1 lo i s k i H CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A r A M McCook LoiIko No 135 A F A M moot every first nncl third Tuundny of tho iuoutl nt 8 00 p in in Miisoulc liall CIIAUIK8 L FAIINnHTOOK M Lon Conk Sec B 8 M Occouoxoo Council No 10 It AS M moots on the liiHt Batunluy of oacli mouth at 800 p in u Mtuoulo hnll Kaliii A Haodkro T I M Stlvestkk Cokoeal Sec n a m KInK Cyrus Chapter No 33 R A 61 moots ovory 11 rut and third Thursday of each mouth at 800 j m in Masonic hall Justin A Wilcox II P Clinton II Sawyeu Sec KNIOHTSTEMPLAn St Joint Coniinandory No 10 K T moots on tho second Tlitircday of oach inoutli at 800 p m iu Mafcouic hall JJunnsoN Hanson 12 C SyLVestbuCobobal Hoc EAflTEBN STAB Euroka Clmptor No fco O E S moots the second and fourth Fridajs of ouch month at 800 p in in Masonic hall Mkb Sabah E Kay W M F M KlMMELL tC MODEBN WOODMEN Noblo Camp No Gl M W A moots ovory second and fourth Thursday of ouch month at 8U0 p 111 in Qauttchows hull Pay assessments at Wliito llouso Grocery J M SJiini Clorlc S E Howell V C BOYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo Camp No SC2 11 N A moots ovory socond and fourth Thursday of ouch mouth ut 230 p in iu Ganschows hall Mus Maby Walked Oracle Mbs Augusta Anton Kec av o w Moots socond and fourth Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Ciias F Mabkwad C C W C Moyeb Clork WOKKMEN McCook Lodgo No CI AOUW meets ovory Monday at 800 p in iu Diamonds hall C li Ubay Hoc Wm Wooton M W I M Smith Financier DEQBEE OK UONOB McCook Lodgo No 3 D of II moots evory second and forth Fridays of each mouth at800 p m in Gauschows hull Mrs Lauba Osiiuen C of II Mbs MatieG Welles Roc locomovve engineers McCook Division No 623 R of L E moots ovory socond and fourth Saturduy of ouch month at 2 30 iu Morris hall Waltee Stokes C E W D IIDBNETT F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIEEMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodgo No 590 B of L F E tneots every Saturday at 730 p m in Gaus chows hall If D Pennington M C II IIcsted Soc railway conductors Harvey Division No 95 O R C meots the second aud fourth Wednesday nights of ouch month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall at 301 Main Avenue A G King C Con M O McCluee Sec bailway tbainmen C W Bronson Lodgo No 4b7 B of R T meots firit aud third Sundays at 230 p in and second aud fourth Fridays at 730 p m each month in Morris hall Neal Bbeleb M R JM00BE Sec bailway cabmen Young Amorica Lodgo No J3G B R C of A moots on tho first aud third Thursdays of each month in Diamonds hall at 730 p m John Hunt C C N V Fbanklin Roc Sec machinists Red Willow Lodgo No 5S7 I A of M meots every second and fourth Tuesday of tho month at S00 p in iu Gauschow hall D O Hewitt Pres H Andeeson Rec Sec boilebmakebs McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meots first and tlird Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodgo No 42 K of P meets oveJy Weduetdaj at 800 p in iu Masonic hall M Lawbitson C C J N Gaabde K R S odd fellows McCook Lodgo No 137 1 O O F moots every Monday at SIX p in in Ganschows hall W H Ackeeman N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meotings on tho first and third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month atS00 p in iu Diamonds hall G R Gale F Soc Fbank Real G K D VUGHTEBS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 moots on the first and and third Tuesdays of each month at S p m in tho Morris hall Anna Hannan G R JosErniNE Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday oveuings of each month in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R- meots on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yaegee Adjt BELIEF COEI S McCook Corp No 98 W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each mouth at 230 p in in Gauschow hall Adella McClain Pros Susie Vandebhoof Sec L OF G A E McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first aud third Fridays of each month at 230 p m iu Diamonds hall Jessie Waite Pres Mattie Knipple Sec P E O Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mbs G H Thomas Pres Mbs C H Meeker Cor Sec ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice September IS 190S LETTERS Auzdorf Mr Clifford Clark Mr Frank 2 Clark Mr S S Fish Rose Gray Mr Loyd Guyer Mrs H A 2 Howard Edgar Esq Messinger Mr J F 2 Morris F S North Miss Alice Payne Mrs L Sigct Miss F M Walter Miss Ella CARDS Barnes Albert Grecnman Mr Jack Hallis Mr and Mrs Jackson Mrs J M Paasons Mrs T B Palmer Mr A L Torn John Thomas Mr Henry Walters Mr Ed Wilkins Mr C W When calling for these please say they were advertised S B McLean Postmaster BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach - f StftT mydjjB MOUNTAIN SLIDING Hawaiian Small Coyo Simply Drop Down tho Edge of tho Scenery Water sports are by no means tho only vigorous athletics Indulged In by the boyH of Hawaii Mountain climb lug Is a favorite pastime for there are peaks 4000 feet high within easy walk lug distance of