The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1908, Image 4

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for Depositors
Tho National banking laws
make fcvory stockholder of
The First National Bank of
McCook liablo to dopositors
for twice tho amount of stock
owned Tho liability of stock
holders to depositors of this
bank is 5000000 to which
add its paid up and unim
paired capital of 85000000
surplus of 2500000 and un
divided profits of 1000000
making a total of 13500000
securing dopositors of the
bank In addition to this
amount are tho general assets
of tho bank cash notes
bonds and other securities
amounting to more than
43500000 which secure tho
dopositors of the strongest
bank in Southwestern Ne
The First
of McCook Nebraska
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
It may be that Uncle Joe Millard may
be able to more personally appreciate
the statement that a prophet is often
not without honor Bave in his own
state He is mentioned as a possible
secretary of the treasury under President-to-be
The complete official count in Ne
braska shows the election of the follow
in g men by the pluralities given to the
various state offices Governor Shalleu
berger D 5890 Lieut Governor
Hopewell R 302 Secretary of State
Junkin R 1763 Treasurer Brian
R 3388 Auditor Barton R 4210
State Superintendent Bishop R
3827 Attorney General Thompson
R 4772 Land Commissioner Cowles
R 1903 Railway Commissioner
Cowgill D 651
This week the Library has received
several books which will be of interest
and large helpfulness to many readers
Those who are already working with
electrical apparatus those who wish to
make a study of the science of electric
ity and those who merely wish to be
better informed concerning this great
motive force of the age will find a re
sourceful supply of material for study
and reference in the Library
The development of this wonderful
power which has always existed but
never until recently been made a serv
ant of man is only in its infancy and
its progress is watched with intense
interest by all thinking people
The present generation has only to
tiynk back a few years to remember
what the world was without this marvel
ous servant The housekeeper who
depends upon it for light and heat the
laundress who uses the electric flatiron
and the society lady who uses the elec
tric curler all have become accustomed
to the mere pressing of the button that
there is a feeling of personal injury when
from auy cause the current is shut off
for a few hours
Fairy tales are as nothing compared
with facts of modern invention and the
books which tell of these wonders are
within your reach
The new books received this week
have been recommended by Prof Geo
H Morse head of the Department of
Electrical Engineering of the State
University as especially adapted to the
needs of the Library They are The
Electric Motor by Edwin J Houston
Practical Illumination by J R
Cravath and VRLansingh Electrical
Engineering Leaflets three volumes
elementary intermediate and advanced
by Edwin J Houston and The Intel
lectual Rise in Electricity by Park
It is hoped they may be useful and
interesting to the reading public
Make Your Own House
B uy one of our Cement Block Ma
chines and make your own blocks this
winter For information write Beebe
Cement Paving Co 1023 New York
Life BIdg Omaha Nebr 10 23 4
Colored and Black and White
The Tribune has for sale a nice dis
play of local view post cards in colors
and in black and white Also a well
Bejected line of greeting and other post
- - -
- i i
a j ffi x
- vs - vv-
incident grew the immortal
mie The latter was evolved in a
series of Sunday specials
Hunt up the little Bowery chap you
wrote about said the city editor aft
er the first sketch appeared and give
us some more about him On Mr
Townsends replying Hes just an
imaginary character the city editor
rejoined Well imagine some more
about him
He did and the series took so well
that they were published in book form
soon afterward and 100000 copies
were sold in a short time The story
The Battle of the Politicians
Stories of Some of the
Figures In the Campaign
Daniel J Keefes Differ
ence With Gompers J
NET who succeeded T Cole
man du Pont as director of tho
Republican speakers bureau
represents the Seventeenth New York
district in the house and Is a leading
member of tho Empire State delega
tion In the lower branch of the nation
al legislature He has had experience
in the fields of law and journalism
and has served in a number of public
posts Born in Port Jervis N Y in
1S70 he attended the Port Jervis acad
