The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 01, 1909, Image 1

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Pp I JSP j
Mb CI tiip
CbrinStfSraat the homo of Mr and
MrsJflffiJTT Noble Mrs Maggie B
JeffriKof our city and Mr Harry V
Fiske of Golden Colorado wore united
in marriage Rev M B Carman of the
Methodist church performing the cere
mony in the presence of a few relatives
and intimate friends
A Christmas wedding supper followed
the ceremony
Mr and Mrs Pisk will make their
home at Golden whither they will go
after a short visit with relatives in
Wray to which point they journeyed
on Friday
Both are well known to many Tribune
readers and both have the best wishes
many friondB
Terms of District Court For 1909
Judge R C Orr has announced the
following terms of district court for the
14th district for 1909
Chase April 26 November 15
Dundy April 19 November 22
Frontier March 22 October 4
Furnns February 15 May 31 equity
October 18
Gosper January 25 September 27
Hayes March 8 September 20
Hitchcock AprilS October 11
Red Willow February 1 May 24
equity November 29
A Cutting Affair
There was a cutting affair on smoky
row last Friday night late in which
Harry Windy Pierce a colored por
ter used a pocket knife with some effect
on the person of Otto Hendrick a young
men of this city The cats were not
serious however The disposition to
drop the case indicates that none of the
parties there were several other well
known persons involved are proud of
the job or care to give further publicity
to the affair Nor do we
Not On the Bills
Prof Miller a specialty artist who
appeared at the Electric Monday and
Tuesday in specialty work Tuesday
night did a stunt not on the bills by
passing a forged and fraudulent 3000
check on Mr Davidson of the Commer
cial hotel in paying his hotel bill He
departed the city the same night and
his whereabouts is still a matter of
conjecture and uncertainty Better pass
up the unvouched for stranger with the
check Jiook
but stop it in the right way The
remedy to use is
McConnells Balsam
because when it stops a cough it has
affected a complete cure
The remedy doesnt deceive by drug
ging it goes to the source of trouble
and changes the condition that causes
the cough and does it promptly Price
25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Can Be Seen In Droves
The heavy snows in Eastern Colorado
have driven the antelope toward the
railroad track and civilization in droves
Hundreds have been seen in the neigh
borhood of Fort Morgan where they
come up to the fence enclosing the rail
road track They are reported as being
apparently very tame doubtless from
hunger in large part They are now pro
tected by the game laws of Colorado
Located on West B Street
The clothing building of the C L
DeGroff Co store which has been lo
cated on Main avenue since the begin
ning of the new structure was on Tues
day morning towed out west on B street
by a traction engine and will be moored
on the street just north of the gas
plant to be used for storage purposes
Church Announcement
-Preaching services of the German
Evangelical Lutheran church New
Year eve Dec 31 at 730 oclock in the
parsonage GOT 5th street east On New
Year day Jan 1 at 1000 a m in the
frame school building of east ward
Just Arrived
A new shipment of fancy suits for
Ci -V
vountr men just received at Rozell I f rom Rollinsville
Bargers They are dandies too The
prices are reasonable They fit the
purse and person
Get the Boy a New Suit
and let him wear the old to school Be
gin the new year right Rozell Bar
ker can be of great help to you in the
correct clothing line
If You Have a Majestic
Range you are running your kitchen
satisfactorily and economically if not
you should have one
Sold by McCook Hardware Co
Special Pre InYenlory Sale
on cut glass Buy now and save
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
Flour feed and seed business
particulars ee C J Ryan
Now at the close of a very satisfactory
year in business we want to express our
gratitude to our liberal patrons of Mc
Cook and vicinity for their liberality and
cordial support
During the new year upon which we
today enter it shall be our utmost en
deavor to please you and to bring to
your favorable consideration the best the
clothing market offers and at reasonable
Wishing you all the joy of the season
we remain
Very truly yours
The usual good crowd filled the Meth
odist church Thursday evening upon
the occasion of their Sunday school ex
ercises of the glad season They had
no Kris Kringle but there were two
trees containing presents and a treat for
385 children so Santa wasnt missed
very much Following program was
given in full
Hymn No 113 standing and remain so until
after chant
Apostles Creed
Prayer concluded by Lords Prayer chant
HjmnNo 112
Eesponsive Reading
The Christmas Song Chorus
Christmas and Childhood Ida Gordon
Duet Minnie Vieisen and Florence Rosebush
JesusNear Dorothy Carman
