Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1909)
Statement Mm C M litiiUy presiMifs in detail the lull mug ttiileinent of receipts and oxpondiluriS connected with the recent mjjHMon of 4 iroiigbeiirt TICKET KALJJ IOK ttTUONGHUAIlT L V JlcConnell December 17 1008 4850 L W McCoimolI December 18 ItXW Ho ofllco December 17 UK8 2100 liox oIHco December 18 1903 iSOO Total UOW Total individual sales 7075 Gross receipts ilrs C M Bailey 69 tickets Donation to the good cause by a friend W 3 mai Pte 33K1 VSu IMm SXsM f S tuSxs of Falcons Pure Foods Dcsufoaes iivl km 3 M Thatfs what everybody says 2232S KZliSNDITURCH For direction of StroriKheart three weeks by Mrs J K tlcCarl For direction of Mime two weeks by Sir George Koarns n reimbursement 150 For direction of same by S 0 fioacli 30 hoursnnd playing rolo of StronBhcart 5000 Mr Menard rent of opera hoiio 3000 F M Kimmell printing 9J5 Manuscript of StroiiBlicnrt 545 Itozcll Hurler for caps andhnts J75 Model Shoo Store for white shoes 700 AlcCook Laundry for white trousers 150 Hoy Woidouhamor reimbursement for time -- JM Georgo Campbell roiniburecmuntfor time 8i0 E F Wright reimbursement for time 500 Lumber for fireplace 55 Labor for fireplace 70 Oil cloth for fireplace CO Tile paper for fireplace 30 White Lino Transfer 550 Total 14000 Gross receipts 22325 Donation 1000 23325 Total expense 14000 9235 XIST OL TIUKKTH hOLD IIV INDIVIDUALS TOR STRONG II KAKT Frank Hrndy 10 tickes 500 Tom OConiioll 10 tickets 100 100 100 300 100 250 Edw Williams 10 tickets Sxdio Coylo 5 tickets Iforina lrovancf 10 tickets George Allen 5 tickets J A Colfcr 10 tickets IteM McKonua 5 tickets FE Wright12 tickets 200 loauphiue 1liolun i tickets 150 CJ Ityan lOtickets 2C0 P Foxcu 12 tickets 000 Henry Corcoran 12 tickets 000 Airs Kondlcu 5 tickets 150 Mrs Adeo 1helan 25 tickets tieorge Lcchlitner 25 tickets 3ertrude Morrissoy 5 tickets 4200 3150 25 7075 PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Tho magazine list for 1909 includes some new names The Craftsman Cur rent Literature The American Boy The Elictncal Review Power and Little Folks having been added We believe theso new magazines will prove very attractive on our tables The January Craft man is now in and it is a magazine most excellent in its make up being of aood paper good print aud well bound Here are some of the good things found in its table of contents Progress in Our National Art is a lea for individuality of ideas and freedom of expression in all our arts in music in painting in sculpture in writing There m an illustrated ttrfffile The Ship of All Ages which tells us of F D Millets mural decorations in the Baltimore Custom House Mr Millets paintings really jiet forth the history of the ship from the ancient Egyptian galley of sixteen hundred B C up to the modern Uoited States war ship Reform for the Truant Boy by Charles Ilarcourt is supplemented by another paper on Our Need of Indust rial Education by MIrwin MacDon ald A Potent Factor in Home Mak ing is an illustrated paper treating of the reclamation of the arid region Craftsman Houses Music Drama Art Reviews with two stories and several short poems help to complete the number which is of interest to all those who are fond of practical live topics The American Boy besides contain- when the cakes are siade from Falcon Self Rislag Pancake Hcmif Yon will like them too fcr theyre certainly delic ious the epicures delight Falcon pancakes are a perfect food for old and young and theyre easily and quickly prepared Directions on every package Order of your gocer Shannon Mott Co 5SSS 0S Tsteii SIK tr S b 1JH - ing stories of the kind fooyr like ivps a department to amateur pbotouraphy another to athletics and one to Tin Boy Mechanic and Electrician and many smaller articles of interest AH the periodicals which wer men rend last year are placed on the tablet for the j ear to come and the daily and weekly newspapers are always at hand for library visitors It is a sincere wish of the library board that the coining year may prove the McCook Public Library a more helpful institution to the McCook pub lic than it has ever been before and that the reading room may always bo a pleasant and attractive place for young and old To keep the library supplied with books that will meet the needs of all classes of readers requires much labor ind careful management and the k n I ly consideration of the patrons in fie care of the books and returning the borrowed ones iu good condition will bi a much appreciated help The book you are reading will go to others Pass it on to them neat and cbau hoping they will do the same b you Liijkaiian flTT CHURCH ANflOUMCEHENrb Christian Bible school at 10 a