emy as a youth and graduating in
18S9 went from it to the Albany Law
school from which three years later
he received the degree of LL B For
a time he was on the staff of the Port
Jervis Gazette but for sixteen years
has practiced law fifteen years of that
time in New York city He was mar
ried in 1S0G to Miss Gertrude Wits
chief He has been a member of tho
New York assembly and a justice of
the municipal court of the city of New
Indiana is not the only state in
which literary men take to politics
New Jersey is another and the latest
author to break into politics is Edward
W Townsend who wrote Chimmie
Fadden and who lives in Montclair
He has been nominated for congress
on the Democratic ticket
It was about fourteen years ago that
Mr Townsend then a reporter on the
New York Sun was assigned to write
a story about a mission where some
women were giving a dinner to tene
ment house children The Sun man
during the meal noticed a young lady
who seemed to be on pretty good terms
with the bojs and entering into their
enjoyment in a spirit of comradeship
She noticed that the pie was disappear
ing rapidly and leauiqg over she said
to one boy
Would you like another piece if I
can sneak it
His eyes brightened as she brought
it and placed it before him with a con
fidential whisper as if he were not to
tell Then what did the urchin do but
lean over and kiss her hand It may
be he had seen a courtier do it on some
Bowery stage said Mr Townsend
afterward but I think it was just his
own natural tribute
That was the reporters first insight
into Bowery character and from the
The Way E W Town
send Happened to Write
Chimmic Fadden and
HowHe Got Into Politics
umes have come from Mr Townsends
pen since then but he is still known
as the author of Chitninle Fadden
Mr Townsend is now fifty three niid
his home is on the most fashionable
Btreet of Montclalr His latest works
do not deal in Bowery slang To a
visitor recently he said
Just quote me as saying that my
best selling book is not Chimmie Fad
den Just look at this title This is
my best seller
And the slang politician held out a
volume whose gilt letters said
Our Constitution Why and How
It Was Made Who Made It and What
It Is
Daniel J Keefe who disagrees with
Samuel Gompers in his policy respect
ing union labor and politics is presi
dent of the International Longshore
mens association He was appointed
with Mr Gompers aud others prom
inent as employers or organizers of
labor as a member of the industrial
peace committee established when
President Roosevelt constituted his
Nobel peace prize money a fund to bo
used by such a committee An inci
dent of tlie cam
paign has been the
controversy over
the position taken
by Mr Keefe in
support of Judge
Taft for the presi
dency the asser
tion having been
made that he was
Induced to favor the
Republican candi
date by the offer
from President
Roosevelt of an
important federal
office Mr Keefe
r j KEErr
denied that any such offer had been
made him The International Long
shoremens association is a powerful
organization in the cities on the great
lakes and Mr Keefe occupies a posi
tion of influence in the American Fed
eration of Labor
Daughter of General Logan and Her
Domestic Troubles
There are some points of resem
blance between the Ilains case which
is now engaging the attention of the
New York criminal courts and the
Tucker case a sensational incident in
which attracted notice a short time
ago the wife in the latter instance
causing the arrest of the husband
The troubles hi the nains family arose
through Captain P C flams absence
on duty in the rhilippi iv id Uk op
portunity this gave fr riiirdcTFtid
ings between him and his vriti Th
trouble between the Tu hers israme
about from Colonel YiiHim r Ty le
ers absence on duty ri th fisff
islands now part vf p ylw o
the United States Mr- r Wil
is a daughter ef the 1 iS Oe erl r
A Losran lie aim suj i tis tht an
other woman way trvi t es hei
husbands aTettiuis vhk he was en
gaged in his wrk s an v y iCii
man thoUaiIs f ios vy -
his wife fIe vvulv a Ii fi
the war 7e irfvrru f r n irvvXim
tion of Colriel Tut kers nu t as
Manila PCiiriy the depart eni
does not te ui iiiy iefiu of do
mestic ine ity ercinrv to mem
hers of th rrv 1 ut i - istiire
partly on account cf repivstntatijiis
made by the wieew of General Iogau
Judge Taft v ln was then secretary
referred the irartcr to the inspector
general of fie army for inquiry Re
cently while Colonel Tucker was on
his way from Michigan to the govern
ment hospital at Hot Springs Ark
where Secretary Wright had ordered
