A 1 TWENTYcVENTH YEAR PALMER HOTEL CHANGES OWNERSHIP Big Hostelry on West 2nd Street Be comes Property of William Doyle ana Charles Bailey An important doitl was closed this week wherein James Rooney disposed of his hotel property on West 2nd street The Palmer to William Doyle and Charles Bailey the consideration being 61250000 a very reasonable figure for so valuable a property An Appeal Having heard of a petition being cir culated for the purpose of continuing the saloons in McCook nnother year we the W C T U as nn organization banded together for the maintainanco of purity and happiness of the home and knowing the saloon to be the deadliest enemy of the home do beg of you voters and business men who by virtue of your manhood should be the pro tectors of the womanhood and childhood of our city to withstand such petition We also state that we shall cease to patronize any merchant who shall sign said petition or in any way aid the saloons Signed W C T U Made a Neat Net Sum About 135 was cleared from the dance Friday evening last by the ladies of the O E S This sum will about enable the chapter to pay out in full on its generous 300 stock subscrip tion to the temple opera house project The ladies are to be warmly congratu lated upon the splendid success of their hop which scored handsomely socially The ladies aromost appreciative and grateful to the public for generous pat ronage CHAMOIS FOR ALL PURPOSES For holiday fancy work for linings for polishing purposes carriage washing etc We have selected skins of all sizes and prices ranging from 5 cents to S100 These are the properly tanned skins that will keep soft and pliable L W McConnell Druggist We Have Said This to You Before A Saving in Money an improvement in looks by wearing Stein Bloch clothes We have signed our name to it If its true you are interested and we are standing pat A simple try on is worth while Rozell Barger Clothiers Until Dec 5th inclusive we will honor this advertise ment if cut out and brought to us to the amount of one dollar on the pur chase of any mens overcoat in our stock Coats from 500 to S1350 Not good after Saturday Dec 5th The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscriptions to any maga zine or paper published go to Barney Hofer the old reliable local dealer who will save you money Get wise to strangers and dont get stung like so many have the past year Thanksgiving Day Union services were held in the Methodist church sermon delivered by the Rev Aainsworth of the Christian church to the usual rather limited at tendance Collection was lifted for the needy of the city Rain and Snow A fine rain and snow fell in this vicin ity Tuesday night All of which is more than acceptable The small grain can use it all and than some Our compliments to the weather clerk Do it again Underwear Underwear Jack Frost is calling your attention to the need of warmer underwear Rozell Barger have Coopers the Globe and the popular non shrinking Duofold Better call and examine New Real Estate Firm Messrs D Y Dorwart and E F Newlon have formed a partnership in the real estate business They have office accommodations with H BL Berry under the Citizens Bank Only the Best Only the best is just good enough for the discriminating public that patroniz es Marshs meat market And that is his motto and practice Counterfeit Dollars buytrouble but a genuine quarter buys McMillens Face Lotion relieves chapped bands and face Hall for Rent For receptions parties etc Rates reasonable Phone Mrs D Diamond black 266 John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank A Great Sale of Pianos A list that is the biggest that has ever beon compiled comprising fino pianos has just been issued by Lyon Honly This list contains the names of tbo hundreds of fine now pianos and slightly used pianos being offered at a forced sale owing to re building operations by Lyon liealy Full and trustworthy particulars of each instru ment are givon so that the buyer mny judge for himself whether or not the piano is a bargain The figures quoted are phenomenally low Lyon Healy are making a de termined effort to closo out all this great stock of instruments within the next 30 days and the prices have been reduced with this object in view Send for a copy of this list If you do not wish to pay all cash for a piano you can arrange for monthly payments Address Lyon Healy 10 Adams street Chicago Lyon Healy exhibit the largest and most varied stock of pianos in the world over 1000 instruments THANKSGIVING THANKS To the ladies of McCook and vicinity For calling and inspecting my line of LADIES SUITS SKIRTS AND CLOAKS Also special thanks to those who made purchases in these lines of me As the ladies trade does not justify me of engaging an expert lady clerk without raising the present low prices of my up-to-date LADIES FINE SUITS SKIRTS AND CLOAKS I will continue to give my personal attention to all my ladies trade and endeavor to give them fair and courteous treatment in the future as in the short past I am still your true obedient servant JULIUS STEIN The Hub Store Railway Employes Organize Denver Colo Nov 21 The new railway employes department of the American Federation of Labor organ ized in this city last Saturday held a brief session in this city yesterday completing its organization and ad journed to meet in Chicago the second Monday in January at the Kaiserhoof hotel H B Perham president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers was made permanent president and P J Flannery president of the Interna tional Association of Freight Handlers secretary Constitution and by laws were agreed to in part and will be- com pleted at the Chicago meeting K of P Officers Elect The ofliers elect of McCook lodge Knights of Pythias are as follows H W Conover C C J N Gaarde V C E O Vahue P M Lawritson M of W A B Campbell M at A L W Jennings M of F L Thorgrim son M of E D N Cobb K of R S Ray Lyon I G J F Cordeal OG Bisnett Clark Miss Maude Bisnett of Cedar Bluffs Kansas and Guy Clark pi Herndon Kansas were married by Rev M B Carman at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday noon November 18th lt08 Accounts Must Be Paid Having disposed of our dairy business to Flitcraft Clark all accounts due us must be paid within 30 days either in cash or by note Eikenberiiy Clark Three New Steel Bridges Steel is on the ground for three new creek One spans the creek near Marion another at Wm Witts place and tho third near the Marion Walters farm m W U V V If steel bridges to be built over the Beaver 1 It Takes Cash to buy it but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you get what you want especially if you are looking for the best How You are a good guesser D C Marsh is the boy Masquerade Ball The masquerade ball last night benefit of the base ball team drew a large participation and afforded a big time for those engaging and witnessing Piano Pupils A limited number of beginners and intermediate pupils taken for piano Enquire at Ideal Store or 910 1st West C C Brown Thermometers Better line more kinds than ever All sorts for indoor and out door use and for special purposes L W McConnell Druggist T50 to 5000 Auto coats and fur coats mens and boys overcoats large assortment and the correct sort 750 to 5000 Rozell Barger Heavy Winter Shawls in the double wool and in beaver at 3190 to 8G00 The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 2T 1908 BE A TEMPLE THEATRE BOOSTER A Financial Statement of the Receipts Expenditures and Urgent Requirements of the Splendid Enterprise 15000 MORE NEEDED TO COMPLETE BUILDING Those Largely Interested in McCook Realty and AH Desiring McCooks Advancement Should Rally to the Aid of This Our Greatest Undertaking The Board of Directors of the Masonic Temple Craft association have just issued a financial statement of the condition of the temple opera house now in course of construction Incidentally they offer some other facts of equal importance The figures disclose the fact that up to the date the circular was issued from the press the receipts of the association on stock subscriptions were 1487200 The disbursements up to the same date for all purposes were 1213704 A recapitulation of the disbursements shows that the money went to the following persons and purposes RECAPITULATION Real estate 3 34500 Excavation 731 75 Concrete footings 926 19 Estimate of contractor 6 50000 Extra material furnished 15660 Architect and superintendent 43000 Miscellaneous 47 50 Total 12 13704 The circular makes public the fact that the total amount of stock subscribed for up to that date was 3000000 That the board has an offer to complete the building exclusive of plumbing heating wiring and furnishings for 3350000 That the estimated cost of the completed building will be 45 coo 00 McCook Masonic Temple Opera House And this brings us to the fact which should be presented to the people of McCook clearly and frankly viz A considerable sum at least 1500000 will have to be further subscribed for in order to complete the buildingas contemplated This is not an impossible sum as quite a number of McCooks richest people have so far not contributed a penny to this great city enterprise A number of those who have come magnificently to the aid of the enterprise have signified tlvir willingness to take additional stock Now if those who are able and heavily interested in McCook realty and in Mc Cooks advancement will do their part the enterprise will go on without delay and to the earliest possible completion Now for a Final Boost The board of directors of the temple opera house have been busy this week and been in consultation with numbers of leading citi zens to the end that they feel considerably encouraged over pros pects for the future Interest has been engaged which promises results much to be desired Harmoniously united action essential to the prompt success of the enterprise seems now to be practically assured There are promises of a reassuring nature that the flow of subscriptions which has been stopped for a few weeks will continue withvolume and vigor Efforts to enlist new capital and other citi zens appear to have measurably succeeded The absolutely fair inten tions of the association and board of directors toward all citizens the no debt and no graft declarations and determination of the beard and stockholders place the project before the people in a clear light which must and does appeal to all who have a real inter est in and desire for McCooks continued growth and prosperity The way now seems to be opening up for the completion of the enterprise LET EVERYBODY BOOST ANEW Iale Quartet The Albion Male Quartet consisting of Messrs Light Ploussard McFann and Snyder will sing at the musical ser vice at tho Congregational church next Sunday evening There will also be other special music Everybody invit ed Mens Sunday Evening Club 1 Mil mii 1 1 1 i 1 min 1 nimnii nmmiii iPiiiiiim iimim iinmnii n inn iith jh hi -- i f - 3- n a--- Home Jlade Bed Comforts sis feet wide and seven feet long filled with 6 Izzer Cotton Batts well tacked and hemmed 81S5 to 300 You can choose the pattern of the silkolene cretonne outing or calico yourself and await the making up The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values ribmte Both are Disgusted Republicans and Democrats aliko can not help being disgusted with tho lying their hide bound party organs have done during the paBt campaign A paper whose proprietor either holds a federal job or is looking for one can not bo depended upon to tell tho un biased truth about politics aud oven sometimes about other things Why should your report about daily affairs be colored to suit tho selfish interests or desires of the man who hnppened to havo his money invested in news paper machinery You havo a right to havo pure news as well as pure food And also why not pure advertising The paper goes into the homo and is read by your children You are trying to keep their minds clean and would raise a row if you found an immoral or impure book in the house Why not guard what they read in daily papers as carefully The Lincoln Stato Journ al columns are the best evidence of its cleanness A whole lot of advertising