The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 15, 1908, Image 3

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Fhoto by Sloffott Studio Chicago
Mrs William Wallace Garr of Richmond Ind was recently elected as the
first president of the Associated Clubs of Domestic Science which was formed
to carry on a campaign all over the United States against impure foods and
bad cooking Mrs Garr believes that- the people can be educated up to a
higher standard of living with the aid of expert lecturers whom the new so
ciety will employ She intends to direct the campaign so as not to interfere
with any other organizations which are at present engaged in the work and
will seek to co operate with them Mrs Garr has for some time been an ac
tive worker in the cause of domestic science
Gaining About Three Times as Fast as
Population Desertion and Drink
Leading Causes Raise in
Marriage Rate
Washington Divorce and marriage
statistics for 20 years from 1887 to
1906 inclusive are embodied in a com
pilation just completed by the United
States census bureau
The report is the second of its kind
Issued under federal authority and
embodies the results of its predeces
sor beside presenting new and more
recent data
The total number of marriages re
corded during the 20 years from 1SS7
to 190G inclusive was 12832044 The
number annually reported increased
from 483069 in the year 1887 to 853
290 in the year 1906
The marriage rate in the United
States in the year 1900 was 93 per 10
000 population
The total number of divorces re
ported for the 20 years 1887 to 1906
Inclusive was 945625 For the earlier
investigation covering the 20 years
1867 to 1886 inclusive thnumber re
ported was 328716 or hardly more
than one third of the number recorded
in the second 20 years At the begin
ning of the 40 year period covered by
the two investigations divorces oc
curred at the rate of 10000 a year at
the end of that period the annual num
ber was about 66000 This increase
however must be considered in con
nection with increase in population
An increase of 30 per cent in popu
lation Tietween the years 1870 to 1880
was accompanied by an increase of 79
per cent in the number of divorces
granted In the next decade 1880 to
1890 the population increased 25 per
cent and divorces 70 per cent and in
the following decade 1S90 to 1900 an
increase of 21 per cent in population
was accompanied by an increase of 66
per cent in the number of divorces
In the six years from 1900 to 1906
population as estimated increased
105 per cent and divorces 293 per
It thus appears that at the end of
the 40 year period divorces were in
creasing about three times as fast as
population while in the first decade
1870 to 1880 they increased only
about two and two thirds as fast
The divorce rate per 100000 popula
tion increased from 29 in 1870 to 82 in
1905 In the former year there was
one divorce for every 3441 persons
and In th latter year one for every
1218 Since it is only married people
who can become divorced a more sig
nificant divorce rate is that which is
based not upon total population but
upon the total married population
The rate per 100000 married popula
tion was 81 In the year 1870 and 200 in
the year 1900 This comparison indi
cates that divorce is at the present
two and one half times as common
compared with married population as
it was 40 years ago A divorce rate
of 200 per 100000 married population
is equivalent to two per 1000 married
population Assuming that 1000
married people represent 500 married
couples It follows that In each year
four married couples out of every
1000 secure a divorce
This does not mean that only four
marriages out of 1000 are terminated
by divorce The rate it will be noted
is an annual rate continuously oper
ative and comes far short of measur
ing the probability of ultimate divorce
The available data indicate however
that not less than one marriage in 12
is ultimately terminated by divorce
Divorce rates appear to be much
higher in the United States than in
any of the foreign countries for which
statistics relating to this subject have
been obtained
The most common single ground for
divorce is desertion This accounts
for 389 per cent of all divorces
period 18S7 to 1906 494 per cent
or almost one half of those granted to
the husband and 335 per cent or
one third of those granted to the
Drunkenness was the ground for
divorce in 53 per cent of the cases in
which the wife brought suit and in
11 per cent of the cases in which
the suit was brought by the husband
Of the divorced couples known to
have been married in the United
States 885 per cent were married
in the same state in which they were
divorced and 215 per cent in other
