The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1908, Image 2

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I Democratic Department
iJvA r -
Bryan demands tariff reform
and the supervision of the trusts
The Republican party has
forced upon the country a high
tariff the last twelve years it has
been in power This has been
the cause of the trust trouble
Taft promises a continuance of
the present administrations
What say you Mr Voter
Bryan believes in securing
your bank deposits
Taft opposes the plan but
offers nothing in place of it to
prevent money stringencies
What say you Mr Voter
Bryan advocates the publishing
of campaign contributions before
the election
Taft and his party friends re
fuse to let the masses know any
thing about contributions to the
Republican campaign fund
Which plan do you favor Mr
Bryan offers the people definite
measures and reforms
Tafts campaign speeches seek
only to tear down the policies ad
vocated by Bryan He offers
nothing in place of them He
promises only a continuance of
thp work nf the Dresent adminis
Which offering will you accept
Mr Voter
Bryan has made every trust
and monopoly his bitter enemy
His support comes only from the
common people
Taft has the support of every
iniquitous trust concern in the
land They are all seeking his
election and contributing untold
amounts to the Republican cam
paign fund
Who are you supporting
Last fall during the panic the
people recognized the importance
of having absolute security for
their money on deposit in banks
The principle of securing bank
deposits is so just and reasonable
that there is no argument against
it except the argument of the big
banker who says that he will op
pose it with all his might because
it makes all banks equally safe
The big bankers dictated the
platform upon which Mr Sheldon
stands The convention which
made that platform defeated a
guarantee plank overwhelmingly
Mr Sheldon stands squarely on
his platform Mr Sheldon also
opposes the election of precinct
assessors by the people and a
more equitable system of taxation
A vote for Mr Sheldon is a vote
against a deposit guarantee law
and against election of precinct
assessors b the people A vote
for Shallenberger is a vote for
absolute safety of your money in
the banks and for your right to
elect your own precinct assessor
Where do you stand
Before casting your vote this
year go to the County Treasurer
and inquire what your taxes on
real estate will be for the year
1908 When you get the infor
mation ask yourself why there
should be such an increase as
compared with previous years
If taxes were payable before elec
tion day there would not be many
votes cast for the Republican
The Dingley tariff on sugar is
56 per cent on salt 83 per cent
on chinaware 58 per cent on
woolen cloth 100 per cent And
on nearly all the other necessaries
of life similar tariffs are attached
No wonder the cost of living is
Purchased elections have been
a great scandal in American pol
itics The Democratic plan of
publishing all campaign contri
butions before the election com
mends itself to all citizens
by the
Democratic Committee
Democratic National Ticket
WrfW i K Sfa
For President
For Vice President
JOHN W KERN of Indiana
Democratic State Ticket
For Governor
Ashton O Shallenberger of Alma
Lieutenant Governor
E O Garrett of Fremont
Secretary of State
Dr A T Gatewood of Arapahoe
State Auditor
William B Price of Lincoln
State Treasurer
Clarence Mackey of Ansley
Superintendent of Public Instruction
N C Abbott of Tekamah
Attorney General
Harry B Fleharty of South Omaha
Commissioner Public Lands Buildings
E B Eastham of Broken Bow
Railroad Commissioner
W H Cowgill of Holdrege
Congressman 5th District
Fred W Ashton of Grand Island
State Senator 29th District
Cecil Matthews of Bartley
State Representative 65th District
J H Hoppe of Bartley
County Attorney
Sidney Dodge of Marion
Mr Farmer you may be pros
perous but you are not as pros
perous as you ought to be Do
you know that every implement
you purchase for your farm is
made by a mighty trust And
they are selling these same imple
ments in foreign countries thou
sands of miles away for nearly
one half less than they price them
to you The conduct of the
Mower and Reaper trust in this
regard would cost the Republican
party hundreds of thousands of
votes at the coming presidential
election if the facts of the case
were fully appreciated
Some time ago the Farmers
Call ot Quincy 111 wrote A B
Farquhar president of the Penn
sylvania Agricultural Works re
garding domestic and foreign
prices of farm implements His
answer follows
The fact is that protective
laws are a monstrous swindle up
on the agricultural community
As a manufacturer I was inclined
to say nothing on the subject for
the reason that it was natural to
suppose if anybody was benefited
it was the manufacturing class to
which I belonged But as I
have explained the farmer is
being destroyed We are killing
the goose for the golden egg
And I honestly believe now that
it is to the interest of the manu
facturers themselves to eliminate
the protective features from our
tariff laws
Manufactures are sold much
lower abroad we could only need
protection to get better prices
