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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
1 V W i j 5- V IP IS1 R - y y y y y y y y wt ffc -- y - - 1 -- - y -- - -- ry y IvIr i y y s - li J 1 1 m m Mi i t e COME AND EXAMINE OUR XMAS SLIPPERS fihest in the town - BringV ypur -repair work -first-class work -- done ft fv j - - i We hiive a large stock including every conceivable kind of a doll Every little girl wants a new doll for Christmas Buy now so you may be sure of getting what you want YTVYTTTYTTTTYTTTTTTTTYYYTrTYVTTTTYTYTrTTTYTTYTTTTYTK Look Look Look r vsi y y r y y y - V y y y y y ii y y y y - - y y - fe J - -1 -- v i y fel r r -v See what a Big Clearing Sale means to you people v Mens Shoes 6qo high cuts r 400 300 work shoes 2 15 j - t 3 5 work shoes 245f 400 patents 295 300 dress shoes 395 - - Ladies Shoes 400 patent dress 295 400 dull leather -1 Boys Shoes 250 patent dress -- 22S patent dress 295f - -- 195 - 165 Little childrens shoes -with same reduc tions These shoes must be sold as Iri wish to reduce nry stock THIS SALE -IS FOR GASH ONLY e - SEN SON WEST BSTRESJI J A i 4 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 A faAAJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAiJJL4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Pyrography supplieg at Wood worths Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers Xmas gifts of all kinds at Wood worths Toys for everybody at McCook Hard ware Co Garland Base Hardware Co Burners McCook Skating is a popular and delightful pastime now Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office Drugs pure drugs fresh diugs at Wood worth Cos Of course you know Huber keeps the Wedding Breakfast Coffee Boys Wagons Coasters and Irish Mails at McCook Hardware Cos Get the habit go to Eozell Barger for your clothing and furnishings We have fresh lettuce and celery every Wednesday and Saturday HUBER Fine fresh dateB Magner Stokes sell that kind only the best obtainable Fine Cut Glass and Silverware new est styles lowest prices McCook Hard ware Co Thirty four dollars buy a sis hole Un iversal Range at McCook Hardware Cos This is a special bargain We have a full line of California Canned Goods in both the Advo and J M brands Nothing- superior HUBER A large number of the late popular copyright books at only 50c each Woodworth Co Druggists We are now agents for the Famous Car hartt Overalls and Jackets atso for their Gloves and Caps HUBER Tea Spoons from twenty five cents to eight dollars a set We guarantee them to be the best for the money McCook Hardware Co - For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral ston and Advo pancake flours and maple syrup and mapeline to go with them HUBER If yon are from Missouri come in and let U3 show you the finest collec tion of Xmas presents that ever came to town Woodworth Co Druggists- Huber has the largest line of Christmas Candies in town Come in and see us be fore buying Special discount to churches and schools Also have nuts of all kinds f The Thursday whistr club met with Colonel aqd Mrs Barney Hofeiv last evening in generous rivalry ancl Btrenu qus contest Mrs Albert McMfllen secured the honors and Major Barnett captured the consolation M j nlw Christmas Tree Decorations This year we have added to our stock a line of tree decora tions consisting of bells rattles horns ducks chickens candle holders highly colored balls and everything to make the Christmas tree bright and attractive Those who con template decorating a tree should not fail to see this line LW McConnell DRUGGIST Woodworth Co for Christmas pres ents Kodaks and kodak supplies Connell Druggist Enders Safety Razors 100 Cook Hardware Co Mc- Mc- Fall and winter caps for men and boys at Eozell Bargers Ten bars of Good Laundry Soap for 25 cents at Magner Stokes Leave your order now for that big fat Christmas gobbler atD C Marshs Try our crackers in tin boxes You will never use any other HUBER Water Motor Washers save all the work Sold by McCook Hardware Co Your personal tax became due De cember 1st and is now delinquent and drawing interest CarviDg Sets Chaffing Dishes and Chaffing Dish Forks and Spoons Mc Cook Hardware Co Double - strength Heinz vinegar imitated by all equaled by none for sale by Magner Stokes We have the finest line of Olives and Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur dock line HUBER What is nicer for a present to a boy or girl than a good camera We have the good ones Woohworth Co It you want a good pickle in sweet sour or mixed we have them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER Majestic Ranges