ui Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E it 7 p m All are welcome R M Ainsworth Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St lbans church at 11 a m and 730 p u Sunday school at 10 a m All re welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass J n m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday cbonl 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kikwin O M 1 Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p ra A most cordial invitation is extended to ill to worship with us E Burton Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in the frame building of the East Ward school every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans and Russians cordially invited Rev Wm Brueggesixn 607 5th st East Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at Epwnrth League at Glo Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 You are welcome always at all our services Two New Year sermons next Sunday M B Carman Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m nd Wednesday at S p m Meetings held in the Morris bloik Room open all the time Science litera ture on sale Subject for next Sunday God Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching st 11 a m and S p m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a in Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p ra Senior C E at 400 p m P raj or meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West So Sore He Swore 31 E T ue swears ore U Ml H llMl - a iTOc fl J sVi -- n -- - There was a Merchant mighty sore In fact so sore he swore and swore And kept on swearing more and more The trouble was that folks instead Of patronizing him by Ned Were buying goods by mail he said One day he got a little hint On how to make his store a mint I inoi nope tooK on a rosy tint He came and ADVERTISED his stock His store was crowded chuck-a- block From seven until six oclock So now this Merchant swears no more No longer is he feeling sore Since ADVERTISING crowds his store j MOHAMMED His Visio of Heavon and the Story if the Mountain IlalabI the founder of Islam was boru at Mecca In the year A D 570 He died lime 8 031 at the age of seventy-two He assumed the titular name of Mohammed which means ac cording to some authorities the pre dicted Messiah One of the most extravagant rela tions which can be found In any lan guage Is credited to Mohammed Speaking of the sights he beheld when transported to heaven he says I saw there an angel the most gigantic of all created things It had 70000 heads each head had 70000 faces each face had 70000 mouths each mouth had 7OC00 tongues and each tongue spoke 70000 languages All were em ployed in singing Gods praises When Mohammed first announced his divinely inspired and appointed system the Arabs demanded super natural proofs of his commission Moses and Jesus said the Arabs wrought miracles In the testimony of their divine authority And if thou art indeed a prophet of God do so like wise It would be tempting God to do so replied Mohamraqd and bring down his anger as in the case of Pharaoh As the story is told in Brewers Phrase and Fable the Arabs wore not satisfied with this answer a J Mohammed then commanded nv jf the numerous eminences near Me en to come to him The mountain not stirring at Mohammeds bidding the prophet exclaimed God is merciful Had the mountain obeyed my words It would have fallen on us to our de struction 1 will therefore go to the moun tain JELLYFISH In Tropical Waters This Queer Crea ture Is at Its Best Few marine animals seem at first glance to betray less intelligence than the jellj fish Up with the tide and down with the tide carried along by this or that current moving with the eddy of a backwater hither and thith er the jellyfish has become almost a synonym for helplessness Scientifical ly of course the popular idea of the jellyfish is wholly mistaken but it is perhaps only in tropical waters that it is found in the perfection of intelli gence In the south Pacific round the islands of Polynesia and as far south as the upper portion of the North is land of New Zealand there is a jelly fish that not onlj knows where it wants to go but is even provided with a sail which it can and does hoist or lower at will The sail like the rest of this curious animal is almost trans parent but unlike the body of the fish which is of the usual gelatinous construction the sail is a membrane almost as hard as shell ltouud about the Ellice group the navigating fish is often found with a sail measuring five inches across and it navigates the shallow island waters with the skill of a pilot steering in and out of snaggy places and avoiding obstructions both above and below the surface with un erring