The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 11, 1908, Image 1

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il llL nuiiuaj
Our lino of dainty and useful
presents Js so large wo cannot
enumerate our complete assort
ment of desirable gifts We have
a big lino of
Dolls Doll Toilet Articles
and Teddy Bears
Toys in Abundance
pleasing and durable
Gift Books Childrens Books
and Bibles
Games for all Ages
Doll Buggies Go Carts
and Snoo fly Horses
In Imported China trie finest
hand work incrusta ware
Steins and Dishes
Albums Toilet Articles
Pictures Novelties
Postal Albums Fountain Pens
Razors Etc
Decided bargains in Holiday
goods at this seasonable time are
worth your attention Bring in
the little ones and show them
A McMillen
At the Hub Clothing Store
Big Santa Claus at the Hub OlotbiDg
Store has all kinds of useful presents at
reasonable prices such as suits over
coats for men boys and children Inight
robes dress Shirts neckties suspenders
silk and linen handkerchiefs gloves
sweaters bos cuff buttons watch
chains hats caps suit cases leather
bags and other useful articles too
numerous to mention Remember the
old Diamond place
Julius Stein Prop
Extra Edition Next Tuesday
The Tribune will issue an extra edi
tion nest Tuesday Persons wishing
to use advertising space in this early
edition should get their copy into the
office as early aa possible to insure its
publication by Tuesday noon The
forms close at ten oclock Tuesday
morning Display advertising copy
should be in by Monday noon and
earlier if possible
Vacating Key Boxes
In order to secure more room in the
postbffice the key boxes in the outfit
are being vacated and holders of such
vacated boxes are being assigned com
bination boxes in the office
They Are Irresistible
Rozell Barger have just placed on
thejr sales table another consignment of
those popular and stylish suits for
young men They are irresistible
Dismissed Until Monday
To enable the authorities to fumigate
the building thoroughly the high school
was dismissed Thursday morning un-
til Monday morning
A Handsome Old Maid buying Xmas
presents at The Ideal Store
A nine and a quarter pound boy was
born to Mr and Mrs R O Light yes
terday morning
adding to its comfort and conveni
ence and beauty something of solid
worth an article of elegance and
value like one of these
WE HAVE THEM in very large
assortment to fill every need and
taste and at prices reasonable and
right Any of the above will make
Many Merry Christinas days
Come and see
Dick Hatcher of Frltsch Precinct
Joins the Great Majority
Early Wednesday morning Richard
E Hatcher the well known and highly
esteemed citizen of Fritsch precinct
this county father of Miss Claudia B
Hatcher county superintendent sud
denly expired at his farm home He
had gotten up and was in the act of
making the morning fire when death
overtook him Mr Hatcher had not
been in rugged health since an injury
of a severe nature a few years since
but as he had been in Indianola only
the day previous his death was most
unexpected and the cause of much re
gret in all parts of the county his ac
quaintance being wide and his popular
ity general
Miss Claudia Hatcher was over in
the Driftwood county in the line of her
official duties and an auto was dispatch
ed for her soon after the news reached
here of the sad event at home which
ehe reached in a few hours thereafter
The Tribune lacks data for a bio
graphical sketch and can merely at
this time note the passing of an old set
tler and highly respected citizen and
convey its sympathy to the bereaved
and sorrowing family
The funeral will take place in Indian
ola Saturday
Services will be held in the Christian
church at 11 oclock under auspices
of the A O U W and M W of A
Rev Carman of this city will have
charge of the services
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Louis Schreiber 21 and Belle Wesch
18both of Traer Kansas
Edward Rbth 21 and Mollie Schaffer
18 both of Culbertson
Fred S Grove3 24 of McCook and
Carrie Mary Anderson 18 of Quick
Married by County ludge Moore No
vember 26
Francis E Dowd 33 of Quick and
Regina Bold 27 of Maywood
Guy Clark 19 of Herndon Kansas
and Maudie Bisnett IT of Cedar Bluffs
Samuel A Minniear 25 of Danbury
and Edith M Mc Williams 23 of Ind
ianola i
Jay C Wood 20 and Mary Burton
IS both of McCook
George Kauffman 22 and Anna Eliz
abeth Greenwalt 21 both of McCook
Married by Rev GL Henkelmann No
vember 28
Paul P Smith 28 and Sarah J
Houchin 45 both of McCook Mar
ried by County Judge Moore November
Grover C Doyle 24 and Maggie
Simmermau 21 Both of Box Elder
Married by County Judge Moore De
cember 9th
J E Ludwick expects to go
in to
Chicago tomorrow on business
Mrs LJ Burtless leaves this week
for Lincoln on a visit of considerablo
Miss Ona Hendrick went up to Den
ver Tuesday to receive a position
She will make her home with Mr and
Mrs W E De Witt
Congressman Norris is expected
The Bon Ton Window
Have you noted the Bon Tons win
dow display of Fancy Bon Bon Boxes
for Christmas They are unequalled
