V V I sffyKSf isrr -- r j f V y jj - VhK 3 r irn s uy ja k v fA a jBvb ir vi mv t T- fJSAY yjVO WSP TWO Cfltf PfijfrFAJi - - LOlSJlffDPfCF cQACZfl A I E ARE told that the German surrounds his Christmas with more of an element o mysticism than does he of any other nation It is probably a survival of the far back days when his painted ancestors celebrated their mysterious rites at Christmas under their dark groves of forest oaks In nearly every district of the fatherland there still remains the quaint est and queerest of Christmas customs whose origin is lost in the hoariest antiquity They have all in the process of time assumed a Christian character more or less burlesqued liut the folk lorists will tell you that they date from the days of Wotan and Freya The peasants of Silesia the woodmen of the Black Forest and the hillsmen of Bavaria Happily know nothing of the origin of the queer pranks they play at Christmas they only Know that they have been handed down by Iheir fathers and that they in turn -will hand down the immemorial customs to their chil dren Iu Germany the old custom of mumming is still kept up From house to house these mummers go The shepherds especially are entertaining They are the comic men of the troupe who in a half grotesque and half seri ous way represent the events of the nativity There was a famous company of Christmas mummers a couple of years ago in Bavaria with a magnificent looking first shepherd who never wearied of poking fun at the minister of finance After -these roving -villagers have recited their farago of nonsense or it may be their lines of surpassing beauty before a persons house they are generally rewarded for their pains with gifts of lard bacon and eggs But with all the mysticism and ultra senti mental ways of regarding Christmas the Ger man never forgets it is eminently a season of good cheer Pork in every form and beer usually take the place of roast beef turkey and stronger drinks Then they also have the boars head with a lemon impaled between its grinning tusks Of course this delicacy dates back to Wotans day Tradition says Wotan was fond of the boars head but it is not easy to see where the lemon comes in as the god was certainly not familiar with this tart fruit In Brandenburg and the Uckermark any pigs head will do the stock of boars heads would not hold out and round this animals head are garnishings of sausage and green cab bage Silesia is a province which has especially earned a reputation for succulent dishes Some of the most renowned of German gastronomi cal authorities have lent additional luster to the place by being born there At Christinas time the dish most in request among the Sile sians is a smoked pigs head with baked fruit packed in it and also generously spread over the whole dish This dainty rejoices in the name of Himmelsreich the kingdom of heaven In North Germany the pigs head is not as prominent as in the south Here there is more miscellaneods Christmas eating hearty enough but altogether in variance with American tastes Cakes of all sizes and shapes are also baked and eaten and some of these have a toughness of gutta percha and a hardness of granite These cukes take the form of Knecht Ruprecht or Xikolaus angels and other Christmas novelties Some of these are flavored with honey some with pepper but all are of such consistency that no ordinary grown up person could enjoy a surfeit of them and survive the feast Only children seem to be able to eat these konigbucken and live Thuringia boasts of another curious Christmas delicacy which only the initiated can truly appreciate this is boiled suet dump lings and herrings One cannot be blamed for asking why this mixture Was the herring also favored by Wotan The herring as a Christmas dainty is also favored throughout Saxony but there takes the form of a salad and is eaten with smoked pork and a delicate kind of sauerkraut in which caraway seeds are prominent The Saxony peasants Christmas table is invariably decked with these dishes on Christmas eve and remains thus spread out during the night His idea in doing this is that angels possibly weary of nectar and ambrosia may condescend to visit his humble abode while he sleeps and regale themselves with Saxon smoked beef and herring salad It is interesting to watch the transformation of a German village at Christmas from its usually treeless appearance into a town laid in a forest of firs Wagon loads of these resin scented trees are sent from the hills of Thurin gia the Hartz and Silesia and are put up in even rows in the streets and squares of the town There is nothing like it in any other country For a fortnight before the great feast these long avenues of Tannen are crowded with eager purchasers men women and children of all ages and of every station in life The great desire of each is to get a symmetrical tree and as few trees are liter ally perfect in shape it is the business of the cree merchant to supply branches and ihus give the