any part of Ilonolulu and ou the Island of Hawaii there are two mountains fully 14000 feet in height Not infrequently the Ilonolulu schools give picnics on the mountain sides that the pupils may gather land shells It is on these excursions In fcarch of land shells that the Hawaiian schoolboys revel in the once national sport mountain sliding A very steep mountain side is se lected where the grass Is long and sloping downward Every one gathers his own tl leaves The tl leaf is some thing like the banana leaf but not near ly so long With a bunch of tl leaves in his hand the first boy steps to the edge of the side grasps the leaves by the stems in both hands places the leafy part under him and sits down gives himself a start and drops down the edge of the scenery like a flash I was assured that it was an easy mat ter to regulate the speed of descent by merely grasping the ti stems firmly and lifting them upward this acting as a brake I longed for the thrill of drop ping down over the edge of a moun tain and upon my brief sled of ti leaves began the descent I went like -the wind It seoinod as though my breath would be taken away from me or that I -would plunge head over heels to be dashed to pieces among the trees be low I thought of mj brake and drew up on the tl leaves with all my might and came up with a jerk that jarred every bone in my body There I sat looking downward almost perpendicu lar held in position only by a few leaves resting on the smooth slippery grass but the sliding grass is nearly a foot long and it is only after it has been repeatedly slidden over and beat en down that it approaches perfection in the eyes of the Hawaiian small boy and soinetiniQS leads to accidents When for instance the thin layer of ti leaves wears out beneath the slide a gentle tug at the stalks parts the sled and sends the slider whizzing down ward in a most uncomfortable and un graceful maimer all arms and legs Lucky is the victim ofsuch an accident if he is not stopped nu his downward career by the trunk of a tree St Nicholas SCARED THE ROBBERS Odd Incident in England In the Eight eenth Century For a time during the eighteenth cen tury in England there was a lull in the robbery industry owing to an odd incident Shortly after the execution of an English burglar named Elliston a curious communication purporting to have been written by him was put into circulation Now as I am a dy ing man it ran I have done some thing which may be of good use to the public I have left with an honest man the only honest man I was ever acquainted with the names of all my wicked brethren the places of their abode with a short account of the chief crimes they have committed in many of which I have been the accom plice and heard tho rest from their own mouths I have likewise set down the names of those we call our setters of the houses we frequent and all of those who receive and buy our stolen goods I have solemnly charged this honest man and have received his promise upon oath that whenever he hears of any rogue to be tried for rob bery or housebreaking he will look into his list and if he finds there the name of the thief concerned to send the whole paper to the government Of this I here give my companions fair and public warning and hope they will take it It is said the hint was so effectual that for a long time pick pockets and burglars in that part of England went into panic strickeu re tirement And this being so it fr just as well they did not know that the let ter was a clever forgery the work of that prince of wits and humorists Dean Swift New York Tribune Climatic Changes There is plenty of evidence of the very best sort which goes to prove that not only Europe and North America but the lands situated within the arc tic circle must have enjoyed a tropical climate The numerous fossil remains found in those regions are those of plants and animals which according to the present state of our knowledge must have lived under conditions now found only in the equatorial belt Noth ing is clearer than the fact that the polar cold is steadily gaining on the temperate and tropical zones and that eventually the land will be all ice fields Donald Knew Margaret aged ten was a beginner in history Mamma she asked what does behead mean To Cut off a mans head dear There was a moment of silent study then another question What does defeat mean mamma Little Donald aged four was inter ested I know mamma was his logical conclusion Defeat means to cut a mans feet off Delineator Very Different In the olden days a reformer was liable to be burnt at the stake Yes and now we put him on the lecture platform and give him 50 per cent of the gross receipts Washing ton Star Talking and eloquence are not the same To speak and to speak well are two things Ben Jonson - - Ljr INDIANOLA A nico little rain came to our relief Monday night John Strunk and family are enter taining some friends from tho east Mies Florence Mooro is hero visiting her brother Frank and family Mr Davis and wife who