The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 22, 1908, Image 3

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Willie Wanted to Be Certain His
Prayer Had Been Heard
Willie had not been a very good boy
that day and In consequence of certain
Inexcusable derelictions he had been
aent to bed with the sun After sup
per his father climbed the stairs to the
youngsters room and throwing him
self down on the bod alongside of the
delinquent began to talk- to him
Willie he said gravely did you
say your prayers before you went to
Yesslr said Willie
And did you ask the Lord to make
you a good boy asked the parent
Yep said Willie and 1 guess itll
work this time
Good said the father Im glad
to hear that
Yes said Willie but I dont think
well know before to morrow Youve
got to give tho Lord time you know
And what makes you thinkit will
work this time my son queried the
anxious father
Why after the amen I put in an
It S V P explained the boy Har
pers Weekly
After Inflammatory Rheumatism Hair
Came Out Skin Peeled and Bed
Sores Developed Only
cura Proved Successful
About four yearc ago I had a very
severe attack of Inflammatory rheuma
tism My skin peeled aud the high
fever played havoc with my hair
which came out in otmches I also
had three large bed sores on my back
I did not gain very rapidly and my
appetite was very poor I tried many
sure cures but they were of little
Itelp and until I tried Cuticura Re
solvent I had had no real relief Then
my complexion cleared and soon I felt
better The bed sores went very soon
after a few applications of Cuticura
Ointment and when I used Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment for my hair
It began to regain Its former glossy ap
pearance Airs Lavina J Henderson
33S Broad St Stamford Conn March
G and 12 1907
Arent you almost ready for
Im sorry but something dreadful
has happened I cant go to church
to day
For heavens sake what has hap
The cook is wearing one just like
Not Fair
Look here Abraham said the
judge Its been proved right here in
court that instead of doing something
to help support your wife and children
yau spend your whole time hunting
The old negro hung his head
Now Abe you love your wife dont
Ah suttinly does
And -your children
Yas suh
And you love them both better
Better evry day jedge Abe
broke in
better than a thousand pos
Look byah jedge exclaimed Abe
with widening eyes dats takin a
coou at a powful disadvantage Bo
hemian Magazine
Journalism in Pennsylvania
We have taken wood potatoes corn
eggs butter onions cabbage chick
ens stone lumber labor sand calico
sauerkraut second hand clothing coon
skins and bug juice scrap iron shoo
pegs rawhides chinquepins tan bark
dogs sorghum seed jarware and
wheat straw on subscription and now
a man wants to know if we would send
the paper for six months for a large
owl Yve have no precedent for refus
ing and if we can find a man who is
out or an owl and wants one well do
it Treverton Times
Sheer white goods in fact any fine
wash goods when new owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching the first essential
being good Starch which has sufficient
strength to stiffen without thickening
the goods Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work
The Symmetrical Figure
Speaking of that rare gift sym
metry of person it is more desirable
than beauty of feature because it out
lasts youth The symmetrical figure
is perfectly proportioned and articu
lated anatomy and nothing is more
rare Be thankful fain ones when
you have points which cause us to
to overlook any little discrepancy in
form Exchange
In all its forms among all ages of
koines Us -well as dogs cured and others
in same stable prevented from having the
CURE Every bottle guaranteed Over
500000 bottles sold last year o0 and
100 Any good druggist or send to manu
facturers Agents -wanted Spohn Medical
Co Spec Contagious DiseasesGoshen lnd
Not She
He If I kissed you would you give
It away to your mother
She--Oh no I dont think mamma
would want It
The joyous time is drawing
nigh the time of turkey pudding
pie nor do we dream of after
ills of squills and pills and
Christmas bills
if if
A girl begins to hang up the
mistletoe at about the age when
she stops hanging up her stocking
if if
A pessimist is a fellow who
wouldnt hang up his stocking
for fear old Santa Claus might
swipe it
if if
Christmas cigars are not
always puffed up with pride
if if
Theres many a slip twbet the
Miss and the mistletoe
Dont make it too strong
Many a man has been knocked
out by one good stiff punch
if if
Ask a truthful woman what
she enjoys most about Christ
mas and she will tell you the
bargain sales afterward
To sing a rhyme of Christmas
time that line is but the first of
it heres hoping you may not
feel blue because you get the
worst of it
if iff
When a child writes a letter
