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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1908)
ZM i Ul l TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR COMMENCED WORK ON MONDAY The New Light Plant Will Cost About 35000 Machinery Shipped Work on tho new electric light plant was begun Monday This will be good dows to the people of McCook Tho dimensions of the building are 01x45 feet with 18 foot walls It will be built of pressed red brick and steel The plans are complete and call for an up-to-date modern plant in every re spect Tho machinery has been shipped and it is expected that the plant will be pushed along rapidly and without delay The power will be supplied by steam turbine engines A Big Staff Party The members of McCook Council No 1126 Knights of Columbus indulged in a stag party Tuesday night which netted them a rare evenings pleasure Besides the usual refreshments the fol lowing program added to the enjoyment of tho evening Song Dr J A and Francis Colfor Piano Solo F J Hassler Violin Solo James McAdams CAff - F Colfer Frank Real Debate j NegGR Galo Frank Brady Reading E P Curran Song Rev W J Kirwin Song A V Coupe A HOLIDAY VISION Our entire line of Dolls will be on display Saturday November 21st We have many dolls this year which you will be glad to see -we know and in order to see all of them you will have to come soon We have such a large stock and va riety of Dolls we are sure to please you We will give a Souvenir Booklet of Beauty Leaves to every lady custom er on opening day Saturday Novem ber 21st L W McCONNELL Druggist Day Service The Thanksgiving Day service will bo held this year at tho Methodist church at 1030 a m The sermon will be preached by Rev R M Ainsworth -of tho Christian church In connec tion with this service an offering in money food or clothing will be taken for the poor of tho city It is hoped that there will be a large attendance of thankful people and a generous offering The Winter Chautauqua The winter chautauqua enterprise of the Epworth League of the Methodist church held in church Monday-Thursday evenings was a success from the view point of musical and literary ex cellence but lacked patronage to make it the large success the league hoped for in the box office receipts The McCook Hardware People are promoting a lively Majestic Range exhibition and demonstration this week which will continue during next week They have the goods and are showing a large number of people every day be sides serving hot biscuits and coffee to all their guests Wants To Know Pro Bono Publico wants to know where the boys are The Tribune cant answer the question very satisfactorily but there is no lack of evidence that they are not all at home nights Whats the matter with the home Underwear Underwear Jack Frost is calling your attention to the need of warmer underwear Rozell Barger have Coopers the Globe and the popular non shrinking Duofold Better call and examine Accounts Must Be Paid Having disposed of our dairy business to Flitcraft Clark all accounts due us must be paid within 30 days either in cash or by note ElKENBERRY CLARK Reffular Meeting November 2X The W C T U will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs William Deere November 27th Topic The Press A cordial invitation given to any who may desire to attend Only the Best Only tho best is just good enough for the discriminating public that patroniz es Marshs meat market And that is his motto and practice DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS A world of Dolls to be seen at Mc Connells Drug Store Saturday No vember 21st Buckskin Flannel Shirts -warm strong serviceable They are union made and are sold by Rozell Barger Aboutva score of Royal Neighbors en joyed a social afternoon Wednesday with Mrs Ray S Light The Hub store for bargains in ladies and mens ready-to-wear apparel BLOCKS OUT LOTS OF WORK The McCook Commercial club at its meeting Tuesday evening blocked out work which if consummated will be of groat benefit to the city The committee on rdvlslon of con stitution and by laws reported In a preliminary way but the completed work will not be finally acted upon until a future meeting soon to be called for that purpose A committee of five Messrs F A Pennell F M Kimmell J F Cordeal Fred Bruns and S S Garvey was ap pointed to confer with the city council concerning buying property now for future use of the municipality This committee was afterwards authorized to