The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1908, Image 1

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The October Races of the Driving
Promise to be Successful
The October meet of the McCook
Driving Park association promises to bo
successful nil thing considered
The attendance upon tho opening day
yesterday was good and bids fair to bo
exceeded today and tomorrow
Three events wore pulled off yester
day afternoon
Tho 233 pace was won by Fay Bern
ard with Lady VanDoren 2nd Cleo 0
3rd Greeley Hal 4th Time 220
224 221
The free-for-all trot went to Jim Un
erwood Genuine 2nd Big Chief 3rd
This raco was slower thnn tho pace best
time being 221J the other heats were
224H 226
The closing event of tho afternoon
was o matched 500 yard running race
in which Frank James won It is
stated that as much as 1000 a side was
up on this race
The races this afternoon are of in
creasing interest with more numerous
onlries and faster speed requirements
Todays and tomorrows entries are
Oct 2225 Teot
Big Chief W L Hill Arapahoe
Ask JIo Not O H Sholes Holyoko Colo
Teddy Goodwin J Alput Fort Collins Colo
Kick Wright J P Larimoro Benkelman
Flower Girl D L Ough McCook
Tirgiuia M0G W Hatch Phillipsburg Kns
OcT2 Pace
Jessie D T E Dearmont Wray Colo
Mission Belle Russell Haymaker Ft Collins
Carter G Wm Jeireries McCook
Chorister Johu Brown Laird Colo
Louise Me E A Wilson Phillipsburg Kas
Dryfus Henry Yctter Phillipsburg Kas
Oct 3 3 20 Pace
Jessie D T E Dearmont Wray Colo
Lady VanDoren Mrs W E Davust Omaha-
Greeley Hal J L Gray Ft Collins Colo
Mission BellRutsell Haymaker Ft Collins
Lulu Hurst Russell Haymaker Ft Collins
Fay Bcnard D A Lord Beggiu Colo
Chorister John Brown Laird Colo
Louise Mo E A Wilson Phillipsburg Kas
Oct 3 245Tkot
Alma Roberts J C Marshall McCook
Montio O Hay ward Palisade
Ask-Me-Not O H Sholes Holyoke Colo
Nick Wright J P Larimore Benkelman
Flower Girl D L Ough McCook
Teddy Goodwin J Alput Ft Collins Colo
Big Chief W L Hill Arapahoe
The Republican Wm Tounoy Wray Colo
Paderewski A K Langstaff Greeley Colo
Virginia MeG W Hatch Phillipsburg Kas
Oct 3 Teot on Pace
Jim Underw ood H J Cox McCook
Carter G Wm Jeffries McCook
Fay Benard D A Lord Roggius Colo
Mission Bell Russell Haymaker Ft Collins
Lulu Hurst Russell Haymaker Ft Collins
Genuine JP Larimore Benkelman
Louise Me E A Wilson Phillipsburg Kas
Drjfus Henry Yctter Phillipsburg Kas
Are Married in Lincoln
The Lincoln State Journal of Tues
day morning September 29 1908 con
tains the news of the wedding of two
well known McCook people
At the noon hour yesterday at the
home of Mr and Mrs R E Jackson
in the presence of a few friends Mrs
Mable Pratt and Charles F Heber
were united in marriege by Rev F S
Stein Mr and Mrs Heber left on an
evening train for a one months stay in
California after which they will be at
home at McCook Neb where the
groom is employed with the B M
even though not severe has a tendency
to irritate the sensitive membranes of
the throat and delicate bronchial tubes
Coughs then come easily all winter
every time you take the slightest cold
Cure the first cough before it has a
chance to set up an inflammation in the
capillary tubes of the lungs The best
remedy is
McConnell s Balsam
It gets right at the seat of the trouble
and at once removes the cause It is as
good for a child as an adult Price 25c
L V McConnell Druggist
Buggies At Special
prices at McCook Hardware Cos These
are Velie and John Deere makes and
we are here to stand back of them all
the time If you can do as well or bet
ter by trading here does it not pay
Lets talk it over if there is anything
you need
Some Rare Bargains
in second hand ranges cook stoves and
heaters all put out with guarantee same
as new If you want to save money
you can do it here
McCook Hardware Co
Let Us Take Your
order for a tailor made suit of clothes
We are McCook agents for the great
M Born Co house of Chicago We
will be glad to show you their Blue
Book Rozell Barger
For Sale or Rent
The s J s e 14 sec 17-4-30
Willow county Address owner
ALandgren Sioux City Iowa
Delivers an Able Address Before a Large
and Interested Audience
A large and interested audience heard
Senator Norris Brown on the issues of
the campaign last Friday night in tho
Menard opera house The senator
spoke atlndianola in the afternoon and
was brought to McCook in an auto for
the evening meeting
The senator was eloquent in his pres
entation of tho Republican position on
the great questions of the present cam
paign and in speaking of the progressive
policies and the aggressive performances
of President Roosevelts administration
His utterances too fell upon willing
ana irienaiy ears consequently were
well received His was a clear exposi
tion and bis methods like the man clean
and straight forward
The music of Colonel Scotts high
school band of some forty pieces was
greatly enjoyed it being practically
their first appearance before a McCook
audionce The boys are to bo especially
commended and Colonel Scott to be
felicitated upon the good work accom
The New Clothing Store
Attention is directed to the announce
ment of The Hub Store tho new Main
avenue clothing and furnishings store in
the Diamond building Julius Stein the
proprietor is known to McCook people
as tho candy kid He will be prepar
ed to show you his line of goods tomor
row morning Remember the place
Diamond block Main avenue and the
opening date Saturday morning Oct 3
For fuller facts and pleasing particulars
go and see for yourselves
Mrs Bert Thompson has been a
guest of Mrs J G Inglis this week
Marshall Clark of our city was one
of a family gathering at Burr ess first of
last week
Mrs Roy Smith and little son of
Denver are guests of Mr and Mrs
Henry Smith
Mr and Mrs J G Sleich arrived
home Saturday night last from their
visit back in Ohio
Mrs Augusta Anton will stop over
in Gothenburg a day or two on her way
to Lincoln leaving this morning
C H Boyle and R A Green return
ed home last Friday night from their
business trip up in Montana last week
Miss Olive Suiter of LeClaire Iowa
arrived last week and is a guest of
Captain I H Wasson of the Driftwood
Hon John C Gammill was down
from Frontier county to attend the
Norris Brown meeting last Friday
Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock re
turned Sunday night from their visit
of several weeks in Illinois and points
Mrs Herman Pade departed Mon
day night for Fond du Lac Wisconsin
to see her sister Mrs James H Smith
who is very ill
Edward ORourke of the class of 98
is attending the state university this
year and enrolled in the mechanical
engineering course
E E Rogers of Valley Grange pro
cinct has bought a section of land in the
Texas panhandle where he expects to
move in the early spring
Miss Hattie Woolard of the post
office force left on No 5 Tuesday night
for Omaha on vacation and to take in
the glories of the
Mrs E E Magee and Master Bruce
came up from Aurora Monday on No 1
to be guests in the Kimmell home for a
short while
Mr Allen of Republican headquar
ters was a city visitor Tuesday inform
ally while looking up the situation in
Western Nebraska at first hand
J R McCarl was in Holdrege Tues
day attending a meeting of the Repub
lican Congressional committee of the
Fifth district He is chairman of the
Mrs Conrov and son Tim Conroy
both of Ottumwa Iowa have been
visiting Mrs J M Brady the past
week Mr Conroy going on to Denver
Snnday night on No 3
Dan OBrien was down from tho
Colorado claim Saturday to take the
city carriers examination Ho departed
Monday morning for Colorado Danny
would make a dandy member of the
Captain and Mrs C H Barrett de
parted Saturday last on train 14 for an
extended visit with her daughter Dr
Kleintof Topeka Kansas Mr and Mrs
J T Snyder will occupy their heme in
their absence
A Hard Customer to Deal With
In a pilgrim who gave the name of
Curtis the police have had a hard
customer to deal with this week Mon
day afternoon he was placed in the city
bastile in an intoxicated condition He
promptly sot fire to the bedding and
was later found in an unconscious con
dition from the smoke created Ho was
taken out revived and set adrift again
Not long after he was again arrested and
placed in jail This time ho tore up his
clothes and atiempted to set another
fire Afterwards ho claimed tho whole
procedure to be a blank to him The
same afternoon he was rearrested nn
old man giving the name of CollinswaB
found in a box car in an unconscious
condition from having been assaulted
Curtis is under suspicion ns having
committed the assault but the old man
cannot identify him absolutely and as
there is absence of other testimony no
results can be expected from this charge
At first the old man claimed to have
been robbed of 15 That amount after
wards was in his mind reduced to 87
Only one fact appears to be certain in
this connection namely that the old
man was assaulted by some one He
bears on his person the evidence of this
fact It has since been regarded as wise
to release Curtis and let him depart as
he sadly needs hospital services The