of thanks to Santa Claus it
should be cherished like a rare
plant That kid isnt long for
this world
iff iff
No Christmas present is so
useless that you cant pass it on
to some one else next year
if if
Remember that it is better to
give than to receive the things
you dont want
if if
Take off the tags Many a
friendship has been severed by
the price mark on a Christmas
if if
I have often wondered wherein
consisted the wisdom of Solomon
when he had a thousand wives
I am now convinced that it must
have been in living in the days
before Christmas was celebrated
if if
Its all right to pity the poor
at this peace-on-earth season
but it is also well to remember
that sympathy doesnt fill an
empty stomach
Give willingly
Give tactfully
Put thought into your giving
Dont consider return gifts
Never give to others what you
wouldnt want yourself
The unexpected gift insures a spe
cial appreciation
To give ostentatiously is the height
of bad taste
Give to the sick and the sorrowful if
you would know the true joy of giving
Never give more than you can af
ford Your friends know your circum
stances as well as you do yourself and
the pleasure of both giving and re
ceiving is lost
f sT
k i
A Question in Finance
Are you good at arithmetic my
dear asked Mr Perkasie of his wife
I was accounted the very best
arithmetician at school replied Mrs
Perkasie with a touch of pride in
her voice
I have a problem for you
State it
How can I buy 50 worth of Christ
mas presents with 10 in cash and no
Some Things He Would Like to Give
If He Could
Do you know the Christmas pres
ent Id like to make if I could said
Mr Staybolt Id like to give cheer
fulness to tho downhearted courage
to the timid and strength to tho weak
the power of self denial to thoso who
yield too easily and a desire to work
to the lazy
I have often thought what a pity
it is that you cant buy all these
things those helpful qualities already
put up and at such a price as to put
them within the reach of all canned
cheerfulness bottled hopefulness
courage in tablets and strength say
in the form of a powder and so on
or you might I suppose put em all
up canned for that matter
But in the absence of such market
preparations and our consequent in
ability to buy such things and send
them as gifts to those whom they
might most benefit perhaps you will
permit me to offer to each a word of
To the dispirited take a cheerful
view To the downhearted dont dwell
on the doleful side To the timid
dont be afraid To the weak or those
who fancy themselves sd try your
strength Youll be surprised to find
how much youve got
To those who yield too easily deny
yourself once and again and feel the
joy and strength thatwill como back
to you To the lazy get a job with a
shovel in a gang of laborers under a
driving boss and if you are not glad
to get back to your present job to do
the best you know how at it I miss
my guess
I cant send you these things in
cans or bottles but if anyone of you
will take my advice and stick to It
youll think that Mr Staybolt was a
very kind Santa Claus
The love light in the eyes of the
precious ones of the household is the
most brilliant of Christmas illumina
The soft Christmas light Is not the
least welcome where the shadows of
bereavement have fallen during the
year The Christmas angel3 hover
over such dwellings of sorrow in mln
Istrits of divine love
It was the Christ who said It
Is more blessed to give than to re
ceive Again he said Inasmuch
as ye have done it to one of the least
of these my brethren ye have done it
unto me
TPnr stood amain thz fiSsSfe f
j msTurroc veVte J
i j
fhPffzvAsoMy dftf dfr i
At the Manger
When first her Christmas watch to keep
Came down the silent Angel Sleep
With snowy sandals shod
Beholding what his mothers hands
Had wrought with softer swaddling
She swathed the Son of God
Then skilled in mysteries of Night
With tender visions of delight
She wreathed his resting place
Till wakened by a warmer glow
Than heaven itself had yet to show
He saw his mothers face
John B Tabb in Atlantic
a tc vjoa7sa ti r
W orc c wvxej
yz Christmas spirit
gftristmas i tfte season of Kindness To
gftristraas celebrates tfte coming of gftrist in
to tfte world and tfte fteart of tfte gftrfci
message is love love expressing itself in
ftomely channels of friendliness and good
will love tftat suffered long and is Kind
If w ftave Kindly emotions let tftem ftave
tfteir way and blossom into Kindly tftougftts
and Kindly deeds et tfte free cftild spirit
of open ftearted friendliness prevail for
tftis is tfte cftilds festival celebrating tfte
birtft of a cftild tfte wonderful Giver wfto
gave fiimself for manKind Eet us carry tfte
gftristmas spirit tftrougft all tfte following
days tftat come and go witft all tfteir meas
ure of care or pain or pleasure and bear in
our ftearts tfte inspiration and Dope of tfte