for the finest in fancy and home made
candies in fruits and nuts
Wilson Bros Shirts
A new shipment of the famous
son Bros shirts just received at Rozell
fcBargers Come and see
Mrs J E Kelley was a Holdrege
pilgrim Monday
J E Kelley was in Wauneta Tues
day on business
Miss Pearl Watson is the guest of
Miss Blanch Asten
Dr A T Gatewood was up from
Arapahoe Wednesday on business
C H Nichols was over from Leba
non Wednesday on county business
Wm W Kite of Bartley was among
the court week visitors Tuesday
D M Huet has returned from Pali
sade where he has been living for a
Mrs J G Schobel Marjorie and
Alma Craw were Denver pilgrims Sat
Dan Doyle Jr went up to Denver
Wednesday night with a shipment of
Dr A C Harlan left for the west
end of last week after a short visit with
McCook friends
H H Berry has been confined to
bed since close of last week and i3 still
unable to be about his business
Mrs John Jenkins wife of Extra
Express Messenger Jenkins who has
been quite ill is improving at this print
Rev Crary J Martin of Bartley was
in the city Tuesday upon which date
he was granted a divorce in the district
Congressman Norris left close of
last week for Washington and was
present at the opening of congress
Monday morning
Mr and Mrs Leslie Clark and
family departed on No 3 Wednesday
night for Denver where they expect to
make their home
Mr and Mrs W A Dolan and his
two sisters from California who are
making him a visit were city visitors
Tuesday afternoon
Mrs A G Dole and son Gary came
down from Denver Thursday morning
to attend the funeral of R E Hatcher
in Indianola tomorrow
Mr and Mrs J W Russell of An
aheim Calif parents of W O Russell
home today from Washington called by are in the city on
the illness in the family
doing nicely however
Gertrude is
Fractured Arm On Ice
Monday night Miss Icel Boyd of
South McCook age 17 years fell while
skating and fractured an arm at the
elbow besides spraining a wrist severely
It is feared a stiff arm may be the re
sult of the unfortunate accident
companion a young man by the
of Underhill also received minor
ies in falling at the same time
District Court Proceedings-
James Havens vs Thomas M Lud
wig ejectment verdict for defendant
Crary J Martin vs Mabel Martin
divorce decree granted plaintiff who
pays cost of suit
Wm Jeffries vs CB QRRCo
damages verdict of 692000 for plaintiff
The damage suit of Sarah JHickling
vsWilliam Hammel is now on trial
a visit They will
winter in Northwest Iowa
Mrs J L Rogers departed Wednes
day night for Hereford Texas where
her husband has been located and em
ployed for the past three weeks
Lewis Ludwick arrived home Wed
nesday night from Nebraska City for
the holiday vacation his coming being
hurried by illness in the school
Mrs E M Day and Mrs Barney
Lewis went in to Omaha Monday to
consult an oculist in Mrs Days behalf
her eyesight being suddenly and se
verely impaired
Mrs Mary Mullen departed Mon
day on 13 for Spokane Wash to see
an ailing sister Mrs Pate and children
accompanied her as far as Sheridan
where they will visit relatives
Mrs Mary Parks arid son Edward of
Aurora Illinois sister and nephew of
E il Day spent yesterday in the city
They left last night for the west the
mother to spend the winter in Los Ang
eles and the son for Denver
Frank Wylet of Wauneta spent part
of Wednesday in -the city on his way
home from Kansas City from market
ing some stock He bad some stock in
the Red Cloud wreck and just -escaped
the terrible shooting affair in Kansas
City Tuesday He was ready to wel
come that dear old Wauneta
Is a friend when you need Your need right now is to have your
Christmas buying made easy for you Kindly accept our assist
ance at this favorable moment of leisure and glance over this
attractive list of likely presents In purchasing of any of which
items you may display not only artistic taste but that regard for
your friends comfort and dally life that will secure the most keen
and constant enjoyment of your gift Fur Scarfs 50c to 1250
Childrens Fur Sets 175 to 375 Fine Large Rugs 135 to
300 Suitcases 135 to 750 Silk Head Scarfs 75c to 165
The New Directoirc and Elastic Belts 35c to 75c Hand Bags
50c up to 300 Back Combs Ribbon Combs Barettes Wool
Scarfs Silk Mittens Kid Gloves and Mittens New Style Knit
Mufflers Silk Mufflers Knit Jackets Babies Wear such as Cro
cheted Booties and Jackets Bibs Kid Shoes Bear Skin Coats and
floods Silk Hoods Umbrellas with Art Handles Fancy Collars
and Ruchings Lunch Cloths Dresser Scarfs Embroidered Art
Linens Laundry Bags Table Linens Mens Neckwear and Silk
Suspenders Dress Shires and Outing Gowns Ladies Silk
Waists Dress Skirts Silk Petticoats Ladies Misses and Child
rens Cloaks and scores of other items of interest These can
all be seen and purchased at one place
Actual Cash Values Alike For Every Shopper
Surprised But Happy
Last Monday was the 45th birthday
of Engineer James G Inglis and it was
a memorable and happy one for him
too A score or more neighbors and
friends surprised him and were of