from our customers at home We
do manufacture and sell in Cana
da South America and Europe
many agricultural implements and
machines and could we have free
raw material and the commercial
advantages which free trade
would give us America would be
come the great manufacturing
emporium of the world and the
farmer would of course share
the prosperity since he would
have less to pay for everything
and get better prices for all he
sold Go on with your good
work When the farmer begins
to think and rise up against this
swindle it is doomed
Considerable interest has been
aroused over the efforts that had
been made to bring about a joint
debate between Bryan and Taft
at Galesburg 111 October 7th
This date was the semi centennial
of the famous Lincoln Douglas
debate at that place Bryan ac
cepted the invitation to meet his
opponent in a joint debate on the
issues of the campaign But
Taft did not accept a similar in
vitation If he had the debate
would have been a notable feature
of the campaign But Taft and
his advisers knew that he would
be no match for the Nebraskan
on the issues of the day They
feel more safety in fighting him
at a distance
There is no need to expatiate
upon the evils of Cannonism
Everyone knows that by his
extraordinary power as Speaker
of the House Joe Cannon has
blocked all good legislation and
helped to foist bad legislation up
on the country He is an abso
lute czar over the House partly
due to his tyrannical and dictato
rial disposition and partly due to
the rules which the republican
majority adopted
Cannonism is an issue in
this compaign Under its in
fluence the House of Representa
tives has ceased to be a repre
sentative body and is no longer
responsive to the will of the peo
The only way to get rid of
Cannonism is to get rid of Joe
The only way to get rid of Joe
Cannon is to elect anti Cannon
men to Congress
The only way to know whether
you are voting ior anu vannon
men for Congress is to make the
candidates declare themselves
Our present Congressman has
voted in every session for Joe
Cannon for Speaker and for the
obnoxious rules of Cannonism
Mr Norris has now issued a state
ment that he is opposed to Can
non and will vote against him for
Speaker but he does not say
whether this will be in caucus or
on the floor So far as this
pledge is concerned it will have
been fullfilled when he votes
against Cannon in the caucus
and this will not necessarily place
one straw in the way of Cannons
re election
Voter you should make Norris
pledge himself to vote against
Cannon not only in the caucus
but on the floor of the House
Perhaps our republican Congress
man will oppose Cannon in
caucus for effect but the real
test is whether they will bolt the
caucus and vote against tne re
election of Cannon on the floor
One thing is certain and that
is that if the next Congress is
republican Cannon will be the
caucus nominee for Speaker
We put it squarely up to our
Congressman in this district
Will you Mr Norris bolt the
caucus of vour party and vote
against Cannon for Speaker on
the floor of the House Not only
this but will you vote against the
czarism known as Cannonism
by voting against the present
rules which give Cannon his
You have always voted for
these things in the past hence a
more specific and definite state
ment is necessary to convince the
voters you have really become
ashamed of your record and that
you have really concluded to
reform and do better in the
Editors of forty trade journals
who recently met in Chicago
pledged their support to Bryan
and the Democratic platform
Ever part of the United States
was represented and according
to the program adopted the labor
journals will urge their readers to
support Bryan It was said at
the meeting that organized labor
would register 1000000 votes for
the Democratic candidate next
In its recent report the official
bureau of labor at Washington
estimates that the cost of ma
terial to build a house in 1905
had increased 414 per cent over
that of 1897 A house that could
be built in 1897 for 3000 would
cost 4242 in 1905
Republican papers take it as
an index of prosperity that 3700
automobiles are registered in
Nebraska If trust prices did not
reign supreme there would be
twenty times that number in this
Secretary Taft continues to at
tack W J Bryans policy of
guaranteed bank deposits but he
offers no plan to make deposits
secure He suggests nothing to
prevent bank runs and panics
In speaking to immense crowds
everywhere he goes W J Bryan
is striking sledge hammer blows
in the interests of the common
The Bryan and Kern club meets
every Saturday evening at 800
oclock in Diamonds hall on 2nd
Street West
The Bryan and Kern Volun
teers meet in the Diamond hall
at eight oclock every Saturday
evening Second Street west
Are you
safety for
in favor of absolute
your money in the
Are you in favor of electing
Precinct Assessors by direct vote
of the people
Are you in favor of a more just
system of taxation between the
corporations and other property
If you are in favor of these
good and just measures vote for
A C Shallenberger who favors
these good things while Mr
Sheldon stands pledged to oppose
No Republican orator has
accused Bryan of being affiliated