take up with the city council the matter of improving the river roads especially leading into McCook Messrs F M Kimmell H C Clapp and C L Fahnestock were constituted a committee to act in conjunction with the ladies of the W C T U in secur ing a rest room and facilities The membership of the club was in creasned by the addition of twenty five new members at this meeting Tribune Goes to Press Earlier In order to get the paper into the one oclock delivery The Tribune now goes to press at ten oclock Friday morning Advertisers and others will kindly note and govern themselves accordingly To insure your advertising printing in a carefully prepared manner copy should be brought in not later than Wednes day afternoon The hour of going to press cannot be delayed or deviated from and get into the regular one oclock delivery Be prompt Tell the County Supt If any child who made an exhibit at the Boys and Girls County contest failed to receive a prize I would be pleased to know it in order that the mistake may be rectified It is my most sincere desire that no child be overlooked At the close of the contest some sacks tea towels and dishes were left in the court room The owners may secure the same by calling at my office Claudia B Hatcher County Supt Note Date of Address Slip Note the date on your address slip on The Tribune If you have not paid your subscription for 1908 kindly call at office or mail amount due No paper will be sent to those more than one year in arrears and such accounts after due notice and no response will be placed for collection SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscriptions to any maga zine or paper published go to Barney Hofer the old reliable local dealer who will save you money Get wise to strangers and dont get stung like so many have the past year School of Instruction Grand Custodian French held a Masonic school of instruction in our city Thursday and Friday of this week He has been conducting similar schools in various towns of this section of Ne braska past two weeks He is always welcome among the boys of the order Thanksgiving Day at St Albans Rev E R Earle will conduct services Thanksgiving day in St Albans chapel commencing at nine oclock There will be a Thanksgiving sermon and Holy Communion The offering will go to Ciarkson hospital Omaha You Are Cordially Invited to attend our exhibit any day this week Come and have a cup of coffee and hot biscuits if you intend to buy or not McCook Hardware Co Desperate Shooting pains in the chest require quick treat ment with McMillens Cough Cure Prevents pneumonia 25c COURT HOUSE NEWS ittcQEooh COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report Leonard D Bennett 26 Lincoln Neb Estella Mae Fuller 25 McCook Married November 9 by County Judge J C Moore George S Durbin 21 Leva L Williams 21 both of Bartley Neb Grover Jones 23 Farnam Neb Bertha Wagner 23 Holbrook Neb Married November 12 by County Judge J C Moore Edward Rothe 21 Mollie Schaffer 19 both of Culbertson Neb Louis Schreiber 21 Belle Wesch 17 both of Traer Kansas Francis E Dowd 33 Quick Neb Regina Dold 27 May wood Neb Guy Clark 19 Herndon Kansas Maudie Bisnett 17 Cedar Bluffs Kas Scale books on sale in The Tribune stationery department Workmen Enjoy an Evening The members of McCook lodge A O U W enjoyed a full evening of pleasure Monday of this week in Diamonds hall a full attendance being represented The early part of tho evening was given over to the following program Piano solo Miss Naomi Woolton Vocal solo Miss Ruth Wiehe Violin duet MesarsOConnor and Halstedt Buck and Wing dance Miss Joy Cook Vocal solo Mr Wm Wootton Violin duet MessrsOConnor and Halstedt Recitation Miss Maude Hegenberger Song Albion Quartette Violin duet MessrsOConnor and Halstedt Song Albion Quartette The remainder of the evening was oc cupied with the dance music being furnished by the West McCook Orches tra The Workman membership here numbers 470 and interest is being aroused in the regular meetings of this fraternal order COMPANY FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER What a disappointment it will be if your cooking is not a success Why not insure by using McCONNELLS SPICES Flavoring and Sage Our spices and flavorings are the best and purest obtainable and sage will give your turkey dressing jurt the flavor you like Dont take chances with uncertain goods when you can get something you can be sure of L W McCONNELL Druggist Surprise Shower by Awl 0s