same time joining the handclap
ping shouted Author Author
New York Tribune
Emotional England
Ours is a nation of sentiment We
are probably more sentimental in a
tearful way than any other country
in Europe The strongest man in Eng
land can weep when he hears a hymn
that used to bo played on the organ
of the village church when he was a
boy but there is noc much depth In
the tears They are not very salt
London Ladies Field
Heart stren jrth or Heart Weakness means Nerve
Strength or Nerve Weakness nothing more Pos
itively not one weak heart in a hundred is in it
self actually diseased It is almost always a
This obscure nerve the Cardiac or Heart Nerve
spoonfuls then laving down his spoon ply needs and must have more power more
stabUity more controlling more governing
he exclaimed My goodness that soup strength Without that the Heart must continuo
is so hot it makes sparks all down me S also to
Delineator j This clearly explains whyas a medicine Dr
ShOQD S Restorative has in thp nnst rlnnn Kr mnnh
Why He Was Mad
j for weak and ailins Hearts Dr Shoop first soughs
the cause of all this painful palpitating
Stubb Whafs the trouble with the pu prescription is alone T direSed to thl
angry eK ana wastintr nerve centers It builds
rtlr ri fairenginens ic oners real genuine neart help
1 enn -Vim UL If vnu would havfl strnntr TToarta cfrnnr
is She dedicated her latest book to gestion strengthen these Lnerves re establish
them as needed with
c T
nun muuu txiauious i suuuiu tuu
sider That a compliment Penn Not
if yoi fcnev the title of the book It
is Wild Animals I nave Met Chi
cago -Sews I
i THALJ iKJililtsTJiKi
Why Hamlet held the skull and
PubHc Lam Sae DepatInent of the Interiori
Said AhlS IOor lonck OU are not U S Land Ollice at Lincoln Neb
the deadhead in the house
only Uur ducted
Solice fa hereby rfrai by
the fomnii sioner of the Goneral Land Office
tl Kat under of ict of Confcress approed
the Missing Tune27 1J6 r Stat- r17 we ill offer at
Mrs Boardem IIOW do you find the public sale to the highest bidder at 11 oclock
A- on the 4th day of March 1509 at this
oliiol Mr Mr
mi emm IOaiU
Chicken SOUp Ml lOarUd
-Mr oHice the following described land Serial No
er I have no difficulty in finding the 1 03Gi The NEii of NE sec3i T2n Raiwo
soup madam but I am inclined tc j clailllinR advepariy the aboTP
think the chicken will prove an alibi described land are adUsed to file their claim
or objections on or before the time designated
j lor sale
Talk not of a good life but let thy Cms F Siiedd Kecister
WillM Gifford Keceher
i it- OoIsmt
life talk Schiller
COOd Boyle EidredT
lrffTfriyWlftlrff rWWi ifWlV
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 AlcCook Neb
jr Office over ElecrlcTheatre on Main Ave j
Office over WcAdams Store Phone 190
UH Rj it yUinial
OflJo Rooms a and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room Postokfice Building
fyy f v v rn p v niifrnTr v v ri mm v rirw
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillans drug store
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
JEaARent of Lincoln Laud Co nrwl of AIcCooV
Wator Works OHice in Poatoilico hnilding
O H Boyle C E Eldhed
Attorneys at Jaw
Long Distance Ione 4 1
Rooms 1 unci 7 f ecitofl floor
PoctolIJce Building
Mcloq1 Neb
Real Estate
and Insurance
Eoom Two over McConneils drug
store McCook Nebraska
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
i A --
Uliice over Alarsli s Meat lUarket -a
iVIidclleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
r Updike Grain Co n
Phone iCq S S GARVEY Mgr
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGroffs
Phone 13
Fresh Reliable Pure
Guaranteed to Please
Erprr Oai ioner ami
l pT CO I Tommto 20
1 psr SlMrowin wiery -
1 pkr Early Arrowb10Mre lie
1 pir Fullrrlon Mirtet Irttuc 10a
AUo 12 Varinlts Choice lla SI 2S
test tie 1
krrrrner tgof unr
we w U sai postpaid our
Writs today 5en4 10 tnts to btp par Pta8 sad H
nackicz and reeeiTO theabot Farao s Collection V- U
3 ecthr wjta car w ana muracuTe uarcen onice
Koso St
Kockford Illinois