tree the desired roundness It is the tree that is the attraction of every German home from the kaisers palace down to the humblest peasants hut and around it SKfr yjjysffilgfl5j the Germans best and kindliest thoughts cen ter The tree is not for the German simply a convenient cluster of mere boughs on which to stick candles and hang presents It stands for the most sacred and most dread of all trees the one once erected on Mount Calvary and has thus become the sign and seal of his Christian faith A Christmas Decoration When the children have tired of even their new possessions and how soon the new be comes old and it is too early fox the sandman to pay his nightly visit try this simple amuse ment Suspend a wreath of holly or ever green from a doorway and give to each child an equal quantity of nuts paper wrapped can dles or favors that will stand handling then see who can throw the most articles through the wreath into a basket placed to catch them Give a simple reward to add zest to the game In the same manner the game of twos is conducted Take a large napkin or piece of stout paper Place a lot of nuts or hard can dies in the center Let a child take hold of each corner and give three vigorous tosses singing Goodies goodies dance my Christmas goodies Up they go down they go dance my Chris mas goodies Then there will be a lively scrimmage to see who can recover the most These little devices will make a jolly ending to the happiest day in the year for the chil dren Put them to bed with pretty songs ring ing in their ears Everywhere everywhere Christmas to-night- Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn anc white Christmas where the cornfields He sunny and bright Everywhere everywhere Christmas to night TO CURE A COUGH iiW1 Or Break a Cold In 24 Hours Mix two ounces of Glycerine nnd a hnif miTiPA nf Vimln Oil of Pino com pound pure with a half pint of Straight Whisky Shake well and take a tea spoonful every four hours The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com pound pure Is prepared only by The Leach Chemical Co Cincinnati Ohio and Is put up only In half ounce vials each vial securely sealed In a round wooden case to insure Its freshnosa and purity CONSTITUTIONAL OBJECTION Mrs Thrifty Well If youre thirsty Ill give you a glass of water to drink Weary Willy I dare not touch water mum Ive got an Iron consti tution and it might rust It Why Joyner Left Home Are you ready to receive the obli gations asked the most upright su preme hocus pocus of the Order of Hoot Owls T am said the candidate firmly Then take a sip Of this prussic acid place your right hand In this pot of boiling lead rest your left hand upon this revolving buzz saw close your eyes and repeat after me Early next morning shreds or Joy ners clothing wore found upon the bushes and trees all along the road to Pottsville 30 miles distant and at Scrabbletown G9 miles away he wa3 reported still headed west Judge The juryman who toward the end of a very long trial wished to know what the terms plaintiff and de fendant signified is not alone in his ignorance A writer in the Philadel phia Press tells of a man whose coat had been stolen lie had charged a suspicious looking individual with the theft You say this man stole your coat said the magistrate Do I understand that you prefer charges against him Well no your honor replied the plaintiff I prefer the coat if its all the same to you Youths Compan ion A Natural Cause I think said the smart child re flectively that Hungary must be the most human like or all the nations Why so my child asked the fond papa Because the smart child answered it s governed by its Diet I IKlt ONLY ONE JSKOniO UINI3fK I lulAiL 1 lillUjlll UUIlr JUIK JOT oior lo luw i Cold In One IXiy Bc He who thinks only of himself hasnt any too much to think about Lewis Single Binder straight 5c Many Finokers priier them to 10c cipirs Your dealer or I vis Factory PeCTfta 111 Women are almost as absurd as men are foolish fjml IPf wkS b 7T f fTv li Doacia mates and sells more r men3S300and 8350 shoes thin nnv 1 other manufacturer ia the world he causo thoy hold their shape lit better and wear Ion cer than any other ynnTfc Sksajat AU Prices for trery Member ef tha Family Men Boys Woraan Misses 4 Children JJ3oalai3400tSi503CCtZ4Ei33etact v3 eqaZoI at asy price W L SocgUs 289 aal SI03 liot ara tis tcit la tit crfl Tat Color SjelrU ZTsetl Excttulvilu S3 TaUe Ao flabttltute W U DoaeHs raine and pri Is stamped oa bottom Sold eTerywfcere Shoes mailed from factory to any part ct tsc world Catalogue free W L SOLGLAS IS7 Spirk SU Brodrtoa Mss Wk Stop Cougning 9 jcQSj Nctbirg brrzis down tLc hlh o I9H aj Ctci7iadpotirc3yajapcrclcit IjKl S conch If yea Late a cocja sjtc jRji jfgLr3 it attenbea bow Yoa can rcScrc Ml JS itcailyvyiHSOSCURE 959 ELg FaxcosforhalfacesteyajtLs 3j3 fcSaJ tdiatls remedy fcr coud ITW En Ecanacs brcadatis aaioa and Qfl IBB Hni2ndaimeauFtaefcicl2drea Bi HE At all drossutx 25 cts H v rt I r1 w i t MJ t