Misses Stasia and Rose Brady and Nelle Gunn were hostesses to tho Awl Os Wednesday evening at the Brady home on Main avenue in a surprise shower on Mrs Leonard Bennett of happiest details The home was taste fully decorated in autumnal colors and materials - Mrs Bennett was showered handsomely and richly paintings silverware and other beautiful presents in the number there was the customary refreshment period and altogether the evening was one of the notable ones for the famous Awl Os Hoc Est Potato Cut out this advertisement bring it not later than November 28th to The Thompson D G Co and they will sell you the following item worth the regu lar prices S150 for the lump price of 99 cents 6 big turkey red hdfs 3 pairs of heavy cotton sox 1 pair all leather work gloves 1 pr mens suspenders 1 warm winter cap 3 mens fine white hdfs Positively not given without the clipp ing nor later than November 28th The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash valnes Week Ending- November 28 During this week we will honor this notice if cut out and brought to our store to the amount of 35 cents on the purchase of each suit of 102 S Ladies Union Undewear The regular price and value is SI each We have only sizes 3 and 4 left The Thompson DG Co Sell Their Lumber Yard This week Joseph Stansberry of Fort Morgan Colorado becomes the owner of The Clint Hamilton Lumber Cos yard and business Mr Stansberry and family are here and he is in charge of the business Mr Hamilton will likely remove from the city and engage in business elsewhere The Garland Base Burner is so well known that it is hardly essary to speak of them only to say that McCook Hardware Co carry them and the sooner you get one and do away with that old coal eater foot freezer stove the sooner you will be comfortable and satisfied It Takes Cash to buy it but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you get what you want especially if you are looking for the best How You are a good guesser D C Marsh is the boy Repainted and Repaired The water company has a force of men repainting and making repairs to the big steel standpipe Meanwhile direct pressure is being used in the water system Received a Liberal Patronaffe The ladies of the Dorcas society of the Congregational church enjoyed a liberal patronage during their dinner and supper yesterday at Diamonds hall 750 to 5000 Auto coats and fur coats mens and boys overcoats large assortment and the correct sort 750 to 5000 Rozell Bargek A Break for Liberty from stomach troubles liver and kidney troubles is made by using McMillens Liver Granules 25c nwMnawwnwi STILLMAN BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE Largtructure Well Filled with Ma chinery Goes Up In Flames The largo barn on tho Stillman farm just a few miles east of tho city was destroyed by fire about nine oclock yesterday morning Tho building a largo one and its entiro contents prac tically wero destroyed Mrs Stillman succeeded in removing a few sets of har ness constituting tho entiro salvage The loss amounts to 1500 insurance 650 It is claimed the fire resulted from a passing freight train A Unique Entertainment Mrs Mary A Northrup entertained a large company of elderly friends last Saturday afternoon in a delightfully unique and clever manner There were about thirty five guests present on the occasion eight of the younger ladies wearing fuchus and powdered hair to conform to the situation The home was appropriately and prettily decorated with autumn leaves and chrysanthemums with pleasing effectiveness Progressive conversation furnished a large fund of amusement the odds relating to the even wedding day anecdotes and the evens to odds stories of their first year of house keeping Mrs William Weygint won the first prize and Mrs A C Ebert the consolation A two course lunch was served Mrs Northrup and Mrs Marietta Hawley at the large table being assisted by Mrs James Hatfield Mrs C H Boyle Mrs T B Campbell Mrs J G Stoke3 and others A program added to the pleasure of the occaeien Mrs Edker Burton gavo two vocal numbers Little Mary Boyle sang Mrs G B Hawkes read two selections Annie Laurie was a piano number there were responses to toasts by Mrs Sylvester Cordeal Mrs Stevens Mrs Northrup and others and the com pany departed after singing Blessed Be the Tie That Binds In every respect the affair was one of marked interest and cordiality with tender touches and much joy JOINING CORN ASSOCIATION Hundreds of farmers