u 6REHM AKING Made from healtttful grape cream of fer3ar Will make twice as much good bread biscuit and cake pound for pound as the lowpricedimitations made from alum and alum phos phateSj and vill make the food appetizing and healthful Br Prices Cream Baking Powder is not only economical but makes the food more wholesome UCCESSFUL FARMERS INSTITUTE And a Most Interesting Boys Corn Growing and Girls Cooking and Sewing Contest OVER 600 PUPILS AND OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE From All Over Red Willow County and the Interest and Exhibits Were Most Gratifying Details of the Awards Made in Each Class The Farmers Institute and Hoys Corn Growing and Girls Cooking and Sewing contests held in McCook last Saturday drew to the city a surpris ingly large attendance of boys and girls together with parents and other inter ested parties from all over the county Over 400 children made exhibits and every child received for the effort if not a premium or prize at least the sum of 25 cents in cash The exhibits were displayed in the court room of the court house but it soon became evident that the room would not accommodate the crowd pre sent so an adjournment was taken to the Methodist church just opposite the court house This building using main audience room and league room was not adequate to the crowd which exceeded 600 Here the formal program of the occasion was rendered and the prizes announced The prizes were awarded as follows BUTTER 1st Carl Smith McCook Dist 31 2nd Ferris Hupp Lebanon Dist 6 3rd Lee Bonham Lebanon Dist G 4th Myrtle Spurgin McCook Dist 5S WHEAT BREAD 1st MaryKarthouserIndianolaDist44 2nd Edith Gentry Danbury Dist 23 3rd Minnie Kisker McCook Dist 3 4th Leona Hellesen Danbury Dist23 CORN BREAD 1st Nellie Book Lebanon Dist G 2nd Hazel Burns McCook Dist 17 3rd Fay Xeel Indianola Dist 66 COOKIES 1st Amy Mevers Indianola Dist 1 2nd Lelia Smith McCook Dist 31 3rd Nellie Thomas Lebanon Dist G COLORED WORK APRONS 1st Bertha Hsss Indianola Dist 7 2nd Hazel Donaly Indianola Dist 7 3rd Nellie Thoma3 Lebanon Dist 5 4th Esther Johnson Lebanon Dist 6 WHITE APRONS 1st Bertha Podolski Indianola Dist 3 2nd Rosa LeihbrandtMcCook Dist47 3rd Edith Richmond Wilsonville Dist 5 4th Golda Cass Danbury Dist 28 PATCHING AND MENDING 1st Bertha Hess Indianola Dist 7 2nd Madeline Nutt Danbury Dist 2S 3rd Neta Stilgebouer Marion Dist 4 CLASS A CORN PLANTED AND TENDED BY EXHIBITOR TEN EARS 1st Lee Doyle Box Elder Dist 63 2nd Sheridan Bower McCook Dist 31 3rd Alvin Johnson McCook Dist 4 CLASS B CORN SELECTION TEN EARS 1st Lester Randel Indianola Dist 66 2nd Harry Gockley Danbury Dist 24 3rd Alfred Cheney Indianola Dist 7 4th George Book Lebanon Dist 6 CLASS C LOT ONE VARIETIES SIX EARP OF EACH 1st Robert Johnson Lebanon Dist 6 2nd Irving McAninch McCook Dist16 CLASS C LOT TWO ONE EAR OF EACH DIF FERENT SIZES SHAPES COLORS ETC 1st Earl Wilcox McCook Dist 31 2nd Jamie Jacques McCook Dist 16 CLASS D POPCORN 1st Base Doyle Box Elder Dist 63 2nd Earl Wilson Box Elder Dist 63 CLASS E SWEETCORN 1st Bryan Doyle Box Elder Dist 63 2nd Base Doyle Box Elder Dist 63 There was a formal program in the church after the awards had been made and during this program the awards were announced PROGRAM ONE OCLOCK P M Instrumental duet Mrs W B Mills Mrs E O Vahue Talk Deputy State Supt EC Bishop Corn Song Boys and Girls Instrumental duet Mrs W B Mills Mrs E O Vahue Domestic Science for Girls and Report Results of Girls Contest Miss Myrtle Kauff man Lincoln Result of Boys Contest Mr Herron State Farm Instrumental duet Mrs W BMills Mrs E O Vahue Barn Yard Manure How to Make It How to Save It and How to Ap ply It ProfE W Hunt EVENING PROGRAM Instrumental duet MrsWB Mills Miss Fay HJikenberry Address Does It Pay to Educate a Girl Miss Kautfman Solo Miss Dougan Economy in the Care of Farm Ani mals Prof Hunt Instrumental solo Miss Nina Tomlinson The whole affair not only attendance and interest but the quality of the ex hibits and the variety and quantity of corn as well as the manner of the dis play was a distinct and large success Miss Hatcher of the countys educa tional department and Stephen Bolles and William Hiersekorn of the farmers institute department are each and all to bo congratulated and commended Such affairs are of the greatest benefit to Red Willow county and should be as sisted and given every encouragement in the future Prof Hunt and Mr Herron were rep resentatives of the Nebraska Agricul tural college and Mr Bishop and Miss KaufTman of