him for treatment he was arrested on
a warrant obtained by his wife charg
ing desertion Colonel Tucker Is as
sistant paymaster general of the army
and his marriage to General Logans
daughter then a popular member of
Washington society was a noted social
event of the time
Had to Fix Calendar
First Office Boy Do you ever git to
take a day off Second Office Boy
was flmmnttaed and had a verv sue- Naw only when I fixes de calendar
cessful run on the stage Several J ha de office
Price Never Changed
The Rev Simon Turpie was an elo
quent speaker but he seemed to have
a list of sermons which when he once
began he went right through to the
end and then started at the first ser
mon again uid so on
A youug man in the congregation
was about to leave for South Africa
but the Sunday before he departed he
attended the church service
In the course of his lecture the min
ister used an illustration in which were
the words A mail can easily purchase
two sparrows for threepence
The young man after being absent
for about three years returned and
again on the first opportunity attended
divine service Strange to say he
heard the same nanative by the same
minister the phrase striking him most
being about the two sparrows for
At the close of the service the min
ister in his courtesy came aud shook
hands with the youth and welcoming
him back to his home asked him If
he noticed any changes about the
The young man evidently quite un
concerned replied Aye man theres
two or three changes but theres yiu
thing I can see the price o sparrows
is aye at the same auld figger Glas
gow News
New Use For Wheelbarrows
Mrs Zelia Nuttall the archaeologist
was making some excavations in Mex
ico The Indians were removing the
earth some distance from the point of
excavation in the customary manner
that is on a piece of coarse cloth tied
between two poles stretcher fashion
carried by two Indians This method
seemed rather laborious to Mrs Nut
tall so she ordered several iron wheel
barrows from the city When they
arrived she turned them over to the
foreman after explaining to him what
they were for and how to use them
Next day when she visited the work
the Indians had discarded their primi
tive parihuelas and were using tin
bright new wheelbarrows As each
barrow was filled with earth it was
picked up by two Indians one using
the handles and the other the wheel
and carried to the place where tho
earth was lo be deposited All efforts
to get the Indians to use the wheel
barrows properly failed and they kept
on carrying them until the work was
Alphabet of the Playhouse
We keep learning things all the
time said an infrequent theater goer
I stopped in front of a theater the
other daj to buy a ticket of a specu
lator and I asked him if he had a good
single near the front
Heres one in O he said thir
teenth row third seat from the aisle
Now you know I dont carry the
relative positions of the letters of the
alphabet in my mind all the time I
have to work for a living and have
other things to think of But it struck
me that O must be farther down the
line than thirteen and so I just count
ed up the letters on my finger tips and
1 made O come fifteenth and I said so
to the ticket man but that didnt wor
ry him any
Theres no A in this theater he
said and theres no I in any orches
tra In town
And having my finger tip figuring
thus handily knocked out I bought the
ticket Washington Post
The Surprise of Slivnitsa
I have never quite made out says
a writer in Near East why the
plain of Slivnitsa has come to be re
garded as the scene of one of the great
decisive battles of the worlds his
tory It did not even decide the Servo
Bulgarian war in ISSo That was de
cided by Austria intervention The
battle of Slivnitsa is really only re
markable for the comical fact that
both sides thought they were defeated
and while Milan of Servia was hurry
ing home in confusion Alexander of
Bulgaria galloped all the way back to
his capital before he learned that the
tide had turned Nowadays the vil
lage looks sleepy enough poor and
dirty like most Bulgarian villages but
almost gay when the sun shines upon
its red roofs
Harsh Music
The politician caught with the goods
was counseled by his friends to stay
aud face the music
For an instant he listened to the
clamor of denunciation
Great Scott he exclaimed impa
tiently do you call that music
A moment later he was out of hear
ing Philadelphia Ledger
How Rows Begin
Hubby I dreamed last night that
you didnt love me
now foolish you are
Foolish am I As if I could help
what I dream about
And the fracas was on Louisville