havo been tho gUGBt of Frank Moore have resumed their journey to Burlingamo Kansas where they will visit with other friends Miss Gladys McCool returned homo Sundny night from a two months visit in Iowa where she had a most delight ful time with friends and relatives Mrs Pogtio and daughter Marjorio of Chicago Illinois aro in tho city visit ing relatives Grant Lnkin took his doparture Monday morning for their now homo some where in Kansas Mr Lakin will work at tho barber trado Arthur Haley came down from Mc Cook Tuesday morning and has been helping his uncle Thomas Haley put up lightning rods Mrs Ira Pennington of McCook is a guest in her fathers family while Ira is in Indiana on some business pertaining to tho railroads Arthur Smith loft Sunday night for Oklahoma where he will visit with rel atives for a while Jacob Kern and family who reside on the Willow visited friends in Indian ola Sunday William Akers of Watsonville Cali fornia arrived Saturday night and will make an extended visit with relatives and friends Mr Akers has been a resident of California for eight years Mr Lebarron nnd daughter left Fri say morning for their home in Konesaw after a pleasant visit here with friends J W Dolan and wife arrived in In dianola Sunday night They were en route from Ireland to their home in Los Angeles California They will rest awhile and visit before resuming their journey A little son of Mr Behnke is very sick with typhoid fever nt his homo north of town Miss Mary Powell of Lincoln is in town the guest of relatives Mr and Mrs Harel of Bloomington 111 are hero for a short visit with old acquaintances They are on their way home from the mountains where they have been for a few weeks Several of our young people drove to McCook Sunday afternoon to hear the sacred band concert Marion Powell of Lincoln is in town this week on business The Sunday school convention is in session today Wednesday A good crowd is in attendance Mr Alec Brown of Danbury was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Quite a crowd went out to Fred La kins Wednesday Miss Belle Kearney delivered a lec ture at the M E church Wednesday night RED WILLOW The old settlers picnic was a success It was an ideal day and the large crowd was bright and happy After meeting and greetings tables were spread and as there were too many to sit at the tables little groups were formed and all par took of a mostsumptuous dinner Mrs Taylors chicken pie was a center of attraction as usual but John Long neckers watermelons were not in evi dence as hail destroyed the crop After dinner a fine program was carried out The Indianola band gave some good music Mr and Mrs Calvin led the singing by the quartette which consist ed of Mr and Mrs Calvin Miss Flora Quick and Mr McCool with Miss Angie Quick at the organ Mr L B Cox Christian minister of Indianola opened with prayer Mr Norris gave a well received heart-to-heart talk SW Stilgebouergavoalistof the dead which was about 117 and Mr Black made a caaracteristic speech Mr Mitchell read a letter of greeting from Mr and Mrs Andrew Carson of Arkansas W W Jones of Denver one of the original early settlers also sent greetings which was not received in time to be given that dry They all seemed loth to leave as this j picnic is such an enjoyable function giving so many opportunity to greet each other it seems one would not want to miss it Danbury and Lebanon were represented and from different parts of tho country and it is hoped that more still will be present next year GRANT J H and F W Wesch returned home from Omaha Wednesday last on No 5 Miss Lizzie Dougherty started to teach in district 51 Monday Sept 7th Born to Mr and Mrs R F Albrecht b ten pound boy last week Frank Everist bought quite a number of cattle from Jacob Wesch and sons last week South McCook and Grant crossed bats Sunday afternoon score 2 to 1 in favor of Grant Harry Marshall left for Denver Colo Monday evening August Wesch and wife went to Mc Cook Tuesday on business rrAfc BARTLEY Tho shower of rain and the nico cool days and nights have been enjoyed af ter so much hot woather Tho public school has oponed with a fine corps of teachers Tho attondanco is largely increased and every thing pronounces well for a successful school year The plastering of the new telephone office is finished Tho metal front is being put on and in only a few days more the room will be occupied Dr Brown this week sold his drug stock to C M Babbitt formorly in the drug business at Atlanta Neb Mr Babbitt is a fully competent druggist and an agreeable gentleman He is oc cupying the now building recently com pleted for a drug storo room and will no doubt bo successful in Bartloy Chas Catlott of Lincoln and Miss Lillian Burton of Bartloy were married Wednesday evening nt the homo of the brides mother a few miles west of town Rov Hageman officiated Tho parties will locate in Lincoln A team belonging to Ed Davis ran away Wednesday and severely injured the child of Mr Davis Tho result of tho injury can