nhrislmns Carol Little Folks
The Childrens Day Lila McBraie5j
Hear the Bells Chorus
The New Born King Mabel Jennings
Hymn No 122
Concerning the Collection Montie Walker
Offering for the Sunday School
Good Night Drill Little Folks
Distribution of Treats
There was a fairly well filled house at
ths exercises Christmas eve in the
Congregational church Features of
the evening were A prettily decorated
and electrically illuminated tree con
taining presents and a treat for about
150 children with a Santa Claus in the
person of Mr E J Mitchell to assist
in the distribution and making more
real the occasion Besides the following
Instrumental Solo Frank Barnett
Song Bythe School
ShortTalk By the Pastor
Vocal Solo Marjorie Schobel
Recitations Helen and Roy Enoch
Vocal Solo Nellie Schwab
Class Recitation Little Bells
Helen Enoch and Mrs Haw kes Class
Song Miss McMillens Class
Recitation Harriett Young
Recitation Lela Hamilton
Song Martha Rodgers
Recitation Mabel Randel
Solo Miss Ruth Wiehe
Recitation Marion Norris
Song Mrs Kimmells Class
f nl
I SOng ilUSS iOUIlg 5 VvlUSb
Donations Uyuasses
The German Congregational people
las is the German custom were most
generous in their celebration of Christ
mas Christmas eve they had their ser
vices for the children They had a fine
tree with presents and treat for 350
children Besides an interesting pro
gram A generous collection was taken
too for missions they are great people
for missions
Friday morning there were 127 com
municants at the serving of the Lords
Supper Evening services were also
Saturday morning Pastor llenkel
maun held services in Herndon Kansas
returning to McCook for evening ser
Services of a Christmas character
were also held both morning and even
ing on Sunday
At all of those services aud exercises
the church was unable to accommodate
the number seeking admission
The Christmas affair promoted by the
tKnights of Pythias was unique and
touching being observed on Christmas
evening in the lodge hall There was a
decorated tree and Dr S C Beach com
passed the Santa Claus act effectively
The program was brief but appropriate
The children received gifts galore and a
bountiful treat After a visit to the
moving picture show the children
about a score of them who were guests
of the Knights were taken home as
they were brought therefrom in auto
mobiles It was a gladsome occasion
for tho young hearts and it is within
the fact to state that some older hearts
were mellowed by the scene
They had the usual Christmas ser
vices in the Baptist Christian Episco
pal and Catholic churches but we lack
details No services in South McCook
this year
White House Sold
Today the White House grocery goes
into new hands G S Scott selling to
Moore S Son FT Moore the younger
member of the firm has been with Mr
Scott for the past year and needs no in
troduction to the trade with which he
is well known and popular Thomas
Moore the senior member has been a
resident of McCook for a few years and
stands high with a large and increasing
circle of friends Success to them The
energy and ability of Mr Scott will soon
place him in the harness again Mean
while he will be at the store closing up
his business affairs
Notice of Annual Meeting-
McCook Nebr Dec 21st 190S
According to the provisions of the by
laws the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Masonic Temple Craft of
McCook Nebraska will be held in the
City of McCook Nebraska on Monday
January 4th 1909 at 2 oclock P M in
the club rooms of the McCook Commer
cial club at which meeting the board of
directors will be elected and such other
business transacted as may properly
come before the stockholders Signed
Lon Cone Secrotary
Amen Snider
Mr Harvey Snider and Miss Alice
Amen both of our city were united in
marriage last night December 31st at
five oclock at the home of Mrand Mrs
J W Spencer in West McCook in the
presence of a few friends and relatives
The bride has been a popular clerk in
the Bee Hive the groom is employed in
the boiler department at the Burlington
shops and is a musician of ability We
add congratulations
special Meetings
Special meetings will begin at the
Congregational chusch January 2G un
der the leadership of Kev Perry A
Sharpe pastor of the Congregational
church at Marshall Minn who is al
ready favorably known to many McCook
people through his work here three
years ago
Lash Plus
It is cash plus the goods aud
ous prompt service that places D C
Marshs meat market easily in the first
rank in its line Everything seasonable
Wilson Bros Shirts
A new shipment of the famous Wil
son Bros shirts just received at Rozell
Sz Bargers Come and see
Hay For Sale
Choice Alfalfa hay 81000 a ton de
livered Milton Clark
Phone ash 1354
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
4 lp nT A
- Wp v
Misplaced Philanthropy
Lack of organization and information
is misplacing considerable charity in
McCook and failing to relieve in some