Courier Journal
Whst Kept Him
Why couldnt you have come home
at a reasonable hour remarked an
angry wife to her spouse
Coud mdear jes easy as not but
I hie was waitin fer you t
Bhleep replied the delinquent
o f
Soon Gets Over It
What is the honeymoon pa
Well the honeymoon is the only
period in a mans life during which he
considers it funny to come home and
find that his dear little wife hasnt
dinner ready Id time
The Means to the End
Mrs Benham Why does a man hate
his mother-in-law Benham Oh he
doesnt hate her he simply hates to
think of the way she got Into his fam
ily Harpers Weekly
The Pole Star
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are
known also us the trlouos and as the
Greater Wain and tho Lesser Wain It
Is curious to note that the larger cou
stellatlou was given the figure of the
bear by the Arabs and by the Iroquois
red men The assumed forms are or
dinarily fanciful and the Identity of
the names in this lustance affords food
for speculation Homer uses both bear
and wain wagon in his references to
these stars It Is evident that the
name bear was u translation from
some original Aryan language as the
constellation is called In Sanskrit
riksha a word that in different gen
ders means both a bear and n star Of
course the polar star in the tail of Ursa
Minor is the constellations point of
glory In this case we may say fairly
that the tall wags the dog because the
group of stars was once called the
dogs tall or cynosure From that we
have our word cynosure that toward
which all eyes turn as to the dogs
tall for sight of the pole star Minne
apolis Tribune
How Nora Coaxed the Tips
A group of women were standing in
the corridor of a summer hotel when
an aged scrubwoman started upstairs
with a pail of water Just then a
bright faced buxom Irish chamber
maid came up
This looks purty heavy for the likes
of ye she said cheerily to the old
woman Better let me help
She took up the paid and whisked off
upstairs with It
How thoughtful of Nora Isnt
she kind and similar expressions
rose to the lips of the women The
proprietor of the hotel and another
man also witnessed the incident
Clever girl that Nora said the
hotel man to his companion Shes
always doing something like that when
there are people looking on She gets
more tips than any two other girls in
the house She could afford to pay me
for the privilege of working here
Every summer she makes enough to
spend the winter in idleness at her old
home in Ireland New York Tribune
Oddities of Color Blindness
Color blindness or the inability to
distinguish certain colors is by no
means rare Incomplete color blindness
is when a person cannot distinguish
one of the fundamental colors red
green or violet If a person is told to
select colors resembling violet he will
If red blind usually select blues as well
as violets If he Is green blind lie will
select green or gray with possibly
some blues and violets of the brightest
shades Violet blindness is rare To a
red blind person the American flag ap
pears to have green and white stripes
w ls the white stars appear on a vio
ls field To a green blind person the
stri es have the proper colors but the
field for the stars is red violet To a
violet blind person the stripes are nor
mal but the stars appear to be set In a
dark brownish gray field To a person
who is totally color blind the blue of
the flag appears a light yellowish
brown while the red stripes seem to
be a darker brown
Ari Idol Shattered
Some one has said that people that
are fond of hero worship should never
make a pilgrimage to see the hero
Here is an instance
An enthusiastic young lady admirer
called on her favorite author In
speaking of her visit she said
Im sorry I saw him He didnt
look at all like an author no long
wavy hair no dreamy expression no
eyes fixed on the stars as if to read
the secrets of the heavens no musical
low voice nothing to suggest the
genius No I found him leaning on
the garden gate In his shirt sleeves
swearing at a grocery boy And his
hair was close cropped and he looked
as if he hadnt shaved in a week ne
was the most terribly human specimen
I ever saw Atlanta Constitution
The Vickedest Bit of Sea
Nine out of ten travelers would tell
inquirers that the roughest piece of
water is that cruel stretch In the Eng
lish channel tnd nine out of ten trav
elers would say what was not true
As a matter of fact the wickedest
bit of sea is not in the Dover strait or
in yachting for exajnple from St Jean
de Luiz up to Pauillac or across the
Mediterranean race from Cadiz to
Tangier nor is it in rounding Cape