last a life time be sides prolonging life by the pleasure you haVe using them Sold by McCook Hardware Co Two members of the high school Nellie Campbell and a Miss Doyle are ill with diphtheria The cases are both progressing satisfactorily The large line and range of prices make it easy for all to buy at our store and besides we want your business McCook Hardware Co Baptismal service reception of mem bers and Lords Supper at M E church Sunday morning District Superinten dent Wilson will preach in the evening If this semi weekly stunt looks good to you tell the publisher If you are not already an advertiser join the boosters Perhaps you xire not a sub scriber - Get on the list While the editors are properly urging the support of home industries remem ber that printing offices are home in stitutions Especially remember them when those slick foreign solicitors ap proach you for job work and stationery i i hi finirm hi minimi p 2SftB 9MWpOHlSa8M Cameras Much Holiday buying is carelessly done and the result is that money is often spent without satisfactory results when a little thought would make someone happy for years You must not overlook cameras This is a gift that is pleasing to people of all ages Cameras have been so perfected that any one can now become a successful amateur It gives one a new insight into nature and developes the artistic sense We have a fine line of the best cameras made and if you wish to get one make sure of it by buying at once Fountain Pens A fountain pen is the busy man or womans companion It is a perpetual convenience if it is a good one and a constant annoyance if it is not We guarantee our pens to befirst class P JB9BB0CIBBBIBBBBBlBBBMB9HSHHHBSHHBBHHBHBlflBREHHBHBHBBHBHHHHBBHIHHBHMHHBHBBHHHIHHHM J U asEsaggjy IMfeggjjjri fe WfllH I r VW WHKffl I uui cupci JJ OUUWlllg Ul Pictures Pictures are one of the best gifts and we give you an oppor tunity to pickljFrom the latest designs Those contemplating gixing pictures must be prompt in selecting for these are lines which appeal to everybody The prices are low and the assortment is apt to be broken at any time Holiday Gifts All our goods are on display now and those who know what an advantage it is to selest early while stocks are full will have choice choosing here Our stock has been selected with care and you will be able to find just what you want at just the price you want to pay START YOUR HOLIDAY QUEST HERE and you will not only be assured of a large find of suggestions that will save you worry but will also be impressed with the fact that you cannot do belter elsewhere Now is the time to select goods You cant begin too early and we shall take pleasure in showing you the goods whether you are ready to make selections or not We can offer only a few outlines of the stock hre there are plenty of things not mentioned Come often take your time and see them all Toilet Articles Toilet articles of rare woods alligator and silver backs are this years leaders The latter of course comes a little high but for those who wish something uncommon you will search long and find nothing better In addition we have a large stock of old favorites ebon French stag etc Brush and comb sets Military brushes Mirrors hand and stand and triplicate Fine toilet sets Hair hat tooth nail and clothes brushes Christmas Cards and Booklets Keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances by sending them some little remembrance at Christmas time For this purpose we have a lot of beautiful Christmas cards booklets calendars etc Some of them are artistic gems Have them at various prices Leather Goods The giving of fancy leather goods especiallyjwhere the recipient is to be a lady is justly becoming more popular We have a large line of the latest styles in ladies bags in cluding the present ruling favorites Also a full line of pocket books purses card cases bill books music rolls cigar cases H T T V T TTTTTT YYYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT YTT YTTTTT TTTYTTTTTTYTM I Piano Bargains y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y We have a few of the genuine Schaeffer Pianos which we are going -to offer at extremely low prices during the next two weeks Sand if you have been contemplating the pur chase of an instrument for your home in the next year we will make it an object for you to buy now Come in and let us show you the instruments and hear the price and terms we will make to you D W COLSON 223 Main Avenue McCook Nebraska MAAAAAAAAAAAjqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiilXA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAM s r