instances whore assistance is needed
New Year P 0 Hours
Open hours at the postofficoNow Year
day are as follows Morning 8 to 9
afternoon 12 to 1
Mrs J M Smith visited Cambridge
friends Tuesday
Mrs C J Ryan is visiting Grafton
relatives for a week or two
Mrs Craig McDonand is ontortaia
ing a relative during the holidays
Julius Stein is spending Now Year
with Omaha relatives and friends
GubTAVE Benjamin of Campbell spent
Sunday with his brother Eph in our
Miss Emma Gaarder of Culbertson
is a guest of Mrs Rose JJayless during
the holidays
Ralph Bosworth is spending part of
the Christmas holidays with city rela
tives and friends
Mrs J D Young accompanied him
last Friday night in their trip to Chi
cago and other points east
Mr and Mrs W M Morrisey are
in Jacksonville Illinois on a visit and
for the transaction of business
Mr and Mrs Mitchell Young of
Danbury were at the county capital
Tuesday on matters of business
John Harmon is here from Indiana
visiting his sister Mrs Polly Harmon
whom he has not seen for thirty years
Sheriff Ira Peterson departed Tues
day night for Grand Island to attend
the state meetiag of Nebraska sheriffs
in that city
Mrs Rufus Carlton was briefly the
guest of Mrs George Leach Lincoln
first of the week returning here on 3
Tuesday night
C R Livingston departed Thurs
day night for Indianapolis Indiana to
purchase a carload of Overland cars
for this market
Little Mabel Anton captured the
piano at Rishels and her Christmas joy
was thereby greatly increased it may
well be imagined
L D Bennett got a foot quite pain
fully mashed Monday afternoon while
assisting in unloading a truss at the
electric companys plant
G C Hill formerly of Indianola is
now general manager and buyer for The
Arriba Trading Co of Arriba Colo an
enterprise of The Frees Hill Lumber
Miss Nellie Halligan who is em
ployed in the millinery department of
Bennetts Omaha is here for the holi
days guest of her sister Mrs C J
Mr and Mrs Ben Coffey were
guests of her father I M Smith for
Christmas He returned home Mon
day morning but Mrs Coffey and son
will remain the rest of the week
Mrs D F Neiswanger and daugh
ters Misses Isola and Gladys of Cam
bridge were guests of Mr and Mrs H
P Waite part of the Christmas time
returning home Monday evening
Miss Nellie Andrews who has been
visiting the family over near Lebauon
during her vacation departed for Den
ver Monday She is a nurse in St
Lukes She was a guest of McCook
friends over Sunday
Mr and Mrs C C Brown enter
tained a small party of friendsWednes
day evening in honor of Miss Lulu Ev
ingof Franklin Nebraska The evening
passed joyously with music and games
A two course luncheon was served
Mrs E H McKelvey and children
visited at the home of her sister Mrs
M B Carman the past week MrsM
is on her way to her new home m Poca
tella Idaho where her husband has a
position with a big lumber company
Holton Longnecker came down
Colorado last Wed
nesday night to be with the home folks
during Christmas IIo will remain a
couple week the wife and boy who
have been here for some time longer
Miss Ruth Campbell entertained a
company of young friends Monday eve
ning to meet Miss Grace Humphrey of
Kansas City Mo who with her brother
Ward have been spending part of the
holiday season here guests of their
brother Frank Humphrey
Willis Gerver came in from Indina
first of the week to look after his real
estate in Gerver precinct He entered
land in that precinct some 26 years
since and made proof on the same after
which he returned to Indiana and this
is the first visit he has made since that
tinin H i rnnsin to the Gerver
I brothers who now live in West McCook
Week of Prayer
The Week of Prayer will bo observed
by Union Meetings with the following
places and leaders
Monday January 4th Methodist
church leader Rev R M Ainawortb
subject The Bible the Work of God
Tuesday January 5th Christian
ohurch leader Mr J E Tirrill
Bubject Gods Faithfulness Mans
Wednesday January 6th Baptist
church leader Rev G B Hawkas
subject Missions Home and Foreign
Thursday January 7th Congrega
tional church leader Rev M B Car
man subject Intemperance and
Friday January 8th Methodist
church leader Rev E Burton sub
ject The Family and the School
These meetings are for all come
COUNTY court
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Edward A Dewey 33 of Liberty and
Iva Agnes Haining 24 of Bartley
Ray A Watkins 24 and Nora Swartz
19 both of McCook
William E Guthrie 22 and Bessie M
Slater 18 both of Havana United in
marriage by the county judge Dec
Harry V Fisk 36 of Golden Colora
do and Maggie B Jeffries 30 of Mc
Wayne S Hethcote 21 and Kate A
Greenway 20 both of Danbury
Such rubber goods are on the market
and we have them
The reason so many poor rubber
goods are sold is because dealers will
not pay the price for the good kind
The increased demand we are having
for rubber goods proves to us that the
public appreciate the superior quality of
our goods