old eentleman was pretty badly beaten
up but not seriously injured
Important Water Notice
Water tax for the third quarter 1908
becomes due and payable October 1
The attention of consumers is called
to Section 13 of Ordinance No 136 of
the City of McCook which is as follows
Water rates shall bo paid
quarterly on the first day of Jan
uary April July and October and
unless taxes are paid within fifteen
days after the same becomes due
ten percent shall be added thereto
for the expense of collecting the
Attention is called to this provision of
tho Ordinance early for the reason that
the penalty will be added as provided
by the Ordinance
For the convenience of patrons the
office will be kept open until eight
oclock p in October 14th and 15th
9 28 3ts J E Kellev Supt
5ome Disapprove
The Tribune is in receipt of some
communications which indicate that
some patrons of the McCook public
schools do not approve of the dismissal
of school an account of the races The
legality of sveh action is questioned as
well as the ethics of the case While not
unprecedented the action is not usual
and The Tribune considers the point
well taken
Many Afflicted
It is surprising what a lot of people
there are who limp about suffering from
corns Such suffering is generally un
necessary as corns can be removed in
two or three days without injury or in
convenience by the use of
McConnells Lightning Corn Cure
The first application removes the sore
ness If you are afflicted better try
L C C at once
L W McConnell Druggist
Is Directed hy the Author
The play A Modern Woodman in
the opera house Thursday and Friday
nights October 8th and 9th is directed
by the author Lieut Walter M Lewis
whe has successfully presented his play
in nearly all of the cities of Illinois
Iowa and Missouri and comes highly
recommended by the camps under whose
auspices he has given the play in the
several states
A Fruitless Snap
Theres many a slip between the snap
and the finishes picturem to say noth
ing of the failures in the snaps
The futile snaps cau as far as possible
be avoided by letting us furnish reliable
photo supplies and we can also devel
op negatives and make prints if desired
L W McConnell Druggist
Machinery Ordered
The machinery order for the new
electric light plant has been placed and
the work on the plant will commence
shortly the plans now being revised
and considered in Denrer
Tribune Is All Printed in McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of tho eight pages of
this paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
Dorcas Kensington
Next Thursday afternoon at 230
oclock there will be a regular Dorcas
kensington at the home of Mrs F M
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozeli
Typewriter ribbons
Tribune office
for sale at The
The InUialJExaminatlon for City
riers is Held in McCook
The initial examination for city do
livery clerks wau held in the high school
building thiB city last Saturday fif
teen applicants appearing for tho ex
amination which was conducted by a
representative of the postoffice depart
ment assisted by a member of the local
postoffice force
Those taking the clerk carriers ex
amination are
Perry Cochran Albert W Campain
Harry F Curt Vera E Dwyor
Chas D Hall Gail Funk
Oscar Grismore Harry LHull
G F Kinghorn G D LeHew
D J OBrien J N Brady
G E Stroud J M Wentz
J G Call
The examination wns conducted by
T J Lawson local secretary civil ser
vice board Hastings Nebraska assist
ed by E J Brady local secretary civil
service board McCook
Inspector Looks Over Sites
Richard Fourschey government su
pervising architect from Kansas City
who has charge of government work in
all this western section spent Wednes
day in McCook looking over the pro
posed sites for tho proposed government
buildincr Two sites on Main avenue
are offered namely tho lots south of
the Carnegie library and tho lots south
of the court house On 1st street W
and C street Philip Blatt offers ground
We also understand that sites on both
sides of B street on 1st street W have
been offered
Mr Fourschey looked over tho situa
tion and conferred with numerous citi
zens who called upon him He will
make report to the department at
Washington after which tho govern
ments decision will be made known
Tenth Annual Sale
Frank Davis Sons will hold their
annual sale of thoroughbred Poland
China pigs at their farm 2 miles south
of Holbrook Nebraska on October 15
1908 commencing at 100 oclock p m
sharp There will be 50 head of select
ed pigs of Feb and March farrow 25
boars and 25 sows These pigs have had