skill Like its cousins in home waters this navigating jellyfish has the power of stinging its natural ene mies and its sting is fatal to other fish and dangerous to man London Standard An Unpleasant Visitor A frightful shape loomed up before the nearsighted eyes of the frightened professor It was of heroic size it stooped a little its arms were unusu ally long its forehead was retreating and its feet were bare and very broad You have taken great liberties with me said the shape You refer to me on every possible occasion ascribing to me characteristics of which I know nothing You have a reprehensible way of shifting to my shoulders a great many problems that are too much for your limited mind to grasp Come now what do you mean by it Ive never seen you before stam mered the professor Who are you The shape haughtily drew itself up I am the primitive man it cried in a terrible voice And the professor is understood to be running yet Cleveland Plain Dealer Laying a Ghost This ghost story was among those omitted from Mr Steads famous col lection There was an ordinary cup board door that always mysteriously creaked open at five minutes before midnight unless it was kept locked and when it was kept locked it groan The Accommodating Patron Shall I send this or will you take it asks the affable drug clerk after filling the prescription You may send it and then I will take it suggests the accommodating patron Chicago Post Fellows who have no tongues are of ten all eyes and ears Hallburton mil mnfl ft -- w jrflrtWrJBtifiiTtltiTaM Humor at In Other Days Wilh WIntr the fumous dramatrj critic tells inw he and Joseph Jefferson were timing the pallbearers at McCulloujrh8 fu neral As our melancholy train was halted In a Philadelphia street sayj Mr Winter he glanced along the lino and gravely remarked I never knew before that there were so many walk ing gentlemen In my professi hi Another quaint anecdote which he tells with reference to a melair holy occasion Is this one on the burial of John Brougham Edwin Booth and I assisted to bear his pall I remember that the two gravediggers after they had lowered his coffin a little way into the grave were constrained with many muttered exclamations of Alse her and Itaise her to lift It up again in order to enlarge the cavity Booth and I like Hamlet and noratio were stand ing under a neighboring tree observing these proceedings and nothing was ever more woefully comic or more im raorously rueful than namlets smile as he looked at me with those deep melancholy eyes and with that little furtive grimace murmuring as he did so Its the last recall Trouble Making Trouble making is an older industry than the manufacture of steel Cain the trouble maker got into action be fore Tubal Cain the ironworker and Eve got Adam into hot water long be fore the boilermakers union began business There are three brands of trouble imaginary borrowed and real Imag inary trouble consists of railroad ac cidents earthquakes fires suicides dis eases such as the patent medicine man makes the poorhouse death and the grave carefully mixed and taken after a late dinner or a drop in the stock market Borrowed trouble is the kind we get from our relatives Its principal in gredients are visits borrowed money birthday presents advice and expec tations But the real article is pro duced as follows Put the sandals of endurance on your feet take your life in your hands and follow bj turns the how to be happy philosopher the preacher of physical culture and the apostle of diet Puck His Hunt For Home On one occasion Do rachmann the famous pianist with his nervous and irritable temperament was summoned to appear before Queen Alexandra at Buckingham palace He immediately adopted anarchism as his political faith and obstinately refused to go His friends labored with him for hours aud at last persuaded him not to com mit an impertinence which would nev er be forgiven by the English people Finally he was dispatched in a cab The night wore on to morning and the frantic wife of the pianist a nd his friends could learn nothing of what had become of him At last a forlorn looking cab drove up to the house j and De Pachmann dismounted On leaving the palace he had forgotten where he lived and could only tell the I cabman that it was in a square with a church in it Sb all night long he had been engaged in making a round of the innumerable squares of London His Measure A few friends relates Mr James Moir in the Draughts World were chatting with Wyllie the checker champion in a club after one of his days of exhibition play in Glasgow when a youth slightly under the influ ence of John Barleycorn threatened to monopolize the conversation blow ing his own horn and giving