appreciated assistance in making
the occasion a very pleasont one A
bountiful supper was spread Mr In
glis was the object of a number of gifts
Master Mechanic H E Culbertson
doing the honors handsomely in present
ing them In responding Jim did not
exhibit any of the cleverness or art of
the orator but he did disclose a big
proud appreciative heart Canadian
born Mr Inglis is proud of the land of
his adoption and what his friends have
assisted him in achieving in McCook
It was an occasion of more than ordin
ary satisfaction to all concerned
A strong local company under the
direction of Dr S C Beach the pat
ronage of Mrs C M Bailey and Mrs
Adele Phelan and for the improvement
of Calvary cemetery will present the
popular and powerful play Strong-
heart at the Menard opera house next
week Thursday and Friday This will
be one of the strongest and best plays
ever offered by local talent and will no
doubt receive a most liberal support
Remember the dates December 17 and
18 and the worthy object
Reserve Some Money
for Christmas presents of use worth
and solid comfort A perusal of the
advertisement of The Pade Furniture
and Carpet Co in this issue will show
you where to go and what to buy for
the house its queen or in fact for any
member of the household Not baubles
but the joy and convenience of a life
League Services
You are cordially invited to be present
at Epworth League service Sunday
Dec 13th at 645 p m Misses Vernice
Franklin and Virginia Heckman will
lead with the subject The Joys of
the Overcomers Special music by
the young peoples choir
Benefit Dance
TheB ofR T will hold a benefit
dance in the Menard hall next Monday
evening December 14th Tickets 1
50 Reward
For information leading to recovery
of our little Susie When last seen was
buying Xmas china at The Ideal Store
For Men and Boys
Caps mittens gloves woolen sox etc
A full line at Rozell Bargers We
can fill your every reasonable want
Crowded the Edifice
The service of music in the Congrega
tional church Sunday evening last
crowded the edifice
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
For Sale A 8325 piano cheap In
quire at this ofSce
For Sale 3 dozen Barred Plymouth
Rock hens at S500 a dozen Half mile
southof Perry
Mrs George Troendly
For Sale Horse harness and buggy
for 810000 A bargain Phone black
376 xMrs J S
Personal Mary come back home
We are all lonesome We will be good
to you Ludwick has delivered the
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet so your work
will be very easy Lovingly
Adopted New Laws
The commercial club held a regular
meeting Tuesday evening with a good
attendance of the membership
The new constitution and by laws
were read revised corrected and adopt
ed House rules to meet now conditions
will bo prepared and adopted later
The water works park committee re
ported that a representative of the Lin
coln Land company would bo here before
long and would make a preliminary sur
vey when the committee would be able
to report to the club
Rest room committee reported but
was given further time It was the ex
pressed hope of several members that
arrangements might be made to secure
such facilities in the basement of the
library building
The committee on roads and on city
property acquirement was not ready to
Bills were allowed
Four new members were voted into
the club
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postofflce December 11 1908
Ballard Mr Clom Bnun Mr Geo
Brown Mrs W A Clark Mr Francis
Childress Mr Renas Capp Mrs J J
Crosby Miss Margaret Dinnell Mrs Charles
Knhn Mrs Ed E LawrencoMrC Warren
Miller Leo Moore Sid
Rogers Mr Wm Saidy Mr Q N
Ward Mr William Wilcox Mrs Walter
Bnrgett Mrs Golda
Eert Earich
Houfle Mr George
Miller Mr Rob
Zemplo Mr
Brown Mrs Nina
Erwin Neal
Houflo Mr Joe
Roberts Mrs E J
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
R F D N01
Laviga Olmstead and family were
Sunday visitors at John Calkins
The shellers are working at Mark
wads and at Phillippis this week
Henry Rogers went over to Atwood
Kansas Saturday returning on Mon
Albert Ebert is home from Eastings
where he has been helping in building a
church until the weather interfered
An enjoyable surprise dance at Carl
Schuetzs Saturday night
Mike Esch is in Eastern Nebraska
and in Iowa on business and pleasure
Hear Judge Dungfan
Judge H S Dungan of Hastings
Neb judge of the 10th judicial district
will give an address on the subject
Fundimental Needs of Business at
the Congregational church next Sunday
Dec13 at 8 p m Judge Dungan is one
of the growing men in public life in
Western Nebraska and all will want to
hear him At the same service Mrs H
S Dungan one of the best known solo
ists in this part of the state will siog
several selections The public is cor
dially invited to this service Auspices
Mens Sunday Evening club
Weidenhamer For Sterling
While the formal bulletin has not yet
been posted in the case there is current
a well defined rumor that Trainmaster
W M Weidenhamer is to be transferr
ed to Sterling as superintendent and
that Supt Lyman of Sterling will suc