is found in other dailies that is kept out of the Lincoln Journal When you take The Journal you pay only for your own paper as it has no deadbeats no bad bills Everybody pays in advance and every paper is stopped when the time is out Its a co operative plan every item of waste being eliminated and you get the benefit Lincoln is your capital and The Journal your paper THANKSGIVING THANKS To those gentlemen whom I have served with their needs in my line of fine up-to-date CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS I would also continue to thank those who are in need of a SUIT OR OVERCOAT and cant wait for the tailors and I would suggest to those gentlemen to call and inspect my line of CLOTHING I bought the two celebrated lines of best made clothing in America one is the Schwab of St Louis and the other Lipps Bros of New York which are among the best ready-to-wear clothing manufacturers in America Call and try on one of these 20 22 and 25 SUITS OR OVERCOATS You will be convinced as to shades patterns and styles They are the best skilled labor and American capital can produce I thank you in anticipation I am ready to serve you at any time I remain your obedient servant JULIUS STEIN The Hub Store FALL COUGHS NEED LOOKING AFTER Fall coughs unless properly cured may leave a weakened irritable condi tion that will give trouble all winter or longer Cure coughs promptly and rightly The best remedy we know of is McConnells Balsam It is a remedy you should have on hand now and use promptly whenever a cough starts Good for children or adults Price 25 cents Until Nov 30lh inclusive we will honor this advertise ment if cut out and brought to us to the amount of one dollar on the pur chase of any boys uordurory suit in our stock Suits at S275 to 350 Ages 5 to 12 years Positively not good beyond Nov 30th The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Crowded the Church Tho union temperance meeting in the Congregational church last Sunday crowded that structure to overflowing Pastor Burton of the Baptist church delivered a redhot temperance address illustrating the loss and despair of drink and appealing for temperance for Mc Cook Furs Furs Scarfs from 50c to 81250 Isabella Fox scarfs 8150 to 31250 Line in cludes mink fox chinchilla squirrel opossum coney Childrens sets 3150 to 8350 The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Removal I have changed my office quarters from the McNeoly building over Mc Millens drug store to upstairs in the Citizens Bank building Entrance on B Dennison street west Dr WE McDivitt Cut Glass and Silver ware in all the latest patterns in fact a complete line of this ware which you can fit to your purse will be found at McCook Hardware Co Be sure to look them over before buying Socialist Lecture W D Haywood will deliver a Social ist lecture in the Menard opera house nest Wednesday evening December 2d Babies Strangled by croup coughs or colds are instantly relieved and quickly cured with Mc Millens Cough Cure 25c ttftr Xuj rti NUMBER 2X Your Money Is Safe only when it is safely invested Burglars can annoy you bad loans may cripple you specula tion may ruin you THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK is safe because it is governed on a conservative basis It holds your money where you can got it quickly and without danger of loss P Walsh President C F Leilv V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F MeKenna To Acquire a Site There is clearly an activo interest and a growing sentiment in McCook among property - owners businossmen and others favorable to the acquirement of a site for a future city hall and fire de partment building combined by the present city council Expressions of concern and of sentiment urging this courso of action by the council may be heard from many sources It is urged that desirable property is not likely ever to be purchasable at a loss price perhaps never so cheap again Such a desirable location is available now and at a not unreasonable price While the state of our municipal fi nances will not at present admit of tho construction of an adequate building the time is ripe for acquiring a site and such a course would doubtless meet with popular approval THE REALM OF RUBBER Wo have to be careful in the selection of rubber goods and you should be as careful as we are Between the highest grade and the wholly bad there is not very much difference but the difference is soon found out if you happen to get hold of an unworthy kind We carry different grades of which the cheapest are good and the best are the finest to be had Each kind is sold for just what it is and guaranteed Hot Water Bottles Syringes Sick Room Goods and Nursekv Supplies L W McConnell Druggist Do You Want a Heating- Stove We are going to cut the prices on ten Oak stoves prices good only for the balance of the month of November One 82900 Best Heater Made 8 23 00 One S2500 Best Heater Made smaller size 19 00 Three 81700 Excelsior Oaks 13 50 OneS1150Oak 9 00 One81100Oak 8 75 OneSlOOOOak 7 75 OneSOOOOak 6 75 One8750Oak G00 J E Ludwick Complete House Furnishings Grand Chrysanthemum Sale Over 800 fine plants in bloom Come early and get the pick of them Prices from 25c to 75s each Greatesc sale ever in McCook for flower lovers Thanks giving will soon bo here 20 2ts McCook Greenhouse phone 91 Winter Cloaks Ladies 50 inch coats 8175 to 81G50 Girls coats 3275 to 8900 Childrens coats 50c to 8500 Childrens bearskin coats 8235 to 8100 The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Dont Mention Them By some unfortunate circumstance some people never see anything in their home papers but the errors mistakes unpleasant items At least they never mention the others Desperate Shooting pains in the chest require quick treat ment with McMillens Cough Cure Prevents pneumonia 25c New Directolre Belts The newest in silk and elastic belts 25c to 75c The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Sound Storm Signal Al Eberts geese have been sounding the storm signal for several days Coal up Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell