The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1908, Image 8
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 1- 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FS3 m KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAiLAAAAAAiAAAXM 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Fall Suits A Large Line of Ladies Suits from New York Latest styles and materials best of workmanship at very low prices quality con sidered from 1500 to 2800 New Line of Skirts Plain and White ilk Waists Come in at once and see the full line and take jrour choice J H Grannis Store Phone 16 -31 J nKf i inn 3Wi IK1 aiHinaimntyiijiMit5til 3t - 3ttlrrxJ Tare gliiiiiyigy m m i M m n ifcj TT ammxm i i MyYTYTTYTTTTYTrrTTTTTTTYTrYVTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTYTKi Governor Sheldon will ad dress the people of Red Wil low county in opera house at McCook Tuesday evening of next week Hear him MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Colery Scott Cranberries Scott McConnell for drugs Dulk sour pickles Scott Picture framing The Ideal Store Mrs J JncKSon nure Phono red 251 Fruits of all kinds at all times at Hubers Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses Fresh lettuce colery cauliflower rheubarb etc constantly on hand at Hubers Godfrey Co are operating a feed mill See tbom for feed of all kinds at right prices Dr J Elsie Logan in poroflico building Office phone 305 residence phone 45 Palmer hotel Double - strength Heinz vinir imitated by all equaled by nom- for sale by Magner Stokes Patronize home iudustry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Smoke 5 cent cigar Keep watch for Rev Ward of Chicago the great chalk talk man to be here on the 17th and ISth of October Mens and boys sweaters just the kind you like at Rozell Bargers The Hub Store for anything in furn ishings for men or women Prices ab solutely right Old Diamond stand Main avenue Get paints hero and you will always get what you ought to get and at the price you ought to pay Li W McConnell Druggist Ten thousand post cards new views of McCook and real photographs finest on the market price 3 for 10 cents at Barney Hofers Anybody who knows how to make a velox print can successfully use a Brownie Enlarging Camera Price 2 L W McConnell Druggist Mesdames Mary Campbell James G Stokes and Louis Suess will give a Dor cas kensington at home of Mrs Camp bell corner 1st street east and 6th street Thursday afternoon next iiii ii ihmui i i 1 1 ii i 8Sg3 I beg to thank the people of McCook and vicinity who called on me during the past week and to announce that Goods are Arriving Daily and I propose to assemble here one of the largest and most uptodate stocks of goods in Red Willow county Remember that everything we have is new and we intend to make the prices an object to our customers Ladies Suits Skirts Silk Waists are sold here for unheardof prices and we have the largest selection of Skirts and Suits in all grades and shades to suit all pocket books Our Men s ClothiJi Diamonds Old Stand M Main Avenue tarpi t in all its branches are specials to fine trade and the prices are reasonable S3 m ilk Everything for Ladies Men Boys g fStt fel 1251 - W Courtesy and High Grade Goods Our Motto Julius Stein 1 OCEAN LINERS CARGO Four Hundred Husky Longshoremen to Lead Ono Ship Down on the wharf the rush was at Ite height Under the sputtering bluish tire lights amid endless clang and nim ble the produce of America came In From the prairies the mines and the mills froi i the forests the cotton plan tations tooacqo fields orchards and vineyards from the oil Colds and meat packing houses from the grimy fac tories large and small ponderous n gines of steel harvesters reapers au tomobiles bars of silver and yellow bricks of gold bales of cotton uiid wool unl hides and tobacco meat barrels of flour and boxes of fruit hogshead of oil and casks of wine tens of thousands of things and ma chines to uake things piled up on ihe wharf by the acre And still all night the teams clattered In and the tugs puffed up with the barges and lrom hundreds of miles away the trains were rushing hither bringing more boxes and- barrels and bags to be packed In at the last moment In gangs at every hatchway the 400 men were trundling heaving strain ing a rough crowd cursing- and joking at the hoarse shouts of the foremen while from the darkness outside heavy black rope nets dropped down to gath er gigantic handfuls of cargo swing them back up to the deck of tlw ship and then down into her hold So all through the night and right up to the hour of sailing the rush went on for the great ocean liners work is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a month And the ship must sdl on time Everybodys HUNTING WILD HORSES How Brumbies In New South Wales Are Trapped and Broken Hunting brumbies as the wild horses are called there is a favorite sport in New South Wales Districts like the Clarence and Stephens and Manning river watershed are still the home of numerous droves of brum bies and bunting them is declared to be n very exhilarating pastime The first stop taken is to stake out a corral and make all secure except a narrow entrance which can subsequently be gated On either side of the entrance and projecting from it funrtclwise a booby fence is prepared To the simple minded brumby it presumably looks like a stockade and pieces of fluttering cotton make it look impregnable When this is ready the young bloods well mounted gallop out and round up the wild horses driving them with shouts and much loud snapping of stock whips toward the mouth of the funnel In a group of brumbies there is al ways a loader and when once the hunters have got the leader heading for the corral they are pretty certain of the rest of the drove The flutter ing cotton rags of the sham fence aro sufficient to deter the brumbies from breaking through the flimsy barriers and in less time than it takes to tell the wild horses are safely corralled and the big gate shut on them Then they are left for four and twenty hours without food and water to reflect on the situation and after that they can be broken in without much difficulty London Standard He2rn as a Creative Artist Ilearns creative faculty began where creation is commonly held to end with the material given Of the creative gift in the sense in which the phrase Is applied to the poet he had not a par ticle He was not a maker but a shaper Dr Gould puts the matter bluntly when he says He had no original thing to say for he was en tirely without creative power and had always to borrow theme and plot And again Clearly and patently It was a mind without creative ability spring or the desire for it It was a mind improoreant by inheritance and by education by necessity and by training by poverty internal and ex ternal The truth in these word be comes evident when one rei alN the failure as fiction of every one of Fleams attempts in thi held and the fact that hl greatest - were won in reeKithing the of other men Fori n Very CI vcr They tell story in London of a er tain peer who had uevei itefoiv slisiwn the slightest inter 11 horse raring that he surpri ed a yoig rr Irs acquaintaii e I v akiig him ap opiw of nothing wish h hop e hit woi the Der by The jung man ToII Mint Tint was vor elvi of him iepllel the peer Wa it tin r time h tried it The ynuisr man r tared but said Yes Thi I iH il very elever of him npliel fit enie Iut meomrlete sports i i v in Derby sirs time he triel fr it Pleasant Fcr tha Lendsr Ihre il adding up tin coii -if lgrnnt - total of r2 I H Oh no theres So I forgf Hi I wish somebody would lend it 2 Can you do it old man What for demanded Murk ley Why I -want to get out of debt Philadelphia Press A Holdup De Roads Mister I found the dorg your wife Is advertisin a reward uv fa fer Mr Jaw You did eh De Roads Yes and if you dont gimme 10 Ill take it back to her See Philadelpbia Inquirer Made His Mark Well young Dr Slicer has mado his mark already hasnt he Yes did It on his first case Great Scott What did he do Vaccinated biml CLAPPS COATS OR CHILDREN illV ii W x W if - M UR COATS for Misses and Girls give Style and Comfort and Satisfaction They willstand hard usage and still keep their shape THEY WILL PLEASE THE GIRL because the style and tailoring are so excellent THEY WILL PLEASE THE MOTHER because the price is so low and the value so good Q Dont miss seeing our line before you buy Newest Styles are beautifully featured in our new line of Ladies Coats and S H C Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladles Furnishings mis You will find the quality of every garment worth a higher price than we are asking Make your money gofarthest by trading with us Lets Go Back to Clapps For Our Millinery That is the expression of so J many these days wno take tne time to j compare the prices and j styles found in Our Big Display of Timmed Hats All the Stunning New Ideas in Fall Milliner are richly pictured in our varied assortment We offer you a choice of hundreds of new styles in LARGE FLAT SHAPES MEDIUM SIZE MODELS and the new SMALL IDEAS at more moderate prices than you have ever before seen in McCook Dont buy till you see our values Phone 56 222 Main Ave McCook a Y fl 1 Vj