The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 15, 1908, Image 6

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Wimnmninu HOT
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Honesty Makes Succecs
A great fortune has been held per
re to bo conclusive of double dealing
and fraud To bo oppressive and dis
honest has been declared the only way
to attain great financial success This
wo claim to be untrue as a statement
of fact declares Leslies Weekly and
at the same time a dangerous doctrine
by a plain law of psychology Young
men want success spelled with a big
S and the ambitious are not satis
fied short of a fair degree of material
reward For this there is no moral
blame But already the harm has
been done In making the false sugges
tion that in order to be successful one
has only to be slick overshrewd dis
honest In the far reaching influence
of simple suggestion we have one of
the most valuable contributions of
modern psychology The smallest
word of suggestion can reshape a
career Thus the erroneous preaching
of many a sincere moral leader has
worked we know not how much harm
With a true conception of what consti
tutes the highest aim of life there has
been coupled a false suggestion of how
to obtain what may be called a lower
form of success the material On the
contrary the lesson always to be
driven home is that real success
moral intellectual or economic
comes only as the reward of honest
effort on the part of every man No
other thought should ever be sug
gested The surest way to any lasting
preeminence even though it be finan
cial is the way of old fashioned hon
esty and integrity These qualities
were never more valued than to day
and now as always they pave the
road to fortune
Lung Exercise
Pure air as every sensible person
knows is essential to health The man
or woman who seeks to build up and
maintain a good physical condition will
try to dwell where pure air abounds
Our first act in life is to breathe the
cessation of breath is death Between
that first instinctive act of respiration
and the last feeble fluttering gasp
how little practical thought is given to
the vital subject of correct breathing
As free as air runs the proverb The
economy practiced by many in breath
ling the proper amount of air would
apparently mark It as a rare and ex
pensive commodity At least twice a
day practice any good exercise that
will fully inflate the lungs and fill the
blood with life giving oxygen recom
mends the New York Weekly Do not
breathe as if under a bell glass and
you feared to exhaust the supply Lie
flat on your back upon the floor
Stretch the arms high above the head
Inhale slowly through the nostrils un
til the lungs are filled Retain the air
as long as possible then exhale slow
ly letting the hands fall gradually to
the sides If practiced daily this
breathing exercise will broaden and
deepen the chest and effectually ward
off incipient pulmonary trouble as
well as develop the figure Of course
dt is understood that the exercise
should be taken with the windows
wide open
It was on a rookline car and not
all the 18 seats were occupied but the
fares had a tough time just the
same relates the Boston Herald
Scratches and gashes marked the
necks and noses of more than one in
dividual as the brims of wide-spreading
hats did the work beautifully and
trimmings of enormous wings and
quills poked out numerous eyes
which it is true were gallantly picked
up and restored to their owners
Nevertheless murmurs from both
sexes and very cross looks surprised
an eerie assemblage usually so polite
and deeply interested in their oppo
site nelgnbors clothes What does it
mean Does the eternal feminine re
Bent the size of her own millinery
when it is on another head than her
own It must be
Hunting whales with big and speedy
ocean liners would be expensive but
no doubt It woId be effective A ship
which arrived in Boston reports that
while crossing the Grand Banks it ran
into a school of whales When one of
the whales attempted to cross the ves
sels course the sharp steel bow struck
the cetacean and cut him in two and
as the pieces drifted astern the propel
ler wheels caught them and ground
them into mincemeat The big crea
tures have a fighting chance when the
old fashioned whalers go after them
They iave no chance at all when they
go up against an ocean flyer
The Hudson Fulton commission Is
having constructed fac similes of Hen
ry Hudsons Half Moon and Fultons
Clermont The Half Moon model is
to be built in Holland and brought
over in time for the joint celebration
next year Those two vessels will be
impressive object lessons Would it
not be well to make provision for pre
serving them permanently
Count that day lost whose low de
scending sun views no new statesman
-started on the run
Did Fate Ever Play Such Pranks