in all parts of the United States are showing their interest in the movement to produce more and better corn and in the Na tional Corn Exposition by sending in memberships to the National Corn Growers association This association inspired the Na tional Corn show It is composed of corn growers in all parts of the United States who send 1 membership fee to Secretary J Wilkes Jones at Oma ha which is used to aid in furthering the work of the association During the last week almost three hundred have mailed applications for membership arid the 1 fee to the sec retary and this year they receive an admission to the corn show at Omaha on the membership ticket Corn growers from the following states have sent in memberships re cently Colorado Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Ne braska Ohio Oklahoma South Da kota Texas and Wisconsin Several memberships have been re ceived from England Mexico Canada and other foreign countries Omaha December 9 19 190S Vlersen Buys Partners Interest First of the week L S Viersen pur chased the interest of his partner E G Standish in tho V S shoe parlor on West B street Mr Standish has re turned to his home in Ohio for the pres ent but contemplates later on going still further west and engaging in busi ness We Have Said This to You Before A Saving in Money an improvement in looks by wearing Stein Bloch clothes We have signed our name to it If its true you are interested and we are standing pat A simple try on is worth while Rozell Barger Clothiers Osteopathy Dr J O Bruce Osteopath has op ened offices over Electric Theatre No 116 Main ave Graduate of A S O Kirksville Mo Five years experience in practice Call or phone 55 PERLA TOCA BOOKLET for- every lady wh calls at our store Saturday November 2Jst L W McCONNELL Druggist Counterfeit Dollars buy trouble but a genuine quarter buys McMillens Face Lotion relieves chapped hands and face Have you seen the modern cooking wonder at McCook Hardware Cos store Come in any day this week ii niiiiULi UUJ iMiiwiyjij J in i ij jiiiiiiiiiiigmnrniT3mrjiiimljlULli u in- Srtbtme MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 20 1908 Special Session City Council There was a special session of the city council last Friday evening with all members present October reports of city weigh master and chief of police were read and filed Reports of police judge for October were referred back to the judge for in formation upon what authority certain fines were withdrawn and suspended The audited and allowed bills were as follows McCook Electric Co 58 allowed at 50 GO Frank Cain work on rouds 110 00 Henry Gale October salary 27 00 W A Gold October salary 40 00 McCook Water Works Co water cemetery 29 70 T F Rowell police duty Oct 31 2 00 Howe Smith same 2 00 L W McConnell drugs 19 62 F M Kimmell printing 3 50 Eugene Gary sewer inspection 26 00 DC Marsh meat 2 25 C G Bosworth board and room 50 FOR ALL WINTER AILMENTS Changeable weather and the general climatic conditions of winter bring various ailments in their train Whatever you need In the drug line at this or any other season will be found here We have all the adver tised remedies whether they are ad vertised for sale by us or not If you require the compounding of prescriptions you are insured service of the highest possible character by bringing such work to us L W McCONNELL Druggist Homesteads Homestead land will soon be a thing of the past Have you used your home stead right If not there never was a better opportunity than now We have a number of fine claims on which you can file if you come at once Good level land black sandy loam soil which will raise the best of crops For further information write D J Sexsmith Wray Colorado A Card of Thanks We are most grateful to all the kind neighbors and friends for assistance and sympathy during the illness and after the death of our dear husband and father Also to the Degree of Honor and others for flowers Mrs Jos Dudek and family Union Temperance Meetlnff At the Congregational church Sun day night November 22 the united temperance forces of the city will hold a big meeting Rev Edker Burton of the Baptist church will preach and he is an expert in this line Come out and hear him Good music All welcome BASKET SOCIAL A basket social will be given at the Red Willow school house district No 1 and a program will be rendered by the pupils on November 25 1908 Everybody invited We will entertain you BY SCHOOL COMMITTEE A Heavy Loss Last