the run of the entire farm and have de
veloped much bone muscle and length
Everybody is cordially invited Free
conveyance to and from the farm
lerms All sums cash or bankable note
on one years time drawing 8 per cent
interest Send for catalogue Col ZS
Branson and Col E D Snell auction
eers Hon II W McFadden clerk
Frank Davis Sons
House Entirely Destroyed
The residence of Henry Winans in
South McCook was entirely destroyed
entire contents went with the dwelling
The fire is supposed to have originated
from the gasoline stove which Mr Win
ans started in operation before going
from the house to the barn There was
a lively fight in the neighborhood but
although hampered by lack of fire fight
ing facilitiesbeing outside the citys fire
limits the fire was confined to the one
house The loss though complete was
not very heavy Mr Winans lived alone
in the houss which was a rather unpre
tentious building
Get Them Reserved
Those holding general admission tick
ets to the play A Modern Woodman
to be given at the opera houseThursday
evening and Friday evening October 8
and 9 should get them reserved at Mc-
f Connells drug store in order to set
good seats as over SCO general admis
sion tickets have been sold and a full
house both nights is expected Re
served seat3 sale opens on Tuesday
October 6th at 9 a m
J R McCarl is chairman of the Re
publican congressional committee of the
Fifth district succeeding G A Allen of
Clay Center Daniel Garber of Red
Cloud is secretary The committee was
in session in Holdrege Tuesday
You Will Attend the Banquet
Of course you will Just as certain
to do it as you are to go to Marshs for
first class steaks and other meats You
are just as certain to get a good time
at the former as you are good meats at
the later- place
Farmers Are Beginning
to sow wheat and we are supplying
them with good drills- If you are in
need of a drill of any kind see us
before buying
McCook Hardware Co
Our Paint Bureau
Important facts free for these
nsed paint
L W McConnell Druggist
The Tribune all home print
The Sessions Have Been Interesting and
Entirely Worth While
The 29th annual meeting of the Re
publican Valley Association of Congreg
ational Churches opened its sessions in
the local Congregational church Tues
day afternoon with pastors and dele
gates present from various churches in
the valley
The association organized with Rev
Alexander Simpson of the Cambridge
church as moderator and NH Hawkins
of the Palisade church as scribe and
The first number on the regular pro
gram of the afternoon was the paper by
Rev Hawkins on Systematic Giving
which was well handled nnd liberally
discussed thereafter
The Financiering of a Church en
gaged the attention and ability of that
veteran pastor Rev A A Creasman of
the Red Cloud church
practical sort and drew
It was of a
forth a lively
The afternoon session closed
by Rev
with a
upenmg witn a song service ana an
anthem by the local church choir nn
address by Principal F W Loavitt of
Franklin academy followed in order in
which he presented the claims of tho
academy and especially continuity of
The address by Rev D H Piatt of
Alma on The Influence of Evolution
ary Science Upon Modern Theology
concluded the evening program It was
one of the most masterful efforts heard
in the city in many a day in a thirty
minute sermon The sermon may be
summarized in this paraphrase Now
abideth heredity environment and at
tention these three but the greatest of
these is attention
Wednesdays Bessions were fuller of
interest and better attended than the
opening days Rev W Richards of
Danbury led the devotional The Like
ness of God being the topic
Business and reports of committees
The Responsibilities of tho Local
Church to the Rural Districts was the
style of Rev B L Webbers address
Ab Sunday school missionary for this
part of Nebraska ho made plain duty
Rev Noyce of Riverton presented tho
Relation of the Sunday School to the
Home and a discussion followed
Rev J H Bayne of Holdrege had for
his subject A Distributed Spiritual
ity It was ably presented and dis
cussed at some length
Evangelistic Methods were given
by fire shortly before noon today The treatment by H H Pyche of Campbell
devotional conducted
Bickford of Trenton
followed by usual discussion
womens session
Wednesday afternoons session was
given over to the women They had no
formal program but several papers were
read and discussed and with some items
of business made up one of the most in
teresting and profitable sessions of the
The closing session opened with a