When you need hot water bottles
sick room goods nursery supplies
syringes etc come here for them
Youll find our prices right and you
are insured faultless goods
L W McConnell Druggist
See to Your Order or Lodge Card
The Tribune has for some time been
printing a lodge and order directory
free on the promise that the cards
would be kept corrected as to facts
officers etc by the several lodges and
orders As we devote 810000 a year
free to this purpose we expect those re
ceiving the benefit to keep the cards
corrected A glance at the directory
reveals many errors and we must Insist
upon the proper officers bringing in the
facts Otherwise we shall discontinue
the cards which we find incorrect
Look to your cards
On Saturday January 2nd
a very interesting program to be partic
ipated in by most of the trading public
will be inaugurated by TheThompsonD
G Co We refer to their Clearing Sale
advertised on the editorial page of this
paper and we advise all persons needing
merchandise now or within 12 months to
make it a point to go there early and
Arapahoe Too Much For Us
The result of the football game
Christmas between Arapahoe and Mc
Cook teams 17 to 0 shows the Arapa
hoe team to be too much for the locals
They were heavier men and seemed to
have no difficulty in making progress by
line smashes especially through the
If you want to subscribe for or re
new your subscriptions to any maga
zine or paper published go to Barney
Hofer the old reliable local dealer
who will save you money Get wise
to strangers and dont get stung
like so many have the past year
All new bowling alley double
alley all hard wood maple Will
sell cheap for cash or trade for
stock Address
F MEDEARIS Palisade Neb
Winter Yet To Come
and we are offering very special induce
ments on Base Burners and Heaters
You can make big interest if you buy
now sa nothing about the satisfaction
McCook Hardware Co
Under Official Suspicion
There are four or five private resi
dences in McCook said to be under offi
cial suspicion as being speak easies
What a mighty thirst is ours
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Turning Point
Whon a young man opens an
account with this bank with a
determination to add to it ho
may have just reached tho turning
point of his career In any evont
tho account is likoly to mako him
moro manly nloro independent
more self relying
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
A Seasonable Garment
Naturally men and boys think of an
overcoat The next thought is a rea
Bonablo price Rozell Barger dont
mako the weather but they do set the
price and its reasonable and right on
overcoats as well as all other items in
their line
They Are Irresistible
Rozell Barger have just placed on
their sales table another consignment of
those popular and stylish suits for
young men They are irresistible
Going- To Paint
Then you will find at our store the
best paint sold at as low a prico as good
paint can be sold
ivicvjooK naruwaro uo
For Men and Boys
Caps mittens gloves woolen sox etc
A full line at Rozell Bargers We
can fill your every reasonable want
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Buckwheat at the White House
Dill pickles at the White House
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Mary Harrison nurse Phono black 28G
Shoes are almost one half less during
Viersens Big Clearing Sale
Fresh vegetables on Wednesdays and
Saturdays at the White House
Magner Stokes for Wrights Pure
Buckwheat Flour Nothing better
The Modern Woodmen are preparing
to present another play January 18th
or 19th
The band is preparing to give a con
cert New Year day in the afternoon at
two oclock
We have the finest line of Olives and
Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur
dock line HUBER
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Take advantage of the Big Clearing
Shoe Sale at Viersen Sons See
their big ad for the figures
Two men Moore and Bradley by
name put up a pretty lively scrap in one
of the restaurants Tu oday Nothing
We are just in receipt of a new and
well selected fresh and up to date stock
of neckwear and mufilers Come in and
see Rozell Barger
You never before purchased such
values in shoes for the money as Vier
sen Son are offering during their Big
Clearing Salo See ad
Huber has the largest line of Christmas
Candies in town Come in and see us be
fore buying- Special dlscouut to churches
and schools Also have nuts of all kinds
Carrier No 2 S A Elder of the
rural free delivery service has purchas
ed a pretty new wagon properly lettered
and prepared for the service
Meat smoked with a brush is as good
if not better than if done in the old
fashioned way There is also a great
saving in time and labor as well as in
shrinkage McConnells Condensed
Smoke in 23 cent bottles
St Albana church second Sunday
after Christmas at 11 oclock a m
New Year sermon Our Life a Hand
breadth and Holy Communion
Evening service and sermon at 730