not be decided at this writing Several parties have bought a fine lot of ground in tho west part of town and will lay it off in large lots for parties who want fine residence proporty Ira Sheets was a business visitor at McCook this week Charles McCollum is down from his ranch for a few days to visit with the home folks S R Grisell is planning to put up for himself a fine residence in the west part of town Jinks Fletcher is up from Omaha and is painting the Fischer residence Jo Hoover is improving his property by a supply of paint R F D No 1 Charlie Byfield is taking his regular vacation and Georgo Stroud is substi tuting John Dudek of Hastings this state is with his brother Joseph who is very ill An 8 pound boy was born to Mr and Mrs Charlie Byfield of East McCook Wednesday morning The ball game last Sunday between the White Faces and the Perry aggrega tion resulted in a victory for tho former score 16 to 14 School opened in the German Luther an parsonage this week Fred Merkel who was guide in the hunting party in which W N Rogers was a member last year up in the Northwest is here ou a visit at the Shadeland S J Hughes and wifo departed last week Friday via Oberlin Kansas for Topeka Kansas on a weeks absence GERVER Lineman Springer was examining phones between here and Cedar Blnffs this week trying to locate tha cause of talking trouble W V Miller accomp anied him Some of our citizens seem to have the impression that John Mcintosh has nervous debility especially when he lost hiQ pipe while mowing and set the prairie on fire Our school house is moved at last and will rest in the future on section 16 Seems odd doesnt it to see the old site bare For it has been occupied since ISSo The splendid ram has put a stop to threshing for some time Pete Rowland is working for M Aus tin while his boys attend the McCook school Alex Ellis broke down at Austins which prevented him from getting more threshed before the rain Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Sherman T Williams et ux to Henry Winans wd to 3 4 1-1-30 800 00 Joseph T Sanders sing to Dor sey H Shepherd wd to se qr 3000 00 Alfred R Clark et ux to Will iam B Whittakerwd to lot 7 pt lot 8 blk 13 2nd McCook 2S00 00 Kate E Waugh et cons to Hayes Moyeiwd to n hf s hf nw qr ne qr 20-1-20 1C00 00 United States to John Gmahl pat to sw qr sw qr 13 s hf ne qr 14 all in 3 27 United States to Benjamin C Reddih pat to sw qr ne qr 6-3-27 G Eastin et al to Frank Still- to e hf sw qr nw qr seqrl in 23 3 29 1S00 00 Frank Olander sing to P E McKenna qcd to sw qr nw qr w hf sw qr 29 se qr se qr 30 2 30 1 CO James J Hogan sing to Harvey J Fees wd to nw qr 17-1-29 3900 00 Frank Schumacher et ux to Edgar L Means wd to se qr 22-1-30 3200 00 United States to Austin Dutch er pat to sw qr nw qr w hf sw qr 29 se qrse qr 30 in 2 30 t SfcLUIND ANNUAL PRODUCTION - m Hastings Frontier Festival OCTOBER 14-15-16 Morning and Evening Program Free Attractions Daily One of the features will be the handsomest matched draft team exhibited for which a beautiful set of harness has been hung up Write J R Corey Secretary Hastings Nebraska for pro prams and fuller particulars Ifj A - J CR SEPT 2 TO Jrrtfx I j DAY PARADE NIGHT OCT 3RD CORONATION 1 90S ICHILDRENS l FESTIVITIES Ij1aII ia KS32 m 0 SEPT 29T SEPT 30 OCT I BALL OCT 2 BALL 0CT3 jwcwnnmn The Kansas City Stars Great Campaign Offer From Date to 30th Nov 1908 100 We will upon receipt or ONE DOLLAR mail The Kansas City Star Morning Evening and Sunday from date received to 30th November 1908 ACCEPT THIS REMARKABLE OFFER TODAY The Star reported the Republican and the Democratic Conventions on a scale never before equaled by any paper If you want facts about all parties accept this offer and read The Star as it is independent in politics and fearless in expression Send along your dollar today together with your name and address written plainly Address The Kansas City Star - Kansas City Mo Subscriptions taken at THE TRIBUNE office for both the Daily and the Weekly Star FV3 TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITP Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment 01 BLUEBELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothinj Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets Sold by AMCiMILLEN McCook Nebraska NHSKsasBsassssaNSNccssifss ss03rs osssEscvsVuSs Msysssasa ONE ONE ONE That is the No of OXE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on OXE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No OXE when you will be informed that you can get No ONE lumber No OXTE coal No OXE service No ONE treatment in fact No ONE first last and all the time W C Bullard kHNSSKSBSOSKN E3NZZZaSl2X ESEKsESSSES EVSsayENENETv We are prepared to fill any and all orders for Cement Stone Blocks and work promptly and guarantee satisfaction Sidewalks Curbstone etc Phone Red 196 mf rimrprJ J Corner B and 3rd street W S -- a Best Advertising Medium THE McCOOK TRIBUNE QQ emeo t Stone Work iiinMJWJWW f The McCook Cement Stone Co i 4y11