The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 04, 1908, Image 2
eREHM Another Big- Premium Offered at the National Corn Exposition The luitu who exhibits the best sixty oars of corn at the National Corn Ex position in Omaha December 9 19 gets the moat valuable prize a Port Huron Huskor Shredder worth 925 This is by S25 the most costly premium of all those that jo to make up tho premium Sist aggregating 54000 This machine complicated in make- up is the latest achievement in farm machinery making It will eat up the corn on fifteen to twenty acres a day dusking the ears and shredding the stalks producing a fine feed for stock Or it will husk 1500 bushels of corn in a ten hour day doing as much work as Shree mon ordinarily merely in the scatter of husking to say nothing of She shieddiug which a man could not do at all Wilkes Jones general manager of tho Corn Exposition is confident that this premium alone will bo a magnet that will draw many special exhibits Tho fact that by the expenditure of 650000 the Port Huron Engine and Threshing company has finally eliminat ed the dangerous element of this mar velous machine is counted on as making it eyen more popular than it was when dt was regarded as the most dangerous of farm machines Counterfeit Notes Chief Wilke of the secret service announces that a new counterfeit 5 certificate Indian head has been de fected in circulation having first made its appearance in Providence R I The counterfeit note purports to be one of those authorized by the act of Au gust 4 1S85 series of 1899 check letter D face plate No 2 back plate No 666 with portrait of Onepapa A new counterfeit 5 United States aote also has been discovered It pur ports to be one authorized by the act of March 3 1S63 series of 1907 with a portrait of Jackson check letter D No A5024717G This spurious pro duction is a straight photograph with the seal and denominational design on the face of the note touched up with color and on the back painted a muddy green TESTED AND PROVEN There Is a Heap of Solace in Being Able to Depend Upon a Well- Earned Reputation For months McCook readers have seen the constant expression of praise for Doans Kidney Pills and read about the good work they have done in this locality Not another remedy ever pro duced such convincing proof of merit Samuel Garrett Main St Minden Neb says My wife suffered from kidney trouble for a number of years -despite all her efforts for relief Dull pains in the small of her back would at times seize her and make it almost im possible for her to move When she stooped she would become very dizzy and spots would appear before her eyes She was restless at night and during the day would feel tired and worn out Last fall Doans Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and I procured a box for my wife advising her to use them She did so and was restored to health and strength Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at L W McCon nells drug store and ask what custom ers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Holiday goods at Woodworth Cos Druggists- 8fe aTwi rS3 Krti 2 EKa You ivill find it a great satisfaction to do More Home Baking You will make biscuit cake and pastry clean fresh and tasty better every way than the ready made foods -- - Dr Price1 s Baking Powder is specially devised for home use and makes home baking easy and a delight It will pro tect you from the dread alum baking powders which are too frequently found in the ready made articles and insure you food of the highest healthfulness CITY CHDRCE ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian bible school at w a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E at 7 p m All are welcome R M Ainsworth Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in the frame building of the East Ward school every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans and Russians cordially invited Rev Wm Brueggeman 607 5th st East Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at i Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 You are welcome always at all our services M B Carman Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Meetings held in the Morris block Room open all the time Science litera ture on sale Subject for next Sunday God the Only Cause and Creator Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday eveningat eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenines at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West Higley Carty Ray Higley and Miss Bertha Carty were married at the home of the bride at Beardsley Tuesday November 24th by Rev Macha only the immediate relatives being present The bride wore white nuns veiling over silk and carried a large bouquet of white roses The groom wore the conventional black These young people are from two of our best families and have many friends It is a pleasure to chronicle the mar riage of such worthy young poplo and this pappr wafts to them its warmest congratulations Republican Citizen Atwood Kansas The bride spent a number of years of her life in McCook