norn where I here is what sailors call
a true sea The wickedest sea is
encountered n roundhm the Cape of
Good Hope for the eastern ports of
Cape Colony
Wh4 a Sccismi Wears
A Scottish siguiu
himself II iR vrite to is ik fol
Der Tr Ito vr itj vnr coi iti
that a EooFm - oars a kilt not kiiz
Thus Harry I - wvir airHe ti
kin clad it a il rot i i iitt
We rewr t s m rl it v find nr
selves ui ilile Here mir i mv
spoudems littjit r f r ttt
compels us t s ite thai a S otsrpi
almost invzri ill weirs msi r a I Sit
nor kilts but trouMrs -I - v
Quite cf Her C -
Oil I did so want in Iimc taik
With you Im MiiiiIy mad to c on
the stape exclaimed a gushimr ymns
lady to a popular actor
Yes I should think you would be
my dear ymng lady remarked the
great histrion
Why do you wear a yachting cap
deah boy Its your brother that owns
the yacht
Very true old chap This is me
brothers cap Cleveland Plain Dealer
Beauty Is part of the finished lan
guage which goodness speaks Eliot
M -
TTZT7Z1 unV W C T U s
K Coadttctea ay mc -- - r
Taking Denver as an illustration of
what is being done in all other large
cities in the country Hon Seaborn
general of Georgia
Wright prohibition
gia last night scored the saloon as au
institution promulgated by the money
mad and said to the delegates of tho
national W C T U convention that
the whole license system was only the
old old effort to get money out of
evil modernized and served with poli
The greatest coward God ever made
is the average politician said Mr
Wright in that forcible style that has
caused him to be styled the Irish
Burke of Georgia Continuing he re
viewed the work that had been ac
complished in making a prohibition
state of Georgia and compared it to
the work that might be accomplished
in Colorado and throughout the union
Politicians are to he found on the
prohibition hand wagon in Georgia to
day because they are cowards said
Mr Wright In Chicago the candi
dates are pledged to official anarchy
before they are nominated and they
carry out this anarchy after they are
Mr Wright attacked the system
in Denver and presented it to his au
dience as demonstrative of what every
other city in the union was subject to
under the law of licensed saloon
Saloons in Denver are not regulat
ed said Mr Wright The system is
bigger than the men who control it
We have established the license sys
tem throughout the land It is the old
old effort to get money out of shame
and degradation The people of our
counties and cities are selling shame
and sin to the highest bidder Through
money lust they are changing a sys
tem of evil into a lawful business
We are money mad Our great
government is capitalizing vice
through the passion for strong drink
Wo have the ylea that money will
make everything right
The W C T U stands for the abo
lition of a system inherently wrong
Here in your city are men with a
craving for liquor You plant saloons
on your corners thus capitalizing pas
sion and setting a price upon it It
is not the appetites of the men who
drink we have to fight hut the avarice
of men who get their taxes paid I
never had an unkind word for the
drinking man or the saloon man They
pay for your great industries and you
business men of Denver accept the
price through the ballot box
If I bring no other message to the
people of Denver I want you to know
that it is avarice that is holding the
saloon evil here and in every other
city I want to say to the business
men the saloon belongs to you It is
your institution It is not the property
of the saloonkeeper The laws of bus
iness compel both supply and demand
and you business men are furnishing
both For money you people of the
West open saloons to tempt men to
ruin You are putting money above
virtue and every business man knows
it It is cold practical common sense
The money from your saloons goes to
the stockholders of your biggest busi
ness enterprises
The government can never rise
higher in politics than its citizenship
and the people of this nation are de
bauched savages The saloon is in the
graft business but it furnishes the
graft to politicians It is a gx aft in
the name of license It is official an
archy to license the saloon There is
no personal liberty and can be none
in this country so long as the saloon
is licensed National sin is national
death and that is what we are coming
- I W ii
I n If
I 11
Splendid Blankets
Ask your dealer for a
5A Blanket They are
j r
inovn ire vorid ri I
the best and stronger and I
th2 j M
eta made Loci f rho A i
traae marK
Bur a 5 Siss Gi th for m i
- a SA Squire Jar ibz Street j S
We Sell Them SSLt7
1 i