Legal to Pick Hubbys Pockets
Washington It is legal for a wom
an to take money from her husbands
pockets while he sleeps It has been
so decided by Judge Mullowny of the
Washington police court
It shows the interest the woman
has in you he said to George
way who complained that his wife
took liberties with his pockets as he
slept It shows that she loves you
A woman who does not go through the
pockets of her husband does not love
Ridgway had been arrested on com
plaint of his wife who declared she
was afraid her husband would do her
injury He was put under bond to
keep the peace
Frank Barnett Entered a Machine for
Mechanical Flight at the Iowa
State Fair Thirty Eight
Years Ago
Kansas City Mo In the fall of
1870 Frank Barnett of Kansas City
according to a memorandum still In
his possession entered at the Iowa
state fair in Keokuk for exhibition
tomatoes cabbage onions and a ma
chine for mechanical flight
In the 38 years that have passed
since Mr Barnett has not lost his in
terest in aeronautics For the last 15
years he has made his home in Kan
sas City and from time to time has
continued his experiments with mod
els of box kites and aeroplanes
Barring the light high power en
gines of to day Mr Barnett said
and the use of greatly improved
materials my first machine was the
forerunner of the present day aero
plane and demonstrated1 the same
principles Eleven years ago I con
structed an aeroplane of the same gen
eral type as that with which the
Wright brothers have attained such
success and a description of it with
cuts was printed October 17 1897
Mi Barnett produced a copy of a
newspaper of that date and pointed
the article
You will see that I stated at that
time the principle that is now uni
versally recognized namely that fly
ing through the air is a matter of
projection Project an object through
the air and it will continue in motion
until it is overcome by some natural
law like gravity or friction
My theory in overcoming friction
has been that the heavier-than-air ob
ject must be pulled as well as pro
pelled and for that purpose my mod
els were fitted with a front propeller
to throw the air away arid lessen the
resistance Now as for gravity it is
easily demonstrated that a single
horse power will sustain 200 pounds
in the air
In my early experiments I did not
have the advantage of light weight en
gines but to day when energy can be
stored without greatly increasing the
weight to be carried the problem of
offsetting gravity has been greatly
The Wrights are on the right track
and their success is very pleasing to
me With greater means at their dis
posal than I had and undoubtedly
with greater mechanical ability they
have carried to successful demonstra
tion the principle I contended for 40
years ago
Caused BFg Excitement But Was
Merely Pocket Electric Light
Philadelphia Look out Hes got
a bomb This was the cry that
greeted Patrick Morris as he ran
through the streets uptown with a
mysterious looking box under his arm
Men women and children gave him a
wide berth as lie sped toward the
Tenth district police station at Front
and Master streets And a number of
policemen looked the other way as he
passed them House Sergt Lins
dropped his pipe and two policemen
fell off their chairs as Morris dashed
in and gasped Its a bomb He
laid it on the desk and retreated to
the door
For a few minutes the policemen
looked at the infernal machine without
moving The bomb throwing and the
firebugs crusade were fresh in their
minds Finally the cops approached it
cautiously while a crowd outside at
a safe distance waited to see the sta
tion house go up in the air
Sergt Lins finally approached to
within three feet of the box Then his
courage returned He pulled out his
penknife and gently lifted the lid
while the cops squeezed in behind the
Very gingerly Lins put his hand in
the box and pulled out a long cylindri
cal black object It was a pocket elec
tric light
Morris then re entered the station
house He is janitor of the Immaculate
Conception church Front and Master
streets and found the lisht on the cel
lar floor when he went to fix the fires
It had evidently been dropped by a
workman who was repairing pipes in
the cellar
SMl21 A sSMmVMMWBKlmmmmmtmmtMMMMmmmmmmYmmmKttM 5 f L
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JHgapCiiRffit iPjsVywiiwSC vix - w QmBSmvSbcfMmMMmm9 1r
Affecting Reconciliation Between Two
Really Loving Heart
There Is a certain couple who
to separate awhile ago It
seemed that they were not affinities
after all and life together was unen
durable so the wife packed up her be
longings and was preparing for a trip
home At the time of parting she
picked up their little pet dog and
tucked him under her arm while her
other managed the suit case
Why youre not going to take
Trixy exclaimed the husband
Of course I am she announced I
couldnt live without him
Well I cant let the little fellow
go he insisted
And I simply wont leave him she
So they argued for half an hour at
the end of which she decided to stay
and unpacked to cook dinner at which
Trixy was the guest of honor
Ready with the Answer
Miss Baxter feeling the effects of a
torrid afternoon in June was attempt
ing to arouse the Interest of her lan
guid class by giving as she supposed
an interesting talk on the obelisk
After speaking for half an hour she
found that her efforts were wasted
Feeling utterly provoked she cried
Every word that I have said you have
let in at one ear and out of the other
You pointing to a girl whom she no
ticed had been particularly inattentive
throughout the entire lesson tell me
what is an obelisk
The pupil grasping the teachers
last words rose and promptly an
An obelisk is something that goes
in one ear and out the other Suc
cess Magazine
She Pooh What is a kiss It is
He Well you once said you could
refuse me nothing you know Chips
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get the
desired stiffness it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes
The Changing Times
Times have changed since 450 years
ago when Halleys comet for whose
reappearance astronomers are now
looking was in the heavens Then the
Christian world prayed to be deliv
ered from the devil the Turk and the
comet Now it says the devil is not
as black as he has been painted the
Turk is a negligible quantity and the
comet would be rather welcome than
otherwise Boston Transcript
Bmportant to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
in Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Rewards Constantly Paid
The rewards of great living are not
external things withheld until the
crowning hour of success arrives
they come by the way in the con
sciousness of growing power and
worth of duties nobly met and work
thoroughly done Joy and peace are
by the way Mabie
One Thing That Will Live Forever
PETTITS EYE feALVE first box sold in
1807 100 years aeo sales increase yearly
All druggistsorHowardBros Buffalo XY
Truth is violated by falsehood
and it may be equally outraged by
silence Ammiau
Lewis Single JBinder straight 5c cigar is
cood quality all the time Your dealer or
Lewis Factory Peoria 111
To feign a virtue is to have Its op
posite vice Hawthorne
Mrs Windows Soothlnp Syrnp
For children teething softens the gurus reduces In
flammation allays pain cures wind collu 25cabotUe
The blind population of Great Bri
tain is about 40000
The increased use of Toris for
lame back and rheumatism is causing
considerable discussion among tho
medical fraternity If is an almost in
fallible cure when mixed with cer
tain other ingredients and taken prop
erly The following formula Is effec
tive To one half pint of good
whiskey add one ounce of Tori3 Com
pound and one ounco Syrup Sarsapa
rilla Compound Take in tablespoon
ful doses before each meal and be
fore retiring
Toris compound is a product of tho
laboratories of tho Globe Pharmaceu
tical Co Chicago but it as well as tho
other ingredients can be had from any
good druggist
News from the Settlement
We are not exactly happy on the
way but wo are not too mean to
shout Amen when the rest of the
world cries Halleluia
Just how the editor knew we had
possum for dinner last Tuesday Is
more than we can tell but he came
just in the nick of time and dined
with us
We have much for which to be
thankful We raise our own turkeys
but turkey for dinner is so common
in our settlement that we sometimes
forget to thank Providence for It
There is no news to speak of ox
cept that well all build up this old
country if we keep the saw in the log
and keep the sawdust flying At
lanta Constitution
Starch like everything else is be
fog constantly improved the patent
Starches put on tg market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals are omitted while
the addition of another ingredient in
vented by us gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands
Not Anxious at All
One word of our language that Is
almost always misused said the par
ticular man is anxious You will
hear people exclaim how anxious they
are to see a certain play or anxiojs
to get a new hat or anxious to take a
trip to Europe when they are not anx
ious at all but eager or desirous If
anxious were used only in the right
place we wouldnt hear It half so
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lor any
case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls
Catarrh Cure