with Any Group of Young Women
as with Gay Garden of Beauty
in This Curiously Famous
Stage Piece
EW YORK The marriage
of Edna Goodrich and Nat
Goodwin while still the
echoes of Ada Louise
Lonsdales breach of
promise suit against
Blaine Elkins were reverberating
through the theatrical world recalls in
a rather startling way the production
of The Wild Rose at the Knicker
bocker theater in 1902 For it adds
one more to the strange blossoms in
that garden of romances tragedies
and scandals which has grown up
around the men and women of The
Wild Rose production
It seems as if some fatality must
have hung over that company of ac
tors and actresses and that it has pur
sued them inexorably ever since those
days when they were first assembled
together True a few of the romances
have the pure tint and the sweet savor
of the wild rose from which they
sprang but they are rare bright spots
in a wild rank garden in which there
are few roses that have not a canker
worm in their heart
A wonderful human rose bush was
that production and blossom after
blossom has since borne fruit in dra
mas of real life Evelyn Nesbit Thaw
the theater going world saw her at
her prettiest there May Mackenzie
Ada Louise Lonsdale Mazie Follette
Edna Goodrich Hattie Forsythe Mar
guerite Clark and Irene Bentley can
you picture fairer blossoms from a liv
ing American Beauty rose bush And
gardener of that parterre the manager
of this aggregation of charming wom
en George W Lederer even he fell
under the spell which marked The
Wild Rose as the bush from which
grew matrimony divorce and some
times the trail of sin which in more
than one instance led to criminal
Made Trouble for Manager
Angered by the attentions paid by
her husband to the chorus girls of the
comic opera Mrs Lederer sued him j
learning that the manager of the suc
cessful musical comedy had fallen a
victim to the strange influence exer
cised by The Wild Rose and through
his connection with it had earned only
a divorce decree says the New York
Praised by Stanford White
The brunette beauty of Edna Good
rich was one of the richest blossoms of
The Wild Rose and while in that
company she attracted the attention
of the famous architect Stanford
White He was a good judge of roses
and he spread the fame of the beauty
From the ranks of show girls Edna
Goodrich was soon plucked by Nat
Goodwin who wore her as it were in
his buttonhole as a leading lady Those
wno went to the theater to scoff re
mained if not to nrav at Innsr in
gasp at the beauty of this leading lady
who had tripped the light fantastic in
The Wild Rose
Not content with becoming a lead
ing lady Edna Goodrich again stepped
into the international spotlight by
playing the leading part in a triangu
lar love affair While buying a trous
seau in Paris at the close of the last
theatrical seasdn presumably to be
come the bride of a millionaire mine
owner named McMillan the ex chorus
girl led Nat Goodwin a love chase
from Paris to San Francisco The
world looked laughed and gasped
again when with perfect equanimity
the fickle footlight lady broke her en
gagement to the man of the mines at
the same time that the noted comedi
an was divorced from Americas most
beautiful actress Maxine Elliott Nat
Goodwin and Miss Goodrich were mar
ried and presumably the former show
girl is blessing The Wild Rose bush
from which she bloomed into fame and
Beautiful Mazie Follette
The effervescent spirits of Mazie
Follette who now occupies an acknowl
edged position in the gay world at
tracted masculine attention when first
n ii M jummmmmt
i -1
for diyorce naming Evelyn Thaw as
one of the co respondents
Some nine -years previously Adele
Rice a Baltimore beauty of note had
startled Manhattan and southern thea
trical circles by marrying the theatri
cal manager George W Lederer a few
hours after his release from former
marital fetters For many years the
Lederers safely sailed the domestic
fieas steering clear of matrimonial
breakers in the form of chorus girls
While Mrs Lederer managed matri
mony Mr Lederer managed many a
musical show Chorus girls would
come and chorus girls would go as far
as George Lederer was concerned
until he found himself tending this
Wild Rose bush and was bewitched
by the spell of its uncanny beauty
The world at large was not long in
she shone in The Wild Rose com
pany By the bouquet of beauties who
were destined to win notoriety or fame
Mazie Follette was looked upon as a
genial joyous young thing and her
rare good spirits led her into many a
daring escapade Even as an obscure
chorus girl she acquired fame for her
nimbieness and grace and inability to
make her eyes behave brought her
quickly to the front From being an
obscure bud in the chorus of The
Wild Rose she has blossomed out
into the position of danseuse She
came conspicuously into the limelight
when at the famous Thaw trial it was
reported that she had turned against
her erstwhile chum and was threaten
ing to aid the prosecution by telling
all she knew Since then Mazie Fol
lettes hilarious escapades have often
entertained bohemla whero it is com
monly said that her lively personality
was first developed In her Wild Rose
But the most famous of all the
young women who bloomed upon the
Wild Rob6 bush is Evelyn Nesblt
Thaw It was not a beautiful flower
that grew from her connection with
that company Blood and shame were
on its petals sorrow and dishonor ate
out Its heart While posing behind the
footlights of the Knickerbocker Evelyn
Nesblt acquired the fascinating wiles
which since have sent one man to his
grave and another to a madhouse for
it was in those days that she formed
the acquaintance with Stanford White
ners in the matrimonial bouquet
Wild Rose company tA golden haired
actress met its librettist Harry B
Smith whoso prolific pen has produced
numerous successful musical com
edies He was married and so was
she but the divorce mills obligingly
ground out the desired decrees and
wedding hells soon told the world
that the mystic Wild Rose had uni
ted its leading lad and its composer
Ada Lonsdale and Elkins
Last but not least comes Ada Louise
Lonsdale who recently startled not
only Washington and New York but
Italy as well by bringing a 100000
breach of promise suit against Blaine
Elkins son of the Virginia senator and
brother of the reported fiancee of the
mm SHsr SEmII
LTHnlrrAw yBm
mr imm m mi ir t
flpzf j Maxnf LLorr
led at last to his shooting by
Stood by Evelyn Nesbit
Standing in the light of reflected no
toriety is May Mackenzie the chorus
girl chum of Evelyn Nesbit who occu
pied a prominent place at the Thaw
trial as the daily companion and
stanch friend of the defendants wife
For the sake of the Wild Rose days
when the two shared the same lip pen
cil and borrowed each others powder
puff May Mackenzie unconcernedly
braved notoriety to lighten the dark
hours in the life of her afflicted friend
Her name was on every lip her jaun
ty appearance causing almost as much
comment as that of the angel child
And again this sprightly little per
son has appropriated the limelight
now being hailed as the possessor of
the wickedest eyes in New York
Not that May Mackenzie really likes
to have her orbs thought naughty
Dear me no Its dreadfully distres
sing because as she plaintively ex
plains I cant just make my eyes be
have But by metropolitan theater
goers it is readily remembered that
in the Wild Rose days those eyes
were not of the unmanageable brand
and it is only since she budded in that
garden of scandal that May Macken
zies optical organs have become the
wickedest in all New York
A little wisp of a girl with a tiny
face enormous eyes and a lithe figure
incased in a cadet uniform sang a sol
dier song in The Wild Rose and
caught the publics fleeting fancy She
was Marguerite Clark the dainty
comedienne whose child like charm
has endeared her to the hearts of
theater goers Before her advent in
The Wild Rose the youthful actress
had appeared in several road compa
nies whose tours invariably ended dis
astrously but once under the peculiar
charm of that rose garden fame gave
the little girl a helping hand which
she found to hold fortune as well
The small petals of the inconspicuous
soubrette have grown into the full
bloom of a musical comedy star and
who shall say that The Wild Rose
was not instrumental in Marguerite
Clarks success
Left the Stages Glitter
Success but of a slightly different
kind has crowned the career of Hattie
Forsythe whose charms have become
the toast of Paris London and New
York Since her appearance as a show
girl in The Wild Rose Hattie For
sythes rise has been rapid and radiant
and her brilliant beauty has not shone
behind the footlights for several years
Instead Palm Beach Paris and the
Riviera have gaped at the gowns and
jewels of the former show gird who
has won admiring attention of Russian
princes Italian counts and rich Ameri
cans To several persons of high de
gree Miss Forsythes engagement has
been rumored and it is reported that
her latest assiduous admirer is a
young son of the Philadelphia Drex
Though Hymen has thus far failed
to ensnare Hattie Forsythe Irene
Bentley has been busy changing part
Duke of the Abruzzi To The Wild
Rose must be credited this latest sen
sation for it was while playing a mi
nor part in that piece that the young
actress who belonged to a good family
of Memphis Tenn first became inter
ested in Blaine Elkins then a college
youth When on January 28 last young
Elkins eloped and married the daugh
ter of the late Senator Kenna nothing
was heard from his former sweetheart
Ada Louise Lonsdale However she