being a graduate of the high school class of 05 The Tri bune adds its best wishes to those of many friends here Four Hundred Indiana Farmers One of the largest excursion trains that will come to Omaha for the Nation al Corn Exposition will be that bearing 400 Indiana farmers It will reach the exposition on the second day Agricult ural Day These farmers will be gathered from various portions of the Hoosier State and will meet at Indian apolis from which the special train will start for Omaha TI GNfflG PASSiOS Incidents In Actual Life Outstrip Rctmn Tha t A COLD BLOODED MONARCH Louis XV and the Dead Card Table A Woman bled on Her Deathbed cons Play While at tho Altar M2n at thn Who Lord His Bride Waited If the full story of the card table could be written It would surely be the most startling revelation of human cupidity ever published and almost every page of it would bo marked by some incident which would outstrip fiction When Louis XV was at the card table the fascination of the game made him absolutely dead to all externals and oven to decency and humanity On one occasion when he was playing for heavy stakes one of his opponents overcome by excitement collapsed in his chair in a fit of apoplexy nis majesty affected to ignore the incident until some one exclaimed M do Chan velin Is ill 111 retorted the Icinr casting a careless glance at the Ic on man he Is dead Take him Spades are trumps gentlemen Equally weird is a story Oci iith tells When the clergyman arrived to prepare a lady parishioner who had a passion for gambling for her approach ing death the lady after listening for n short time to his exhortation exclaim ed Thats enough Now let us have a game of cards To humor her the parson consented to play The dyim wninnn xvnii ill liis ninnor jind linil just suggested playing for her funeral iee wtieii sue ten uacu aiiu expireu In the early years of last century a whist club composed largely of clergy men used to meet in the back room of a barbers shop in a Somersetshire town On one occasion so the story runs when four of the club members were acting as pallbearers at the fu neral of a reverend brother some delay occurred and the coffin was set down in the chancel One of them produced a pack of cards and suggested a rub ber The coffin served the purpose of a table and the players were deeply immersed in the game when the sex ton arrived to announce that every thing was at last ready Mazarins passion for gambling was so strong even in death that he played cards to the very end when he was so weak that they had to be held for him and the merry monarch spent his last Sunday on earth playing at basset round a large table with his great courtiers and other dissolute persons and with a bank of at least 2000 before him The curious fascination cards possess for their devotees is illustrated by the following story of Lord Granvill at the time ambassador to France One afternoon when he was about to re turn to Paris he repaired to Grahams to have a farewell game of whist or dering hi carriage to be at the door at 4 When it arrived he was much too deep in the game to be disturbed At 10 oclock he sent out to say that ho was not ready and that the horses had better be changed Six hours later the same message was sent out and twice more the waiting horses were changed before he consented to leave the table after losing f 10000 An equally remarkable story is told of George Payne the great turf plun ger of seventy years ago On one occa sion he sat down at Limmers hotel to play cards with Lord Albert Denison later the first Lord Londesborough Ilour after hour passed The game proceeded all through the night and long after day dawned and it was not until an urgent message came to tell Lord Albert that his bride was waiting for him at the altar of St Georges Hanover square that the cards were at last flung down It was Lord Al berts wedding day and he met his bride 30000 poorer than when lie left her on the previous day One of the most romantic of gam bling stories is told by Mr Thiselton Dyer of a plainly dressed stranger who once took his seat at a faro table and after an extraordinary run of luck succeeded in breaking the bank Heavens exclaimed an old infirm Austrian officer who had sat next to the stranger the twentieth part of your gains would make me the happi est man in the world lou shall have it then answered the stranger as he left the room A servant speedily returned and pre pented the officer with the twentieth part of the bank adding My master Fir requires no answer The stranger was soon discovered to be the king of Prussia in disguise The most costly game of cards on record was probably that in which the late George McCulloch chairman of the rroken Hill Proprietary company once tool part A syndicate of seven had been formed to finance the fa mous Broken Ilill silver mine and Mr McCulloch was one of the seven One day while sitting in a shanty at the foot of the hill- McCulloclu offered a fourteenth share in tho mine to a young man named Cox for 200 Cox would only offer 120 and after much haggling it was decided to set tle the dispute by a game of euchre df Cox proved the winner he was to have the share for 120 If he lost he was to pay 1S0 for it He won and Ifor the absurd sum of 120 became owner of the share which a few years later was valued at 1250000 Lon don Tit Bits The beginning of excellence Is to be free from error Quintilian t aMafeSaAs T g jj zjtm X t a afcjo Nebraska During 1908 During the who It of Decembor 21 to 23 inclusive Tho Lincoln Stuto Journal will accept 3 from mail subscribers for the whole year of 1909 withoutSunday or 81 with Sunduy I his cut price is good only during this Bnrgain Week and all you have to do is to mail your lemittance to tho State Journal Lincoln Neb and tho piper will bo mailed to your address commencing Junnary 1 1909 and continue until January 1 1910 when it will be stopped unless you pay for it another year All subscriptions are payable in advance consequently no unpaid bills and this saving together with cutting out solicitors salaries hotel bills and railroad expenses make it possible to give ou this cut price The Journal is the paper you will want to read during the legislature because it is right here in Lincoln and with its great corps of trained newspaper men will be ablo to give you tho most thor ough and reliable legislative news Its uncontrolled by party bosses or Hellish ambition to hold or get a job for its proprietor Its not afraid to print all the nows all the time about all things Its a clean home paper no liquor or un clean medical ads appear in its columns Its business is profitable enough to give its owners legitimate re turns without making alliauciH with any interests opposed to tho public wel fare Every public matter is treated impartially unselfishly and entirely from the stand point of the peoples interest One gears reading will con vince you that tho State Journal is tru ly Nebraskas greatest newspaper Re member th is special rate is only made during this one week of December 21 to 23 to get new subscribers and tho regu lar price of 4 and 5 will be charged thereafter Why not test tho Journal this one year and see if its publishers are really conducting their newspaper upon such high standards ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofiice December 4 1908 LKTTEKS Arnold Mr Josie Belse Peter J Cotton Mable Denell W H EIrod Mr Gillom 2 Grant C T Hawthorn Mr Will Leach Mr Ralph Moore Mr Mary Mr George Redford Mr- A D Sonnanstine E E 5 Angel Miss Stella Hnrtolomcu Mr Jacob Denell Mr William Davit Vcrnard O Ekhart Mr Adam Gohcen Mr Roy W Keckley Mrs J E Metcalf Mr John Nelson Mr Earnest Rhode Henery Renhardt Mr Thompson Mr Wm H Werer Mr D CAUD3 Raker Miss E Hollis Rrethouwcr Mr Evert Roardman Mis Hazel Clark Mr Frank Day Mr John Graham Clarence Montgomery Mr Orrin 2 Richards Miss HeB Turley Mrs Edna Sigwing Mr Will Simons Mr E C I Sckesher Mr H Buil Mr Thos L Clark Mr J A Davis Mr Venard 2 Michaels Mr A R McQucary Mr Gilbert Nagule Mr A F Rodders George Thompson Mr ChaWes 2 Sommaatine E E When calling for these please say they were advertised S B McLkan Postmaster See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Triiicxe has for some time been printing a lodge and order directory free on tho promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers etc by the several lodges and orders As we devoto 10000 a year free to this purpose we exppct those re ceiving the benefit to keep the cards corrected A glanco at the directory reveals many errors and we must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards Great Music Offer Send us the names of three or more performers on the piano or organ and twenty five cents in silver or postago and we will mail you postpaid our lat est Popular Music Roll containing 20 pages full sheet music consisting of popular songs marches and waltzes arranged for tho piano or organ in cluding Rud Knauers famous Flight of the Butterflies March Manila and the latest popular song The Girl Ive Seen Poiulau Music Publishing Co Indianapolis Ind REFEREES SALE ly virtue of an order issued from the District Court of Red Willow county Jcbnika uuder a decree in an action wherein Minnie Luke is Iilaintitf and Anna Bolmi Herman C Luke John Luke Clarence C Beckett and William Reckon a Guardian of Clarence C Ueckett a minor are defendants directed to the mider sJgnid a- Referee I -hall oiler at public -ale and cll lo the highest bidder for ca h at the east front door of the court hou e iti the City of McCook Red Willow comity Nebraska on the 1th day of January IWjO at the hour of One oclock P M the following de cribed real itat tn wit Lot Number One it in Rlock NumbT Thirteen 13 and Lot Number Nine tin in R ck Number Twenty one i21 all in the Fir i Addition to the City of McCook Red Willu county Nebra ka Dai d this 2nd day of Dccemlier 1 J F CoEnnVL Referee Ifoyle vt Eldred Attorneys REFEREES SALE In the District Court of Red Willow county Nebra La Milfon If Hammond plaintiff v s Janse O Hammond Lily M Hammond Ada A Ham mond Mary E Duttou Roy Dutton Josephine M Hammond and Arden II defendant- IJy virtue of an