We the undersigned have known F J Cheney
for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his Arm
Wholesale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system Testimonials sent free Trice 75 cents per
bottle Sold by nil Druggists
Tae Halls Family Pills for constlsatlon
No Deception
I bought some boom lots In a coast
town Feller wrote me the land might
all be gone in a week if I didnt buy
Thats an old dodge
But he told the exact truth The
ocean is carrying it off in chunks
S Louis Republic
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch you can launder youi shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can it will have the
proper stiffness and finish there will
be less wear and tear of the goods
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
An aim In life is the only fortune
worth the finding and it is not to
be found in foreign lands but in the
heart itself R L Stevenson
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar
made of rich mellow tobacco Your
dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria HI
When the members of a standing
committee meet they usually sit down
If Yonr Feet Ache or Burn
get a 25c package of Allens Foot Ease It gives
quick relief Two million packages sold yearly
A tiresome speech is apt to be a
cheerless affair
FOREMEN 550 S400 S5 00 ndSfeOO
UK WOMEN 550 400 and 500
Buter Brown Blae Ribbon Shoes for yonnssten Ask yonr dealer for them
x louis
Are VOUr shoes pomer rlnwn Ml
They havent lived up to the
salesmans say so
Tale our say so this time Get
stylishSWhite House Shoes
They fit from tip to counter
From Wlr tn fnr faro tln t
the graceful shape of your foot
And they hold that shane
N 1
Hr vx
acts gently yet prompt-
y onthe bowels cleanses
trie system eectuQlly
assisfe one in overcoming
habitual constipation
permanently To getits
bene heial eirecisbiv
the Genuine
fifJ JLLi
riuniHuciuiruu vy iwui
io Sriujp Co
Positively cured by
these Little Tills
Tliey also relieve Dl
trcsafrom Dyspepsia In
digestion ami Too Hearty
Eating A perfect ren
cdy for Dizziness Nau
oca Drowslnesn 11 ad
Tiiste In theMouth Coat
ed Tongue Pain in tho
They regulato tho Bowels Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac Simile Signature
For Coup and
Mil l3i St
there is no quicker surer
remedy known than Dr D
Jaynes Expectorant Four
generations of children have
been relieved and cured by
this old and reliable medicine
has been successfully em
ployed for over 78 years in
countless cases of Croup
Whooping Cough Colds
Bronchitis Inflammation of
the Lungs and Chest Pleu
risy and similar ailments
For the sake of your children
keep a bottle cf Dr D Jayne3
Expectorant in your home where
you will have it at hand in an
emergency Scldbyalldru2eist3
in three size bottles 100 SCc
and 25c
DrD Jnynoj Tonic Vermifuge
is the ideal worm medicine and
an effective tonic for adults and
children alike
320 Acres Hit1
Fifty bushels per
acre have been
grown General
averagegreater than
in any other part of
the continent Under
new regulations it is
possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres
free and additional 150 acres at 3 per acre
The development of the country has mado
marvelous strides It is a revelation a rec
ord of conquest by settlement that is remark
able Extract from correspondence of a National
Editor zuho visited Canada In August last
The grain crop of 1903 will net many
farmers 2000 to 2500 per acre Grain -raising
mixed farming and dairying aro
the principal industrieo Climate X3 excel
lent social conditions the best railway ad
vantages unequalled schools churches and
markets close at hand Land may also bo
purchased from railway and land companies
For Last Best West pamphlets maps and
information as to how to secure lowest rail
way rates apply to Superintendent of Immi
gration Ottawa Canada or the authorized
Canadian Government Agent
891 New fork Lile BnildiaZ Oaabs Keirufci
ClezsKi sad bocliTies th htz
Promote liounant gnncth
Sever Fails to Bestoro Gray
i ur wj Jia jtouuiiai ioor
Ccrei Kilp diwuti U hah- filing
0cadljCOat Drgiif
Health and Beauty Without Drugs
Vibratory massape removes wrinkles raakes the coai
plciion clearand tn autilnl Cures rheumatism in
dicestlon neuralgia etc Snd t2 lor Lambert Sny
derJIealth Vibrator Tritn complete indirection
charges prepaid WmU King 131 31 unrou StChicagu
makes laundry -work a pleasure 1C oz jrke I0o
IT afflictl with rj
Thompsons ys Wafer
Color more poods brighter and faster colors thin any otter die One 10c uackaoa colors til fibers Thej dye Fit cold water better than any other Jt
aanvaenfaitboutrioDins apart Writs tor tnatmiliS Hon to Cv Jrwh aad UaCttam MONROE SWG CO 0teoyw