song service of brief character followed
by an able sermon by Rev A A Creas
man of Red Cloud Communion and
the reading of the resolutions brought
to an end a session of worth and inspir
ation to all who took the timo to be
Report of Connuitttee on Resolutions
of Republican Valley Association
Congregational Church
McCook September 30 190S
Your committee on resolution would
respectfully submit the following re
We desire to record our gratitude to
God for his unfailing goodness to us
and our churches during the past year
and for bringing us together here un
der such favoring circumstances
We believe that regular systematic
giviug is the scriptural method of
honoring the Lord with our substance
and therefore recommend to our
churches that pastor and people heartily
commend the practice of propor
tional giving
glWe desire to record our appreciation
or the services rendered through twen
ty years to this association of Princi
pal A C Hart and to wish him God
speed in his present field of endeavor
We cordially welcome his successor
Frederick W Leavitt to our homes
our schools and our churches and
pledge our loyalty to Franklin Aca
demy our Congregational school for
this part of Nebraska
Believing that county option will best
promote the cause of temperance in
the state of Nebraska we therefore com
mend the candidates who are pledged to
give their voice vote and influence for
county local option
The visiting pastors and delegates of
the Republican Valley Association de
sire to express their hearty thanks and
appreciation to the good people of the
McCook church and congregation for
their kindness and hospitality generous
ly extended to them during the sessions
of thi3 association They are grateful
also to the choir for the special
musical numbers that have added so
much to the success of the program
An Essential Thing
and thore are many in
tho management of a
bank is tho iersonnl
painstaking caro of its
officers Recognizing this
responsibility tho officers
of this institution keop
themselves in touch with
overy important detail of
tho business And tho
outcome A generous
and steadily
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
City Council Proceedings
Tho city council was in regular
session Monday evening with Coun
cilmen Morris and McConnell absent
Minutes of previous meeting approved
Deed from Lincoln Land Co for land
involved in the subway was presonted
and ordered recorded
List of persons in tho city who are
liable for poll tax wns filed by City
Marshal and tho list was ordered certi
fied to the county clerk
Fred Schlagel was appointed night
policeman and the appointment was
Bills as follows wore allowed
Dr J D Hare 8 800
McCook Republican 400
HPSutton 2000
EugeneGary 1900
A McMillon 5G5
Nebraska Telephone Co 450
C E Picklum 000
B C Bowman 13 JO
William Spencer 1G00
T M Phillippi 2000
Miss Fackler the new eighth grade
teacher arrived in the city last night
and assumed her position this morning
Mrs G II Thomas who is here on a
visit to homofolks sang a solo before
the assembly this morning
The high school football team will
meet the shop eleven on the B M
ball grounds Saturday morning at 10
The schools were dismissed Thurs
day and Friday afternoons on account
of tho races
Settled weather
No gnats or flies
Better penetration
Better drying weather
No dampness or moisture
For good results use Lincoln A P
paint A McMillen Druggist
Wanted to Exchange
For desirable residence in McCook
and unencumbered the following
Good team wagon and harness cows
hogs and chickens 40 acres of fair corn
and abundance of feed Also will lease
farm of 240 acres for next year and if
desired will furnish seed wheat Address
at once P O Box 217 McCook Neb
Convention Notes
There were solos and anthems by
local choir at each session
The attendance from the city should
have been larger especially from the
local church membership
There were present some thirty pas
tors and delegates from the several
churches of the valley
Dr Duncan Will Resume Practice
Having been disappointed in his suc
cessor here in the practice of medicine
Dr Duncan will resume his practice in
McCook beginning next week
Majestic Ranges
are made of malleable and charcoal
iron will not rust or corrode and they
have air tight ovens that is the way
thev bake better and use less fuel
Beats Em All to It
The Tribune doesnt bear the official
tag but you will observe that we beat
em all to it even the official paper
Gospel Meetings
every night at 210 Main street upstair3
Everybody welcome 41