out in no uncertain language that he considered himself the equal of Wyllie The old man took no notice of him for a time but occupying the usual five minutes in considering the move quietly asked the youth to remove his hat not more than a six and a half size then sub stituted his own which was a large one and went well down over the young braggarts nose and casting his eye around the company said scornfully Thats his measure The company enjoyed the retort so much that the youth was glad to make a hurried exit The Servant and the Factory Woman Much as I loathe the factory system it scores in some respects above scul leries In factories at any rate wo men meet with their kind and have in tercourse with many varieties of hu man nature But chained up in I leries and kitchens with tether just long enough to reach the stocking to be mended and no longer their lives are bare and starved as the picked ed and rattled instead precisely at the bones that they put in the pots Loir same hour Then came along a spook don Woman Worker expert who discovered that at five minutes before midnight the fast ex press train passed along the highroad a mile away from the house and set in motion some vibratory wave that acted upon the cupboard and scared a whole household Why She Was Absent A teacher in one of the girls schools on the lower east side recently had the following excuse for absence hand ed her by one of her pupils Dear Miss It gives me much pleasure to write to you because I have a worry ment and you should please excuse my Annie who does not come by you because she has to go to the hospital with her Bisters sore eyes New York Times Cost cf Big Game Shooting In the German possessions in Africa a permit to shoot costs 200 Special permission is required to kill more than two giraffes four rhinoceroses and six zebras In the case of ele phant shooting the authorities must be given one tusk from each animal killed The hunter receives a small payment if he shoots a lion panther wild tjfur or hyena A permit to kill gazelle antelopes and monkeys costs only 10 A Cruel Dig Dolly Xo dear I cant go any place with Molly I hate her the cat Polly But darling you used to be chummy with her What did she do Dolly She told me a lot of the nasty things you said about me dear Cleveland Leader Higher Power Hardly any power is so exalted that It does not bend the knees to a higher one Where theres a czar theres usu ually a i zarinn Richmond Times Dispatch RED WILLOW Holton Loiigneckor nnd family came in on Christmas day to visit the homo folks Mrs Jackson Loomis from Michigan came on last Thursday on business and to visit relatives and friends Louis Longnecker mndo his wife a Christmas present of a fine new piano The Longnpcker clnn met at Owens and had a Christmas tree and dinner on Christmas day Tho Tribune has for sale a nico dis play of local view post cards in colors and in black and white Also a well selected line of greeting and other post cards NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tho State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In tho County Court In tho Matter of tho Estate of George G Snoke Deceased To tho Creditors of said Estnto You arc hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court Room in McCook in siud County on tho J0th day of June IM at tho hour of Nino oclock A M to examine all claims against s aiu Kstato with a view to their ad justment aud allowance Tho time limited for tho presentation of claims against said Estate is Six months from tho 2fith day of December A D lUW and the time limited for payment of debts is Onujeur from said 20th day of De cember VMS Witness my hand and tho seal of said County Court this Ztitli day of December 11X18 Boy SCAIl lo El ll A3TTS UI t 13- r i0J J U JUooiiK County Judire V FRANKLIN - - dred Attorneys LEGAL NOTICE In Justice Court before II H Uerry justice of tho peace W 11 Skclton defendant will take notice that on the 10th day of November 11KJS H H Kerry a justice of tho peace of Red Willow county Nebraska issued an order of attach ment for tho sum of in nu action pending before him wherein Wm Sullivan is plaintilt and W H Skelton isdefencunt and that pro perty of defendant consisting of money duo and owing in tho hands of tho Chicago Hurlingtoii and Quincy Railroad Company garnishee ns wages for work and labor performed by said defendant for said railroad company has been attached under said order of attachment Said cause was continued for hearing to tho 12th day of January UXJU at J oclock A M William Sullivan oovouo I V s oi G DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE mental Trees Berry Bushes Koses jsvJ sv REFEREES SALE fan order issued from tho District