order issued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebra ka under a decree in an action wherein Milton H Ham mond plaintiff and James O Hammond Lily M Hammond Ada A Hammond Mary E Duttou Roy Dutton Jo ephine M Hammond and Arden II Purvis are defendant- directed to the undersigned as referee I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of the court house in the City of McCook Red Willow county on the Ith da of January VMK at the hour of One oclock P M the following de scribed real estate to wit the Southeast quarter of Section Eleven 11 Township Two 2 North of Range Thirty 30 West in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 2nd day of December A D 1P0S J S LkIIew Referee John E Kelley Attorney I fe M AbwhifeH 1 Lfes Pure J I BAKING POWDER I m The only baking powder made from I 1 U Royal Grape Cream of Tartar the 1 1 officially approved ingredient for H fM H a wholesome highciass powder I I There Is greater deception In the sale of baking powders than ever before H M 96 Closely observe the label and be certain of getting KoyaL M BARTLEY Mr Geo Theobald and wife of Yuma Colorado are here on a visit of pleasure and business MrTheobald is assisting in invoicing the personal eucets of tho Bartley Milling Co He and Mr E E Smith have sold a one third interest to Mr Ira Ritahie made the invoice nec essary Geo Wyrick and son Harry were busi ness visitors in our village Monday of this week Mr J MolFat of Marshal county la was in town this week visiting his nieco Mrs 11 L Urown Mr Moffat is a brother of Mrs M D Dobbs living northwest of Bartley Mrs John Ford and baby went to Cambridge Wednesday morning on No 12 to visit Mrs Fords sisiter Mrs Ballah A terrible run away occurred here on Monday evening Ernest Dodd of Indinnola drove a team belonging to WillShort down from lndirnolaarriving in the west part of town he stopped to see his best girl tied the t ii to a tele phone pole they broke loose ran into dry creek and killed one horse Mr Frank Ball of Holbrook of tho firm of Ball Brothers in Bartley was up this week visiting his brother Albert Will Sheets has been last week and this moving the honse on thellappersot farm near Indionola to the OBrien farm just east of Bartley Mr Sheets is an expert house mover The high school is giving a play in the opera house this week Saturday even ing the net receipts to be expended in purchasing library books for the school Thousands Of Them That now post card case in this office contains thousands of post cards and exhibits hundreds of them to view Just turn it around and make your selection Six Thousand Exhibits Six thousand individual exhibits that is what will confront tho eyo of tho visitor to tho National Corn Ex position Decomber 9 19 at the Audi torium in Omaha Six thousand ex hibits not only of corn but of corn wheat oats alfalfa millet clover and every grnin and grass grown in the great agriculture states of the Union It will beyond all question bo the largest and most complete exposition of farm products ever made in this sec tion of country Of course Corn will be King in this panorama of agriculture but tho king must have his princosses and duchesses and so while tho corn palace will be tho imperial court there will be other palaces and other royal houses There will be for instance an alfalfa palace and this will be tho queens palace for alfalfa shares tho throno witii King Corn as his consort queen This alfalfa palace will be fitted with espneial attention to tho best display of all grasses Many types of alfalfa alone will be exhibited but species of other grasses will be there too brought from every state in tho west and mid west In this collection of grasses it will be possible to obtain a comparison of the same grass in different soils and under different climatic conditions and these comparisons aided by scien tific lectures by the best men of the country will enable tho farmer to get all there i3 out of the subject It is the intention to make tho alfalfa palace then second only in importance to the corn palace but if it shares in terest with the latter on an equal basis there will bo no surprise among the men who are creating these displays Typewriter ribbons papers sale at The Tkibune office etc for MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOGIC LIKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and trvonce SKinnn rvnrvT Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablets Sold by AMcMILLEN McCoolc Nebraska h tfftvTIL TrTB iTVTTir BJ i jwc jwn uiNG 7 That is the Xo of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone Xo OXE when you will be informed that you can get Xo OXE lumber Xo OXE coal Xo OXE service Xo OXE treatment in fact Xo OXE first last and all the time Bullard Lumber Co nEJSSSNSVSSSrs SJVESEV3SyiN SSSvEFvEsEVSrS STsHNdSSSSSSJESX V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Ca3Hier JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS OF BANK MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 V FRANKLM DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE 1 A C EBERT i ixA