ceed Supt Rodgers resigned at Wy
more An efficient and popular official
the removal of Mr Weidenhamer and
family from our city will be generally
and sincerely regretted Mr Weiden
hamer has been at Sterling part of the
week looking over the situation
Knows Good Stuff
This week F S Wilcox sold a carload
of registered Hereford bulls to John W
Lowell of Denver This is the second
carload he has sold to Mr Lowell who
is credited with knowing a good thing
when he sees it in cattle Fowler says
he doesnt spend much time curling the
hair on his Herefords but he delivers
the goods
Are You Mr Merchant
Considerable Christmas buying is now
being done only 17 days to Christmas
Mr Merchant are you giving proper
attention to your advertising Are you
offering inducements for trade The
Tribune is the best advertising medium
to reach the most of the buying public
in this section of Nebraska
Their First Appearance
The high school glee club made their
initial appearance at assembly last
Friday and gave a good account of
themselves in the music program of the
morning There were several other
numbers of merit also
Both 0 K
The cash system and the edible life
strengthening quality cf D C Marshs
meats And they go well together
You pay for what you get only and get
only what you want
IN ALL tho ossontial details of
its business this bankseoks out
and follows tho safest and most
approved methods
Mccook national
A homo bank
A growing bank
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Conducted by the McCook W C T U
The nation is founded on manhood
and womanhood the saloon on the
wrecks of both
Alrendy in view of the epring election
and possible local option can be heard
the cry of tho fearful ones predicting
the death of our town should it go dry
In our opinion it were better far to die a
natural death than die of delerium tre
mens as it seems to be in a fair way of
doing at present
One of the most encouraging pieces of
news which the daily papors liave
chronicled for many a long day is found
in a report of a meeting held in Chica
go last week by a so called Manufactur
ers and Dealers Club One of the
principal speakers at a banquet held
under the auspices of this organization
whatever it may be was one F P Esler
editor of Humanity Mr Esler pointed
out the necessity which existed accord
ing to his idea of combating effectively
tho efforts of the anti saloon forces and
especially of the ministers of the United
States Doubtless because there is
greatest need in this direction he called
attention first to the necessity of re
forming the saloon keepers and ended
by recommending an agitation which
shall lead to the divorce of the minis
ters and church influence from the pro
hibition question He further suggest
ed the advisability of boycotting busi
ness men who helped the opponents of
the rum traffic He then went on to
say The key to the situation is to
drive the ministers out of the fight If
the ministers preach prohibition in the
pulpit if women as in Philadelphia
will march the streets with banners
singing Onward Christian Soldiers
theres no force that can beat a fight
like that The question is not a moral
one although it has moral aspects and
no Christian minister has the right to
stand in his pulpit and preach it
If you are going to bump your head into
prohibition it is going to win But
there are always ways of sidetracking
public issues Id make the legislative
bills so bad that they would never
This indeed is hopeful Hitherto
the saloon keepers have sheered at the
cloth and held up to derision the
rampant parson declaring that the
ministry is composed of effeminates who
are powerless to touch the liquor trade
Now we observe that the united minis
try is a potent force which must be re
sisted and by all the powers of a united
liquor trade Mr Geo W Peck of
Wisconsin the one time influential ed
itor best known as the author of
Pecks Bad Boy brouirht the
making to an impotent conclusion by
an address in which he reiterated the
worm eaten assertion that prohibition
does not prohibit He made such ridic
ulous statements as that in Atlanta the
real estate business is dead that in
North Dakota the railroads are refusing
passengers because they take up the
room of whisky barrels and that in
Maine boys and girls are agents for
breweries and distilleries In other
words the first speaker declared that
prohibition is ruining the liquor busi
ness and the latter speaker declared
that prohibition is booming the liquor
The moral of all this is that every
minister should keep on in the work of
opposing the saloon in every wa pos
sible It is evident that the saloon
keepers are on the run and ihey ought
to be prodded by the bayonets of the
Anti Saloon League they ought to be
shelled by the repeating guns from the
pulpit they should be bombarded with
arguments from the religious press
When saloon favoring speakers thus ac-
knowledge the tremendous influence of
an aroused Christian manhood there is
hope for further temperance victories
The Standard