with the railroad kings the trusts
or the privileged few Every
voter knows absolutely that he is
beyond suspicion and has only
the interests of the common peo
ple at heart And every voter
who with pride classes himself
among the common classes
should cast his vote for the
Democratic nominee
On account of a 1 5 per cent
cut in wages the miners of
Wyoming and Montana are out
on a strike Probably the corpo
rations have been contributing so
heavily to the Republican cam
paign fund that such a reduction
in the miners wages was neces
Isnt It About Time
Why does the average banker fight
the guaranteeing of deposits at every
chance he sees Nearly all the money
in the bank is deposited subject to
check On this money the banker
pays no interest yet it is the capital
on which he does business On this
money the depositor lends money to
the bank for which he receives no in
terest and on which he even pays the
taxes Is that liberal enough to suit
the banker Why does he object to
legislation that would make his depos
itor safe and then would cost him
practically nothing Is it just because
he is afraid that some smaller bank
will stand a more equal chance when
all deposits are guaranteed alike For
years our legislatures have fallen over
themselves to help the bankers the
business interests must be looked
after you know Now isnt it about
time for the depositor the man who
furnishes the capital for the business
of the country to have justice
shown him Why are the banks so
foolish as to antagonize the greatest
body of the people They were keen
enough to make friends with them
last fall when so much money was be
ing withdrawn from the banks The
people demanded better security for
their money than they have had in
the past and better security they are
going to have On this question the
Nebraska Farmer stands with prac
tically every farmer in the state of
Kansas We have no reason to doubt
that conditions are any different in
Nebraska These are not party ques
tions although some would like to
make them so They find it much
easier to beat the farmer out if they
can get plenty of party prejudices
mixed up with such questions But
the farmer isnt so easily beguiled as
he used to be
Its Up to the Voter
republican national convention
by an overwhelming majority repudi
ated the most important measures ad
vocated by President Roosevelt
Should Secretary Taft be elected his
election would be regarded as an en
dorsement of the conventions repu
diation of those measures The ene
mies of those measures could then well
say that since the voters had ratified
their repudiation they should not be
enacted into laws In short Tafts
election would be turned into an ex
cuse for calling a halt in the reforms
which President Roosevelt has inaug
urated and carried forward as far as
the leaders of his party in congress
would permit Taft although Roose
velts understudy and protege is pre
eminent a standpatter He is support
ed by standpatters and his strongest
supporters are those who have most
bitterly and successfully opposed
Those measures were not mentioned
in the republican platform four years
ago That gave a republican congress
an excuse for ignoring President Roos
evelts desire to see them enacted into
laws What will be the fate of those
measures after their repudiation is
sanctioned by the voters with a con
gress opposed and a president like
Taft indifferent to them
A Subscriber has a communica
tion on the important topic The Kail
roads and Prosperity on page 7 of this
Rad the pight p3gp ill home print
McCook Nebraska
CaftAgont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wator Works Ofllco In PoitoQIca bnlldln
0 II Botle
C EEldbed
Attorneys at Jaw
Long Distance P nne 44
Booms 1 and 7 second floor
Poitofllca Building MCLOOH Web
isr Updike Grain Co
Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr
Colored and Black and While
The Tribune has for sale a nice dis
play of local view post cards in colors
and in black and white Also a well
selected line of greeting and other post
We Cant Do It
for what some othors
do your work for
But We Can Do
better which is more
important to you as
the life of your
Shirts Collars Cuffs
are lengthened by our
process of laundering
Steam Laundry
Phone 3S
HlrMVMpWii Infliilitlifr1
Go in October
while the low colonist rates
are in effect Daily lhrough
tourist sleepers via Denver
scenic Colorado and Salt
Lake Go ahead of the rush
at the end of the month
Secure an Irrigated Farm
The best chances of the day
in the Big Horn Basin and
Yellowstone Valley Gov
ernment irrigated lands one
tenth down remainder pro
rata in ten years without
interest Corporation irri
gated lands equally cheap
and favorable A paramount
and ruling fact in this region
is the never failing water
supply Do not make your
new home in any irrigated
region without a full study
of the water snpply
Write D Clem Deaver
General Agent Land Seek
ers Information Bureau
Omaha or
Ticket Agent McCook Neb
Our Regular Prices Seem i
Bargain Counter Figures i
But the Goods Are AH
Fresh Clean and New
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
These Are a Few Items
in Our Stationery Line
I Stationery Department
it- firf1 U