Court of Ketr willow county Nebraska under n decrco in nn notion wherein Minnie Luke is iilnintiir and Aiiim Rohm Herman 0 Luke John Luke Clarence C Hcckett nnd William Ileckett nstiiiurdinn of MnrpiicoC Hcckett n minor ore defendants directed to tho under signed as Referee I shall oiler at public snlo aud sell to the highest bidder for cash at tho oast frout door of the court house in tho City of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on tho 1th day of January Jlxm ut the hour of One oclock P M tho following described renl estate to wit Lot Number One I in Hlock rummer iiuricen imj and lot number Mnoun in Hlick Number Twenty one 21 all in the First Addition to tho City of McCook Ited Willow county Nebraska Dated this 2nd day of December 1UW J F Coiiiipai Referee Hoylo Eldred Attorneys 12-1-Ms referees sale- In tho DistrictJCourtEof cd Willowroiinty Nebraska Milton II Hammond plaiutiO vs James O Hammond Lily M Hammond Ada A Ham mond Mary E Duttou Roy Dutton Josephine M Hammond and Arden H Purvis defendants By virtue of an order issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decrco in an action wherein Milton II Ham mond is plaintilT and Jnmcs O Hammond lily M Hammond Ada A Hnmmoud Mary E Dutton Roy Duttou Josephine M Hammond nnd Arden II Purvis are defendants directed to tho undersigned as referee I shall odor at public sale and sell to tho highest bidder for cash at tho east front door of the court house iu tho City of McCook Red Willow county Ne braska on tho 1th dnv of January liHIi at the hour of Ono oclock 1 M iho following do scribed real estate to wit the Southeast quarter of Section Llciru III Township Two 21 North of Range Thirty TOj West in Red illow county Nebraska Dated this 2nd dn December A I 18 J S LkIIkw Referee John L Kelley Attorney NOTIfE TO CREDITORS The State of Xebraska Red Willow county ss Iu tho C ounty Court IntheMnMer of tho Estate of Mary E Bali cock Dectised To the Creditors of saidEtato You arc hereby notified that I will sit at the Countj Court Room in McCook iu said ouni n tho 30th day of June IM at tho hour of Nine oclock AM to examine all claims agai st said Estate with a view to their adjust ment and allowance Tho time limited Tor tho pre utatiou of claims against said Estate is Six months from tho Jfith day of December A D IMSj and tho time limited for payment of debts is One year from said 2Cth day of De cember lJOS W ituess my hanu ami the seal of said Jotinty Court this 2l5th day of December 1008 I seal I IU iMO Hoylo fc Eldred Attorneys Mooitn County Judge B Sakin Powder Question CUV g Buy a can of Calumet today Put it through the most rigid baking test that you know If it does not fully come up to your standard if the baking is not just as good or better- lighter more evenly raised more delicious and whole some take it back to the grocer and get your money Q Calumet is the only strictly high grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost Dont accept a substitute Insist upon Caiumct and get it Bsfeg i2Ej a powaer Received Highest Award Worlds Pure Food Exposition Chicago 1907 vjm ffw vbSyQQ5 QASSQSVS fc V MiANKLirc PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB a a m m a fp Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 15000 t A 0 EBERT 1QiQQSQstbS y5v5awsrVCv I Trees asd Seeds That Grow j For the past 23 years we have supplied our customers jj in an btatcs with Trees and Seecs trat grow We 4 A t erennisls tsslbs etc at low pricsJys P t plete stocl jj Apple 7c Plum 10c Cherry 17c rg 6 otCls5sof all kinds o jj all budded trees Concord fT i4 r raria Garden ant Cri5 SO npr 1C We tav freight on ft iz n6 TKr3 jj 0 orders f V Flower Seeds to tlect e nap e catalog and Garrlrn iviuIg interested also sample pkt May Kini Lertuce the earliest and finest of ali htad lettuce 1 German Nurseries ana Seed House Box 110 BeaJrice Neb 03NITvSNSVES3NCiNSPsSaS3rBS raXHVKN ESSSSSTvENSStx NSarsEi ONE ONE That is the Xo of ONE of the bo t Lumber and Oal C in a Xo OXE town which is located on OXE East Street Cut if jou cant find it call phone Xo OXE when you will be informed that you can get Xb OXE lumber Xo OXE coal Xo OXE service Xo OXE treatment in fact Xo OXE first last and all the time Bollard Lumber Co M VmM KSEISESSFaSSSISN ESSNEMESSSN ESKEFvSnSNSTS EsEsaSrN2NSNa MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USINC THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mhc in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Conditioajj Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hcg Cholera tablets Louse PowderS Spavin Cure Barb ire Luumeat Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone SUSencr Tablets Sold bv AMcMILLEN McCook Nebraska