The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 04, 1908, Image 5
it 3 J vr i c i if i TTTYTTTVWTTTTyTTTTTYTYTTTTTTTYTrYTYTYTTTYTTTTTYYYTK Holiday Goods BSJUgylil McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No 6 12 14 16 AT Woodworths Our entire stock is now on display and comprises a NEW VARIETY a LARGE ASSORTMENT and an ARTISTIC ARRAY the sight of which cannot fail to please the eye and merit the approval of the most conservative buuyers by the Low Prices We have made the selection of Holiday Goods a special study and this year we feel we have excelled all our previous efforts in getting together just the Things the People Want Besides thousands of other things too numerous to mention our stock comprises Dolls Toys Books Games Albumsall kinds Toilet Sets Military Sets Shaving Sets Manicure Sets Smoker Sets Medallions Fancy Papeteries Pruit Placques Tobacco Jars Necktie Glove and Handkerchief Boxes Fancy Stag Sets Alligator Sets Fancy Mirrors Candle Sticks Gold Clocks Music Rolls Purses Iron Toys Trumpets etc etc etc Come in early and your selection of Woodworth Co DRUGGISTS Central Timo 1027 P M 500 a 715 a 942 p 400 A MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No 1 Mountain Time 950 a m 3 1142 p M 5 Arrives 83ri p M 13 1025 AM 15 1217 AM IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 P M No 175 departs 710 am Sleeping dining and reclinitJB chair cars seats free on throusli trains Tickets sold and bapRaco chocked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D P Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Paesencer Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Fred Ebert of tho blacksmith shop force is off duty sick Several engines in the backshop are awaiting the arrival of ordered material before they can be finished A E Stovenin Egans gang Charles Sullivan is the round house 0 i A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A JtAAAAXAAAXAAAAXAXAAXAAXXXAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXAAAAAH HHl Time Card is working in Mm a new helper in Ernest Pearson of Denver was a city visitor this week Engine 1910 is over tho old drop pit this week for repairs Steve Finn is rejoicing over a fine boy left at his home Sunday morning They have been making things snug about the round house this week for cold weather Mr Ferguson of the Griflin Wheel Co Denver was at headquarters Wed nesday on company busines Dock Sykes helper for Machinist Joe Kubicek is off duty vith a severe and stubborn attack of stomach trouble H A Frey has returned to work in the backshop beginning last Monday R B Wilson is a new helper for the company in the backshop mi rlf i I 1 l M I me JJUnnigtuu una jiuurriui uii tuu ground and exppcts to shortly commenco laying now rails on the higbltne in the Loo mis neighborhood Tho Burlington expects to run 2G0 locomotives through the West Burling ton shops between now and the first of tho year for repair and overhauling Foreman A C Wieho has just com pleted a new and additional drop pit in tho round house This will make it possible to give two engines such re pairs at the snmo time if necessary A now work schedule wont into effect Wednosdny morning reducing from ten to nine hours beginning at 7150 in the morning and stopping at 530 in the evening Effective with re pair track gang RES0LUTI0KS Tho following resolutions were adopt ed by McCook Lodge No 599 Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and Engin men on tho death of Brother George Snoke Whereas through tho sudden death of Georgo Snoke wo have lost a faithful1 friend and brother whoso lojaLy of purpose helped to advance our welfare therefore be it Resolved that the members of this lodge do hereby express a keen sense of gratitude for the benefit bis assistance has been to our order that we bold dear the memory of our late brother and take comfort and consolation in the know ledge that our temporary kss is his eternal gain be it further Resolved that as a token of respect to the memory of our late brother George Snoke that a page of our records be set apart to his menory that the charter of this lodge be draped in mourning for thirty daysand a copy of these resolu tions be sent to his nearest surviving relative and that a copy be published in the local paper C H Hustbd Secy I D Pknnington Master Tho following resolutions were adopt ed by the McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E on the death of Brother John W Bartholoma Whereas through the sudden death of John W Bartholoma we have lost a true friend and brother whose untiring z al and whose helpful intervention in our cause contributed immeasurably to our welfare therefore be it Resolved that the members of this lodge do hereby express a deep sense of appreciation for the intelligent manner in which he always conducted matters relating to this lodge that we cherish the memory of our late brother and take comfort and consolation in the knowledge that our temporary loss is his eternal gain be it further Resolved that as a token of respect to the memory of our late brother John W Barrholoma that a page of our record be set apart to his memory that the charter of this lodge bo draped in mourning for thirty days and a copy of these resolutions be delivered to his nearest surviving relative and that a copy be published in the local paper Signed C H Husteii Secy I D Pennington Master IOwOOOOOK gtei j v The fpspsi SUGGESTIONS FROM Ideal Xmas M L Rishel Prop nmnrinnf it cr Store Just below Postoffice lrti r 5lrr Xir 4qrrrtf FfllliL Sj r ft gr f Ttrfajw WJMliaLJlJgft Kfc f Jb 5 1 - I liiijBssiSi Cc rw Vf itm jtt vrfllYt Mh vivr VtTiamv i w rrrr m if r iiJiwri n mmiim FREE TO LADIES A magnificent picture to every lady calling at The Ideal Store How to Beat the Mail Order Folks S5l DVERTIS5N MEWSPAPER U ILb lf a rili fyFhffiy There Mr Man dont cry They have broken your heart I know And the trade that you had which made you glad Is a thing of the Long Ajo But still you can get it back There is hope for the man who tries To recover your trade you have got to wade Right in and ADVERTISE Hes From Missouri You Have to Show Him Governor Folk Is fFom Missouri Hes regarded sis a pretty good citizen himself See what he says about a certain sort of citizen I do not believe in the mail order citizen IT IS BETTER THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A THOUSAND TOWNS THAN ONE LARGE CITY If a place is good enough for a man to make his money in it certainly should be good enough for him to spend his money in The merchants have a just right to all the business of the town in which they have their stores and every good citizen will help them to get it Did you ever see a FINE LARGE FACT so simply stated Last month a merchant a thousand miles from Chicago wanted to place over his store an electric light sign he had heard about in Chicago Made a special trip there for specifications and terms Too high Mr Merchant returned home and in cidentally told the local electrician about his troubles Mr Home Electri cian replied that he could reproduce the Chicago sign with improvements at a price that suited And he did so JUST THINK THIS OVER WILL YOU - X iW tiw A r mBeSC6s rim Mm Ktv7 m V 1 I i Patronize Home Talent it Pays Candy Not the common kind packed in barrels and tubs but bright new clean candy for Christmas carefully selected and made especially for our trade at prices that are an inducement for your Christ mas orders Let us show you some thing GOOD Wiper you give present you like for it Ssolbe tree proper preseit do you rot Therefore should you rot corrje rd buy tlpese presets before tlpe rusr rd wrile Ti lkve targe Iire to pick frorr rd wiper you will be sure to get just tre tlirgs you wi stto give wy Clothes rtke sersible presets especially for your family A 9ice pir of stockipgs silk rck ties silk unbrelta fur scrf or good tble 11969 will rtdike suitable se9sible prese9ts for your frie9ds Suppose you conje 9d see if we Ipve 90 just tle tri9gs you wisr for gifts Cordially C L DeGROFF CO The Bee Hive White House Grocery Christmas Candies Nuts and Fruits in any quantity The Largest Line of Hand painted China in the City Fone 30 McCook Neb