chose a psychological moment when
the announcement of another interna
tional engagement was expected and
startled the world at large by the
1100000 suit But the suit is said to
have been dropped
When Miss Lonsdale recently disap
peared the tongues of the gossips were
let loose and they began counting up
the sensations that have already
bloomed from that Wild Rose bush
How an American Royalty Received a
State Funeral
The recent death of Prince David
heir presumptive of the old line of
Hawaiian kings and the brother of
Prince Jonah the present delegate at
Washington was an event of great
interest in Hawaii says the Youths
Never before surely was a state
funeral accorded by order of the
United States to a person of royal
blood resident within the national do
The native Hawaiians still deeply
attached to the ancient dynasty found
great satisfaction in the honor and
the state funeral of an American sub
ject became in all its details the royal
funeral of a Hawaiian sovereign
The body of Prince David lav in
state in Honolulu At midnight with
no light the coffin with all the royal
regalia was borne to the throneroom
The approaches to the capitol were
guarded by the militia and all day
long a continuous procession of all
nationalities poured in at one door
and out at another
The room is beautiful and it was
filled with wonderous kahilis the
feather trees permitted only to roy
alty graceful fountainlike masses of
feathers thousands in each kahili
and in all exquisite and vivid tints of
tropic plumage some all scarlet
some white some lavender some yel
low and some brown
Over the bier of the dead prince lay
a priceless great feather robe soft and
glowing of yellow touched with scar
let By his side stood native Ha
waiians in deep black with shoulder
capes of yellow feathers and black
auu iiiie iviiiiiiis iney were as mo
tionless as bronze statues Beyond
them were more guards then a line
of mourning women of royal blood
At the end of the room were flowers
loved of Hawaiians
In the deep recess of a window were
grouped the chanters reciting aloud
the deeds of the princes ancestors
and wailing for his death a sound
says one who was there to make
While playing a leading role in The the creeps run down ones ssa
Or Break a Cold In 24 Hours
Mix two ounces of Glycerine and a
half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com
pound pure with a half pint of Straight
Whisky Shake well and take a tea
spoonful every four hours
The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com
pound pure is prepared only by Tho
Leach Chemical Co Cincinnati Ohio
and is put up only in half ounce vials
each vial securely sealed in a round
wooden case to insure its freshness
and purity
rBKfc i - r l
Lazy Larry Woof Just to think
with all this wasted effort I could
have won the Marathon race
Sheer white goods In fact any fine
wash goods when new owe much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
are laundered this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching the first essential
being good Starch which has sufficient
strength to stiffen without thickening
the goods Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work
Pa Marys upstairs crying again
Whats the matter this time
I cant just make out whether its
because shes afraid Jim wont ask
her to go to the theater to night or
whether she hasnt anything fit to
wear if he should Detroit Free
Ex Senator M C Butlc
Dysfefsia Is Often Caused by Catarrh
of tne Stomach Peruna Kehc es Ca
tarrh of tJic Stomach and Is Therefore a
Semedyfor Dysfcfsia
Hon M C Butler U S Senator
I from South Carolina for two terms I
i iu a xkLi iium ii iiajiiiigisil jlj
I writes to tne reruna jueclicme t
I as follows
I can recommend Peruna fori
i dyspepsia and stomach trouble I
have been using your medicine fori
ci jnui i jjGiivu uiiu m icci very inucn
T relieved It is indeed a wonderful r
medicine besides a good tonic
CATARRH of the stomach is the cor
rect name for most cases of dyspep
sia Only an internal cat rn rem
edy such as Peruna is available
Peruna Tablets can now be procured
Ask your Druggist for a Frc Peruna
Almanac for 1909
Omaha Directory
et Voot Gne
Eieif tobmkm
There co bzcnrHal
bouUe that it 13
Free froa edzla ct
crroeaa rciefcrch3drea
At all crujsutt
flf Faofory
Aulabaughs complete
catalogue will show
you what VOll uant
iu1 VtsLtA 1508 Doualas St 0M4HA
H 000QS
by mall at cut prices Send for free catalozae
1517 Douglas St OMAHA NEB
Reliable Dentistry at Hodsrate Prices
Keep It on
Cecals an crJrit a
ranabe of ifce
Klasr a bad cold ha
ead ccch ncknca
has been saved bv
tidas m
7 esy tang ffTH
3 been Arerterl hASJ
Btnd sciferc filii
toe nu W0f
There ts nctfeff WSM
rmth rl JJ tTM
cr lust H8
25 ctr B
Miia i BSiMiK
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