blessed gftristmas festival of love bearing
ever ringing above tfte sounds of eartft and
sense tfte song of tfte angels fteralding in
tfte birtft o tfte Saviour cf manKind
vjg l a J sLwyafeaig
O RO 7 0ti w O
Lo now is come our joyfullat time
Let every man be jolly
Each room with Ivy leaves is drest
And every post with Holly
Without the door let Sorrow lie
And if for cold he hap to die
Well bury him in a Christmas Pye
And evermore be merry
LL of the evergreen plants
have long been consid
ered symbolic of immor
tality of rebirth Hence
they and they alone are
appropriate decorations
for the Christmas season
which was originally a celebration un
der the disguise of various national re
ligious forms of the turning of the
sun at the winter solstice and the con
sequent renewal of life on the earth
When Constantine was converted
he seized upon every underlying like
ness however remote between the old
faith and the new Every familiar
symbol that might be stretched to fit
the strange faith- every old custom
that would help to reconcile his lately
and sometimes forcibly converted
people to their unaccustomed belief
was adopted and re explained And
the return of the sun bringing life
and light to the winter bound earth
became the prototype of the coming
of the Son of Man bringing life and
light to the soul of the sin bound
world So that at first all the heathen
observances were retained as far as
possible and merely given a new
At the Christmas festival the ivy
and holly still made a summer screen
of the stone walls as in ancient Ger
many they had turned the huge halls
at mid winter to bowers of greenery
wherein the sylvan sprites who dwelt
in summer among the forest trees
might pass the frozen months without
too much discomfort An echo from
Scandinavia is still heard in the say
ing current among the peasants of the
old world that if any bit of holiday
decoration is left in the house after
Candlemas day February 2 a troop
of little devils wll enter and sit one
on each withered leaf every one
bringing its own small curse upon the
house These little devils are merely
the old forest sprites detained against
their will by their undestroyed winter
refuge and fretting to return to the
awakening woods of spring
The churches were still green with
Christmas garlands in those early
days and ablaze with candles as the
temples of Saturn had always been
during the corresponding Roman fes
tival of the Saturnalia But as Poly
dore Vergil remarks Tfymmyng the
temples with hangyngs floures
boughes and garlandes was taken of
the heathen people which decked
their idols and houses in suche array
And as time went on and it became
no more necessary to make conces
sions that would help reconcile the
people to their changed faith these
heathen customs became distaste
ful to the church One of the early
councils forbids men longer to deck
up their houses with lawrell yvie and
greene boughes as we used to doe
at the Christmasse season
This command was observed in the
temples but in the baronial halls the
old customs lived on lived down their
questionable past won again the tol
eration of the priests who had sternly
banished them and to day all the ever
greens again are admitted to the
strictest church so that we again can
say at Christmas
Now with bright Holly all the temples
With Ivy green and sacred Mistletoe
The Early Calendar of English
Flowers an old poem wherein each
month is recognized by its appropriate
plant symbol ends with these lines
Soon the evergreene Laurel alone is
When Catherine crowns all learned
The Ivie and Hollie berries are seene
And Yule log and Wassaile come round
The laurel is used not at all and the
ivy but little in American decorations
at Christmas since both plants are
exceedingly rare here But in England
the use of the ivy at least is universal
and the references to It in Christmas
song and story alone would fill a small
Besides its claim to appropriate
ness for the Christmas season which
It holds in common with other ever
greens it has two especially strong
recommendations of its own On ac
count of Its habit of clinging strongly
to its supporting tree or wall it is
a popular symbol of friendship and
fidelity and as such an excellent deco
ration for the season of good will and
universal brotherhood And it was
in Roman days sacred to Bacchus
who when a baby was hidden by his
aunt Ino among its leaves to save
him from Junos destructive wrath
Prynne says
At Christmas men do always Ivy get
And In each corner of the house it set
But why do they then use that Bacchus
Because they mean then Bacchus like to
This satirical explanation was but
too true In the earlier days when
Christmas lasted for weeks and was
given over to a revelry almost wholly
heathen in character
To day in America the Christmas
decorations almost exclusively are of