Friday afternoon William White had the misfortune to lose a bill book containing 80 one 20 and four 10 bills To one in his circumstances the loss is a severe one indeed Money has not been recovered up to this printing Removal I have changed my office quarters from the McNeely building over Mc Millens drug store to upstairs in the Citizens Bank building Entrance on B Dennison street west Dr WE McDivitt You Can Heat Your House with less expense and trouble with a Garland or Riverside Base Burner than by any other method You can get these stoves at McCook Hardware Cos Babies Stranffled by croup coughs or colds are instantly relieved and quickly cured with Mc Millens Cough Cure 25c Household Goods for sale Phone red 266 for description and particulars ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs J D Young is vi3iting in Chi cago C E Cone of Parsons Kansas spent Wednesday in the city Rev Haggeman of Bartley was a city visitor Wednesday Captain J C Hill of Imperial was a city visitor Tuesday evening Mrs H D Stewart Mrs Samuel Pickard and Mrs W T Lyon were Lincoln visitors Tuesday Lincoln hotel guests Rev M B Carman was called to Ragan Harlan county to conduct a funeral there today Rev Carman was once pastor in that neighborhood Mrs Ella Sly is here on a visit ar riving early in the week She has been visiting in the northwest and at Ogalal la with her daughters for several months smSBmmmitmL i NUMBER 26 Your Money Is Safe only when it is safely invested Burglars can annoy you bad loans may cripple you simula tion may ruin you THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK is safo because it is governed on a conservative basis It holds your monoy whero you can got it quickly and without danger of loss P Walsh Prcsidont C F Lehn V Pre3 C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna COUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Will Hold Their First Meeting of the Year at Lebanon November 28 The first meeting of the school year of tho Red Willow county teachers asso ciation will bo held in the Methodist church Lebanon Saturday November 28th The following program is being prepared for tho occasion 1030 A M Duet Clover Blossoms Alta McCarty and Minnie Nelson Round Table Talks How to Interest Patrons five minute discussions Principal Hossler Mrs E B Young and Grace Phillips Reading Nora Principal Hossler Music Lebanon Quartette Enrollment 130 P M Music Furnished by Indianola How to Enliven the History Class Principal W A Cockle Discussion by F P Anderson What Should Be the Basis of Pro motion Principal Gibbs Open Discussion Drill Lebanon Children Why Do We Have So Many Poor Readers Some Difficulties How to Overcome Them Laura Glandon Discussion by B Ethel Redfern Manual Training Principal Holiday What Can Rightly Be Expected of a High School Graduate Hon D F Hupp Instrumental Duet Beth and Madeline McDonald Has a FIffht With Trainmen St Joseph Mo Nov 13 Oscar Kent a stockman of Republican City Nebr almost demoralized train sched ules on the Burlington last night He had a dispute with the conductor of the St Louis Denver train which left here at 1225 In a fight which followed he knocked the conductor down The brakeman was similarly treated and the train which had gone a mile was backed to the city where officers were on hand and arrested Kont Another conductor was secured The train wa3 delayed nearly an hour and a number of other trains were delayed in conse quence Kent said he was asleep when the conductor aroused him and had been dreaming that he was fighting Do You Want a Heating- Stove We are going to cut the prices on ten Oak stoves prices good only for tho balance of the month of November One 2900 Best Heater Made 23 00 One 2500 Best Heater Made smaller size 19 00 Three 1700 Excelsior Oaks 13 50 One 1150 Oak 9 00 OneSlIOOOak 8 75 One1000Oak 7 75 OneSOCOOak 6 75 One 750 Oak 6 00 J E Ludwick Complete House Furnishings Grand Chrysanthemum Sale Over S00 fine plants in bloom Come early and get the pick of them Prices from 25c to 752 each Greatesc sale ever in McCook for flower lovers Thanks giving will soon be here 20 2ts McCook Greenhoce phone 91 Dont Be Obstinate when you know it is jeopardizing your own pocket book Come in and let us convince you of our money saving prices The Hen Store Julius Stein Prop ANNUAL DOLL DISPLAY Saturday November 21st Souvenir for every lady customer L W McCONNELL Druggist Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell r