The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1908, Image 5

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1 e i
Perhaps this sentence does not convey nny meaning to you
Liaton The Oregon Valley Land Co of Kansas City Mo has pur
chased 500000 acres of land in the counties of Lake Klamath and
Harney in SoutheaHtorn Oregon
They are selling 300000 acres of this land in the form of contracts
which cost 20000
1000 down and 1000 per month
The uniform prico gives you and mo an undivided interest in that
immense tract of 30000 acres You may socuro a tract of 10 acres
5 acres of which will bo under irrigation at the time of the oponing
or you may got a tract of 1000 acres In addition to each
tract the Company gives to every contract holder a town lot in the
little city of Lake View Oregon
Lake View is 50 miles from the railroad which is building in day
by day however It has
1200 people two banks public schools churches
two newspapers U S Land and F orestry Offices
Court House racently compl ted that cost 50000
hot mineral springs gravity water system aud
electric light plant operated byturbines in short
this little town has advantages that are the wonder
of the state
Take your map of Oregon and look for Lake View You will find
that it is about six miles from Goose Lake a body of water 3o miles
long and from 7 to 9 miles broad Lake county also has nine other
largo lakes within its boundaries The facilities for IRRIGATION
ARE UNEXCELLED and the Oregon Valley Land Co is building
a plant that will water thousands of acres
If such is the case you will naturally ask Why is this land being
sold so cheaply if it is worth what you claim
Here is the answor The Oregon Valley Land Co bought for two
million dollars a tract of land 500000 acres in extent They are
selling for two million dollars a tract of land 300000 acres in extent
Their profit in dollars and cents on this proposition is practically
nothing But they still have 200000 acres of fine land that they
will put on the market in two years that will sell at prices ranging
from 2500 to 500 00 per acre
What Makes Land Valuable People and People Only
I have sold many of thesa tracts to people in this town that are
responsible and I will be pleased to have you consult themiThere
are 11992 contracts There are 11992 tracts There are 11992 lots
and they ARE ABOUT TO CLOSE If you cannot invest 10 00
per month dont come but if you can invest 1000 per month call
upon or write me for information at Room 4 P O Building
Francis Golfer Special Agent
McCook Nebraska
N B The transactions of this company are under the super
vision of the U S Postal Authorities
Nl rn
No C
Time Card
McCook Neb
Central Time 10 27 p m
510 A m
715 A M
942 P si
400 P M
No 1 Mountain Time 950 A
1142 P
C 7 Arrives 77 8SM p
J3 1025 A
15 1217 A
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 P M
No 175departs 710 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggago checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write R E Foe Agent McCook
Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Auditon C A Barnard returned to
his duties first of the week
Engineer P W Bosworth was at
headquarters a day or two this week
Brakeman Kirby Irwin has been
transferred to Hastings and is running
on the local
Conductor and Mrs H A Beale have
returned to McCook for their head
quarters after spending the summer in
Dispatcher A Calhoun and wife and
daughter arrived homo from their visit
to Denver Sunday night He will
spend the rest of his two weeks vaca
tion at home
Frank J Brady of the master me
chanics office returned on No 5 Mon
day evening from a two weeks visit in
Chicago Kewanee Chatsworth and
other Illinois points
Mrs H C Shriner returned yesterday
to her home in McCook after a few
days visit with relatives here Mr
Shriner is now working in the railroad
machine shops in Casper Wyoming
Superior Journal
As a result of the collision of last
Friday night between the Burlington
flyer and the Northern Pacific freight
at Youngspoint Montana 21 are dead
The cororners jury placed responsibility
upon the freight crew which was
running on the passengers time
Another fire scare was abroad in the
city Wednesday evening when the B
M pump house was found to be on fire
The fact that the building contained
two barrels of gasoline one of which
exploded did not add pleasantness to
the affair and it was only through the
untiring efforts of the bucket brigade
that the flames were held from spread
ing and later extinguished with but
little damage to the property Benkel
man News Chronicle
Close Shave For No 3
Passenger train No 3 had a narrow
escape from a collision Tuesday night
as the train was pulling into Holdrege
The evidence would indicate that some
thieving tramps had deliberately run
seven freight cars out of the yard and
east ahalf mile or so onto the main line
for the purpose of robbery Happily a
woman living near the track observed
some of the procedure and succeeded in
getting word to thedepotin time to have
an engine from a freight train then in
the yard run down and pull the freight
cars back to Holdrege aud onto a side
track The light from No 3s engine
loomed up in the east as the cars were
being pulled back into safety
Robbery at the Depot
The money drawer at the B M
depot was tapped for 835 Saturday
night Night agent Cyrus Ferguson
was in charge and he laid his keys
down and the thief getting hold of
them did the work while the agent
was outside getting the baggage ready
for No 15 the midnight train The
supposition is the fellow went out on
that train Cambridge Clarion
Wilbur Fiak and wife are visiting his
people at Wray Colorado
Brakeman McCreath has been trans
ferred to McCook from Hastings
Brakeman Perryman and family have
been transferred from Hastings to Mc
Cook where they were formerly located
Gary Dole roundhouse foreman for
the Missouri Pacific at Wichita Kan
sas arrived in the city yesterday on No
1 on a short visit to friends here
Of Interest to the Boys
A largo shipment and fine assortment
of suits for school boys just opened u
by Rozell Barger You can buy them
from 8150 to 8750 a suit
Hals Caps and Gloves
Our assortment for boys and men is
complete for fall wear Call and in
spect It will not be necessary to go
elsewhere Kozell Bakgek
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
A special rate of 50 cents for the
Daily State Journal from now until
after election is the best newspaper
offer made Send 75 cents if you want
the Sunday alsoi No matter what other
papers you have been reading you
should take advantage of the Lincoln
Journals cut price offer
m ul iwnMWU
They Aro Neither Loved Nor Respect
cd by Their Men
Very seldom If he can help it does
the Turkish nrmy ofllcer appear on
horseback and when not on duty he
looks upon his horse merely as a meth
od of locomotion He has no affection
or understanding for the horse The
superior olllcers have no horses of their
own and being generally bad riders
and without military qualities which
would raise them In the estimation of
their men they aro ueither loved nor
respected by them Married ofllcers
keep entirely to themselves such
things as invitations to one anothers
houses being unknown and the only
occasions upon which olllcers meet to
gether at all are on the days of assem
bly when they are called together for
the sultans birthday or accession cele
The pay of the lower ranks is as
small as that of the superior officers is
high The young cavalry officer who
makes a good impression on his entry
into the service soon falls to pieces
through want of occupation either of
mind or body The greater part of
the morning and evening ho sits over
his coffee and cards or dominoes
There are but few newspapers aud
those that do exist are so severely
censored by the government that they
contain little but weather statistics
gazettes aud announcements of the be
stowal of decorations
What the Turkish officer really thor
oughly enjoys is a gramophone In
struments playing the waltzes and re
producing Hie music hall songs of all
the cities of Europe are in the greatest
possible request chiefly because they
make music without any personal trou
ble Chicago News
Mental Tribulations of the Supersti
tious Woman
The superstitious woman started to
go downtown but found that she had
forgotten something It was hard work
to get her to go back for it but when
she did sat down for a few minutes to
take the curse off before going out
again On the -sidewalk she passed a
cross eyed man and had hard work to
keep from spitting three times over
her left shoulder The first car that
came along was No 13 She let it go
by and waited eight minutes for an
other On the way downtown she re
marked to a friend that she had been
in excellent health lately Instantly
she was obliged to loose her glove and
rub her bare palm on the wood of the
bench before her As she and her
friend were walking on Twenty third
street some thoughtless person darted
between them The superstitious wo
man was much disturbed and worried
over the thought of a coming separa
That night her husband upset the
saltcellar She insisted on his taking
a pinch of the salt and throwing it
over his shoulder When she disrobed
for the night she discovered that she
had been wearing one stocking wrong
side out all day It was the sign of
good luck and it allowed her to go to
bed happy But some time in the night
a dog howled dismally under her win
dow From that moment she has been
looking for- a calamity Nothing will
make her believe that there will not
soon be a death in her immediate fam
ily St Louis Republic
When the Noise Let Up
Two young women of stolid common
sense appearance were the sole femi
nine occupants of a subway car until
there entered a flashily dressed girl
with face made up like a cosmetic ad
vertisement and accompanied by a
young man attired in the extreme
The two young women eyed the new
comer with interest while they con
tinued their conversation The train
slowed down at the next station the
rattle and bang of operation ceased
and the voice of one of the young wo
men became suddenly audible
If I had a face like that do you
know what Id do Id hock it
The girl with the makeup looked
daggers her escort looked foolish the
speaker looked out of the window and
a dozen passengers looked as though
they enjoyed it New York Globe
His Insignia
The mayor of Z is a self made man
and as in the case of some others of
that kind not too much attention was
paid to his early education A little
while ago a gentleman who was en
gaged in compiling a work on corpora
tion regalia wrote to his worship re
questing a photograph of his iutfijnia
The mayor by return of post replied
that he was onv too plerreJ to aetde
to the others vih But he wrote
instead of a mere photograph I b
to send yon the genuine article i -there
follnvl immediately n
in gt round rovporlJte ao
mayoral 3
Circuvlcrrc Alicr Cnccs
Lady uvrini want
to stop the divorce suit Lawy r -Why
you s iid your iiruid was
abominable heart y ITe jmk -wanted
to lv rid of hi r -v cost
Lady Oh yi I I nw Ptt now an
automobile hs rrn Irri and I
want vou to tart suit for damage
Lippincotts Magazine
He Smoked
What do you meau by smoking my
pipe young man queried the stem
father of a precocious five-year-old
Mamma said if I teased the cat
again shed make me smoke for it
explained the little fellow and 1
teased her again Chicago News
After all it Is the imponderables
that move the world heat electricity
lov Holmes
and Friday
The 5 Act
Camp No 663
by the Author
of the Play
JvJv LJj J
eWrVe like Upioi JuitsL
Gurboooet bieS
bTht Snob
1TV v
vIW I -
I9 119109 suits trere is lots of wer iA
becuse tlere is o9ly 09c tick9ess tey nke
tlpe wadst srQdJI 9d give trinj look to tfye
e9tire figure
Tle better you look tie better you feel d
te nore your frie9ds tli9k of you
TIe upderwer we sell will 9ot slri9k but
we rpve srru9k tre prices ricjfpt 19 tle be
3199193 of tle seso9
Tfyts wy we sell so nucl U9derwer
Try AeyXov or Duofold tlpis seso9
ftever lve we sr0W9 s good suit for
10 0 Ve Ive tlpe better 09es too
Cone 9d let us elotlpe you I1 tlpe wy
Fine Business
e Chea
Close in Farm
Good Residences
McCook Roller Mills 90 barrels good running order good patronage
excellent location
Eighty acres fine farming land o3 acres in alfalfa Splendid build
ings new modern house seven rooms and bath completed three rooms
unfinished hot and cold water furnace heat two miles from this city
My residence corner of D and 5th street E 100 feet front and house
and lot corner A and 4tn street E about GO feet front both 140 feet deep-
I wish to sell any or all of this property at once on account of sick
ness in my family
E IL Doan Prop J
No 310 5th Street E
McCook Nebraska
White H
ouse Grocery
A Splendid Line of Fancy
Fone 30
McCook Neb