the states educational de partment Mr Stewart of tho National Corn Ex position Omaha also took occasion to speak on tho exposition and to com mend the exhibit made To Governor George L Sheldon A L BIXBY When the railroads combine with the men who sell booze Though the righteous stand for the moment to lose Though the limbs may grow weak that were sturdy and strong Do not faint by the it will not be for long There will come a glad change in due time do not fret For the Lord reigns supreme over Israel yet If we stick to the text if we hew to the line Ho wilf help us to bump this unholy combine r With that thought in our minds let us cheer up again And go on with the fight heaven help us Amen t f AFT WINS Republic an Carry New York OhI and Indiana GANNON AND HUGHES IN Greater Hew York is Repub lican for President for First Time in Twelve Years New York Nov 5 Returns re ceived this morning indicate tat William H Taft of Ohio as preoic it elect will have a vote of 309 in tne electoral college This is within six teen votes of the forecast made by National Chairman Frank H Hitch cock and sixty seven more than a ma jority of the total electoral vote of 4S3 If Missouri votes for Taft his total may reach 327 News of the late returns indicate that Maryland after vacillating during the day and appar en i y being safe for the Democracy has swung into the Taft column The unofficial figures give Mr Taft the state by 136 votes Indiana and West Virginia as well as Montana turned out to be safely Republican Colorado went for Bry an If Missouri which late develop ments place in the doubtful column goes Democratic Mr Bryan vill have a total of 174 votes two less than he received in 189G In 1904 Mr Parker received only 140 In 1900 Mr Bryan received 155 votes and in 189G the Ne hraskan received 17o votes Mr Tafts 309 electoral votes com pare with 336 received by Roosevelt in 1904 292 received by McKinley in 1900 and 271 received by McKinley in 1S96 National Chairman Norman E Mack of the Democratic party issued a statement in which he declared he did not believe Mr Bryan would again he a candidate for the presidency He said he believed that the Nebrskau might be a candidate for the United States senate in 1911 provide the legislature of his state is Democratic in that year when the first vacancy vill occur Cannon Re elected to Congress Speaker Cannon has been re elected Representative Payne of New York and Representative Dalzell have been re elected and the house of representa tives probably will continue under its old regime Mr Payne will have charge of the new tariff bill in the extra session which Mr Taft will call immediately after March 4 next Judge Tafts plurality in the state of New York according to corrected returns is 203495 more than 18000 in excess of President Roosevelts plu rality of four years ago Governor Charles E Hughes was re elected In New York by 71105 The heavy vote in Ohio made figures extraordinarily late owing to the immense size of the ballot Mr Taft carried his own state however by 50000 plurality a reduc tion of more than 200000 from the Roosevelt vote of four years ago The Democratic state ticket in Ohio headed by Judson Harmon for govern or appears to he safely elected The state legislature which is to choose a successor to Senator Foraker appears in doubt as between the Republicans and Democrats Mr Tafts phenomenally large vote In New York state continues to at tract attention It is taken by the Re publican managers of the state and country as indicating that the Empire state with its thirty nine electoral votes can no longer he regarded as debatable ground in a presidential contest but is safely Republican The fact that Mr Taft carried Greater New York by 15000 votes has amazed many of the local leaders He gained this advantage largely in Brooklyn for Manhattan and the Bronx dominated by Tammany Hall showed a substan tial plurality for Bryan In Indiana Mr Taft was successful in carrying the state by about S00O hut the entire Democratic state ticket headed by Marshall for governor was elected The congressional delega tion from the state shows a gain of seven Democrats The returns from West Virginia ow ing to the mountainous character of the country are slow in coming in A sufficient number of counties and dis tricts have been heard from however to show that Mr Taft has a safe plu rality Colorado has shifted from the doubt ful column to the Bryan list The legislature which is to choose a suc cessor to Senator Teller also