holly which for all its popularity Is
less consecrated by legend than any
other holiday greenery To be sure
we make a sparing use of the mistle
toe which from the ancient Druidical
meaning of purity given to its wax
white berries and from its use by
them in the marriage rite has come
to give a charter for kissing as broad
as the wind And we have added the
bitter sweet which has no traditional
signification whatever Is not an
evergreen and is to be tolerated
merely for its beautys sake and for
the slight suggestion it gives of the
holly berry
Our American holly is said to be
less beautiful than the European
plant having leaves of a duller green
But making all allowances for pos
sible disadvantages it still is a re
markably beautiful tree And as a
symbol of the immortality which it is
the seasons special mission to teach
it surely has no rival The leaves re
main on the branches for three years
losing their hold only when they are
pushed off at last by the growing buds
of spring
Throughout England so little is its
supremacy disputed that it is popular
ly known as Christmas just as the
hawthorn is called The May
Its name has been a matter of con
siderable interest Theophrastus and
other Greek authors named the plant
Agria that is wild or of the fields
The Romans formed from this the
word Agrifolium and called it also
Aquifolium from actum sharp and
folium a leaf Bauhin and Loureiro
first named it Ilex from the resemb
lance of its leaves to those of the
Quercus Ilex a species of oak which
was the true Ilex of Virgil Lunnaeus
adopted the name Ilex for the genus
and preserved the name Aquifolium
for the most anciently known species
Our popular name holly probably
is a corruption of the word holy as
Turner in his herbal calls it holy and
holy tree The thorny foliage and
the berries like drops of bright blood
could scarcely fail to remind a Chris
tian of the crown of thorns and this
together with the universal use of the
plant in the churches at Christmas
easily would account for the name
In Germany it is known as Christ
dorn The Danish name is Christorn
and the Swedish Christtorn The
same name Christs thorn is found in
some parts of England But as no
legend connects the holly with the
crown of thorns this name universal
among the Germanic peoples must be
merely the result of its appearance
and of its Christmas popularity as
before suggested
Love will draw tho world to you
and surround you with an ntmosphoro
of happiness and success Every hard
thought gives birth to a singing ser
pent in your own hoart
The cashing in of the oraotions In
any form plays smash with tho sin
cerity of any subsequent emotion on
the part of the vendor
Yes a magic vujc is that which
overflows with what is dropped into
it And that magic vase is no fanci
ful conception
Drinking Barley Water
Now that grown ups ns well as ba
bies drink chilled barley wnter during
the warm weather every ono is learn
ing how to make it
It is supposed to bn hotter than lem
onade and has excellent tonic proper
ties It is recommended by all doc
tors for those whose stomachs are not
very strong through the summer
A good way to make It Is a fol
lows Put a scant cupful of barley In
an earthen vessel and cover with two
or three quarts of boiling water
When cold strain and add lemon juice
It should be kept on Ice in order that t
may be chilled This is hotter than
serving It with cracked Ice In a glass
Its funny where somo folks get
their rep for disdom For instance
Solomon is said to have had a thou
sand wives
By lifting the burdens of others we
Hghtea our own By making other
happy we bring happiness to our
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get tho
desired stiffness it Is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch as It can be applied
much more thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes
Some women get red In the faco
because of innate modesty some get
furiously red because of their quick
tempers some women get beautifully
red in the face because of the beauty
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can it will have the
proper stiffness- and finish there will
be less wear and tear of the goods
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to
the iron
If you drop in love it overflows
love If you drop in charity it over
flows charity Drop in envy and
jealousy and hate and it will over
flow these things into your own life
To praise a good action is to par
ticipate in its repetition
We grind our own invisible bifocal
lenses There is no cement to flake
or ugly lines to blur the vision One
solid piece of glass Ask to see
them Free examination
Exclusive Opticians 213 South 16th St
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Winter Term Begins First Monday In Jan
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