is ap parently Democratic Some Republican Slumps Some of the figures relating to the Republican slump in some states re garded as certainly Republican are little short of amazing Pennsylvanias immense plurality of over 500000 four years ago has been cut in two Illinois which gave Roosevelt 305000 In 3904 has gone for Taft by about 170000 publicans for Tnana Is 15000 against ji plurality of 911000 in 1904 There has been a shrinkage in tho Democratic vote in several of the southern states notably in Virginia and North Carolina Mr Taft has carried Wisconsin by a plurality estimated at 75000 a fall ing off from the Roosevelt plurality of 156000 in 1901 Kentucky has gone safely for Mr Bryan by about 15000 Bryan has carried Nebraska by about 10000 The indications are the Democratic governors have been elected in sev eral middle western states that have given their presidential votes to Taft Mr Taft has exceeded Mr Roose velts plurality in New Jersey and In Massachusetts as well as in New York The Republican plurality fell off heavily in the middle west in a man ner thoroughly surprising to the Re publican leaders The Electoral Vote The electoral vote is as follows Bryan Taft Alabama 11 Arkansas 9 California 10 Colorado 5 Connecticut 7 Delaware 3 Florida 5 Georgia 13 Idaho 3 Illinois 27 muiana io Iowa 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 Louisiana 9 Maine 0 Maryland S Massachusetts 16 Michigan 14 Minnesota 11 Mississippi 10 Missouri IS Montana 3 Nebraska 8 Nevaaa 3 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey 12 New York 39 North Carolina 12 North Dakota 4 Ohio 23 Oklahoma 7 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 34 Rhode Island 4 South Carolina 9 South Dakota 4 Tennessee 12 Texas IS Utah 3 Vermont 4 Virginia 12 Washington 5 West Virginia 7 Wisconsin 13 Wyoming 3 Totals 174 309 TAFT CARRIES HiS HOME STATE Reports en Governorship Unfavorable to Harris Cincinnati Nov 5 A lead of about 50000 for Judge Taft the Republican candidate for president was the election-day expression of the voters of Ohio who however at the same time chose the head of tire Democratic state ticket Judson Harmon by a plu rality of 20000 More than half the precincts of the state are included in the figures that show these - results and any difference will be simply as to the size of the plurality there being no question as to the certainty of the result The slow count delayed knowl edge of the decision as to the legisla ture and boJli parties claim to have the majority that will settle the United States senatorship The same slow count delayed decision as to the bal ance of the state ticket G O P Carries Wisconsin Milwaukee Nov 4 The Republican national and state tickets were vic torious in Wisconsin by a plurality of 75000 The congressional delegation will remain cbout the same as two years ago nine Republicans and two Democrats The legislature which will elect a United States senator to succeed Isaac Stephenson will he overwhelmingiy Republican the re turns indicating the election of 73 Re publicans 21 Democrats and G Social Democrats in the assembly and 27 Republicans 4 Democrats and 2 Social Democrats in the senate Taft Carries Indiana Indianapolis Ind Nov 4 The Democrats of Indiana elected their candidate for governor Thomas R Marshall and probably the entire state Democratic ticket Eight Dem ocratic congressmen have been elect ed a gain of four The Democrats are also claiming the legislature which will have the election of a United States senator Taft received a plu rality of about S000 Colorado Denver Nov 5 Latest returns show that Bryan and the entire Demo cratic state ticket headed by John F Shafroth lor governor carried Color ado with pluralities in the neighbor hood ol 5000 The Democrats proba bly will control the legislature by a narrow margin insuring the election of Charles J Hughes Jr as United States senator to succeed Teller Taft and Johnson in Minnesota Minneapolis Nov 4 Governor John A Johnsons effort in behalf of the Democratic national ticket have not succeeded in giving the electoral vote of the state to Mr Bryan but have availed in re electing him by a small majority Taft has carried the state by upward of 75000 Governor Johnsons majority of 76C33 two years The highest claim of the Re- I a as reduced to 25000 Rig YAllVpOVVCEJOJ vti 7 1 p - g f CJ n jl in the baking O BAKING PCW J that is where Calumet Baking Powder proves jxgt ggSjffiJf its superiority its wonderful raising power its never failing ability to produce the most delicious baking and its economy In the baking that is the only way you can successfully test it and compare it with the high price kinds You cannot discredit these statements until you have tried CALUMET the only high grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost 100000 is offered to anyone finding the least trace of impurity in the baking caused by Calumet Ask your Grocer and insist that you get CalumeL Received Highest Award Worlds Pure Food Exposition Chicago 1907 COLEMAN Mrs John Smith apont the nfternoon with Mrs Henry Cashen Tuesday Jennings Divine fell down and sovere ly sprained his arm one day last week at school Gladys Rozell is visiting with her oistor Mrs John Clark this week John Droll went to their ranch south of Culbertsou Friday returning tho same day Miss Snipeman tho teacher in Dis trict No Go spent Sunday with Charlie Nelsons Mr and Mrs Guy Campbell visited with Ellis Divines Sunday Mi Spurgin has been down in Thayer county looking at a piece of land in viow of trading his farm hore for it but Red Willow county suits him best yet Little Eva Strawdor was sick part of last week They organized a literary society at Uoleman school house Wednesday night Dont forget Sunday School every Sunday at Coleman school house at 11 a m Preaching at Zion Hill Sunday at 330 p m Eloction is over and tho usual number of defeated candidates are preparing for their journey up Salt creek ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postollice November G 100S LKTTEKS Allcrton Miss Nellie Coleman 3Ir James Bayles Mr J F Clark Mr Albert Clark J E Moore M rs S R Carpenter Mr Charles Prankhard Henry Carpenter Mrs C D CARDS Allerton Miss Nellie Hall Mr Frank Bunnell Mr Tom Leitch Mr Tom Ewson Mr S McDade W W When calling for these please say they were advertised S B McLkan Postmaster A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ohjtmmjt fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Gtol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo CITIZENS FAMILY CARES This Information May Be of Value Many a Mother in McCook TO When t uro is added to the many cares in eparablo from tho rearing of children that afiliction of weakness of tho kidneys and auxiliary organs the mothers lot is far from a happy one This condition can be quickly changed and absolutely cured by the use of Doans Kidney Pills When this is known the mothers burden will be lighter and her home happier Mrs W C Springer of Minden Neb says Kidney trouble clung to my daughter for several years and she seemed to have but littlo control over tho kidney secretions She complained of a soreness across the region of her kidneys accompanied at times by a dull throbbing ache She would be very dizzy and would also have terrible headaches About six month ago wo learned of Doans Kidney Pills and pro cured a supply for the girl They prov ed to be just tho remedy that was re quired in her case and the contents of a few boxes effected a complete cure Plenty more proof liko this from Mc Cook people Call at McConnells drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Tho patronage of tho library is in creasing in a very satisfactory degree tho October record showing a large in crease in the number of visitors and books loaned and it is especially pleas ing to note the class of books borrowed Those who are seeking information along special lines are finding the li brary resourceful and there is good opportunity for research within the reach of McCook people Make tho in stitution yours for use Librarian Make Your Own House Buy one of our Cement Block Ma chines and make your own blocks this winter For information write Beebo Cement Paving Co 1023 New York Life Bldg Omaha Nebr 10 23 4 Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Thk Tribune office MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK UKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffencr Tablets Sold by AAlcMILLEN McCook Nebraska l ONE ONE ONE That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can got g No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment Z in fact JSo 0E first last and all the time Bullard Lumber Co SsErsEVZSsaVESSSS cTSSESsSo2s EVSSVSSSvSSS SS5SS2S2SEX3 g V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier t K JAS S DOYLE Vice President 5 THR BANK OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 15000 DIRECTORS - V FRAHKUH JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT rtSWWSWS rtrtS1tVri t f 0 K